(01-13-2025, 02:55 AM)Averon wrote: 40 year old middle-aged man still living and mooching off his parents larping as a little girl to e-beg online because they are too lazy to get a job. According to ERA, if you don't take someone like this seriously, it's you who are the asshole, apparently.
Nothing will happen until we point out when it gets too creepy for even Resetera a la twohearts.
Let's see who is putting staff in danger, let me know if this should be spoilered for embeds:
20 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, NekoFever, nampad, Chumbawumbafan69, Taco Bell Tower, Vertigo, Hap Shaughnessy, Greatness Gone, Cheers, Keetongu, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Straight Edge, Uncle, Alpacx, BIONIC, Potato, Propagandhim, MJBarret, almostheathen, Averon
01-13-2025, 07:23 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2025, 07:23 AM by benji.)
Bengraven wrote:Gonna be honest: my kid came out as NB a few weeks ago. If this were a year or two ago I may have made a thread and asked for resources, advice, etc. But I realized I don't feel safe enough there to be that open about it because of the attack on Nep. Now the TikTok thread solidified that.
Fucking asshole, YOUR KID DID NOT DO THAT.
01-13-2025, 07:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2025, 07:33 AM by benji.)
I don't feel safe enough to talk about my stupid kid on some internet forum because an admin told a fellow admin to eat his ass for saying people should let him die rather than ever compromise. Even though he agreed with the admin and didn't bother voting either.
Imagine being like this.
14 users liked this post: Chudder Barbarity, NekoFever, Taco Bell Tower, Keetongu, JoeBoy101, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, DavidCroquet, Alpacx, BIONIC, Propagandhim, HaughtyFrank, MJBarret, Boredfrom
Bengraven is going to to end using Assigned Male as research material, doesn’t he?
01-13-2025, 07:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2025, 07:50 AM by benji.)
(01-13-2025, 07:18 AM)benji wrote: Let's see who is putting staff in danger, let me know if this should be spoilered for embeds:
Blah, blah, blah. Every last one of them will still post on and use ERA. They won't dare make a concerted effort to call out B-Dumbs and the mods. They will never leave on their own no matter how much they bitch and whine on their Discord and BlueSky accounts.
01-13-2025, 08:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2025, 08:18 AM by Nintex.)
Imagine making your kid trans for some bluesky clout
he's been posting about his trans 'daughter' in every thread possible for about a year so something must have changed
01-13-2025, 08:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2025, 08:50 AM by benji.)
(01-13-2025, 07:23 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Bengraven wrote:Gonna be honest: my kid came out as NB a few weeks ago. If this were a year or two ago I may have made a thread and asked for resources, advice, etc. But I realized I don't feel safe enough there to be that open about it because of the attack on Nep. Now the TikTok thread solidified that.
Fucking asshole, YOUR KID DID NOT DO THAT. (01-13-2025, 08:26 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: he's been posting about his trans 'daughter' in every thread possible for about a year so something must have changed Two years ago, Bengraven discovered he was possibly trans:
Bengraven, https://www.resetera.com/threads/era-transgender-day-of-visibility-2022-tdov-trans-nonbinary-gnc-agender-and-even-those-just-questionings-stories-all-welcome.568291/page-2#post-84534496 wrote:I think I'll post here later because I'm in this "I don't know what I am anymore" period but I do worry people will think I'm an imposter or "confused mid life crisis thing" or "just trying to get attention".
His son enjoys boykisser and furry forums:
Bengraven, https://www.resetera.com/threads/another-florida-sucks-thread-i-have-to-approve-my-son%E2%80%99s-access-to-the-library.950463/#post-127040142 wrote:My kid just woke up and saw me ranting about this to my wife and he's like "it's fine. They can't prevent me from going to boykisser and furry forums on my phone yet". Bengraven wrote:I really really hope so. We were in a red bubble but he found some like minded kids at his last high school in our 93% Trump voting bumfuck village.
Unfortunately because he was shy he didn't get close to them until after we moved and he talked to them for a few months on Discord. Now they chill online.
And one of those rural ass kids from a right wing Trumper family became his first boyfriend. lol.
Bengraven, https://www.resetera.com/threads/popular-world-of-warcraft-character-revealed-as-transgender.426173/#post-65022317 wrote:Fuck yeah. I love Chromie and this makes a ton of sense.
And now time to put certain WOW streamers on block for a while, because their audience is trash.
Edit: damn, the Twitter hashtag is almost all positive and I'm literally crying right now.
Thought his son was both straight and cis in 2021 but he was an egg:
Bengraven, https://www.resetera.com/threads/gender-swapping-in-videogames-or-why-people-choose-to-play-the-opposite-sex.501225/#post-75326985 wrote:I am a straight cis man and I am raising a likely straight cis son. When I play games online, I will almost always choose to play a female avatar. My son is used to this and has no issues, but one of the discussions we get into when we play online with his male friends is "why is your dad playing a girl?!". It made me start to do a bit of research and from the articles and forum comments I've seen there are several reasons:
As a straight man, yes, I do like to have a "hot" avatar to look at. My main character in WOW is a male, but all of my alts are female and I play my "second main" more than the main. But also, as I've grown older I have realized just how much I reject the ideas of the masculine stereotype (especially in regards to American culture) and I like playing a female avatar to...feel feminine. I've realized that I would feel more comfortable being less masculine in real life, but worry that attempting to be more gender fluid would be a disaster since I'm a big fat old man. I have no issues playing a male, but playing a female character in games just feels comfortable as well and sometimes even more comfortable. I'm sure there's a lot to unpack with that, but I will think of that later: I'm currently trying to unlock that pretty casino dress in GTAO.
Now he is a "cool dad" to a queer kid:
Bengraven, https://www.resetera.com/threads/outed-myself-as-trans-with-a-tattoo-photo.1047615/#post-132238107 wrote:I'm not good with advice on this topic, but as a dad to a queer kid who's like "I'll make burgers at Pride for y'all", I'm sending all my "cool dad" hugs your way.
I'd just give you a hug and spend 30 minutes talking about and admiring your dope as fuck tattoos.
Also he can't leave the house:
Bengraven, https://www.resetera.com/threads/if-you-dont-want-trans-people-to-die.702811/page-3#post-103416922 wrote:I'm in Florida and it's overwhelming to try and be any ally when the monsters are so casually assured they're the "good guys". I do what I can with emails and petitions and I wish could do more; I can't leave the house for medical reasons, but because my state's fascism demands a reaction and soon I try to keep this at the front of my mind to remind me to do as much as I can.
01-13-2025, 08:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2025, 08:58 AM by HaughtyFrank.)
We have now reached the point a cis straight white guy complaints he's not feeling safe enough on an Internet forum.
It's all so performative. Be a victim to fit in with the group
22 users liked this post: Mediocre Lager, Tucker's Law, Chudder Barbarity, nampad, NekoFever, Chumbawumbafan69, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, benji, ClothedMac, Vertigo, Greatness Gone, nachobro, JoeBoy101, Keetongu, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, Superstar, malfoyking, Uncle, Alpacx, Propagandhim
C'mon bitchdubbs, are you gonna put up with being made that much of a sissy bitch? Ban those cunts now if you have any self respect left.
Bengraven having a mid life crisis over his identity, then his kid suddenly becomes trans? Uh huh. That sounds totally plausible
15 users liked this post: Chudder Barbarity, nampad, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, benji, Vertigo, Potato, Greatness Gone, JoeBoy101, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, MJBarret, Superstar, Alpacx, Uncle
Quote:Musk and Zuckerberg act like they never psychologically outgrew their teenage years. They're still that nerd who rages at the world because he doesn't have a girlfriend to take to prom and they have to continually reassure themselves as how incredibly successful and masculine they are.
And there's no amount of money in the world that's going to make them stop being losers.
14 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Chudder Barbarity, nampad, NekoFever, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, benji, Hap Shaughnessy, Propagandhim, Keetongu, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Superstar, MJBarret, BIONIC
(01-13-2025, 08:18 AM)Nintex wrote: Imagine making your kid trans for some bluesky clout
Being non binary does not make you trans.
Is Bengraven the bitch that got finessed by a stripper/prostitute back on gaf?
(01-13-2025, 07:23 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Bengraven wrote:Gonna be honest: my kid came out as NB a few weeks ago. If this were a year or two ago I may have made a thread and asked for resources, advice, etc. But I realized I don't feel safe enough there to be that open about it because of the attack on Nep. Now the TikTok thread solidified that.
Fucking asshole, YOUR KID DID NOT DO THAT.
"my son just came out as having an imaginary friend and I and my non-binary partner are just so proud of him, it takes a lot of courage to firmly believe in something everyone else knows to be false"
15 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Chudder Barbarity, NekoFever, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, benji, Vertigo, Potato, MJBarret, Propagandhim, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Keetongu, killamajig, clockwork5, Superstar
01-13-2025, 12:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2025, 12:40 PM by Uncle.)
or perhaps because the classification of samurai was granted to him by historians and nothing official in any historical texts
(01-13-2025, 12:21 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: The child’s won
https://www.resetera.com/threads/yasukes-description-on-the-japanese-steam-page-for-ac-shadows-has-been-changed-to-ikki-tousen-from-samurai.1080633/ Scouring the steam page of a foreign country to find something that offends you
They really don't notice how they're exactly like the chuds they hate
15 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Chumbawumbafan69, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, benji, Daffy Duck, Vertigo, clockwork5, Potato, Greatness Gone, Propagandhim, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Keetongu, killamajig
(01-13-2025, 12:44 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (01-13-2025, 12:21 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: The child’s won
https://www.resetera.com/threads/yasukes-description-on-the-japanese-steam-page-for-ac-shadows-has-been-changed-to-ikki-tousen-from-samurai.1080633/ Scouring the steam page of a foreign country to find something that offends you
They really don't notice how they're exactly like the chuds they hate
truthfully I just assumed chuds were crowing about it at kotakuinaction or thequartering or something
Watching the IGN review for Dynasty Warriors-is every woman from IGN trans?
(01-13-2025, 11:04 AM)Snoopy wrote: Bengraven having a mid life crisis over his identity, then his kid suddenly becomes trans? Uh huh. That sounds totally plausible
Good way to finesse some kofi change to buy a Nintendo switch 2 though
CEO of CI Games (Lords of the Fallen):
benji wrote:
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) Digital blackface?

Digital Dinosaur wrote:I mean this is kind of a reason "old money" traditionally looks down its nose at the nouveau riche. People who come into vast wealth by quick means tend to flail around in a tasteless manner. Seeking quick and flashy ways to validate their new status and what they think it must say about them.
lol not to defend the old billionaire vs the young one, mind you.
But god damn is techbro world proving the old blood right in at least one way.
facebook is 20 years old
the zuck became a billionaire 4 years after starting it, so he's been rich for at least 16 years
he is 40 years old
he's not a suddenly new rich guy doing crazy stuff
also why are you defending "old money" on a site like era of all places? oh yes the rockafellers and rothschilds would always look down their noses at enabling sometimes-unpopular free speech, they're so much more grounded and level headed
(01-13-2025, 12:38 PM)Uncle wrote: ![[Image: a6HG7FL.png]](https://i.imgur.com/a6HG7FL.png)
or perhaps because the classification of samurai was granted to him by historians and nothing official in any historical texts
![[Image: dVmdva2.png]](https://i.imgur.com/dVmdva2.png)
They've already declared it to be the objective truth. If anyone dares even acknowledge that it can be open to debate about whether he was an offical samurai or not you're an evil chud.
The Yasuke thing is funny overall, it's like a closed loop of forums getting what they wished for.
I'd like to think Ubi did this because they googled up some forums and did some qual research on what people said they wanted from AC and they found all the posts about AC Japan and how Yasuke should be in it.
word on the street is that initially the game had a japanese man and woman as protagonists, there was even finished art and animation for him, but then george floyd happened and you know the rest