Quote:Kids want that Manga format
Marvel bootlicker fj0832
Quote:A single story with a consistent writer and artist, that deliver a beggining middle and end.
The constant Retcons and writers trying to undo shit have become a massive problem.
in Manga, a bad arc is just a bad arc and a bad ending is a bad ending and everyone just moves on.
03-25-2025, 02:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 02:45 AM by benji.)
So I thought this comment from that thread a few days ago was weird:
Nepenthe, wrote:Pargon wrote:And millions of apathetic Americans like yourself couldn't even bring themselves to tick a box on a sheet of paper to do anything about it. You accessing my voting records now? How do you know my name and how I voted? So I did, your ballot's secret, not if you voted or not. She voted. In fact, she always votes but only in the general:
03-25-2025, 02:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 02:57 AM by benji.)
Also I had missed this post earlier:
Nepenthe wrote:Pargon wrote:You don't think stopping Trump would have benefited you? Of course it would've, but I'm not the only one who votes, now am I? If I were, Black and Indigenous people would've been had reparations in the order of trillions of dollars and literally all of the land back by now. LITERALLY ALL OF THE LAND (and also somehow trillions of dollars)
Soliloquy of a Dogge wrote:Bernie Sanders and the pieces of performative grifting shit that operated the highest levels of his campaign in 2016 are, in large part, responsible for the situation we find ourselves in today.
I wonder if he's figured out yet that Black folk also constitute part the American working class because he sure seems to be ignorant to that fact. Can't stand the cult of personality he's engendered. Some of the most racist, anti-Black encounters I've ever experienced.
(03-25-2025, 03:48 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Soliloquy of a Dogge wrote:Bernie Sanders and the pieces of performative grifting shit that operated the highest levels of his campaign in 2016 are, in large part, responsible for the situation we find ourselves in today.
I wonder if he's figured out yet that Black folk also constitute part the American working class because he sure seems to be ignorant to that fact. Can't stand the cult of personality he's engendered. Some of the most racist, anti-Black encounters I've ever experienced. 
Still trying to figure out what crimes Bernie committed against black people
03-25-2025, 04:17 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 04:29 AM by benji.)
He's complaining that some BernieBro was "racist" to him and this was Bernie's doing because he didn't stop it and therefore Bernie beget Trump. Sounds about white for the death cult.
edit: from the next page of the thread:
Soliloquy of a Dogge, wrote:Nola wrote:Yes, the people with literally no power and have been in charge of nothing at the highest level are the real villains today.....JFC lol
I am actually fascinated at how a someone could type this out with a straight face and actually hit send?
Like, make this argument make sense for me please. It's what Bernie says that's the problem, not what he actually does, so how about you make his arguments (that are blatantly false), make sense for me instead;
Quote:"But in terms of fighting for the working class of this country, Democrats have been virtually nonexistent"
We already know that Bernie, for some reason, excludes Black people from his working class assessments and divorces our civil rights needs from that of the white working class but why is he ignoring the strides and successes and effort of the Biden administration in this regard? He is straight up lying and so are you if you take no issue with what he says in quotes like this. Which he does, all the time.
Quote:Whoa. You think Hillary and Harris losing is Bernie's fault somehow? Is he also the reason Dems are just handing trump all the power? How deep does the rabbit hole go?
I think Bernie Sanders is a terrible messenger and not the right person to deliver a winning message based on his complete refusal to actually identify why the white working class has abandoned democrats. Yes. Democrats are terrible at messaging and a whole host of other issues when it comes to meeting voters where they are but Bernie's entire argument revolves around not catering to bigoted white people who will find any excuse not to vote for progressive policies. Soliloquy of a Dogge wrote:Quote:Right? I've learned to just ignore the blatant bad faith bs that comes from a lot of posters on this forum but this seems particularly extreme. Figured I'd ask about it but the poster seems more interested in saying Bernie hates POC rather than explaining their position. Easy ignore addition.
Right back at you. The typical Bernie sychophant who I, unfortunately, have had far too many dealings with. Your inability to accept a simple truth tells me all I need to know about you. Cult of personality indeed. Making white that big was his I just copied it.
03-25-2025, 04:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 04:33 AM by benji.)
Booshka wrote:Lazy response from Bernie, failing to mention the decades of coups, sanctions and structural adjustment programmes that have been levied at these countries where people are immigrating from. Which would tie nicely into criticizing Trumps calls to annex Canada and tariffs on everyone as a catch all fix. The US purposefully broke a ton of countries in LATAM and South America and reaped the rewards of undocumented workers that created more class conflicts within America that only strengthened the power of the owners and capitalists.
Not surprisingly Bernie is scared to provide this type of analysis when he is campaigning for the Dems. Booshka wrote:Demographics as destiny is falling apart because Democrats are deathly allergic to class analysis. Class relations is the base to which all is built upon, so trimming and pruning reforms at the margins won't hold up when the right wing fascists can directly target the contradictions that liberals will deny even exist. I love all these Western socialists who think open borders aka free trade is the proper socialist "class analysis" when every socialist state ever has properly interpreted it the other way by sealing their borders. There's a bunch more of them in that thread than Booshka. Open borders and free trade is the liberal position, they're supposed to hate liberalism.
Booshka wrote:The US purposefully broke a ton of countries in LATAM and South America and reaped the rewards of undocumented workers that created more class conflicts within America that only strengthened the power of the owners and capitalists.
I feel if this was intentional, and just not a byproduct of USA foreign interference, the GOP will not hammer as hard the anti immigrant rhetoric and the self defeating tariffs strategy of current Trump admin. The conspiracy of a cabal of capitalists controlling the world is getting old when you have Musk getting high in Mar A Lago while playing with silverware.
But I suppose those leftist governments will be utopian if they were left on their own, right Booshka? We we’re screwed by the U.S. for all eternity and just not a convenient excuse to shift blame.
03-25-2025, 05:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 05:30 AM by Potato.)
(03-25-2025, 02:50 AM)benji wrote: Also I had missed this post earlier:
Nepenthe wrote:Pargon wrote:You don't think stopping Trump would have benefited you? Of course it would've, but I'm not the only one who votes, now am I? If I were, Black and Indigenous people would've been had reparations in the order of trillions of dollars and literally all of the land back by now. LITERALLY ALL OF THE LAND (and also somehow trillions of dollars)
It's that the same land that Native American people didn't believe could be owned?
03-25-2025, 05:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 05:52 AM by benji.)
Saying the "US purposefully broke" them kind of implies they were fine before and should eventually return to being fine, no? Weird that the material historical analysis doesn't seem to actually use any existing countries and their history to test this theory.
You can see why this kind of "analysis" appeals to them, it was in Nepenthe's rants the other day too, as long as one flaw can be found from the outside this explains everything and exempts all other actions. But it doesn't work because it casts the outside thing as having absolute power. And argues towards a "simple as" conclusion that you only need to address this one thing and then everything will be perfect. But because reality will never be perfect you're motivated to find an endless numbers of flaws. That's aside from the fact that humans aren't gods and so can't know everything or effect everything.
It's incorrect hypothesizing. It's assuming there can only be one explanation and then forcing everything to conform to it. The trans stuff is the same thing. My unhappiness must be because I have the wrong body, must be because of capitalism, must be because of the chuds on YouTube, etc.
It's funny that they claim to be so against conspiracy theories not just because they spread conspiracy theories constantly but because their main mode of thinking is why people believe conspiracy theories. You can make any theory "fit the facts" if you do the equivalent of p-hacking and ad hoc explain every result as evidence of the theory being right. Most people don't recognize that conspiracy theories rely on endless ad hoc explanations, a demand of constant improbable coincidences where everyone acts in a way intended by the theorizer. That's because otherwise the theories fall apart since they're built on solely these explanations in the first place.
There's an incredible simplification in their "simple as" explanations. The other day Nepenthe proclaimed that the problem with all of human history is that people don't actually build systems for the long-term and that this was all that people needed to do. Abolish capitalism and everything, start from scratch and just create a long-term system. The amount of "dismissing concerns" is staggering. It assumes that humans are gods, have absolute knowledge and the ability to "simply" permanently create something of utter perfection with complete knowledge of all possible futures. She, and the rest of them, regularly theorize as if this was true.
This is why it's so important that they make being questioned off limits, literally proclaim that asking questions is suspect behavior. Their theories aren't actual testable theories, they're just morons "explaining" with the first thing they can think of. And it makes sense to them because they're ignorant idiots who think they're the smartest people to ever live. They have no clue how science or arguments work, they think they do though but when they run into actual ones they immediately become frustrated and emotional because they can't grasp it.
Booshka at least knows the proper things to parrot but with Nepenthe she thinks it's beneath her to actually learn anything so imagines that "literally all the land", "take a carrot, leave a carrot", "cup of sugar", "organizing", etc. all has transcendental and material meaning. Like TransEra and many others on that forum they imagine that magic is real and you just have to word the proper spells. And more that this is how the world works. How else could it? That's how it does in my animes. It's clearly the chuds are sabotaging things. Don't dismiss concerns of my personal godhood.
Just kidding, the only reason anyone would take issue with anything the staff or prominent members over there say is because they're a (((Nazi))) troll out to put people in danger and prevent the productive discussion that can't be had in such a white liberal space anyway.
Spoiler: top of the page Nazi goddess (click to show)(click to hide)
12 users liked this post: almostheathen, Chudder Barbarity, Mask, Taco Bell Tower, ClothedMac, Keetongu, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Propagandhim, Nintex, Polident, Alpacx, Boredfrom
In that regard, I’m surprised how much socialist ERA tolerates and suck off Nepenthe. Her diatribes during about none voting were so stupid that I will not believe they didn’t knew how shitty they look when saying “you are telling like it is, Nep”.
Like you said Benji, Booshka understands what to parrot while Nepenthe doesn’t even bother to even have coherent thoughts.
(03-25-2025, 01:52 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Ans then they'll turn around and say that Resident Evil 5 is racist because the main character is white *shrug*
It’s funny because even back then, as much as the proto-chuds were saying those complaints were retarded, they still gave them that the bits where you fight infected tribesmen with spears is pretty bad.
These guys love corporations so much they can’t allow a single dissenting thought.
Resident Evil 5
(03-25-2025, 04:09 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (03-25-2025, 03:48 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Soliloquy of a Dogge wrote:Bernie Sanders and the pieces of performative grifting shit that operated the highest levels of his campaign in 2016 are, in large part, responsible for the situation we find ourselves in today.
I wonder if he's figured out yet that Black folk also constitute part the American working class because he sure seems to be ignorant to that fact. Can't stand the cult of personality he's engendered. Some of the most racist, anti-Black encounters I've ever experienced. 
Still trying to figure out what crimes Bernie committed against black people
He's a yt. He committed a crime just by being born
12 users liked this post: BananaBlast, Chudder Barbarity, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Potato, killamajig, ClothedMac, Keetongu, nachobro, BIONIC
03-25-2025, 04:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 04:12 PM by Bootsthecat.)
03-25-2025, 04:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 04:25 PM by nachobro.)
if vw and hugo boss survived, tesla is going to be fine  even if they stopped making cars, charging stations are enough to keep the company running for a long time
(03-25-2025, 04:11 PM)Mediocre Lager wrote: (03-25-2025, 04:09 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (03-25-2025, 03:48 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Still trying to figure out what crimes Bernie committed against black people
He's a yt. He committed a crime just by being born 
He marched with king and they didn't. Sanders is the worst thing ever for them. An older white guy who fought alongside King for civil rights. It destroys their narrative so they have to destroy him.
(03-25-2025, 02:50 AM)benji wrote: Also I had missed this post earlier:
Nepenthe wrote:Pargon wrote:You don't think stopping Trump would have benefited you? Of course it would've, but I'm not the only one who votes, now am I? If I were, Black and Indigenous people would've been had reparations in the order of trillions of dollars and literally all of the land back by now. LITERALLY ALL OF THE LAND (and also somehow trillions of dollars)
I like how "Black" people just get hand waved into also getting literally all of the land because reasons.
Also, bit weird to assume due to persecution people should just have whats considered their ancestral homelands just handed to them by Earths Landlord no questions asked, but also the (((Israelites))) should gtfo out of the middle east where they have no place being, innit? karl.png
13 users liked this post: BananaBlast, Chudder Barbarity, Keetongu, Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Potato, MJBarret, DavidCroquet, HaughtyFrank, killamajig, Alpacx
03-25-2025, 06:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 06:34 PM by killamajig.)
I want to know how white someone must be to pay reparations and how black or indigenous someone must be to receive reparations. I think that question makes the whole argument silly because no one is going to be happy with whatever the answer is.
03-25-2025, 06:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 06:50 PM by Boredfrom.)‘governor-hot-wheels’.1144488/
Quote:No! Do not clutch your pearls on this. One of the true fighters on the dems side and you want to gag her and wag your finger on how she is wrong.
Then you don’t get to bitch and policy language anymore.
Clicker Carl already saying “Trump did it too” but she is would got batshit crazy if someone misgendered some rapists.
03-25-2025, 06:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 06:52 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
(03-25-2025, 06:30 PM)Boredfrom wrote:’s-‘snow-white’-fiasco-death-threats-beefed-up-security-and-a-social-media-guru-for-rachel-zegler.1144419/
Why they keep their celebrity worship? Why do they think this shit was appropriate from her to say?
Quote:Quote:To think, nothing she said was wrong either, especially when criticizing the original.
That was my first thought as well. The
original was problematic (and apparently this one is not) so what's the harm in pointing that out? Politics?
They really don't understand why shitting on the original is a bad look? Also the way the story is updated into an uprising or something is apparently just really dumb lipservice that doesn't make much sense at all. I guess no wonder RE loves it
Omegasquash wrote:Miss me criticizing a black woman and member of the house that's been doing good work.
The media made more of her clap back TO Taylor-Greene than Taylor-Greene's attack on her.
Folks are within their rights to discuss of course, but like...doesn't feel right to me. If that makes sense.
It made sense if you are a hypocritical asshole.
03-25-2025, 07:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2025, 07:18 PM by Boredfrom.)
Desi wrote:I loved that I knew she would be black before I even clicked the link. This is a joke we def would make. I was with someone who said "Tink Tink" the other day.
Still, yeah you can't say that. Did give me a giggle.
Quote:maybe only because she's a black woman, but we saw how it worked for trump.
fuck decorum these monsters deserve anything verbally thrown at them. Insulting them is obviously not the same as insulting an entire marginalized group.
Again with this shit…
“Because I’m black I’m not allowed to mock an awful person for being disabled without getting criticism.”
14 users liked this post: BananaBlast, Chudder Barbarity, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower, Keetongu, Mediocre Lager, JoeBoy101, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, ClothedMac, Hap Shaughnessy, DavidCroquet, HaughtyFrank, MJBarret
Miracle Ache wrote:Seems like her mask slipped and we now know what she really thinks about disabled people. Her target being a terrible person doesn't make her any less of an ableist shithead.
Nepenthe wrote:So basically what I'm picking up from this thread is people's unassailable values, their red lines, the thing you absolutely cannot do under any circumstance, only extends to not using prejudicial language.
Because boy-howdy. That thread on eight Democrats defecting from the Party to help pass anti-trans legislation in Michigcan only got 45 replies.
You don’t care about that either, you fucking bitch.
At least try not to be an hypocrite and call people as you do at Twitter and Discord.
19 users liked this post: BananaBlast, DJ Bedroom, Chudder Barbarity, Cheers, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower, Keetongu, Mask, Mediocre Lager, JoeBoy101, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, ClothedMac, Hap Shaughnessy, killamajig, DavidCroquet, HaughtyFrank, Alpacx, MJBarret
Quote:Quote:Nobody is asking you to have any sympathy for Abbot or any republicans. This is about having empathy for disabled folks who are having their existence turned into an insult by politicians who are desperate for clout. Its shitty no matter who does it.
No, you're asking me to have sympathy for Abbott. The insult was directed at him.
I'm not spending a second getting annoyed over how somebody is going to choose to attack their opponent, if that attack resonates and strikes them where it hurts. I hope that piece of shit feels constantly belittled for being disabled, because he chose to surround himself with unsympathetic assholes. I hope that insult reminded him that nobody sees him as anything more than a punchline on wheels. I would spit in his face and call him the most insulting words in the dictionary, because that's the behavior he's chosen to tolerate his whole fucking career.
Conservative politicians do not deserve any level of respect or human decency.
Interesting. How do you feel about misgendering Ezra Miller?
13 users liked this post: BananaBlast, DJ Bedroom, Chudder Barbarity, BIONIC, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower, Keetongu, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, ClothedMac, Hap Shaughnessy, killamajig, Alpacx