Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(10-30-2024, 09:05 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I can't wait to see what modders can do.  doggy

5 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, JoeBoy101, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Venice
(10-30-2024, 07:31 PM)Chudder Barbarity wrote: I seriously hope you guys folks are at least pirating these sort of games before you buy. I know gamers have comically low standards, but surely there are better ways to spend your money than blindly on things you don't even know you will enjoy at all.

Let me tell you about a guy who ALWAYS spends money on things he knows he will hate.

This assholes name?


ComeAgain wrote:The game is getting good reviews. Dont know why so many here are pretending it’s a sea of shit reviews with just a few liking it. 

Pronouns bother you THIS much? Gay or transgender people have dealt with straight relationships forever in media and enjoyed or loved it, so hard for me to say anything but “damn that’s pretty cool” seeing them get some shine in this game.

Seeing this thread legit veer off into Stormfront tier shit is a tad disheartening to see after largely being a thread I frequent because of actually funny stuff in the past. Now it’s like angry GAF in 2024 members have taken over.

Ordinarily, I would agree with you and I'd like the genuine Trans community (and not the cosplayers of Era) have a game that they can champion and truly enjoy.

But as Uncle said, there's a lot of stuff that EA are DMCA'ing that's quite frankly cringe-inducing and embarrassing.

Clearly feels like EA saw the success of Baldur's Gate 3, decided to copy it and instead made one of the most poorest, lame imitations of it. And anyone pushing back against it, gets the 'They're TERF, ALT-RIGHT CHUDS!!' Era-treatment, like Skill Up.

So it feels like all these review outlets giving out 10/10's for a game with piss-poor writing, and very average graphics, are doing so in case their asses get fried by the LGBT+ community. Otherwise this would be a 7/10 game at best. And a 7/10 is perfectly fine, but to these retards, any score that isn't a 10/10, is automatically a 0/10.

So Dragon Age: Veilguard gets heavily biased 10/10's as a result.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a game that gets the inclusivity and humour balance perfectly right.

Anyways, enjoys some top-of-the-page boobies:

[Image: D7Wf6f6.gif]
Quote:Pronouns bother you THIS much?

Not really, I have actually said that people shouldn’t be that angry about it unless it feels like forced from clueless executives or developers with Tumblr brainrot. And the LatinX stuff.
Slow day on Era.  Hmph

Sigh. Why'd B-dubs have to close those threads.  Gloomy
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower, Venice
(10-30-2024, 09:17 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote: I just want Sydney Sweeney in a video game as a main character. It's not too much to ask

[Image: 56vquwtj7vxd1.gif]

Wet 2 AKA Wetter

I CURSE YOU! Wetter…
4 users liked this post: Nintex, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(10-30-2024, 09:26 PM)Venice wrote: This assholes name?


ComeAgain wrote:The game is getting good reviews. Dont know why so many here are pretending it’s a sea of shit reviews with just a few liking it. 

Pronouns bother you THIS much? Gay or transgender people have dealt with straight relationships forever in media and enjoyed or loved it, so hard for me to say anything but “damn that’s pretty cool” seeing them get some shine in this game.

Seeing this thread legit veer off into Stormfront tier shit is a tad disheartening to see after largely being a thread I frequent because of actually funny stuff in the past. Now it’s like angry GAF in 2024 members have taken over.

Man, I decided to take a look at the Dragonball Daima thread and a wild PlanetSmasher showed up to whine on the most inoffensive show you could find these days.

I get being critical, being cynical, but at some point, you gotta look at your keyboard and realize all the retarded shit you're typing is just that, retarded shit that no one really cares about.  

Except for Bore, so maybe he should continue though  lol
(10-30-2024, 06:27 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(10-30-2024, 06:23 PM)Jansen wrote: Seems like being autistic is a prerequisite to being trans

The trans people I know in real life aren't. So it's probably for the ones who are terminally online, don't try to pass, act like they always have and are insufferable cunts. Self diagnosed too probably. I realize getting a diagnosis for being autistic is not the easiest thing but I was clinically diagnosed so I have a bone to pick with self diagnosed people.

I don't

It's this or they convinced a doctor when in reality they're just awkward as fuck

Quote:Caleb James Williams, 18, joined by seven juveniles, approached sign wavers and antagonized the “opposing political side,” Neptune Beach Police Chief Michael Key Jr. said.

Key did not provide the political affiliations of the victims or suspect. The Duval County Democratic Party identified the sign wavers as supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris.

Era thread when?

Echoes of retard thread!
Quote:Welp, you died, doesn't matter how you died, whether overworked, eating one too many Banoffee double fudge chocolate pop-corn Pizzas, being chased naked around Cannes by the Jobbie Monster, again (I know what you did, yes I'm talking to YOU reader!), doesn't matter. What's important you're dead, which is bit of bummer (especially if you were a top in life).

However, all is not lost (besides your wallet, thanks for that!) as the Hobgoblin who lives in your home (and stares at you as you sleep) has taken pity on you used their mystical fart magic to have you reborn as the main character of the last video game you've played, whether it was a console, PC, Mobile game; an RPG, Puzzle, Online Hero Shooter etc. You gain consciousness in the first scene you first see the character chronologically in the game and your life continues from their. You still have your past life's memories (so no forgetting that trip to Cannes and no I will not let that go, you RUINED that lunch reader! *shakes fist*), but it isn't a dream, you're not in a coma, it's real.

Not that this means you experience all the stuff we don't see on-screen like possibly growing up, travelling to place, toilet time, what happens after the credits appear etc.

However I want to make this clear because it makes me uncomfortable when I've done similar threads where people asked if they've changed gender cause I'm worrying I'm upsetting fellow trans users but like I've said their, you have NOT changed gender, you still look like you except you're now the age as your character was and your muscle build might be different in the context of the game like if you're a martial artist for example. Your face is you, people call you by your gender and may even call you by your name rather then Link, Kratos or Cloud etc.

How do you initially react? What do you think would happen? What would your long term plans be? Think you'd survive?

Have fun (:

Fucking freak
Quote:Another reason I stay far away from working in the gaming industry. As a dev, you get told what to do and do it. These people were told to make this game, and now, they are punished for it.
Isn't that the point of work, do what you're told?
(10-30-2024, 10:06 PM)Jansen wrote:

Echoes of retard thread!

Quote:However I want to make this clear because it makes me uncomfortable when I've done similar threads where people asked if they've changed gender cause I'm worrying I'm upsetting fellow trans users but like I've said their, you have NOT changed gender, you still look like you except you're now the age as your character was and your muscle build might be different in the context of the game like if you're a martial artist for example. Your face is you, people call you by your gender and may even call you by your name rather then Link, Kratos or Cloud etc.
(10-30-2024, 09:54 PM)Jansen wrote:
(10-30-2024, 06:27 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:
(10-30-2024, 06:23 PM)Jansen wrote: Seems like being autistic is a prerequisite to being trans

The trans people I know in real life aren't. So it's probably for the ones who are terminally online, don't try to pass, act like they always have and are insufferable cunts. Self diagnosed too probably. I realize getting a diagnosis for being autistic is not the easiest thing but I was clinically diagnosed so I have a bone to pick with self diagnosed people.

I don't

It's this or they convinced a doctor when in reality they're just awkward as fuck

Doctors really don’t like diagnosing people as autistic. I should know it took me 5 different doctors to finally get mine
this is the terrorists' law
(10-30-2024, 08:29 PM)ComeAgain wrote: The game is getting good reviews. Dont know why so many here are pretending it’s a sea of shit reviews with just a few liking it. 

Pronouns bother you THIS much? Gay or transgender people have dealt with straight relationships forever in media and enjoyed or loved it, so hard for me to say anything but “damn that’s pretty cool” seeing them get some shine in this game.

Seeing this thread legit veer off into Stormfront tier shit is a tad disheartening to see after largely being a thread I frequent because of actually funny stuff in the past. Now it’s like angry GAF in 2024 members have taken over.

I just wish the dialogue was better in the game
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[Image: 7AI39qg.png]
(10-30-2024, 09:53 PM)garamonde wrote:
(10-30-2024, 09:26 PM)Venice wrote: This assholes name?


ComeAgain wrote:The game is getting good reviews. Dont know why so many here are pretending it’s a sea of shit reviews with just a few liking it. 

Pronouns bother you THIS much? Gay or transgender people have dealt with straight relationships forever in media and enjoyed or loved it, so hard for me to say anything but “damn that’s pretty cool” seeing them get some shine in this game.

Seeing this thread legit veer off into Stormfront tier shit is a tad disheartening to see after largely being a thread I frequent because of actually funny stuff in the past. Now it’s like angry GAF in 2024 members have taken over.

Man, I decided to take a look at the Dragonball Daima thread and a wild PlanetSmasher showed up to whine on the most inoffensive show you could find these days.

I get being critical, being cynical, but at some point, you gotta look at your keyboard and realize all the retarded shit you're typing is just that, retarded shit that no one really cares about.  

Except for Bore, so maybe he should continue though  lol

Daima is OG Dragon Ball without the perv jokes, what is not to love. 

“Goku fighting a bunch of demons on a bar while eating, fun as he…”

(10-30-2024, 07:53 PM)Vertigo wrote: I refuse to believe this is not a joke post

qiaonasen, post: 130874385, member: 183492 wrote:Well, yes. They didn't buy the game.

Until we start publicly funding important games like Concord, and actively incentivizing people to play these games (real life rewards from the government for time spent in game), I'm afraid we're at the mercy of this brutal capitalist market system.

Like Dustborn apparently. How's that working out?

What's the point of these games if people aren't interested in playing them? Some sort of Development House Welfare system?
thetrin wrote:There's been some rhetoric in otherwise decent YT channels just shitting on Concord and Firewalk for delivering "a turd no one wanted".

It was a turd that nobody wanted.

Quote:It's this kind of rhetoric that I fucking hate. The gaming community is so insanely harsh to game devs, despite them being the people making the games everyone loves.

Did Firewalk made every game I love? Shocked 


Then shut the fuck up with the “pls think of the developers”.

No one loved this game. That is its problem.

Quote:Meanwhile, streamers get lots of love, donations, and even get sent free games for god knows what reason.

Is like people feel is worth their time and money to support them. Am I out of touch? 

Quote:I have no beef with streamers specifically, but I see the difference in how streamers and content creators are treated vs. game devs, and it's just disgusting to me.

Like two different jobs and set of skills. Am I out of touch? 

Quote:People should not be kicking Firewalk's now ex-employees while they're down. They worked hard to make something, and it didn't resonate with the gaming community. These assholes are acting like it's so elementary, and they're a bunch of morons for thinking the game would do well.

Yes, it was this elementary because otherwise it wouldn’t have bombed this hard, you asshole.

Quote:I truly feel for the people at Firewalk, and I hope they land on their feet. It's a harsh time in the game industry right now, with people losing their jobs left, right and center, and I just hope that we all make it through in the end.

Thoughts and Prayers.
“Why nobody respects me as a developer.” Six 

* Proceeds to post at Resetera. *
(10-30-2024, 10:07 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Another reason I stay far away from working in the gaming industry. As a dev, you get told what to do and do it. These people were told to make this game, and now, they are punished for it.
Isn't that the point of work, do what you're told?

You don't understand. These people draw things. That makes it very different, somewhat mystical.
(10-30-2024, 07:54 PM)Nintex wrote:
(10-30-2024, 07:05 PM)Polident wrote:
(10-30-2024, 06:33 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Looks like burka thread is gonna demand this site to get on the ban list

Oh, we know who they're talking about  Horny

Out of touch with newer Soul Calibur games, but boy do I remember Soul Calibur 4 being a lot. Taki’s skin tight outfit had her nipples protruding, like Barney Frank. Sophitia, who wore some armor in previous games, just has on a negligee barely containing her honkers. Ivy…probably about the same as other games.

As a teenager, Soul Calibur 2 was something else and the series didn't let up since  Whew

I honestly don't know how to do the image thing from reddit so here's a direct link DSP
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, Venice
(10-30-2024, 08:29 PM)ComeAgain wrote: The game is getting good reviews. Dont know why so many here are pretending it’s a sea of shit reviews with just a few liking it. 

Pronouns bother you THIS much? Gay or transgender people have dealt with straight relationships forever in media and enjoyed or loved it, so hard for me to say anything but “damn that’s pretty cool” seeing them get some shine in this game.

Seeing this thread legit veer off into Stormfront tier shit is a tad disheartening to see after largely being a thread I frequent because of actually funny stuff in the past. Now it’s like angry GAF in 2024 members have taken over.

Like most things here, it's about pointing out the hypocrisy of the people reviewing it who are not taking any time to point out some of the glaring faults in dialogue and technical prowess.

I don't think anyone cares about the fact that there's non-binary people in it. It's just that it's seemingly handled so badly and the reviewers and developers are expecting everyone to eat their serving of shit without complaint.
Quote:not surprising chuds are using this to claim alt-right rhetorics.

saw some coments in a news site.
(10-30-2024, 08:29 PM)ComeAgain wrote: The game is getting good reviews. Dont know why so many here are pretending it’s a sea of shit reviews with just a few liking it. 

Pronouns bother you THIS much? Gay or transgender people have dealt with straight relationships forever in media and enjoyed or loved it, so hard for me to say anything but “damn that’s pretty cool” seeing them get some shine in this game.

Seeing this thread legit veer off into Stormfront tier shit is a tad disheartening to see after largely being a thread I frequent because of actually funny stuff in the past. Now it’s like angry GAF in 2024 members have taken over.

When it's written in such a piss poor fashion, like some morality tale for pre-schoolers, then yeah, it bothers me THIS much. And I mean usually when people tell stories about minorities it's rather about how they're just like us. Hey, Gay people are also just looking for love etc. and that's all fine. With those Dragon Age clips it feels different. It's actually all about how non-binaries are not like us, how you have to walk on eggshells around them, how you should never call out any contradiction and you better be ready to kiss the floor if you ever misgender them. 
I don't see an author here who wanted to tell a cool story, I see an author here who just wanted to school all those gamers out there. An author who couldn't even create their own story but instead jumps into a long established franchise.

That the german localization then turns into pure parody is the cherry on top.
Yeah thebire is not a hugbox it is a hate  non toxic positivity site there are no guard rails, no training wheels, no brakes, no lube, and we are totally going to raw dog it!

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And no breaks!

(10-30-2024, 08:29 PM)ComeAgain wrote: The game is getting good reviews. Dont know why so many here are pretending it’s a sea of shit reviews with just a few liking it. 

Pronouns bother you THIS much? Gay or transgender people have dealt with straight relationships forever in media and enjoyed or loved it, so hard for me to say anything but “damn that’s pretty cool” seeing them get some shine in this game.

Seeing this thread legit veer off into Stormfront tier shit is a tad disheartening to see after largely being a thread I frequent because of actually funny stuff in the past. Now it’s like angry GAF in 2024 members have taken over.

Got a couple of things to say about this.

You're not wrong on the tenor of the previous and current thread. Some of the absolutely fixation on TransEra, and some posters specifically, is a bit creepy, but when people start throwing around 'KYS' and shit, you've lost the plot in my book, as tattered as it may be. Its to my own discredit and cowardice I don't call it out. Maybe its just my morality, but my gall with ERA on the whole is hypocrisy and self-righteousness, not them being trans. 

Well, that and how their extreme deluded opinions hurt normal transgender people just trying to get a measure of tolerance in the world and from its politics, forget acceptance. The terminally online idiots just make it that much harder for them, and I feel for them because of it. 

But this game isn't the hill to fight on. Gaslighting reviews and brigading from reviewers is a real thing. It happens in the normal entertainment industry with Movies and Shows at times (She Hulk or Ms. Marvel anyone?), and has happened in gaming before as well. Now, I don't immediately jump at that opinion, but when I see what was shown in Skillup's review, I heavily question all the universal praise from the reviewers with early copies. Especially when EA has been shown to be culling out review copies to cherry pick praise.

Again, pronouns have been in Bioware games for a minute and I still have played virtually all of them. Not in spite of, but just taking it as something that doesn't speak to me, but got no problem with it there. The cartoon graphics, the, as he put it, Overwatch level design, and the less than amateurish writing and dialogue is what makes my stomach turn. Much like Concord, Toxic Positivity is bursting itself at the seams in this game where everyone was too busy patting themselves on the back for making an 'important' game.

TLDR - No1curr

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But please Come Again, you're a good 'un and I hope you stick around.
Maybe I'm oldschool, but I generally think the "we all treat each other like normal" is usually the way to go. Sometimes that means giving each other shit and sometimes that means helping each other. The recent season of Taskmaster feels like a good example

Quote:Damn, even though Concord was a flop they could have had Firewalk remaking the Resistance series ASAP and they could have had those done in like a year. $70 * (atleast) 10,000,000 copies is $700,000,000 = Concord losses erased.
What is this?
Most of these meta commentary-dismissing concerns loops would already be resolved if people just read some basic theory  Social Justice Warrior 2
EA slop that panders to 0.2% of the population is just designed to turn that 5/10 or 6/10 into 8/10 because the moment the word prostitutes see the "oof" and the "yikes" they lose all their objectivity. Kotaku is probably frothing at the mouth already to drop the articles about gamers being toxic when folks complain about the terrible writing.

When it drops on Steam in 16 hours there is a 50% chance it doesn't even boot until a hotfix or some DRM nonsense makes it stutter like hell. 
The last thing EA deserves is our trust.

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