Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
clicky carl wrote:No attempted twitter ban?

clicky carl wrote:There are legitimate threats from twitter as well, yet the government seems good with that for some reason.

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Xavi wrote:I wouldn't call Hitler Waifu great, no
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Princess Viola wrote:

I would not call this game made by a literal Neo-Nazi and white supremacist organization 'great'
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Oski wrote:
ElectricBlanketFire wrote:Isn't that wonderful?
No, that's just how the universe works. "being good to somebody once, possibly incredibly indirectly" is a very low bar.

And, that's not the question asked in the poll.

And, as others have pointed, there have been pretty horrible things that are technically a videogame. So I'm sure it was satisfying to maybe a couple of nazi somewhere, but making nazis happy is definitely not "wonderful".
The official Era position is that Hitler Waifu and Ethnic Cleansing are in fact great games? Wut
(03-07-2024, 09:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Xavi wrote:I wouldn't call Hitler Waifu great, no
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Princess Viola wrote:

I would not call this game made by a literal Neo-Nazi and white supremacist organization 'great'
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Oski wrote:
ElectricBlanketFire wrote:Isn't that wonderful?
No, that's just how the universe works. "being good to somebody once, possibly incredibly indirectly" is a very low bar.

And, that's not the question asked in the poll.

And, as others have pointed, there have been pretty horrible things that are technically a videogame. So I'm sure it was satisfying to maybe a couple of nazi somewhere, but making nazis happy is definitely not "wonderful".
The official Era position is that Hitler Waifu and Ethnic Cleansing are in fact great games? Wut

Just can't help themselves from having the most insane overreaction to the most mild discussion points. But then you look at the OP and you see "prominent member" and you just know that retard was smashing the report button and hitting the discords looking for blood.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Concern Trolling; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Hollywood Duo wrote:
The Adder wrote:Why
Kids are there to learn not pray. This isn't specific to Islam as that noon time prayer is actually pretty short. But other religions have some rather lengthy prayers that would eat up significant school time.

mbpm wrote:That's a bit of an eyebrow raise. They shouldn't be able to pray anywhere under any conditions?
Well how do you do that equitably? In this very specific circumstance it's probably ok but as I mentioned above there are other religions with lengthy prayers which would also need to be accommodate if the family was very devout.
Now Morrigan is going to wait out by the dumpster for the kid. Punch
(03-07-2024, 09:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
clicky carl wrote:No attempted twitter ban?

clicky carl wrote:There are legitimate threats from twitter as well, yet the government seems good with that for some reason.


Quote:Lots of interests on the same side wanting to take away TikTok:

Actual sinophobia from members of Congress

Capital interests and influence of America-based social media companies

Foreign and domestic lobbying interests against the grassroots popularity achieved by certain movements on TikTok that are far more likely to be moderated and stamped down by American companies (Pro-Palestine movements, Pro-LGBTQ groups, Yemen advocacy, etc)

I think for most part, sinophobia and labeling China as a foreign adversary is just the narrative they want to go with to take down an app that has a lot of politician-aligned interest groups upset. If it were actually about privacy and protecting American citizen data, we'd instead see a bill that addressed privacy issues as a whole when it comes to social media. But that wouldn't align with the needs of existing capital interests, so we'll likely never see such a bill to get through committee, much less get to the President's desk.

Pretty cool when people equate Houthis with Yemen. Cool forum B-dubs.

The usual suspects crying and saying “I hope they go under”.

Many of these assholes are the same that go “fucking gamers” when people complain about a company they like/workfor.
(03-07-2024, 09:28 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Concern Trolling; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Hollywood Duo wrote:
The Adder wrote:Why
Kids are there to learn not pray. This isn't specific to Islam as that noon time prayer is actually pretty short. But other religions have some rather lengthy prayers that would eat up significant school time.

mbpm wrote:That's a bit of an eyebrow raise. They shouldn't be able to pray anywhere under any conditions?
Well how do you do that equitably? In this very specific circumstance it's probably ok but as I mentioned above there are other religions with lengthy prayers which would also need to be accommodate if the family was very devout.
Now Morrigan is going to wait out by the dumpster for the kid. Punch

Ree is advocating for prayer in school now?  ???
(03-07-2024, 09:28 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Concern Trolling; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Hollywood Duo wrote:
The Adder wrote:Why
Kids are there to learn not pray. This isn't specific to Islam as that noon time prayer is actually pretty short. But other religions have some rather lengthy prayers that would eat up significant school time.

mbpm wrote:That's a bit of an eyebrow raise. They shouldn't be able to pray anywhere under any conditions?
Well how do you do that equitably? In this very specific circumstance it's probably ok but as I mentioned above there are other religions with lengthy prayers which would also need to be accommodate if the family was very devout.
Now Morrigan is going to wait out by the dumpster for the kid. Punch

Laughing at Resetera aside, I sure do hope that school system is banning open display of crucifixes and other religious paraphernalia. Seems like an absurd over reach by some idiotic people.
(03-07-2024, 09:40 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

The usual suspects crying and saying “I hope they go under”.

Many of these assholes are the same that go “fucking gamers” when people complain about a company they like/workfor.

Vanilla ware is pretty stupid here, PC players can still play the game they’ll just do it for free by emulating the switch version

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(03-07-2024, 09:44 PM)Potato wrote:
(03-07-2024, 09:28 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Concern Trolling; History of Inflammatory Commentary
Hollywood Duo wrote:Kids are there to learn not pray. This isn't specific to Islam as that noon time prayer is actually pretty short. But other religions have some rather lengthy prayers that would eat up significant school time.

Well how do you do that equitably? In this very specific circumstance it's probably ok but as I mentioned above there are other religions with lengthy prayers which would also need to be accommodate if the family was very devout.
Now Morrigan is going to wait out by the dumpster for the kid. Punch

Laughing at Resetera aside, I sure do hope that school system is banning open display of crucifixes and other religious paraphernalia. Seems like an absurd over reach by some idiotic people.

It's Quebec, overall they're pretty xenophobic.
(03-07-2024, 09:51 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
(03-07-2024, 09:40 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

The usual suspects crying and saying “I hope they go under”.

Many of these assholes are the same that go “fucking gamers” when people complain about a company they like/workfor.

Vanilla ware is pretty stupid here, PC players can still play the game they’ll just do it for free by emulating the switch version

They run out of money, dude. Development for PC still requires money.
How was Hollywood Duo “ConcernTrolling”? He stated his fucking case throughout that.
L_Thammy_The_Retard_Spacenoid wrote:I'm going to be blunt and say that all this dancing around the basic reality that targeting public displays of religiosity both in practice and intent serves to target visible, often non-white minorities, really doesn't serve to do anything except show disinterest in the fact that visible, often non-white minorities are being targeted. You can can claim good intentions all you'd like, but when you're looking directly at the effects and stating your agreement with them, I can't pretend that you're stating your support for anything other than what you're looking at.

Muslims are disproportionately jailed in places like Canada and Europe. Jails in France famously had a majority Muslim prison population while having an overall Muslim population of less than ten percent. It's not a coincidence; they're marginalized because these societies and the people therein set out to marginalize them.


I think there is more worthwhile places to fight marginalization over secularism at school, specially because past incidents indicate that Muslims tend to overreact about this. But that's none of my business... 

Fucking RE inability to understand why secularism is good thing because “DISCRIMINATION!”.

Thordison wrote:Let folks pray. It's not that hard.

I agree… just not in school.
(03-07-2024, 09:55 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(03-07-2024, 09:51 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
(03-07-2024, 09:40 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

The usual suspects crying and saying “I hope they go under”.

Many of these assholes are the same that go “fucking gamers” when people complain about a company they like/workfor.

Vanilla ware is pretty stupid here, PC players can still play the game they’ll just do it for free by emulating the switch version

They run out of money, dude. Development for PC still requires money.

I can’t help but feel that refusing to release games on PC for a decade plus might be a reason why they always run out of money.

And yeah PC ports cost money, but I’m sure they could’ve done an epic games deals to get them to pay for the port. Though it seems like a PC killed the CEO’s parents so I guess running out of money is the only option for them.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, benji
(03-07-2024, 10:07 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
L_Thammy_The_Retard_Spacenoid wrote:I'm going to be blunt and say that all this dancing around the basic reality that targeting public displays of religiosity both in practice and intent serves to target visible, often non-white minorities, really doesn't serve to do anything except show disinterest in the fact that visible, often non-white minorities are being targeted. You can can claim good intentions all you'd like, but when you're looking directly at the effects and stating your agreement with them, I can't pretend that you're stating your support for anything other than what you're looking at.

Muslims are disproportionately jailed in places like Canada and Europe. Jails in France famously had a majority Muslim prison population while having an overall Muslim population of less than ten percent. It's not a coincidence; they're marginalized because these societies and the people therein set out to marginalize them.


I think there is more worthwhile places to fight marginalization over secularism at school, specially because past incidents indicate that Muslims tend to overreact about this. But that's none of my business... 

Fucking RE inability to understand why secularism is good thing because “DISCRIMINATION!”.

Thordison wrote:Let folks pray. It's not that hard.

I agree… just not in school.

They'd flip so hard on this if it was a Christian demanding an extra room for prayer. It's so absurd how they suddenly defend conservative values
(03-07-2024, 10:07 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Thordison wrote:Let folks pray. It's not that hard.

I agree… just not in school.

what if a christian kid sees a trans kid and starts openly praying that they'll stop being trans and that their soul will be saved  omg
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
(03-07-2024, 10:13 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
(03-07-2024, 09:55 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(03-07-2024, 09:51 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Vanilla ware is pretty stupid here, PC players can still play the game they’ll just do it for free by emulating the switch version

They run out of money, dude. Development for PC still requires money.

I can’t help but feel that refusing to release games on PC for a decade plus might be a reason why they always run out of money.

Well, is a Japanese studio of 40 people and they do niche 2D games. So I guess they are not selling gang busters to begin with.

Quote:And yeah PC ports cost money, but I’m sure they could’ve done an epic games deals to get them to pay for the port. Though it seems like a PC killed the CEO’s parents so I guess running out of money is the only option for them.


So desperate for that Epic poison fruit. And people will bitch and moan when the port is shitty because the developer has no past experience. But that's none of my business...
2 users liked this post: MoonlightJazz, Taco Bell Tower

ClickyCal wrote:
DrScruffleton wrote:Btw this was just on the Joe Rogan show about this. If anyone was wondering, he's still shithead enough to go on that
Yep. Should be noted in OP.
You don’t need to like Joe Rogan to understand why people go to Joe Rogan.

Also, Clicky is truly enjoying being a prominent member, isn’t she?
(03-07-2024, 06:41 PM)Uncle wrote: no, I mean people know themselves better than anyone else, who are we to tell them they're wrong about their own lived experiences?

trying to convince someone that they don't even know the truth about themselves is the purest form of gaslighting
This is literally the position of the self-diagnosis movement. The purpose of doctors and psychologists is to just give people whatever they want. Since mental illness is just new personality traits there's no reason to want rid of them. Instead you just should get more drugs you can complain aren't solving the problem that you insist also isn't a problem and just part of your soul or whatever.
Quote:Yamamoto: As a publisher, we would like to deliver it to PC users as well, but per our agreement with Vanillaware, we are only releasing on console. In other words, there are no plans to port it to PC currently.

How can you read this in any other way than: if it does well enough we'll eventually port it but please buy it now uguu

Also Vanillaware might've want to keep their options open for PC publishing with other publishers or self-publishing. This allows them to do that.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom, nachobro
(03-07-2024, 07:26 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Dismissive Commentary
trailmix16 wrote:
ratify wrote:Interested in this game until I saw how they decided to depict some women… then it was a hard pass.
hopefully the thread recovers from the shock of you not playing!
(03-07-2024, 09:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Xavi wrote:I wouldn't call Hitler Waifu great, no
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Princess Viola wrote:

I would not call this game made by a literal Neo-Nazi and white supremacist organization 'great'
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory thread derail
Oski wrote:
ElectricBlanketFire wrote:Isn't that wonderful?
No, that's just how the universe works. "being good to somebody once, possibly incredibly indirectly" is a very low bar.

And, that's not the question asked in the poll.

And, as others have pointed, there have been pretty horrible things that are technically a videogame. So I'm sure it was satisfying to maybe a couple of nazi somewhere, but making nazis happy is definitely not "wonderful".
Notice how in the former thread a guy coming in just to bitch about the thread topic is not a thread derail, the punishment is for the person who responded. But in the latter case we have people accurately responding being punished for responding to the thread topic.

(03-07-2024, 09:30 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-07-2024, 09:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
clicky carl wrote:No attempted twitter ban?

clicky carl wrote:There are legitimate threats from twitter as well, yet the government seems good with that for some reason.
Quote:Lots of interests on the same side wanting to take away TikTok:

Actual sinophobia from members of Congress

Capital interests and influence of America-based social media companies

Foreign and domestic lobbying interests against the grassroots popularity achieved by certain movements on TikTok that are far more likely to be moderated and stamped down by American companies (Pro-Palestine movements, Pro-LGBTQ groups, Yemen advocacy, etc)

I think for most part, sinophobia and labeling China as a foreign adversary is just the narrative they want to go with to take down an app that has a lot of politician-aligned interest groups upset. If it were actually about privacy and protecting American citizen data, we'd instead see a bill that addressed privacy issues as a whole when it comes to social media. But that wouldn't align with the needs of existing capital interests, so we'll likely never see such a bill to get through committee, much less get to the President's desk.
No, it's because Twitter is American so the government can't do shit like this to it but Congress does have the power to restrict foreign companies. The latter is something you guys support so it becomes fairly clear here that your complaint is actually that the government (aka cops) isn't controlling enough of the internet. Hence, why you're upset that the state isn't punishing Americans enough by only targeting Tik Tok instead of everything.

It's also absurd to think Tik Tok is more Pro-LGBTQ/Palestine/Houthi than Twitter and that the latter somehow suppresses these.
I would like some proof that people that listen to Joe Rogan actually think he's smart instead of a conspiracy minded, stoner, meathead who happens to have a wide variety of guest and lets them talk.
(03-07-2024, 10:34 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:Yamamoto: As a publisher, we would like to deliver it to PC users as well, but per our agreement with Vanillaware, we are only releasing on console. In other words, there are no plans to port it to PC currently.

How can you read this in any other way than: if it does well enough we'll eventually port it but please buy it now uguu

Also Vanillaware might've want to keep their options open for PC publishing with other publishers or self-publishing. This allows them to do that.

It was so fucking weird how many people interpret this as: “Atlus offered to paid for a port (no strings attached) but George Kamitani threatened to kill GabeN if they suggested it again. They fucking hate money.”
(03-07-2024, 10:39 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: I would like some proof that people that listen to Joe Rogan actually think he's smart instead of a conspiracy minded, stoner, meathead who happens to have a wide variety of guest and lets them talk.

not saying he's actually some kind of genius intellectual, but unless he has phenomenal managers and people advising him, he's been smart enough to take up some big opportunities over the years, just recognizing a niche for a podcast like his

and smart enough not to artificially limit the kind of people he'll have on the show out of some ideological thing
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
He was also a moon landing denier. Trumps
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
I think their preference for Tik Tok and YouTube is because rarely on those platforms is someone's stupidity going to be pointed out in a place where the fans will see it. On Twitter it's much harder to avoid. On there you have replies, quote tweets and now community notes hence all the complaints they're being "brigaded" when they say something stupid. Tik Tok and YouTube don't offer up response videos to watch, the way the comments work mean it's borderline impossible to find any real criticism in them and they even hide the dislikes.

I imagine the fear of Rogan is similar.

It's also another instance where they lack a theory of mind for other people. They think Rogan's audience sits in uncritical devotion of anything Rogan "platforms" and hangs on his every pronouncement to instantly adopt as their passionate "expert" viewpoint because that's what they do to the stupid YouTube personalities they worship.
(03-07-2024, 07:40 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The Sweetbaby curator list has now resorted to deleting all comments and locking them because people kept pushing the limits

Quote:I'm gonna have to delete all posts for now...

Well, steam support just sent me a message that this group is reciving a lot of reports and might get deleted. So to avoid this I'm just gonna deleted all the posts. Because if this groups falls the curator page falls as well. I'm sorry guys, but for now no more new posts until it's resolved..

Meanwhile multiple articles have been written, all defending sweetbaby and all leaving out the Streisand effect that had the curator list explode in the first place.

Time is a flat circle. But that's none of my business... 

This is the usual life cycle of this groups, because you will have two groups of assholes:

1.- the assholes that will act like they are in 4chan 

2.- the wokie assholes that will act like they are in 4chan to get the group closed and maligned.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(03-07-2024, 10:07 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
L_Thammy_The_Retard_Spacenoid wrote:I'm going to be blunt and say that all this dancing around the basic reality that targeting public displays of religiosity both in practice and intent serves to target visible, often non-white minorities, really doesn't serve to do anything except show disinterest in the fact that visible, often non-white minorities are being targeted. You can can claim good intentions all you'd like, but when you're looking directly at the effects and stating your agreement with them, I can't pretend that you're stating your support for anything other than what you're looking at.

Muslims are disproportionately jailed in places like Canada and Europe. Jails in France famously had a majority Muslim prison population while having an overall Muslim population of less than ten percent. It's not a coincidence; they're marginalized because these societies and the people therein set out to marginalize them.


I think there is more worthwhile places to fight marginalization over secularism at school, specially because past incidents indicate that Muslims tend to overreact about this. But that's none of my business... 

Fucking RE inability to understand why secularism is good thing because “DISCRIMINATION!”.

Thordison wrote:Let folks pray. It's not that hard.

I agree… just not in school.

Having a secular school system doesn't mean you ban prayer.

Kids should be free to do whatever they want within the rules of the school. If they choose to spend their free time praying, then that's their right, as long as they are not disrupting other students or breaking (sensible) school rules.

I don't even like religion, but who the fuck is the school principal to tell a child he can't pray?

What if a Christian child were to sit in the school grounds and pray during lunch?

The kid and the parent both sound pretty reasonable. No one was demanding any special treatment as far as I could tell.

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