Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Dr Eggman. A symbol of self hatred. Obviously queer, afraid to come out. Willing to destroy the world to hide his truth.
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What did I miss over the past week of Era news?

Where's my weekly roundup?  maf
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx
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(01-14-2025, 03:23 AM)Potato wrote: Next time I'm going to check if the latest page has degenerated into retarded Sonic posting before responding to posts 3 pages back.

Fuck all you degenerates.
Called it:
(01-14-2025, 02:41 AM)benji wrote: I'm come to the conclusion that capital-G Gamers are uncomfortable about Sonic's amazing music challenging their sexuality and raising the possibility they may be queer eggs. They especially hate how it refuses to give in to the chuds by not making the series an unsafe space for queer fans. The talk about any feature of Sonic and the Sonic fandom as "cringe" is just their reactionary butthurt at the themes challenging capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy throughout this queer art franchise.
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Hammer of Hatsuho wrote:Recently, two threads were made (here and here) where dialogue was shared that has been absolutely repulsive to me, a Palestinian.
  • "No one really cares about what's going on in Gaza."
  • "There's nothing left in Gaza for them to ceasefire with."
  • "It doesn't matter what is agreed on, they are going to wipe out the rest of Palestine eventually."
Do y'all hear yourselves? Do you think that the people of Palestine are going to accept their fates so readily? Do you think that their lives are solely bargaining pieces on the international playing field?

They're not. And even amidst everything has gone on, the people of Palestine (including in Gaza) have continued to cherish their loved ones, go to school, work their jobs, and make joyous memories.

And even outside of these threads, I have seen on numerous occasions members brush off the devasting number of deaths that have occurred during this genocide, and even deny that a genocide is even occurring.

If a ceasefire is reached and upheld, we do not care who brokered it, and we will continue to spend the rest of our lives rebuilding what was lost, and creating connections anew as well. And this will all happen of our own volition, not through the grace of whatever president America chooses to elect: we are worth much, much, MUCH more than that.

Many Palestinian (as well as other Arab) members have left because of the way y'all have treated us, and I'm on the cusp of joining them because of the insensitive remarks y'all say and get away with.

Hecht wrote:While we can certainly empathize with your feelings, these sorts of threads have a history of ending very badly and the concerns that created them blatantly ignored. Meta commentary threads like this have always devolved into users attacking each other based on old grudges and not even caring about the issue put forth. This is why these sorts of threads are not allowed: they're never about the actual issue and turn into battlefields for old grudges.

Your feelings are certainly valid, though. A genocide is occurring, the resilience of the Palestinian people should be commended, and the Biden administration has utterly failed to prevent needless killing. Users should take better care in how they phrase things, but there's plenty of anger going around at the helplessness people feel regarding what's going on; the indifference that powerful people have in choosing what lives have more "value" than others, for example. Sometimes people don't word things the best when emotions are flying high.

If you take issue with other posters, please report them so that we can review their posts and remind them to be more thoughtful with their statements. Or, if it's something particularly egregious, ban them.
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Asian era all over again. Moderation locks and moves on. No wonder ArabEra was driven away.
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(01-14-2025, 03:17 AM)benji wrote: Unfortunately, Sonic cannot be considered truly progressive. For like all art produced under capitalism it contains strains of reactionary thought. "Super" Sonic is perhaps the best example as it spreads fascist ideology at its worst. By monopolizing the chaos emeralds, taking them from their Indigenous locations, Sonic can become the prophesied Ubermensch with nigh unlimited power. Not only does this suggest that acquiring wealth is a good thing it also places Sonic in a clear hierarchy over the other animals and ultimately denies them the means of acquiring their own liberation. Sonic then hordes the chaos emeralds and their power rather than returning them to where they belong (and any Indigenous animals they belong to) or sharing them equally with the other animals after liberation. Though perhaps we can see this as a warning to would be revolutionaries that revisionism and wreckers will restore capitalism and its hierarchy if the marginalized do not remain vigilant and is a message that the animals need to overthrow Sonic and redistribute his exploited wealth rather than believe that merely toppling Robotnik has brought them liberation.

"During Dr. Robotnik's takeover through roboticization, the SWATbots came for the foxes, and I did not speak up because I was not a fox. Then they came for the rabbits, and I did not speak up because I was not a rabbit. Then they came for the squirrels, and I did not speak up because I was not a squirrel. Then they came for the hedgehogs, and I did not speak up because I was an echidna. Then they came for me, and by that time nobody was left to speak up."

5 users liked this post: NekoFever, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower, Keetongu, Potato
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JigglesBunny wrote:I know how stupid it is to say this in this thread of all places, but man, my suicidal thoughts are just getting louder and louder every fucking time this prick's name appears somewhere.

We really let Nazis back in power. Everything is so hopeless, and there's nowhere we can go to escape them or their influence. I can't fucking take this shit.
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Why do they care who runs a place? These people still eat at McDonalds and buy from companies involved in slave labor and other unfair practices. Who the fuck cares about Elon.
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Palestine?! Gaza?! We talking about Sonic you fn retard. Priorities please nia. This is the first time mods and admin have been all hands on deck. Motherucking Sonic the hedge fucking hog.
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a man who I have never met and lives a thousand miles away from me might be purchasing a platform which hosts a collection of annoying short videos which no one is really obligated to use or see

my life is entirely unaffected by any of this, but given the above scenario, I have no choice but to kill myself
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(01-14-2025, 03:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

JigglesBunny wrote:We really let Nazis back in power.
And you tried so much to stop them too.
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Quote:"There's nothing left in Gaza for them to ceasefire with."

That has been said by both effingvc (arab descent, presumably) and Nepenthe (Carla Banks), you idiot. 

But suddenly you guys are asspating Trump because he let Bibi get away with it got a peace treaty by supporting Netanyahu terms unconditionally.
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(01-14-2025, 03:43 AM)books wrote: Palestine?! Gaza?! We talking about Sonic you fn retard. Priorities please nia. This is the first time mods and admin have been all hands on deck. Motherucking Sonic the hedge fucking hog.

we can only assume that these little creatures wandered the earth in aimless confusion, unable to fulfill their purpose, during the extended period of time in which humanity had yet to invent the hedge
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Hammer of Hatsuho wrote:
JoJoBae wrote:This is great and all, but too little, too late. There's almost fucking nothing left to cease fire over
What the fuck does this even mean? "Almost fucking nothing left to cease fire over." How about the lives of the people that are still there that won't get killed by a ceasefire???? Is that fucking nothing to you???????

This forums disregard for my people's (Palestinian) lives is absolutely revolting and this post right here might be the thing that makes me leave this place entirely.

A lot of you here need help.
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(01-14-2025, 03:46 AM)Uncle wrote:
(01-14-2025, 03:43 AM)books wrote: Palestine?! Gaza?! We talking about Sonic you fn retard. Priorities please nia. This is the first time mods and admin have been all hands on deck. Motherucking Sonic the hedge fucking hog.

we can only assume that these little creatures wandered the earth in aimless confusion, unable to fulfill their purpose, during the extended period of time in which humanity had yet to invent the hedge

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
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(01-14-2025, 03:48 AM)benji wrote:

I genuinely think he deserves less than Melds.
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Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Ableist Commentary
javiBear wrote:Crippled piece of shit.
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Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Homophobic joke with prior severe infraction for similar behavior. We do not allow "pause" or "no homo" on Era.
Lulu wrote:pause
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Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Weeks): Dismissive and hostile commentary over a series of posts
HarryHengst wrote:
Crossing Eden wrote:This is one of the most out of touch and dumbest things i've ever read on this website if not the dumbest. Jesus christ.

Yea no tell me more about how great of a time it was for people in the 60s bro.
Ah yes sorry I totally forgot people didn't organise in the past all. Only thanks to TikTok has that been possible.

Stop being so fucking helpless and stop pretending like you can't do shit without social media. Labour movements, suffrage movements, civil rights, independence movements, they all mysteriously managed without TikTok. Yes it was way more work but the past showed it can be done.
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Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1736827743' wrote: 1736827743[/url]']

Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Weeks): Dismissive and hostile commentary over a series of posts
HarryHengst wrote:
Crossing Eden wrote:This is one of the most out of touch and dumbest things i've ever read on this website if not the dumbest. Jesus christ.

Yea no tell me more about how great of a time it was for people in the 60s bro.
Ah yes sorry I totally forgot people didn't organise in the past all. Only thanks to TikTok has that been possible.

Stop being so fucking helpless and stop pretending like you can't do shit without social media. Labour movements, suffrage movements, civil rights, independence movements, they all mysteriously managed without TikTok. Yes it was way more work but the past showed it can be done.

But working is capitalism. Six
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They ban HarryHengst for speaking the truth.
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The comedy of "dismissing concerns" being an all-purpose justification for any ban they want will never end.

It's sort of like "resisting arrest". The cop mentality runs deep!
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ClickyCal' wrote:Yeah...pretty fucking revealing of her being shithead. Unfortunate. Oh yeah and the village people.
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They must live in a very bleak world if everything is black or white to them.
2 users liked this post: nampad, Taco Bell Tower
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(01-14-2025, 04:15 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: They must live in a very bleak world if everything is black or white to them.
No, that's Michael Jackson. ufup
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(01-14-2025, 04:14 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ClickyCal' wrote:Yeah...pretty fucking revealing of her being shithead. Unfortunate. Oh yeah and the village people.


The integrity of Village People.
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(01-14-2025, 04:17 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(01-14-2025, 04:15 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: They must live in a very bleak world if everything is black or white to them.
No, that's Michael Jackson. ufup

[Image: michael-jackson-kinkytwt.gif]
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(01-14-2025, 04:14 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ClickyCal' wrote:Yeah...pretty fucking revealing of her being shithead. Unfortunate. Oh yeah and the village people.
The Village People is only one guy still in the band from decades ago and he claims YMCA isn't about gay people in the first place:
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(01-14-2025, 03:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Hammer of Hatsuho wrote:
JoJoBae wrote:This is great and all, but too little, too late. There's almost fucking nothing left to cease fire over
What the fuck does this even mean? "Almost fucking nothing left to cease fire over." How about the lives of the people that are still there that won't get killed by a ceasefire???? Is that fucking nothing to you???????

This forums disregard for my people's (Palestinian) lives is absolutely revolting and this post right here might be the thing that makes me leave this place entirely.

A lot of you here need help.
This is great and all, but too little, too late. Maybe you should have been pushing back when they started saying Palestine was entirely wiped off the map like six months or more ago. And also letting them know Gaza isn't all of Palestine in the first place.

edit: I didn't even notice at first but that thread title says "Hamas" which is not Palestine but everyone in that thread thinks is the same thing. lol
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