(06-22-2023, 03:29 PM)Polident wrote: The LOTR show and FF posts back to back are fun. Chastising white audiences for failing to connect with a non-white cast. Racist. A sociopathic lack of empathy for others. But FF needs POCs for us to relate to.
Well adjusted people don’t have these problems. Ask any white guy over 30 what his favorite Marvel movie is. It’s Blade. Or Blade 2. Ask any black guy over 30 his favorite show. It’s Dragon Ball Z. Art transcends.
This is one of these weird contradictions with this representation debate, because they're essentially saying that the clowns who claimed they don't like GTA San Andreas because they "can't relate" were completely correct.
Quote:Same skin tone as Superman, white voice actor.
Quote:Yeah, I always thought he was just a light skinned Black person.
The shape of his nose and his fuller lips are Black American coded though, to me at least.
Like, that first picture in the OP. That’s a Black person.
Quote:I assumed he was either Latino or mixed race of some kind.
Quote:The real question is whether or not Skeeter from Doug was black
Quote:I wouldn't want him to be black unless he was on Tim Scott, Candence Owens, etc time. Otherwise it would be a waste. It would actually dovetail with his irrational hate for superman
Seriously, how do you have an actual discussion in that LoTR Ring of Power thread? It’s just a one sided reaction thread. Just like the local crime threads they chose to close because they don’t create real discussion.
While the writer of the article did his diligence he sounds way bitter at times, a points it sounds he really want to justify the teacher exploding:
Quote: There was just one problem – and one which swiftly became apparent to anyone who took a brief moment to listen to the audio. At no point did the teacher refer to any child identifying as a cat. Yes, there was a very heated debate about gender identity – but the only people to mention cats (and possibly a cow) were the girls who had made the illicit recording.
I listened to the audio multiple times. I should add that I have had experience in the classroom and this felt instinctively like ‘one of those moments’ that all teachers have at some point in their careers. A heated debate, a class of personalities, some difficult, perhaps deliberately trouble-making charges and a situation that had got out of hand. Crucially there was absolutely no evidence at all to back up the ‘girl who identifies as a cat’ claim so I took to Twitter and started questioning it. On Tuesday morning I dubbed the Telegraph story ‘fake news’ and waited for the trolls to come. And come they did.
I guess is technically fake news even if the recording and discussion is real. Dunno why this absolves the teacher for exploding and being unable to explain herself. Maybe is a UK thing in general.
Also, if it was a transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic or racist teacher the dude will not mention that is “illicit”.
Quote:I am not going to make the mistake here that our Education Secretary, or my colleagues in the mainstream media have made. I am not about to bully two Year 8 children or whip up a pile on against them. These are young people after all. Yes, they made the tik tok, and yes, they put it out there – but they are children.
So we are admitting children are dumb and don’t know how their actions could affect others and others. Again, the fact that a teacher exploded over 8 years old girls getting uppity… over a topic that a lot of public say in a “sure thing”.
Quote:It is a brief, ill-tempered discussion and at some point, the teacher tells the students that if they don’t like Rye College’s inclusive policies they should ‘go to another school’.
Like, is still really bad look.
Quote:Jesus Christ.. brb checking that my insurance is in order. But I think it’s also on auto pay for this reason.
With how critical insurance is, you’d think their operators would reach out to warn you you’re past due or it’s about to lapse, even a machine message would suffice. But to just let it quietly expire is ludicrous.
But at least everyone is alive. So many innocent drivers or pedestrians are wiped out by a drunk driver or simple accident that no amount of money can undo that. I’m thankful your partner is okay. This still really sucks, but money comes and goes.
At least you didn’t lose cash on let’s say, crypto!
OP forgot to pay insurance that was due back from November as they later revealed posts later.
Quote:Unfortunately it was due back in November and it doesn’t auto renew. Manual payment required.
Quote:I forgot to fucking pay it back in January. It was a crazy month for us we were doing immigration applications and also applying for a new home too. It must have fucking slipped and I forgot to pay it. I actually paid my own cars insurance for the year and totally fucking forgot hers. I feel sick.
Taco Bell Tower dateline='[url=tel:1687449172' wrote: 1687449172[/url]']
Quote:Same skin tone as Superman, white voice actor.
Quote:Yeah, I always thought he was just a light skinned Black person.
The shape of his nose and his fuller lips are Black American coded though, to me at least.
Like, that first picture in the OP. That’s a Black person.
Quote:I assumed he was either Latino or mixed race of some kind.
Quote:The real question is whether or not Skeeter from Doug was black
Quote:I wouldn't want him to be black unless he was on Tim Scott, Candence Owens, etc time. Otherwise it would be a waste. It would actually dovetail with his irrational hate for superman
Slayven reads comics. One of the interpretations of Lex Luther is that he could be greater than Superman and be the savior of mankind if he stopped being a narcissist asshole obsessed with Superman.
06-22-2023, 04:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 04:14 PM by Cauliflower Of Love.)
(06-22-2023, 03:59 PM)Boredfrom wrote: While the writer of the article did his diligence he sounds way bitter at times, a points it sounds he really want to justify the teacher exploding:
Quote: There was just one problem – and one which swiftly became apparent to anyone who took a brief moment to listen to the audio. At no point did the teacher refer to any child identifying as a cat. Yes, there was a very heated debate about gender identity – but the only people to mention cats (and possibly a cow) were the girls who had made the illicit recording.
I listened to the audio multiple times. I should add that I have had experience in the classroom and this felt instinctively like ‘one of those moments’ that all teachers have at some point in their careers. A heated debate, a class of personalities, some difficult, perhaps deliberately trouble-making charges and a situation that had got out of hand. Crucially there was absolutely no evidence at all to back up the ‘girl who identifies as a cat’ claim so I took to Twitter and started questioning it. On Tuesday morning I dubbed the Telegraph story ‘fake news’ and waited for the trolls to come. And come they did.
I guess is technically fake news even if the recording and discussion is real. Dunno why this absolves the teacher for exploding and being unable to explain herself. Maybe is a UK thing in general.
Also, if it was a transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic or racist teacher the dude will not mention that is “illicit”.
Quote:I am not going to make the mistake here that our Education Secretary, or my colleagues in the mainstream media have made. I am not about to bully two Year 8 children or whip up a pile on against them. These are young people after all. Yes, they made the tik tok, and yes, they put it out there – but they are children.
So we are admitting children are dumb and don’t know how their actions could affect others and others. Again, the fact that a teacher exploded over 8 years old girls getting uppity… over a topic that a lot of public say in a “sure thing”.
Quote:It is a brief, ill-tempered discussion and at some point, the teacher tells the students that if they don’t like Rye College’s inclusive policies they should ‘go to another school’.
Like, is still really bad look. I don't know, sounds like the teacher is defending a kid being picked on.
Where? It sounds like it was a hypothetical and the witness don’t mention anybody getting picked on outside the teacher.
06-22-2023, 04:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 04:24 PM by DocWager.)
I did used to think the Lex, and Harvey Dent were supposed to be ethnic. Technically Telly Savalas was. Clark did look Hispanic, but he might’ve been part Asian. I don’t think it’s said anywhere, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Superman from that show was modeled after live actor Dean Cain. Who is if you don’t know is half-Japanese.
I haven't listened to the recording cause who cares but from the other article:
Quote:The tape starts, critically, with the teacher saying: “How dare you, you just really upset someone, saying things like ‘should be in an asylum’” suggesting that a very critical part of the conversation and therefore the narrative has either been edited out or not recorded at all.
One of the children taking issue with the teacher then says that: “If they (another girl) want to identify as a cow (may be ‘cat’) or something then they are genuinely unwell – crazy.”
But this is very clearly not so much a discussion about a child identifying as an animal and much more a debate about gender, in which the two young girls responsible for the recording seem to be deliberately trying to rile their teacher, eventually driving her to ask: “why do you think we have so many problems in the world with homophobia?”
“That’s not homophobia, that’s transgender (sic)” one of the girls replies, adding “I’m fine with lesbians and gay people. I’ve got nothing against them.”
Or in other words, it’s OK to be transphobic.
The ‘cat’ element – so critical to the viral value of the story only comes at the very end of the recording to my ears, after the teacher accuses one of the pupils of ‘confusing sex and gender’ and says “if you don’t like it you need to go to a different school”. It is unclear without full context as to what is going on but the exchange goes like this:
Teacher: You need to have a proper educational conversation about equality diversity and inclusion, because I’m not having that (unclear still what ‘that’ is) expressed in my lesson, when I’m teaching you about what you can be and how you want to identify.”
Pupil: “I haven’t said anything at all in the lessons I have been in, it’s just because they turn around and start saying something, so I said ‘how can you identify as a cat when you are a girl.’”
This is the first and only clear mention of cats. The teacher makes it clear that the child who has been offended is writing a statement and that the other students may be asked to write one too – and the audio ends.
it's like homophobes that like to make the leap that being gay makes you an animal fuckers.
06-22-2023, 04:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 04:30 PM by Boredfrom.)
I totally thought Lex was black in the cartoon when I was a kid.
Recently, I was surprised that Mark, the main character from Invincible, was half Asian and his mother is full on Asian. They don’t look that different from their comic versions, is really cool thought.
But is funny how most people could relate with this characters even if they didn’t know their exact race… uh?
Quote:Or in other words, it’s OK to be transphobic.
They are 8 years old, my dude. Dunno why the teacher needed to explode, but I guess is okay to explode and call names to kids if they said something stupid and not explain why is actually bad.
Considering Era's undying love for the House of Mouse, did somebody tell them that Disney subsidiary A+E Networks teamed up with Hatred developer Destructive Creations earlier this year?
Quote:Connected by History
HISTORY Channel and Destructive Creations join forces to talk about the past through entertainment.
HISTORY Channel TV and Polish game developer and Destructive Creations, a Polish game developer and publisher, have established a cooperation that can bring about many interesting cross-promotional projects for both brands in the future. The Polish independent development studio, which introduces world-class games inspired by history, is an excellent cross-promotion partner for a thematic television channel with an established global brand that showcases history in an unconventional way. We believe that together we can achieve a lot.
On the official Polish website of HISTORY Channel, there are references to two games created by the studio based in Gliwice - Ancestors Legacy and War Mongrels: https://historytv.pl/gry/
“HISTORY Channel's programming offer has been combining knowledge with entertainment for years, so in the face of fusion of new media and forms of digital entertainment, it is a natural step for our brand to cooperate with the creators of computer games focused on history from the Destructive Creations studio. We believe that together we will be able to reach a wide audience, both gamers who appreciate narratives about history, and our viewers - also interested in other types of entertainment." Comments Tomasz Teodorczyk, Director of Content and Brands, A+E Networks Poland and CEE.
“As a developer of history-inspired games, we're delighted to partner up with History. It will pave the way for history enthusiasts to discover more about interesting events of the past through an interactive and enjoyable medium represented by great games such as War Mongrels and Ancestors Legacy.” Comments Marcin Stanek, Business Development Manager at Destructive Creations.
HISTORY Channel and Destructive Creations share similar values - both brands present history in a non-standard way, incorporating reliable historical knowledge into high-class entertainment, presenting fascinating characters and reflecting the atmosphere of past centuries. We look forward to fruitful cooperation.
Year 8, not 8 years old.
They're 12/13/14
Quote: User Banned (1 Week) : Dismissing Concerns of Representation
Jokereena wrote:Im european(not western) and my kind is NEVER represented in video games or hollywood movies. Never really cared. Even if this was set in medievil Europe there is 100% chance I wont exist there XD
06-22-2023, 04:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 04:51 PM by Boredfrom.)
Cauliflower Of Love dateline='[url=tel:1687452200' wrote: 1687452200[/url]']
Year 8, not 8 years old.
They're 12/13/14
EDIT: Oh, I get it. Sorry.
She yelled to 12/13/14 children about being despicable. Much less worse.
06-22-2023, 05:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 05:05 PM by Kadayi.)
(06-22-2023, 02:46 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/lotr-rings-of-power-cast-slams-racist-backlash-at-monte-carlo-television-festival.732846/#post-107662347
Quote: User Banned (Permanently): Concern Trolling Racism; History of Misrepresenting Concerns Around Racism
Jadax wrote:Was just a bad show, feels bad for the actors.
The absolute fragility. It's a joke of a show, and whether they like it or not, the forced diversity doesn't help one iota in terms of credibility, because it's not remotely coherent within the context of the world-building, much like a lot of the other diversity box-ticking exercises series that both Amazon & Netflix keep putting out. Credit where credit is due Game of Thrones for all its faults actually regionalised racial diversity which made some sense. They could have made all the Harfoots or the Numernorians PoC and people would have been fine with that because it would have pointed to some sense of racial homogeneity, but instead, they try and spread it evenly across all the races and it's like 'what? this makes no sense'.
06-22-2023, 05:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 05:25 PM by Cauliflower Of Love.)
(06-22-2023, 04:56 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/judge-strikes-down-floridas-ban-on-medicaid-funding-for-transgender-treatment.733827/#post-107821998
JigglesBunny wrote:Hope DeSantis takes it hard and walks into the drink to cope.
Coyote Starrk wrote:JigglesBunny wrote:Hope DeSantis takes it hard and walks into the ocean to cope. FTFY

Last thread about a judge striking down state laws only got 44 replies and is on page 4, and none of the usual suspects appear to have posted in it.
Lets see what this garners.
06-22-2023, 05:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 05:31 PM by DSC.)
(06-22-2023, 04:56 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/judge-strikes-down-floridas-ban-on-medicaid-funding-for-transgender-treatment.733827/#post-107821998
JigglesBunny wrote:Hope DeSantis takes it hard and walks into the drink to cope.
Coyote Starrk wrote:JigglesBunny wrote:Hope DeSantis takes it hard and walks into the ocean to cope. FTFY

i mean, this is the dude who made a thread that was literally "water is wet" with no context and then proceeded to ignore everyone telling him "no duh."
this forum doesn't highlight inline links unless you hover them? weird.
06-22-2023, 05:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 05:30 PM by DSC.)
your Constructive Community Containment morning update:
a few ppl pointing out that review threads are basically just console wars in disguise. why have a thread where ppl slapfight about reviews of a game none of them have played?
(06-22-2023, 01:55 PM)Boredfrom wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/for-the-last-week-the-uk-press-has-been-obsessed-with-a-story-about-a-child-identifying-as-a-cat-only-one-problem-it-wasnt-remotely-true.733713/
So while a student saying“I identify as a cat” stuff didn’t happen… the hated debate and the teacher exploding did…
So still a failure?
It’s more telling to me how difficult was for the teacher to explain the concepts she wanted to to teach.
Let's just all pretend that nobody is trying to bring all sorts of crazy shit into acceptance and normalisation under the ever expanding 2SLGBTQIA+ umbrella, and there aren't like, 40 fucking gay flags now, huh
(06-22-2023, 04:22 PM)DocWager wrote: I did used to think the Lex, and Harvey Dent were supposed to be ethnic. Technically Telly Savalas was. Clark did look Hispanic, but he might’ve been part Asian. I don’t think it’s said anywhere, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Superman from that show was modeled after live actor Dean Cain. Who is if you don’t know is half-Japanese.
half japanese, but 100% cancelled; messyeggo can you get those dossiers on why again for us?
06-22-2023, 05:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 05:56 PM by Eric Cartman.)
(06-22-2023, 04:37 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Quote:Or in other words, it’s OK to be transphobic.
They are 8 years old, my dude. Dunno why the teacher needed to explode, but I guess is okay to explode and call names to kids if they said something stupid and not explain why is actually bad.
UK year 8 = 12 to 13 year olds, not 8 year olds
e: oh already covered
I dunno why people question the reality of a 12 year old actually identifying as a cat when we all know someone who identifies as two robots
(06-22-2023, 05:05 PM)Kadayi wrote: (06-22-2023, 02:46 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/lotr-rings-of-power-cast-slams-racist-backlash-at-monte-carlo-television-festival.732846/#post-107662347
Quote: User Banned (Permanently): Concern Trolling Racism; History of Misrepresenting Concerns Around Racism
Jadax wrote:Was just a bad show, feels bad for the actors.
The absolute fragility. It's a joke of a show, and whether they like it or not, the forced diversity doesn't help one iota in terms of credibility, because it's not remotely coherent within the context of the world-building, much like a lot of the other diversity box-ticking exercises series that both Amazon & Netflix keep putting out. Credit where credit is due Game of Thrones for all its faults actually regionalised racial diversity which made some sense. They could have made all the Harfoots or the Numernorians PoC and people would have been fine with that because it would have pointed to some sense of racial homogeneity, but instead, they try and spread it evenly across all the races and it's like 'what? this makes no sense'. I tapped out when the black elf walked into a bar and all the white townsfolk glared at him. I don't understand how people weren't offended by these writers shoehorning in the most boringly concieved, thinly veiled racial commentary into this story.
And you're right about House of the Dragon, it really ate LOTR's lunch managing to make female leads and black characters shine.
And Dragon’s managed to insert its commentary, but in a sharply written way. RoP was boring, and dragged its mystery for way too long.
(06-21-2023, 09:24 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpenter_fish
Presumably they can tell the difference.
Nate.R wrote:The noises heard earlier were confirmed by navy analysts as background ocean noise.
06-22-2023, 06:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-22-2023, 06:51 PM by HardcoreRetro.)
Hey, at least instead of looking at the titanic they found Davy Jones' locker.
Nep Nep wrote:This is the thing that angers me. You had over a century to learn about and not repeat the same exact mistakes that resulted in a watery graveyard for 1500 people that you're now using as a garish tourist trap, all because your fucking wealth is hamstrung by safety regulations meant to prevent the death you just incurred for yourself and four other people. White men, money, and ego; name a more iconic trio.
Always trust in Nep to find a way to make it racist.
15 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Kadayi, Brolha, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, porkbun, Boredfrom, BIONIC, Tucker's Law, Potato, Hap Shaughnessy, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, YuYu, books, D3RANG3D