United States Politics: The Final Election Ever
The Gang Starts A Federal Constitutional Republic

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1 user liked this post: Nintex

very bad dudes Preach
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D
Hate to bust your bubble Nintex

boom deal with that LOGIC, maga tardz

This guy is miserable lmao. That's a great crowd for any candidate in July. And the crowds will get bigger if he does the smart thing and attends the first debate.
2 users liked this post: Nintex, benji

1 user liked this post: Nintex
(06-30-2023, 01:30 AM)PhoenixDark wrote:

https://realrawnews.com/2023/06/gretchen-whitmer-hanged-at-gitmo/ wrote:When a military tribunal convicted Gretchen Whitmer of treason and sentenced her to hang by the neck until dead, the disgraced Michigan governor bewailed the verdict and accused Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall of denying her the right of counsel. She was taken to Camp Delta’s version of death row, an isolated cell block apart from imprisoned detainees still awaiting their day in court, where she incessantly demanded a retrial to prove her innocence.

The nagging irritated staff to the point of playing a cruel practical joke on Whitmer.

At 9:00 a.m., June 22, military police roused Whitmer awake with good news, saying Vice Adm. Crandall had unearthed exculpatory evidence supporting her claims of innocence and unilaterally revised the verdict to “not guilty.”

They told Whitmer they had orders to escort her to Leeward Point Airfield, where a plane sat fueled and waiting to fly her to freedom in Michigan without further delay.

Whitmer reportedly grinned from ear to ear, smiling for the first time since her arrest on May 30. An elated Whitmer was so relieved she made small talk as MPs opened the rear door to the Hummer, applauding Adm. Crandall’s willingness to judicially evaluate evidence and concede she had committed no crimes. She said she was eager to resume her gubernatorial duties and even boasted of her presidential aspirations.

After a few minutes, however, Whitmer wanted to know why the Hummer was traveling north toward Marine Hill instead of South to the ferry that carries people and vehicles between the Windward and Leeward sides of the base.

The driver told Whitmer he needed to make a pitstop to grab her “exoneration paperwork.”

Then Whitmer saw the clearing and the gallows and Vice Adm. Crandall.

And the hangman and a Navy chaplain standing atop the gallows.

“You lied to me,” Whitmer bellowed.

“Minor error, not a lie,” the driver replied.
Quote:She was officially pronounced dead several minutes later.

“Another Covid queen out of the way,” Adm. Crandall said.

A GITMO source told Real Raw News that the mischievous MPs were disciplined for their unsanctioned humor.
2 users liked this post: TylenolJones, BIONIC
Why do  these ghouls just keep coming back?

Cuz Trump will now not hire this guy because treason Rollsafe

Also they found coke at the white house so they need an expert
(07-04-2023, 07:44 AM)Nintex wrote: Cuz Trump will now not hire this guy because treason Rollsafe

Also they found coke at the white house so they need an expert

Yeah, they need an expert in keeping the "unknown perpetrator" out of jail  lol
1 user liked this post: Nintex

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3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, who is ted danson?, BIONIC
Happy Sedition, Treason and Insurrection Day American American American American
Piss uguu Piss2
4 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, TylenolJones, Potato, Nintex

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[Image: F0TM6qPXoAEQXb1?format=jpg]

holy fucking shit  lol
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D
he trying so hard
https://www.kokomotribune.com/news/kokomo-man-caught-up-in-twitter-rumors-spread-by-floridas-rebekah-jones/article_04baac02-15dd-11ee-89d2-6fae00992f8e.html wrote:On April 8, a well-known former Florida data scientist Rebekah Jones accused a Kokomo man in a tweet of being a cyber terrorist and paid operative who was utilizing an anonymous Twitter account to attack critics of presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Jones alleged Robert Andrew McGimpsey, of Kokomo, of being behind Twitter account @MaxNordau, working with Christina Pushaw, DeSantis’ rapid response director of his presidential campaign, and leaking “selectively edited footage” of Jones’ son hours after he was arrested for allegedly threatening to shoot up a school.

The tweet has been viewed over 2 million times.

It’s not the first time Jones has accused McGimpsey. She’s also accused him of being a white nationalist, Christian nationalist and serial stalker. In one tweet, Jones claimed @MaxNordau has tweeted about her more than 150,000 times.

Almost daily, the @MaxNordau account tweets directly at her, usually in comment sections, or about her. Whoever is behind the account is a prolific Twitter user, tweeting numerous times per hour. The account has amassed over 230,000 tweets since it was created in 2012.

However, there is no clear evidence McGimpsey is behind the @MaxNordau account, but that hasn’t stopped Jones and others from peddling the claim ad nauseum.

And the story only gets stranger.
Quote:Jarvis and Jones haven’t only accused McGimpsey of running an account dedicated to amplifying pro-DeSantis content and tweeting at and about the Florida woman. They also claim McGimpsey and the account are paid by DeSantis’ team to do so.

Specifically, Jarvis said McGimpsey is working for Christina Pushaw, the rapid response director for the Republican presidential candidate. She was also his governor press secretary before moving to her current position.


Jarvis bases his claim around the fact that the @MaxNordau account has interacted with Pushaw on Twitter and the two accounts, plus a few others, often pop up in the same comment threads and discussions.

“It’s all very consistent,” he said.

Asked if there is a paper trail, proving McGimpsey or @MaxNordau are compensated, Jarvis said, “That’s one of the few things they hid pretty well.”
Quote:The story took a turn Wednesday when Laura Loomer, a right-wing internet personality with a history of anti-Muslim statements, accused Bryan Griffin, press secretary for DeSantis' presidential campaign, of being @MaxNordau.

Loomer posted a video to Twitter comparing the voices of Griffin and @MaxNordau, alleging they are the same. While the voices might sound similar, it does not appear they are the same person. The user behind the account denied being Griffin.

Jones ran with the tweet from Loomer, alleging four people are using the account, including McGimpsey and Griffin.
Quote:Jones has accused or suggested at least seven others could be running the account, including a school communications director, a cop and Pushaw.

@MaxNordau denied being any of these people.

They're trying to find the crackhead who did this
benji you know a lot about history

have other drugs ever been found in the white house? did taft smoke blunts all day long?
I bet there were boxes of meth everywhere in the whitehouse back when the stuff was legal.
Word is the secret service didn't like the Bidens when Joe was VP and their relationship with the Obamas and Clintons was pretty bad too.

In Europe there were often rumors that Obama would visit brothels and do drugs on overseas trips and that's why he would stay at US embassies or even marine ships off the coast instead of hotels. A lot of times his secret service detail got caught in 'scandals' involving either prostitutes, heavy drinking or drugs. Unfortunately for bams our country is small and people in Amsterdam gossip so you can't really pass out 'incognito' in the Red Light district without people noticing a convoy of SUVs and a helicopter.
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
VEEP has to take the fall,

(07-06-2023, 09:39 PM)Nintex wrote: Word is the secret service didn't like the Bidens when Joe was VP and their relationship with the Obamas and Clintons was pretty bad too.

In Europe there were often rumors that Obama would visit brothels and do drugs on overseas trips and that's why he would stay at US embassies or even marine ships off the coast instead of hotels. A lot of times his secret service detail got caught in 'scandals' involving either prostitutes, heavy drinking or drugs. Unfortunately for bams our country is small and people in Amsterdam gossip so you can't really pass out 'incognito' in the Red Light district without people noticing a convoy of SUVs and a helicopter.


The first sentence with the last fantasy paragraph are at odds.

The reason SS didn't like the Obamas is because they made it a point to be whistle clean. 

Obama would have been destroyed on the first "brothel" trip.

1 user liked this post: BIONIC
(07-06-2023, 09:09 PM)Uncle wrote: benji you know a lot about history

have other drugs ever been found in the white house? did taft smoke blunts all day long?
Harding totally ignored Prohibition. Funny enough nobody ever lists this in all his administration's "scandals" despite the fact that the feds terrorized the entire country during Prohibition.
1 user liked this post: Uncle


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some lawyer just used ai bot for their brief and got a slap on the wrist.

nobody cares anymore
1 user liked this post: BIONIC

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