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Kind of a weird issue, but hope I can explain it well.

So when you press on a topic title from the threads’ list it takes you your the latest unread post which is great.

However, let’s say that multiple pages worth of posts piled up since you last checked a thread. And let’s say you only read until the bottom of the page you’re on. Then you leave the thread before reading the rest either by closing the tab, or using the shortcut to go back to the the threads’ list, etc. Well, the system will still register every single post in that thread as read, and the next time you press on the topic title it will skip ahead to the newest post even if you actually have several pages of unread posts which is annoying since now you have to mentally remember which posts you didn’t read.

Hope that makes sense.
I'll look into it but I doubt that would be possible, the "unread" flag is likely a simple value that is set upon entering the thread and likely doesn't keep the value of the actually last unread post in that manner. Also, page counts are individual user set, the posts are stored just as themselves with reference to the thread and the pages are constructed specifically for you possibly at render point. I believe there's actually a mod or mode to display the posts continuously without pages. GAF/ERA maybe had this feature? I don't recall, it might be a XenForo feature, but you can see it on something like Twitter too where it just grabs some number of tweets as you scroll down. On Twitter you can easily outpace how fast it recognizes and then loads in tweets.
1 user liked this post: Cauliflower Of Love
(08-30-2023, 03:47 AM)BIONIC wrote: Kind of a weird issue, but hope I can explain it well.

So when you press on a topic title from the threads’ list it takes you your the latest unread post which is great.

However, let’s say that multiple pages worth of posts piled up since you last checked a thread. And let’s say you only read until the bottom of the page you’re on. Then you leave the thread before reading the rest either by closing the tab, or using the shortcut to go back to the the threads’ list, etc. Well, the system will still register every single post in that thread as read, and the next time you press on the topic title it will skip ahead to the newest post even if you actually have several pages of unread posts which is annoying since now you have to mentally remember which posts you didn’t read.

Hope that makes sense.

lazy, just read everything
I’m almost certain places like GAF, Ree, and even OG bore lmao work the way I’m describing.

Basically, if the last post I read was on page 23, and when I clicked on the topic again it had already reached page 27. If I only read until the bottom of page 23 and then close the tab, the next time I come back and click it should take me to page 24, not the latest post on page 27.

Like I’ve using forums for 20 years at this point, I really doubt that I’ve been imagining that behavior this whole time lol. In fact, some forums actually track what posts you scrolled on and not just by page.

Anyways, it’s not a big deal, but a nice QoL thing to look into.

Also, lick my taint, cauli  FUCK THE
No forum works like hat. Liar.
ur mom works like that lmao
That's what she said.
benji dateline='[url=tel:1693439430' wrote: 1693439430[/url]']
That's what she said.

One of the best comebacks ever 🤣
1 user liked this post: benji
I hate you guys.
2 users liked this post: BIONIC, benji
benji can you add me to the admin discord
2 users liked this post: BIONIC, Nintex
benji if you also invite him I swear I'm making a new channel with an even higher permissions level
2 users liked this post: Cauliflower Of Love, BIONIC
The report button is broken literally shaking
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
(09-02-2023, 02:01 PM)Nintex wrote: The report button is broken literally shaking

imagine being a snitch
Looks like it works? I had reports about Nintex's post.

So I've banned him for spreading disinformation about staff.
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
The mad lad Elon Musk has actually done it and Twitter share links now turn into "" links which of course ruins the embed


Just replace X wth twitter Elon
2 users liked this post: benji, HaughtyFrank
vidya and bire OT need 'its one less click' links to each other like The Old Country Fatherland
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
The "forum jump" dropdown is supposed to serve that purpose.

1 user liked this post: BIONIC
Yeah, I almost never visit gaming here because of that lol
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1693415541' wrote: 1693415541[/url]']
Basically, if the last post I read was on page 23, and when I clicked on the topic again it had already reached page 27. If I only read until the bottom of page 23 and then close the tab, the next time I come back and click it should take me to page 24, not the latest post on page 27.

This is literally how it just worked for me on OG Bore in their US politics thread. The new posts extended to a new page, but I didn’t notice. When I went back to the threads list the “new” button was still there.

Benji Rage
1 user liked this post: Nintex
Give him a break Bionic. Benji and the ad team have been working 180 hour weeks since the site went live.
3 users liked this post: Nintex, benji, BIONIC
That's how all forums work.
I am suddenly getting PMs notifying me that someone has replied to my posts.

Did something change in the settings?
(09-14-2023, 08:15 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Give him a break Bionic. Benji and the ad team have been working 180 hour weeks since the site went live.
Slight correction: the ad team was fired after revenue only increased 27% last month.

On the upside, with the savings from the salaries of the 200,000 ad team members we were able to hire six new Vice Presidents of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
2 users liked this post: TylenolJones, Nintex
oh, the glass ceiling stops them at the vice-president level, huh shitlord? wag
(09-15-2023, 10:30 AM)benji wrote:
(09-14-2023, 08:15 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Give him a break Bionic. Benji and the ad team have been working 180 hour weeks since the site went live.
Slight correction: the ad team was fired after revenue only increased 27% last month.

On the upside, with the savings from the salaries of the 200,000 ad team members we were able to hire six new Vice Presidents of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Cool, you hired one for each gender!
1 user liked this post: Nintex
(09-15-2023, 11:48 AM)Eric Cartman wrote: oh, the glass ceiling stops them at the vice-president level, huh shitlord? wag
There is no hierarchy at The Bire, all positions are Vice Presidents.
2 users liked this post: TylenolJones, Nintex
Word filters for "person of gender" and "person of gender"?
2 users liked this post: NekoFever, Eric Cartman
What happened with the other forum?

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