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For some reason on Safari iOS whenever I leave a tab open on a thread and then either switch apps or my phone is back from sleep it always defaults to going to the (super zoomed-in) quick reply box at the bottom with the keyboard displayed and then I have to awkwardly get out of typing mode to scroll back to where I was.
I changed something to try and fix those "could not connect" errors. A security thing was mistakeningly interpreting the forum trying to connect to the database as you (and me and anyone else) trying to hackerman to the server through our web browsers.

May or may not work, so if you see it just refresh as before.
Is it me or did the fonts here change recently?
Just realized we now have dark modes, is there a way to customize them on my side? Lots of sections are still bright white on both of them for some reason.
Example: [Image: el1jDtS.png]
And now the edit post page is completely busted,
[Image: tKIcBVL.png]
please consider adding colons to p.i.s.s. and K.i.l.l. .m.e. because we can't type those words normally without getting smilies
(06-12-2023, 04:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Just realized we now have dark modes, is there a way to customize them on my side? Lots of sections are still bright white on both of them for some reason.
Example: [Image: el1jDtS.png]
And now the edit post page is completely busted,
[Image: tKIcBVL.png]
Should I make these black or something? No idea what would be ideal.

I'll look into the edit thing, looks like something with the toolbar.

(06-13-2023, 12:41 AM)Uncle wrote: please consider adding colons to p.i.s.s. and K.i.l.l. .m.e. because we can't type those words normally without getting smilies
First one was a typo, second one was a special feature to protect our members.
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Uncle
(06-13-2023, 01:08 AM)benji wrote: Should I make these black or something? No idea what would be ideal.

Some form of grey would be ideal, either of these two seem like they would achieve the dark theme goal
The emotes pop up is suuuper tiny (at least on Safari mobile), and you can’t even scroll down with both columns fitting the display. I generally have my bread and butter emotes memorized, but for the ones that I don’t it’s always painful to try and find them. I honestly preferred how old bore just plopped them all on a single page textless page lol
3 users liked this post: NekoFever, Potato, Uncle
(06-14-2023, 01:49 PM)BIONIC wrote: The emotes pop up is suuuper tiny (at least on Safari mobile), and you can’t even scroll down with both columns fitting the display. I generally have my bread and butter emotes memorized, but for the ones that I don’t it’s always painful to try and find them. I honestly preferred how old bore just plopped them all on a single page textless page lol
I was going to change it so it just lists them all in order like before but I just haven't gotten around to it. I originally intended to put them in the order of before, then I found out there's over 300 of them.
(06-19-2023, 07:16 PM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote: I still wait for the page to reload when liking a post.

Not like this!

Are you on Windows ME?
2 users liked this post: benji, D3RANG3D
(06-14-2023, 01:44 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(06-13-2023, 01:08 AM)benji wrote: Should I make these black or something? No idea what would be ideal.

Some form of grey would be ideal, either of these two seem like they would achieve the dark theme goal
Forgot to do this earlier, they should now be a darker grey.

That second one is actually the theme we're talking about, I'm not paying $25 for the other one. (I'm sure you didn't notice the price. lol)

Somebody's using the Emerald Dark theme (I can't see who just the counts of how many people) and I thought that edited maybe had some potential for people who want a dark theme.
(06-22-2023, 07:19 AM)benji wrote: I'm not paying $25 for the other one. (I'm sure you didn't notice the price. lol)

"If you need roads, build your own fucking roads"
noticed something strange, unless it's a personal/browser bit of weirdness

on the latest page of the other forums thread, I see a different top post when logged in vs. logged out

5 posts in the thread are only visible when logged in?
(06-22-2023, 03:20 PM)Uncle wrote: noticed something strange, unless it's a personal/browser bit of weirdness

on the latest page of the other forums thread, I see a different top post when logged in vs. logged out

5 posts in the thread are only visible when logged in?

When logged in you can see "this post was deleted", when logged out it just doesn't show it.  So a bunch of filthy cowards deleted some posts.
2 users liked this post: benji, BIONIC
the jelqing tips forum should only be visible to members, because otherwise non members might get jelqing tips without rgistering for their jelqing tips
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, BIONIC, D3RANG3D
Lol, I finally figured out why typing up posts on this site was so bad for me. I had 90 post per page selected for viewing and for some reason the site uses the same value for the posts underneath the reply box. 

Now it’s actually useable (previously it would be a couple second delay between hitting the key and seeing the letter appear) so I might start using this site more.
2 users liked this post: Potato, Uncle
(06-23-2023, 12:01 AM)TylenolJones wrote: Lol, I finally figured out why typing up posts on this site was so bad for me. I had 90 post per page selected for viewing and for some reason the site uses the same value for the posts underneath the reply box. 

Now it’s actually useable (previously it would be a couple second delay between hitting the key and seeing the letter appear) so I might start using this site more.
Couldn't find anything at first look but I will definitely want to look into this further. Feel like it's unlikely anyone ever uses that for more than the last 10-15 posts.
1 user liked this post: TylenolJones
I haven't figured out how to change the thread review amount but I can disable it, does anyone actually use it? On OG Bore you could insert quotes from it but with multiquote I wonder if we even need to display it. If a single person wants it I'll keep it, unless that person is Nintex.

(06-22-2023, 11:02 AM)Kurt Russell wrote:
(06-22-2023, 07:19 AM)benji wrote: I'm not paying $25 for the other one. (I'm sure you didn't notice the price. lol)

"If you need roads, build your own fucking roads"
Taxes are the price we pay for likes? hmm
(06-24-2023, 08:25 AM)benji wrote: I haven't figured out how to change the thread review amount but I can disable it, does anyone actually use it? On OG Bore you could insert quotes from it but with multiquote I wonder if we even need to display it. If a single person wants it I'll keep it, unless that person is Nintex.

(06-22-2023, 11:02 AM)Kurt Russell wrote:
(06-22-2023, 07:19 AM)benji wrote: I'm not paying $25 for the other one. (I'm sure you didn't notice the price. lol)

"If you need roads, build your own fucking roads"
Taxes are the price we pay for likes? hmm

[Image: 0y7B3rr.png]
Can we make the text bigger in mobile view?
Does anyone else have issues with the "get more" button on the emotes tab? I feel like 90% of the time I click it nothing happens. Since people are still using plenty of emotes I figure it must be something on my end but I'm not sure what. Ad blocker is off.

Edit: I think I just fixed it. Must have been the pop up blocker that's automatically on

1 user liked this post: Nintex
I basically just memorized the ones I like at this point. A certain community manager still hasn’t made the popup a non-miserable experience to use But that's none of my business...
3 users liked this post: benji, Nintex, Cauliflower Of Love
Benji slacking
3 users liked this post: benji, BIONIC, Nintex
I go to the old place to look up the shortcuts sometimes Trumps
2 users liked this post: Cauliflower Of Love, BIONIC
you know what would be a fun forum feature

during your post, if you don't close out your formatting changes, they just carry on and continue to apply to other peoples' posts on the rest of the page

and if they don't like it they can use their post to change your formatting to whatever they like instead

Spoiler:  (click to show)
charge 1 dollar to be able to make a "superpost" which includes this feature
I skipped the last upgrade because it was for a thing we don't use, but a second one came out with more stuff so I've updated through both. Some of the hacks I did may have broken so if you notice anything let me know otherwise I'm going to let it erase any of the unnecessary ones I tried. I don't see anything at first glance but there might be something I've forgotten I did.

Mobile text should be a bit bigger, but tell me which way to go on that. I guess I don't know what people want exactly to make mobile less crap. It seems the same as OG Bore to me but james and others were complaining without specifics. I looked at some more themes but they all seem to work about the same as default in that regard and I'm mildly leery of having to edit more themes and nobody's really asked for them other than the dark theme that I haven't really provided. MyBB 1.9 is supposed to make a bunch more mobile improvements, 1.8.35 is latest version for reference.

I took out the table for the emotes so they're just a big long list like OG and I made that pop up a little bit bigger. I'm trying to think of a way for the codes for them to be visible, I looked for the hover text but didn't find it or else I would have put them there.
1 user liked this post: Uncle
My old arse eyes are seeing the text better now. Seems about same as old bore now.

1 user liked this post: Uncle
I'll see about adding this code:
Quote:if user = Potato then font-size = 9000%
3 users liked this post: NekoFever, Tucker's Law, Potato
(07-24-2023, 11:29 AM)benji wrote: I'll see about adding this code:
Quote:if user = Potato then font-size = 9000%
Whoo What is this? Cornette Virtual Reality
(07-24-2023, 09:39 AM)benji wrote: I took out the table for the emotes so they're just a big long list like OG and I made that pop up a little bit bigger. I'm trying to think of a way for the codes for them to be visible, I looked for the hover text but didn't find it or else I would have put them there.

much better, though I still wish it would be wider, but I get this could be a mobile vs desktop thing

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