(03-23-2025, 07:21 AM)benji wrote: I didn't see it until now because I forgot to check the forum e-mail this month, but this dude e-mailed the forum:
Spoiler: original posts from Volume I (click to show)(click to hide) (05-21-2024, 12:53 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Quote:This is the only place I have seen this story and that is quite depressing, if unsurprising
I really, really, wish you guys could understand why most outlets will not pick this up. (05-21-2024, 01:04 AM)Potato wrote: Without fail, these idiots go straight to "accusations are evidence" and forget all the many times these situations have played out much differently to what the initial information implied.
Quote:Time for someone to just tag all the journalists at resetera in this thread.
 (05-21-2024, 01:18 AM)benji wrote: Quote:I saw this Twitter thread a few days ago and was surprised when I didn't see anything on Era about it, in fact I didn't see any big website covering the case.
Quote:This needs way more attention.
Quote:The games press need to start screaming this from the rooftops. But like most similar incidents we've seen in the past, I suspect many will just ignore it.
Anyway, it goes without saying how absolutely gross this is. I already have Activision and Ubisoft on my shit list to never buy games from again. Might as well add EA.
Quote:Hope they can get some attention to the matter forcing EA's hand.
Quote:good man hope the state can start investigating, these sick fucks don't care if they just get golden parachutes and quietly retire but put some jail time on everyone involved and maybe the next predator will think twice.
Quote:Fuck EA for enabling this shit, they still haven't learned that nothing good comes from protecting abusers.
Quote:These corps always show if they can keep it internal they will just look for the quickest way to dismiss it
Quote:Let's be real, a lot of us assume that the games press doesn't want to cover stories that may make their relationship with developers/publishers sour. How else will they get to do interviews which are basically just free PR or get early access to games to review? It's not just this industry either, I have little to no faith in so-called journalism given what is going on in the world today.
Quote:I hope this gets to court because what ea did deserves punishment. They seem accomplices now.
Quote:Is it really weird though? Most of us have a fair idea why they aren't or won't.
Quote:this needs all the attention possible.
Quote:Staff should have thread stickied in Gaming Forum's 1st page, till major publications pick up reporting it.
Quote:This is par for the course when it comes to EA. I know of at least two other situations like this - one of which is infamous in my dev circle.
Quote:Burn EA to the ground, jfc!
Quote:Vile behaviour, adding EA to the list of publishers/devs that I'm no longer purchasing from
Happens at every game developer, there's nothing the staff can do.
Quote:Godfuckingdamn my man brought receipts, hot fire.
Much respect
He posted the videos?
Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Ableist slur
How fucking retarded of EA. Those incidents would get everyone fired in any other industry. I'm so glad I'm a normal male that doesn't go around making people around me feel like shit because of stupid alpha male tendencies....
Melody Shreds wrote:Maybe edit out the fucking slur in your post?
Like wtf. Thank you.
Quote:Some people, really do not deserve to live, and if a family member is directly affected/in threat, sometimes the threat of violence alone can be a deterrent. Not encouraging anyone, but don't engage in reactionary emotions, unless you know what you're doing or have avenues/people who can do for you, leaving no trails behind.
Props to Robert for outing the filth. This case is most probably going legal, and both the trash being out of jobs, if not jail time (depending upon state laws). Hopefully both the vermin stay unemployed till the day they die.

Quote:What is the country where this is happening? Why is this handled by the company instead of the police system of the country?
Melody Shreds wrote:USA most likely and massive companies hate getting the police involved things like this. They'd rather force "mediation" between the two parties even if the situations are unequal and the clear abuser has the advantage. What exactly do they think the cops would do here? The company can fire them!
Quote:Dear theBore Admins,
I've seen forum posts by a members named "NINTEX" "boredfrom" "benji" and others that references deleted defamatory tweets and a deleted story Link which reference me. I wanted to give you a heads up that the Twitter post and all associated posts and articles themselves have since been taken down, as my attorney presented evidence to the original poster that the information was not truthful and defamatory.
So, I'm just reaching out to see if you could take these posts down as well. It has been damaging to me personally as it comes up whenever my name is searched.
Again, the story and posts are not accurate so you'd be doing a service to both me and your readers by removing the inaccurate information. I'd really appreciate it if you can take down the post.
If you need more information I can have my attorney share the same details that clarify the situation.
Thank you so much,
Matthew Angeleri
I'm probably not going to delete these posts since nobody seems to have believed the claims on here, he was not mentioned by name in any posts here nor were the accusations. ResetERA.com deleted this thread (or hidden it) and that makes me think I'm correct not to. But it looks like Matthew Angeleri was falsely accused and ResetERA.com ran with it as Potato suspected. And as I was quoting there, a number of members of the ACAB forum wanted him arrested and buried under the jail for what turned out to be false accusations. (And EA and its executives also prosecuted.)
I think making this post mentioning Matthew Angeleri and how there were apparently false rumors spread about him and taken up by places like ResetERA.com will do more to help him than deleting the posts referencing the thread. And mentioning this will help others in the future because it will give them another reason not to trust the reactions and mob behavior of places like ResetERA.com.
That said, user "NINTEX" has been permanently banned for obvious reasons.
Logged into the riotous account and yeah Ree hidden the thread
How do we know the accusation wasn't true? Maybe he just has good lawyers
Thank you for reading my posts Matthew
Anyway I warn men because your feminist doctor likely won't. In my case too the side effects were listed as
"Some men have reported (...)" in the least likely section along with stuff that makes you shrug like "some food might taste different" or "use lip balm". I realized reading the reddit that it is under reported because most guys didn't dare to discuss it with their doctors (dermatologists are all women) or those doctors don't see it as a big deal.
My doctor said every visit that I shouldn't pass it on, meaning not impregnate anyone during treatment but I could tell it was a topic she'd rather entirely avoid. In her letter to my GP she also worded my issues very strangely.
What on earth are these accusations?
(03-23-2025, 11:55 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: What on earth are these accusations? Playing Hogwarts Legacy.
(03-23-2025, 07:21 AM)benji wrote: I didn't see it until now because I forgot to check the forum e-mail this month, but this dude e-mailed the forum:
Spoiler: original posts from Volume I (click to show)(click to hide) (05-21-2024, 12:53 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Quote:This is the only place I have seen this story and that is quite depressing, if unsurprising
I really, really, wish you guys could understand why most outlets will not pick this up. (05-21-2024, 01:04 AM)Potato wrote: Without fail, these idiots go straight to "accusations are evidence" and forget all the many times these situations have played out much differently to what the initial information implied.
Quote:Time for someone to just tag all the journalists at resetera in this thread.
 (05-21-2024, 01:18 AM)benji wrote: Quote:I saw this Twitter thread a few days ago and was surprised when I didn't see anything on Era about it, in fact I didn't see any big website covering the case.
Quote:This needs way more attention.
Quote:The games press need to start screaming this from the rooftops. But like most similar incidents we've seen in the past, I suspect many will just ignore it.
Anyway, it goes without saying how absolutely gross this is. I already have Activision and Ubisoft on my shit list to never buy games from again. Might as well add EA.
Quote:Hope they can get some attention to the matter forcing EA's hand.
Quote:good man hope the state can start investigating, these sick fucks don't care if they just get golden parachutes and quietly retire but put some jail time on everyone involved and maybe the next predator will think twice.
Quote:Fuck EA for enabling this shit, they still haven't learned that nothing good comes from protecting abusers.
Quote:These corps always show if they can keep it internal they will just look for the quickest way to dismiss it
Quote:Let's be real, a lot of us assume that the games press doesn't want to cover stories that may make their relationship with developers/publishers sour. How else will they get to do interviews which are basically just free PR or get early access to games to review? It's not just this industry either, I have little to no faith in so-called journalism given what is going on in the world today.
Quote:I hope this gets to court because what ea did deserves punishment. They seem accomplices now.
Quote:Is it really weird though? Most of us have a fair idea why they aren't or won't.
Quote:this needs all the attention possible.
Quote:Staff should have thread stickied in Gaming Forum's 1st page, till major publications pick up reporting it.
Quote:This is par for the course when it comes to EA. I know of at least two other situations like this - one of which is infamous in my dev circle.
Quote:Burn EA to the ground, jfc!
Quote:Vile behaviour, adding EA to the list of publishers/devs that I'm no longer purchasing from
Happens at every game developer, there's nothing the staff can do.
Quote:Godfuckingdamn my man brought receipts, hot fire.
Much respect
He posted the videos?
Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Ableist slur
How fucking retarded of EA. Those incidents would get everyone fired in any other industry. I'm so glad I'm a normal male that doesn't go around making people around me feel like shit because of stupid alpha male tendencies....
Melody Shreds wrote:Maybe edit out the fucking slur in your post?
Like wtf. Thank you.
Quote:Some people, really do not deserve to live, and if a family member is directly affected/in threat, sometimes the threat of violence alone can be a deterrent. Not encouraging anyone, but don't engage in reactionary emotions, unless you know what you're doing or have avenues/people who can do for you, leaving no trails behind.
Props to Robert for outing the filth. This case is most probably going legal, and both the trash being out of jobs, if not jail time (depending upon state laws). Hopefully both the vermin stay unemployed till the day they die.

Quote:What is the country where this is happening? Why is this handled by the company instead of the police system of the country?
Melody Shreds wrote:USA most likely and massive companies hate getting the police involved things like this. They'd rather force "mediation" between the two parties even if the situations are unequal and the clear abuser has the advantage. What exactly do they think the cops would do here? The company can fire them!
Quote:Dear theBore Admins,
I've seen forum posts by a members named "NINTEX" "boredfrom" "benji" and others that references deleted defamatory tweets and a deleted story Link which reference me. I wanted to give you a heads up that the Twitter post and all associated posts and articles themselves have since been taken down, as my attorney presented evidence to the original poster that the information was not truthful and defamatory.
So, I'm just reaching out to see if you could take these posts down as well. It has been damaging to me personally as it comes up whenever my name is searched.
Again, the story and posts are not accurate so you'd be doing a service to both me and your readers by removing the inaccurate information. I'd really appreciate it if you can take down the post.
If you need more information I can have my attorney share the same details that clarify the situation.
Thank you so much,
Matthew Angeleri
I'm probably not going to delete these posts since nobody seems to have believed the claims on here, he was not mentioned by name in any posts here nor were the accusations. ResetERA.com deleted this thread (or hidden it) and that makes me think I'm correct not to. But it looks like Matthew Angeleri was falsely accused and ResetERA.com ran with it as Potato suspected. And as I was quoting there, a number of members of the ACAB forum wanted him arrested and buried under the jail for what turned out to be false accusations. (And EA and its executives also prosecuted.)
I think making this post mentioning Matthew Angeleri and how there were apparently false rumors spread about him and taken up by places like ResetERA.com will do more to help him than deleting the posts referencing the thread. And mentioning this will help others in the future because it will give them another reason not to trust the reactions and mob behavior of places like ResetERA.com.
That said, user "NINTEX" has been permanently banned for obvious reasons.
I think you should respect Matthew Angeleri and the wishes of Matthew Angeleri because it must be annoying when Matthew Angeleri or people interested in Matthew Angeleri search the internet for Matthew Angeleri and due to the frequency of the name Matthew Angeleri appearing in a gioogle search for Matthew Angeleri related to twitter accusations that did not name Matthew Angeleri (but based on the email from Matthew Angeleri we must assume were about Matthew Angeleri) so not linking Matthew Angeleri to any accusations about Matthew Angeleri seems only fair to Matthew Angeleri to minimise any exposure Matthew Angeleri might have regarding accusations about Matthew Angeleri or casual internet searches about Matthew Angeleri.
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
(03-23-2025, 04:03 AM)Polident wrote: (03-22-2025, 11:44 PM) wrote: I dunno, I've been through something like that after I finished with the treatment to clear up my skin last year and it was a mindfuck.
The libido came back first, big league. Like speed running puberty in the span of 2 weeks. But the physical part lacked behind, for a while.
I got sick and nauseous because my brain wanted release and my dick wasn't working sweating like an ox in the middle of the night. It's why I think the transgenders eventually kill themselves. The pills to supress stop working and they have these urges they can't process. What scared me most is how little research has been done on this particular subject. It's a complex web of chemical reactions in your brain, blood flow etc. . "Just wait a while" or "try viagra". But when it doesn't work you feel like the joker losing your mind and you can't really tell people why you are so fed up either.
I found all these Reddit threads about guys that used such high doses of the pills, it never recovered for some. You had all these threads where people posted 'magical cures' they were trying and then a week later it was: "hey man, did it work? you still around?". No man, dude offed himself. I was about to order viagra when something started to happen again thankfully.
In my case it more or less fully recovered within 3 months because I only developed these problems at the tail end of my treatment but recovery was still slow. However my panic and anxiety from the trauma put this 'higher' on the priority list in my brain. Whenever I read something like this, it now immediately pings a signal to see if all systems are operational. Overall I've been rewired in that sense, before my brain and cock had a mutual understanding since my mid 20s (at times a bit too mutual for my liking). "Oh Nintex has to study, better sleep early and forget about it", "yeah he can talk to her again but this is also the last round at the bar, so it's marginal right?". Now it's the other way around "Client or not, you better start flirting", "3AM or not, you have a job to do before sleep", "yeah that seems like an important business opportunity but the former Miss Netherlands contestant is standing alone at the salad bar go say hi", "If you're headed to the beach, don't wear a coat they need to see your gains".
But yeah don't take that shit lightly. I thought you know, it's just a side effect there is probably an easy cure. When I brought it up and expected a cure the cure was "it could be anything" and the hospital shoved me out the door quickly back to my own GP and a copy of the form I signed when they started treatment to avoid any legal issues. They cold turkey stopped the evaulation program I signed up for.
I came out a better man. But few are that lucky which is why I share this story whenever something like this comes up. Because I would've liked to have known about this risk before starting treatment for my skin. Then again...
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) My skin is dryer overall but I last way longer and the release is much better to the point that I need to be careful I don't hit my own face. It was never a teaspoon (I can't believe this is the average frankly) but after 3 days it's a fountain now.
14 users liked this post: Uncle, Polident, benji, Keetongu, JoeBoy101, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, StandingOvation, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, Propagandhim, DJ Bedroom, killamajig, DavidCroquet
(03-23-2025, 11:55 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: What on earth are these accusations?
I googled Matthew Angeleri. The first result about Matthew Angeleri is a thread about sexual shenanigans Matthew Angeleri may or may not have been involved in that was posted on Neogaf of all places.
Strangely I can't find anything about Matthew Angeleri's penis extensions, Matthew Angeleri's Blue Chew, Matthew Angeleri's hair loss treatments, Matthew Angeleri's horse tranquilizer or Matthew Angeleri's attempt to win Miss World.
03-23-2025, 02:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-23-2025, 02:46 PM by Propagandhim.)
I want to make it clear that a man named "The NINTEX" is spreading vicious rumors about me and it will be dealt with by my attorney (at law).
For the record:
"The views and opinions expressed by killamajig are personal and solely those of the author. They do not necessarily represent the views, policies, or positions of thebore.net or any associated entities. Killamajig assumes full responsibility for all statements made and opinions expressed, and the host cannot be held liable for any interpretations or misunderstandings arising from these opinions."
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.
Weekend bore > weekend era
Just had beers with a bud 41M with a burnout who is being set up to date with a single mom 37F by his co-workers and has serious concerns. He is all about red flags, women are entitled blah blah blah but they think it would be a great couple and she's had a burnout herself so she can relate.
So I told him: hell yes, burn those red flags and go for it, so he finally ok'd his co-worker after 3 weeks to share his number
Lady Dimitrescu would make a good birette, Valk but with something extra.
12 users liked this post: Mediocre Lager, Chumbawumbafan69, benji, Propagandhim, Keetongu, HaughtyFrank, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Jansen, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom, DavidCroquet
Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Homophobic Rhetoric
Korigama wrote:Is a so-called American who takes it up the ass from Putin, but calls other people "traitor"... about what I would expect from Muskrat.
(03-22-2025, 11:44 PM)Nintex wrote: (03-22-2025, 05:31 PM)StandingOvation wrote: Speaking of cum, or the lack thereof....
onpoint wrote:I'm sorry OP. That sounds rough. You will get through it with the proper help.
Yeah, I think that's the problem.
I dunno, I've been through something like that after I finished with the treatment to clear up my skin last year and it was a mindfuck.
The libido came back first, big league. Like speed running puberty in the span of 2 weeks. But the physical part lacked behind, for a while.
I got sick and nauseous because my brain wanted release and my dick wasn't working sweating like an ox in the middle of the night. It's why I think the transgenders eventually kill themselves. The pills to supress stop working and they have these urges they can't process. What scared me most is how little research has been done on this particular subject. It's a complex web of chemical reactions in your brain, blood flow etc. . "Just wait a while" or "try viagra". But when it doesn't work you feel like the joker losing your mind and you can't really tell people why you are so fed up either.
I found all these Reddit threads about guys that used such high doses of the pills, it never recovered for some. You had all these threads where people posted 'magical cures' they were trying and then a week later it was: "hey man, did it work? you still around?". No man, dude offed himself. I was about to order viagra when something started to happen again thankfully.
In my case it more or less fully recovered within 3 months because I only developed these problems at the tail end of my treatment but recovery was still slow. However my panic and anxiety from the trauma put this 'higher' on the priority list in my brain. Whenever I read something like this, it now immediately pings a signal to see if all systems are operational. Overall I've been rewired in that sense, before my brain and cock had a mutual understanding since my mid 20s (at times a bit too mutual for my liking). "Oh Nintex has to study, better sleep early and forget about it", "yeah he can talk to her again but this is also the last round at the bar, so it's marginal right?". Now it's the other way around "Client or not, you better start flirting", "3AM or not, you have a job to do before sleep", "yeah that seems like an important business opportunity but the former Miss Netherlands contestant is standing alone at the salad bar go say hi", "If you're headed to the beach, don't wear a coat they need to see your gains".
But yeah don't take that shit lightly. I thought you know, it's just a side effect there is probably an easy cure. When I brought it up and expected a cure the cure was "it could be anything" and the hospital shoved me out the door quickly back to my own GP and a copy of the form I signed when they started treatment to avoid any legal issues. They cold turkey stopped the evaulation program I signed up for.
I came out a better man. But few are that lucky which is why I share this story whenever something like this comes up. Because I would've liked to have known about this risk before starting treatment for my skin. Then again...
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) My skin is dryer overall but I last way longer and the release is much better to the point that I need to be careful I don't hit my own face. It was never a teaspoon (I can't believe this is the average frankly) but after 3 days it's a fountain now.
This was a lots of words to basically say ' Roaccutane is something else, man."
I think it's the other way around...
Fj0823 wrote:Sucks that yet another harassment campaign will be validated for the worst possible people.
Though I can't say I have any interest in Snow White
19 users liked this post: Mediocre Lager, Chumbawumbafan69, ClothedMac, NekoFever, Greatness Gone, Alpacx, benji, Propagandhim, Keetongu, JoeBoy101, books, HaughtyFrank, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Shecky Fragbaum, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, Boredfrom, Jansen
Oh hai guiz. Definitely not Matthew Angeleri here. I'd be super grateful if y'all could buy my new legal thriller, "Factually Inaccurate."
03-23-2025, 07:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-23-2025, 07:52 PM by Jansen.)
When you live an unfulfilling life, what do you expect?
You live in a prison of your own making
14 users liked this post: Uncle, Mediocre Lager, almostheathen, MJBarret, Greatness Gone, benji, StandingOvation, Keetongu, books, Straight Edge, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, Nintex
Quote:It's ridiculous to think that just because one game is successful despite a hate campaign that every game would be immune.
Suddenly CHUD hate campaigns work.
(03-23-2025, 02:48 PM)killamajig wrote: For the record:
"The views and opinions expressed by killamajig are personal and solely those of the author. They do not necessarily represent the views, policies, or positions of thebore.net or any associated entities. Killamajig assumes full responsibility for all statements made and opinions expressed, and the host cannot be held liable for any interpretations or misunderstandings arising from these opinions."
Only true friends will quote this post. Like and share with 5 people and good luck will be your companion.
"I'm sorry I'm at the end of my rope" that's a good one actually
(03-23-2025, 07:10 PM)StandingOvation wrote: This was a lots of words to basically say 'Roaccutane is something else, man." Yeah that's the stuff, but they call it differently so it throws you off the scent.
Then you click on "also known as" https://www.reddit.com/r/AccutaneRecovery/
I lucked out because despite taking it for 2.5 years I had a very very low dose.
03-23-2025, 08:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-23-2025, 08:12 PM by Potato.)
(03-23-2025, 07:52 PM)Jansen wrote: ![[Image: Screenshot-20250323-145034-Chrome.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/35y1Kq7z/Screenshot-20250323-145034-Chrome.jpg)
When you live an unfulfilling life, what do you expect?
End of your rope?
Not yet, but keep trying mate.
(03-23-2025, 08:11 PM)Potato wrote: (03-23-2025, 07:52 PM)Jansen wrote: ![[Image: Screenshot-20250323-145034-Chrome.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/35y1Kq7z/Screenshot-20250323-145034-Chrome.jpg)
When you live an unfulfilling life, what do you expect?
End of your rope?
Not yet, but keep trying mate.
Don't think there's a rafter out there that will hold him