Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A history of dismissing historical concerns too
(03-21-2025, 09:31 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Slayven
Quote:Not everyone should have kids, i am sorry if that hurt feelings but there are a lot people on this earth right now that shouldn't be trusted with a house plant, let alone a sentient being

I mean... can't spend much time on era without coming to that conclusion I don't
4 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(03-21-2025, 11:45 PM)benji wrote:
Nepenthe, wrote:
Quote:Intentionally not voting is resigning that you do not care which candidate will win. It's a full endorsement of either policy.
Say you and I go to a restaurant. Like an American joint.

And I say to you, "You can only have a burger or pasta."

Pretend for a second that you have little agency in this weird sudden relationship of ours to simply order a third option. No. Your choices are a burger or pasta. Also pretend that you don't like either choice (you could very well not like either but I don't know your palate.)

And you say to me "If that's the case, I'm not eating tonight."

Does this mean, then, you actually like burgers and pasta? Or does it mean you've disavowed both choices?

Let's go further and say I order the burger for you. Is this a statement about your personal preference for a burger over pasta (just because you dislike both doesn't mean you can't rank them still.) Does this mean you cannot complain about the awful smell of the burger in front of you now?

Does.... does Nepenthe not even comprehend how restaurants work?

If you don't like whats on menu, you don't stand around in the middle of the restaurant lecturing everyone on how shit the restaurant is and trying to organise a pod to go into the kitchen and make your own menu, or bitch how all the restaurants are in cahoots because they all offer recognisably human food when you really fucking want dog biscuits drenched in blood with a side of cockroaches or some other shit unpalatable to the majority of restaurant clientele.

you fuck off somewhere else and live with the regret of your stupid fucking choices.

But that's none of my business...
Like, even if you hate burgers and pasta (lol?) its recognisably a type of food that you would reasonably expect to find in a food serving establishment.

If you don't want food and wish the restaurant was burned down and replaced with a casino, well, big fucking shock people aren't going to agree with you, and its not because theyre too fucking stupid to understand what a casino is.
(03-22-2025, 01:29 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:People keep saying that they want the same things I want, and I don't think they do. Ultimately, I want the dismantling of Western capitalism and return of full blown autonomy of the Global South to the people who live there so that they can develop their societies on their land how they wish. I fundamentally don't think most people here actually want that. I think they are just fine living in a world of this much inequality, and are only working to ensure that the lucky minorities who live within the borders of the West and are popular enough to galvanize attention and sympathy get access to the spoils of capitalism too.

Again, what do you specifically want?
Is it really that much to ask?

I mean, sure, who doesn't want nationstates relegitimising slavery, performing child sacrifice, genocidal ethnostates, feudal shogunates, and caste systems?

Crazy how people offered the proposition posed by western liberal capitalist thought that nobody is inherently better than anyone else, and that you are rewarded for services that benefit your society with transferable credit that you can then spend on whatever you personally want.

it is a mystery
Would you be an Era Mod if you had no other socialisation prospects?
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former reseteradotcom moderator, wrote:It's a thankless job with power tripping thugs as your coworkers and if you don't go along with them they make your life a living hell. It'd have to be my absolutely last option.

A lot of people are saying...
I'm gonna use math to decide if I should have a burger or pasta for dinner tonight.
Wait, I gotta do math before I can eat in Neps Utopia? Hard pass.
Reply wrote:So what, this just takes place in Disney locales without any actual Disney characters? What is the point?

[Image: Zl8rba0dlhlqU.webp]
(03-22-2025, 01:37 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:Hey Black person.

Me: Yes?

You wanna be a slave catcher?

Me: No-no? Wtf?

What if it was your only choice or else you'd be in poverty?! What than, huh?!!!

Me: Why are you entertaining slave catching like this? I just wanted to exist in joy.

You know it never surprises me when they do this shit and they end up sounding more racist. Are we really comparing slaves to people who legitimately commit crimes of various levels.
(03-22-2025, 01:29 AM)benji wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:
Quote:How best to actually, realistically, tangibly change the system than electing people in positions that give them the levers to do so? You seem to be conflating engaging with the system with perpetuating the system.

Again, with Obama, you're back to simply talking only about presidential elections despite me trying to make you think wider. The speed and ease at which Trump is dismantling the American system and rebuild it as a full-blown fascist state isn't just because he was elected as President. It's because Republicans have been electing and installing MAGA extremists at all levels of governance to wave these changes through.

Now imagine if such a movement had been built around producing the positive change I believe we would both want. Around changing the current system to make it fairer and more democratic, not more hateful and authoritarian. Yes, it would require Democratic leaders to step the fuck up. Yes, it would require organisation. But it would also require people to engage with the current system, with the intent of building a better one.
I don't think you can tangibly separate participation with perpetuation with something as complex as an entire political system, no more than you can make a car a boat if you simply put a naval captain in the passenger's seat. The issue with systems after a certain degree of mass is that they're self-perpetuating as a matter of convenience and bias on part of its participants and the boundaries of its rules and culture.

For example, sure individual police officers aren't all biased, but they've gotta make quota, and it just so happens to be that it's easier to do so in crime-riddled areas, and crime correlates with poverty, and it just so happens that we're a country that has historically denied Black and Brown people the wealth that they actually labored for, so yannooooo... I mean, is that really racist to overpolice these areas?

Putting the "right people" in positions of power doesn't mean much if they are unable to actually engage in materialism like the above and understand the innumerable relationships between the characteristics that make up society and the political system within which it rests. It also doesn't mean much if they aren't actually on my side.

No seriously. People keep saying that they want the same things I want, and I don't think they do. Ultimately, I want the dismantling of Western capitalism and return of full blown autonomy of the Global South to the people who live there so that they can develop their societies on their land how they wish. I fundamentally don't think most people here actually want that. I think they are just fine living in a world of this much inequality, and are only working to ensure that the lucky minorities who live within the borders of the West and are popular enough to galvanize attention and sympathy get access to the spoils of capitalism too.

Again, what do you specifically want?
Is it really that much to ask?

Have they seen what happens to the 'Global South' when Trump pulls out a couple billion in aid?

Between Europe focusing on its own defense, whites leaving South Africa and cuts in development aid, we're already pulling out of miss Africa and the result is a big mess.
New conflicts are flaring up between muslims and Christians, blacks and whites, blacks and wagner, blacks and chinese, blacks and other blacks. The UN is basically warning about possible humanitarian disasters daily now. 

2 users liked this post: Keetongu, Taco Bell Tower
Reply wrote:I'm a leftist so I would change the system from the inside.

Whilst I'm defending a Tesla showroom on the orders of a fascist, I would do a little TikTok dance so people will see I'm being ironic.

Whilst I'm searching the homes of journalists and stealing their belongings on the behalf of a foreign nation, currently engaging in an ongoing genocide, I'll do a little Jim from The Office look to the person, so they get that I understand how crazy it is.

Whilst I'm defending nazis, displacing the homeless, dragging students into unmarked vans or performing an extrajudicial execution, I'll shake my head the whole time so people will know I disagree.

But I can do some things on the sly like blow the whistle on some dodgy behaviour. Provided the rest of the force don't section me. Or beat me. Or rape me. Or harass my family. Or just shoot me in the back of the head.

You know what the famous saying, a few bad apples spoil the bunch? Well, if all your apple trees are being grown in a rancid piss orchard full of bile and stale cum then you don't need to burn down those trees, uproot everything or salt the earth, you just have to plant some more apple trees in that rancid cummy ground.

Something good should grow eventually 👍

I'm reminded of that tweet that pops up every so often, whenever conscription in the UK is brought up. About the person who would shoot the nearest commanding officer and then themselves before serving. Can't seem to find it though.

davepoobond wrote:I would do something at the station, not in the field. Paperwork or administration or video stuff. Sure.

Solving murders or "higher end" offenses rather than traffic stops

BringBackSonics wrote:Yeah CSI or cold cases would be my job.

You guys know you don't start as a Detective, right? You start by writing thoses tickets as an ordinary cop or deputy.

Implied Facepalm
ResetEra: "Hello NASA, I am applying to be an astronaut. What? No, I don't want to learn all that other stuff. Just make me an astronaut!!!"

Sorry Dave I had too

You could have just walked away
They put me on the serial killer cases because my excellent media literacy helps me predict the movements of the killer
They put Nep on the already solved cases so she can tell people about all the cases she solved
BlueTsunami wrote:It's all tragic but this is the reckoning that was needed. Far too many minorities were lulled into believing they'd be part of the supremacy. I'd rather the notion be yanked from them than a slow roll realization. I say this as a Latino that has seen family members go full Trump due to their specific color of bigot causes.
Nepenthe wrote:Haitians are the last people who should be lectured to about assimilation though?
BlueTsunami wrote:I should have specified Cubans in particular but yeah Haitians deserve none of this

(03-22-2025, 04:49 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: cum

ufup this guy gets it
Speaking of cum, or the lack thereof....

onpoint wrote:I'm sorry OP. That sounds rough. You will get through it with the proper help.

Yeah, I think that's the problem.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Inappropriate Commentary
Speevy wrote:Maybe after decades of marriage, 95 year old Gene Hackman threw a space heater at his wife while she was taking her orange pills. Then he went to sleep and died of natural causes. The dog committed suicide after finding them both. The ghost that had been living there exited through the front door.
mbpm wrote:
SolVanderlyn wrote:I sent this to a Zionist friend of mine and he said "it's war, what do you expect? Did anyone cry for the nazi kids who died in WWII?"

This is how they think. Fuck Israel and anyone who supports them.
He's going to be asking why nobody cries for the children of Israel after a while anyway.
SupersonicHypertonic wrote:CNN releasing sad pieces like this won't erase their complicity in the genocide. They went a step beyond faking an attack in Israel. They even then faked a Syrian prisoner being released for some reason.
(03-22-2025, 05:19 PM)Snoopy wrote: They put Nep on the already solved cases so she can tell people about all the cases she solved

Nep would be straight to internal affairs.

Everyone would hate her immediately anyway and she does love to narc.
(03-22-2025, 05:31 PM)StandingOvation wrote: Speaking of cum, or the lack thereof....

onpoint wrote:I'm sorry OP. That sounds rough. You will get through it with the proper help.

Yeah, I think that's the problem.

Again, I am forced to ask, why of all places you choose to share this information and go for advice you choose Resetera?
(03-22-2025, 07:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
mbpm wrote:
SolVanderlyn wrote:I sent this to a Zionist friend of mine and he said "it's war, what do you expect? Did anyone cry for the nazi kids who died in WWII?"

This is how they think. Fuck Israel and anyone who supports them.
He's going to be asking why nobody cries for the children of Israel after a while anyway.

So is it a good or bad thing to not cry for children traumatized by war? They seem uncertain
[Image: Screenshot-20250322-153603-Chrome.jpg]
image uploader

Donos must be drying up and that fucking Gundam ain't gonna buy itself
[/url][url=][Image: Screenshot-20250322-154255-Chrome.jpg]

Wow I love Sarah McBride rn

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(03-22-2025, 08:44 PM)Jansen wrote: [/url][url=][Image: Screenshot-20250322-154255-Chrome.jpg]

Wow I love Sarah McBride rn

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Oh sure, when Melody reposts it on Bsky you comment but when I post it in Kulturkampf only notorious furry Benji takes notice 

CIS don't care, donate to my Ko-Fi, support my journalism, I'm literally starving.

[I am about to go get a burger and I am hungry so you know what to do]
(03-22-2025, 11:56 AM)Potato wrote:
(03-22-2025, 01:29 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:No seriously. People keep saying that they want the same things I want, and I don't think they do. Ultimately, I want the dismantling of Western capitalism and return of full blown autonomy of the Global South to the people who live there so that they can develop their societies on their land how they wish. I fundamentally don't think most people here actually want that. I think they are just fine living in a world of this much inequality, and are only working to ensure that the lucky minorities who live within the borders of the West and are popular enough to galvanize attention and sympathy get access to the spoils of capitalism too.

Again, what do you specifically want?
Is it really that much to ask?

She's such a fucking retard and so racist against actual Africans. She genuinely believes it's only western colonialists that are preventing African people from intentionally regressing to subsistence farming and hunter gatherer societies.
She's posted before that Black people are incapable of operating and surviving under capitalism and in modern societies. Whenever she talks about Africans she does so as if they're all the same as African Americans, then insists all of them share the same culture that wants crushing poverty and simple subsistence societies. (As long as they get to see Black Panther, the first movie for Black people.)

Though maybe the funniest part of her utopia fantasizing is it always seems to involve block parties and people playing music like some 90s sitcom celebration of "inner city life."

Mostly she's just abjectly stupid and doesn't realize that all of her "theory" is based around imagining small family and neighborhood groups of tens of people (that somehow have access to and knowledge of everything) that couldn't remotely scale to any kind of society with millions of people.

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