Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Or do the real G tier move of sell them all and get a steam deck or one of the other ones, a dock and play all the switch games with better performance for free Rollsafe
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
Guess JIM STEPHANIE STERLING is the next to go down

Nairume wrote:So I guess Gita Jackson finding out that they were plagiarized by Somerton got them feeling more comfortable talking about someone else who plagiarized them without much recourse

[Image: IMOhdNI.png]

[Image: LrPtwYC.png]

Krazen wrote:lol@ that pissy ass comment she left. I walked into the post with an open mind since Sterlings videos are so distinct (and I but that was so unprofessional now im wondering what else they might have stolen, lol. Even if she felt Gita was starting shit on the side years later, thats not how you handle something you were wrong about.

karl's wood wrote:This thread is not good for my blood pressure because that Sterling stuff is fucking infuriating especially considering their holier than thou attitude at times.

The utter disdain for the original writer dripping from that description is palpable.

How hard is it to just say "I fucked up, my bad, I'll fix it." It happens all the time online and nobody really gives a shit we all know eventually, if your prolific enough, your stuff is gonna get stolen.

Not even being able to muster the bare minimum in terms of decency is, bad.

squarejawhero wrote:Wait Stephanie Sterling is wrapped up in this as well?!

I hear the sound of dominoes falling.
demographic analysis

[Image: lmKGt7X.png]

HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji:  Busta

HaughtyFrank, Not an Alt Account: Sickos 

D3RANG3D, jorma, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower: HEAD TO TOE SOUL PLAYA
>Expecting professionalism from Sterling

>Stealing from Gita Jackson

DanarchyReigns wrote:This is going to sound crazy but...
Is there a possibility that James Somerton isn't even gay?
All his stories and anecdotes ended up plagiarized, like he doesn't have any experiences himself.

More on Sterling

messofanego wrote:Ooph and someone reminded me in the racism in gaming thread about her response back then to the RE5 racism where she downplayed the issues, so there are still some problematic aspects to her.

KRAZEN wrote:Ehh, In her defense while there's smoke all we have is a snobby ass unprofessional response on her fucking part and considering how controversial she is, in comparison with what else is happening its unfair for her to get lumped in until more receipt pop up particularly this is from four years ago.

I just see it as a post full of people trying to settle scores ("I never liked her") and the usual chuds mad.

Dirtyshubb wrote:Considering Sterling made their name on looking out for workers rights and looking after the people behind a company and yet when the Naughty Dogs leak happened Sterling essentially said "yeah its bad the workers got hurt but ND are shit so fuck them, they deserve it" I don't expect much professionalism.
(12-04-2023, 03:01 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
DanarchyReigns wrote:This is going to sound crazy but...
Is there a possibility that James Somerton isn't even gay?
All his stories and anecdotes ended up plagiarized, like he doesn't have any experiences himself.

More on Sterling

messofanego wrote:Ooph and someone reminded me in the racism in gaming thread about her response back then to the RE5 racism where she downplayed the issues, so there are still some problematic aspects to her.

KRAZEN wrote:Ehh, In her defense while there's smoke all we have is a snobby ass unprofessional response on her fucking part and considering how controversial she is, in comparison with what else is happening its unfair for her to get lumped in until more receipt pop up particularly this is from four years ago.

I just see it as a post full of people trying to settle scores ("I never liked her") and the usual chuds mad.

Dirtyshubb wrote:Considering Sterling made their name on looking out for workers rights and looking after the people behind a company and yet when the Naughty Dogs leak happened Sterling essentially said "yeah its bad the workers got hurt but ND are shit so fuck them, they deserve it" I don't expect much professionalism.

Messy literally has a Destructoid article from *2007* ready to go in his Sterling dossier  lol

He would fucking cream his drawers in excitment if he heard some of the shit they said on Podtoid back in the day
Ooof yikes
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1701630786' wrote: 1701630786[/url]']
HardcoreRetro dateline='[url=tel:1701628048' wrote: 1701628048[/url]']
Eh, I'm hoping for it to be Saints Row 2022 Part II.

Have people on the right getting out their pitchforks over the biggest release in a decade being some woke shit, while people on the left now have to hold up a Rockstar product like a gift from god for now being on their side even though it will be a lot worse than their old stuff because all of the competent devs left the studio by this point.

Have their dual main characters talk down to the player whilst they say brave stuff like: "Good things good, bad things bad."

*insert applause*

I'm hoping that its a modern day version of Florida with a corrupt DeSantis like figure running it with military police and everything, all female characters in the story having ManyFans accounts, Chinese gangs selling Dragtanyl drugs to everyone, Electric cars going rogue and spontaneously combusting, a mission where a bat soup gone bad causes a diarrhea pandemic. Climate terrorists attacking at random, trans gangs, Marvel-like super heroes who aren't actually heroes but think they are jumping from buildings to their deaths, way too many podcasts on the radio and subscriptions for literally everything.

I want missions from a Jordan Peterson-like figure to stick it to the globalists, a former President that wants you to do Nixon-like Watergate shit to his opponents and a current President that wants you to steal elections for him. And of course a tech bro that is trying to replace the dollar with crypto.

I still have hope GTA6 won't be 'modernized'.

I’d pre-order this in a heartbeat.
Quote:Considering Sterling made their name on looking out for workers rights and looking after the people behind a company

Sterling made a name for himself by being an abrasive Internet personality and a contrarian reviewer at Destructoid. The fight for workers rights act came after he decided to rebrand himself as a leftist with the rise of breadtube and culture war shit.

He always been a malicious cunt, thought. Why are all of you surprised that he is uppity for being called out?
(12-04-2023, 03:06 PM)Tycoon Padre wrote: Messy literally has a Destructoid article from *2007* ready to go in his Sterling dossier  lol

He would fucking cream his drawers in excitment if he heard some of the shit they said on Podtoid back in the day

[Image: 92fnhoG.png]
Imagine explaining any of this to your dad, fucking hell. Sterling is an absolute wrongun. Creepy as fuck. But you're just making stupid videos for other antisocial idiots, plagiarising a youtuber's argument  Larry
I'm having a berenstain bears/nelson mandela moment here

I thought for sure old bore had an emote based on this

[Image: Z96Pc9G.png]

I've scrolled through the list here multiple times and couldn't find it

so I went back to old bore to look for it and couldn't find it there either

Ree’s had a hate boner for Sterling ever since she/he/that dared to criticise a Nintendo game. So of course they’d be lining up for the drams. I have zero doubt Sterling gets up to shady shit but that lot will jump on anything apart from the obvious to get their digs in.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(12-04-2023, 03:52 PM)Snoopy wrote: Ree’s had a hate boner for Sterling ever since she/he/that dared to criticise a Nintendo game. So of course they’d be lining up for the drams. I have zero doubt Sterling gets up to shady shit but that lot will jump on anything apart from the obvious to get their digs in.

sterling has actually been a lil shit forever, the most recent debacle I remember was gaslighting and not paying their editor, but somewhat holding them hostage too by making them beholden to them for their living situation
[Image: UUuUvpc.png]

Got u fam.
(12-04-2023, 03:56 PM)Uncle wrote:
Quote:Justin McDaniel 🏳️‍🌈
Pan. Poly. Genderfluid/Non-Binary. He/She/They. Someone with too many interests in different mediums to define myself as just "one type of artist".
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1701705407' wrote: 1701705407[/url]']

sterling has actually been a lil shit forever, the most recent debacle I remember was gaslighting and not paying their editor, but somewhat holding them hostage too by making them beholden to them for their living situation

I expect there’s all kinds of weird nonsense hidden behind their ladyman shield.

(12-04-2023, 03:26 PM)Uncle wrote:
(12-04-2023, 03:06 PM)Tycoon Padre wrote: Messy literally has a Destructoid article from *2007* ready to go in his Sterling dossier  lol

He would fucking cream his drawers in excitment if he heard some of the shit they said on Podtoid back in the day

[Image: 92fnhoG.png]

Ashlette wrote:That isn't fair to them. They openly disowned every editorial they made from that era up until their breakaway from the Escapist for the exact same reasons that you are calling them out.

So obvious Jimmy only gets that protection for their trans status
ElenaireExDice wrote:Absolute super hype. Will savor every second spent in Thedas once it releases.

Who the fuck talks like this outside of PR?
(12-04-2023, 05:38 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
ElenaireExDice wrote:Absolute super hype. Will savor every second spent in Thedas once it releases.

Who the fuck talks like this outside of PR?

I think this guy might actually work for an EA dev. Very smart system of Restera to just write "gamedev" below an account
Quote:I only just started the video and HBomberguy neatly summarizes why this happens with the example of Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama. It's simply because it's about a lack of respect, and probably some sense of self-satisfaction in getting one over on a person that the plagiarizer considers beneath them.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. *(stares extremely hard and judgementally at AI art and its proponents)*

(12-04-2023, 06:08 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(12-04-2023, 05:38 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
ElenaireExDice wrote:Absolute super hype. Will savor every second spent in Thedas once it releases.

Who the fuck talks like this outside of PR?

I think this guy might actually work for an EA dev. Very smart system of Restera to just write "gamedev" below an account

He works for Dice and his tag indicated so. Once the last BF came out and sucked massive ass he got that removed due to the shame lol
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1701714729' wrote: 1701714729[/url]']
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1701713292' wrote: 1701713292[/url]']
Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1701711529' wrote: 1701711529[/url]']

Who the fuck talks like this outside of PR?

I think this guy might actually work for an EA dev. Very smart system of Restera to just write "gamedev" below an account

He works for Dice and his tag indicated so. Once the last BF came out and sucked massive ass he got that removed due to the shame lol

So is he still at DICE? I thought he was in another studio.
I can't overstate how much fucking work it was to keep up with the forum while taking care of three kids now.

Likes will not be handed out retroactively, in fact I should be compensated for my emotional labor.
ComedySmasher wrote:Because the business world doesn't care about people, it cares about the work. If you don't present yourself as an ideal worker, managers don't want you. They don't care who you are as a person and they DEFINITELY don't care about your life or how much money you make/want to make. If they could get away with paying you nothing they would do that. Because capitalism is an inherently dead system that everyone props up because they can't conceive of any other way due to decades of indoctrination.

Capitalism bad, yada yada yada, who cares?

My personal highlight is this guy however:
Quote:I personally think that legislation on this topic would be helpful for those of us who have a hard time just lying; been drafting something in my "legislation" repo on GitHub:
The fact that we don't already have something like this in law is one of the main reasons I don't have a real job...

I am not enough of an autisty to check the entire github, but apparently he spends his time drafting fantasy legislation. Lawd
(12-04-2023, 06:45 PM)BisMarckie wrote: I can't understate how much fucking work it was to keep up with the forum while taking care of three kids now.

Likes will not be handed out retroactively, in fact I should be compensated for my emotional labor.

Thank you for your service!

Quote:drafts of LSRs I intend to file, am filing, or have filed as a legislator


Imagine living in a place where ResetEra posts are turned into legislation
(12-04-2023, 07:15 AM)benji wrote:
fat4all wrote:
Quote:What a bare bone and lackluster OP for a 4 hour long video. Who's the person making the video? What is it about? Why should I care?

And I say that as someone who usually loves long-form video essays.

I started playing it and it has the tone of a weird conspiracy theory video. So uh, no thank you...
he did a non-stop 58 hour stream completing donkey kong 64 100% raising $350,000 for the british trans advocacy & support charity Mermaids after a bigot got funding for them temporarily paused
Oh, wow, thanks, now I really have to watch this four hour shit since that tells me so much!

I like how era continue to ignore just how fucking shady mermaids are

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