Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Quote:I mean I love everything MCU but I'm getting burned out on all the mediocre content.

Zeo is outnumbered by the chuds Stahp

Spoiler: PlayStation Business Update (click to show)
[Image: pbldv85u.jpg]
[Image: DlHrOOJ.png]
(02-08-2024, 08:47 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

ClickyCunt, post: 118857504, member: 7351 wrote:Tbh, when at the hospital last year, I got asked if I was pregnant.  It was a case of not knowing how to even react with it going beyond just some regular affirmation thing.

l m a o i just cant anymore

jesus how fat is this person? cause that's the only reason they'd be asked lol
Holy shit lol

Quote:    11 minutes ago


Almost feels like there's a possibility the 'memory' issues are intentionally amplified in the report in order to further widen the contextual distance between the Biden and Trump cases.

Biden saying "when did my VP term end again?" - I could totally see him saying that in a jokey/folksy way, as he tends to do, and because it's a thing he indeed said on record the special counsel could put that in the report. Not to say that Hur is covering for him in any sort of inappropriate manner, as I do think the whole "would be difficult to prosecute due to his memory issues" is probably the truth, but still... this does feel like this portrays a different Biden than the one we see out in the world on a daily/weekly basis.
The cope in that thread. Dead
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-08-2024, 08:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: He works customer service for a sales company and I cant  imagine how unhelpful/rude he is to customers based on his posts. Imagine calling in to get help with your billing not going through and getting the ranting of lunatic on how Sony is catering to the chuds with the latest game stellar blade and the giant ass on the main character.  lol

"Actually, our product is great. Why are you signal boosting right wing talking points by complaining that you can't log in? Are you sure you weren't banned for liking the wrong people's posts on the intranet?"

A million times worse than anything from the Stellar Blade devs but only 5 responses within an hour. It's really amazing how Ubisoft gets a pass by putting some ugly NPCs in their game
Quote:Earlier I went into the women's restroom to wash my hands since the men's didn't have any soap, as I was leaving two girls came in and one of them looked at me from top to bottom clearly wanting to ask me what the hell was I doing in here, I explained myself and they seemingly laughed it off. Later I was talking with my aunt and I mentioned what happened, she told me in a very serious tone to never do that again unless I want to get in trouble, I got defensive and brought up how there are countries with unisex restrooms and she told me that's not the case here and will never be. I hate living here sometimes...

Clickycal is jesse. I am certain. And as such, looks like uncle fester.
(02-08-2024, 10:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
Quote:Earlier I went into the women's restroom to wash my hands since the men's didn't have any soap, as I was leaving two girls came in and one of them looked at me from top to bottom clearly wanting to ask me what the hell was I doing in here, I explained myself and they seemingly laughed it off. Later I was talking with my aunt and I mentioned what happened, she told me in a very serious tone to never do that again unless I want to get in trouble, I got defensive and brought up how there are countries with unisex restrooms and she told me that's not the case here and will never be. I hate living here sometimes...

Why do you need to act like a stereotypical Pokefan? Your aunt has the patience of a saint to explain to you why this is a problem and you are lucky those girls just saw you as a harmless manchild.
(02-08-2024, 10:39 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-08-2024, 10:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
Quote:Earlier I went into the women's restroom to wash my hands since the men's didn't have any soap, as I was leaving two girls came in and one of them looked at me from top to bottom clearly wanting to ask me what the hell was I doing in here, I explained myself and they seemingly laughed it off. Later I was talking with my aunt and I mentioned what happened, she told me in a very serious tone to never do that again unless I want to get in trouble, I got defensive and brought up how there are countries with unisex restrooms and she told me that's not the case here and will never be. I hate living here sometimes...

Why do you need to act like a stereotypical Pokefan? Your aunt has the patience of a saint to explain to you why this is a problem and you are lucky those girls just saw you as a harmless manchild.

Seriously. Total lack of self awareness that maybe, just maybe, women don't want a man in their private spaces? Of course the men like Messy are in there gunning for shared bathrooms.
ClickerCarl wrote:Earlier on in my transition, I got called out when my partner and I went into the women's bathroom at the airport. Was right before takeoff also, so that was a downer :/

Of course.
Two fat dudes walking into a women's bathroom? Thats just basic safety.
(02-08-2024, 10:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: [


TooBusyLookinGud wrote:You were wrong OP. Don't do stuff like that because you never know how people will take it. I always check restrooms before my kid uses them and had I saw you, I would have had a problem with you. You would looked like a pervert fam and that's not cool.

Why does it being right before takeoff make it a downer?
(02-08-2024, 10:49 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(02-08-2024, 10:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: [


TooBusyLookinGud wrote:You were wrong OP. Don't do stuff like that because you never know how people will take it. I always check restrooms before my kid uses them and had I saw you, I would have had a problem with you. You would looked like a pervert fam and that's not cool.


He's the only sane poster in the thread
(02-08-2024, 08:47 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

ClickyCunt, post: 118857504, member: 7351 wrote:Tbh, when at the hospital last year, I got asked if I was pregnant.  It was a case of not knowing how to even react with it going beyond just some regular affirmation thing.

l m a o i just cant anymore


What a fat cunt
(02-08-2024, 08:49 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-08-2024, 07:19 PM)DocWager wrote:
nachobro dateline='[url=tel:1707419693' wrote: 1707419693[/url]']
[Image: 8SoLLmK.png]

[Image: ldfL2P0.png]

even resettis tired of him trying to be the last word on a group he isn't even a part of lol

Then two members call him out for pointing out that Zeo is an obnoxious asshole.

Of course he only gets defended by people like Clicky Cal. Like how the fuck is this guy even allowed to poke his head into the EZA thread when he's literally responsible for one of the EZA members leaving

Uhm what’s this about? Got a link?
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Edalyn wrote:I'm a trans woman and my partner usually stands guard outside when I go to the bathroom for my protection.

That is creepy.

Quote:One time at the grocery store the ladies room had run out of soap, so I went into the men's bathroom to wash my hands and got called out by a dude.

That totally happened.
Solarc wrote:I'd just finished eating food with my hands and wanted to be able to use my phone without covering it in grease

Male privilege?  is this?
(02-08-2024, 08:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: He works customer service for a sales company and I cant  imagine how unhelpful/rude he is to customers based on his posts. Imagine calling in to get help with your billing not going through and getting the ranting of lunatic on how Sony is catering to the chuds with the latest game stellar blade and the giant ass on the main character.  lol

Just like Nepenthe, he'd be as polite as a choirboy on the phone and then rant and rave to his poor co-workers.

He's too much of a bitch to be rude to anyone in person or over the phone.
(02-08-2024, 10:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
Quote:Earlier I went into the women's restroom to wash my hands since the men's didn't have any soap, as I was leaving two girls came in and one of them looked at me from top to bottom clearly wanting to ask me what the hell was I doing in here, I explained myself and they seemingly laughed it off. Later I was talking with my aunt and I mentioned what happened, she told me in a very serious tone to never do that again unless I want to get in trouble, I got defensive and brought up how there are countries with unisex restrooms and she told me that's not the case here and will never be. I hate living here sometimes...

When I got my car fixed I had to be there early in the morning. Apparently good brakes are mandatory. I mean who needs brakes when you wanna go fast right? As I was drinking my tea I realized I had to take a shit and I had no idea how long it would take to fix my car. It takes forever these days doesn't it, what the hell are they doing. They're so incompetent it takes them hours to fix the brakes. I'm sorry father tell mother that I'm late for Christmas, but son it's only February, yes dad but I had to get my brakes fixed.

I asked the car sales man where the bathroom was. He came up to me and he said: "The bathroom sir? certainly sir, It's right over there Sir."

So I open the door and went into the bathroom and there was a sink and two doors and I thought to myself wow these guys are old school. Both doors had a little sign, one with a MAN and one with a WOMAN. I could tell by her dress, you can always tell by the dress. Not everyone can because some people are stupid and blind and watch CNN but I certainly can. So anyway I open the man door and I see a Urinal and I'm like what the hell is this. Why is there only a Urinal. How is a MAN supposed to do the number 2 if there's only a urinal? You know what happens when you take a shit in the Urinal, that's literally World War 3 folks. World War 3. But I realized, I was only by myself and there was another door. So I opened the FORBIDDEN door and there was a brand new toilet behind it. Let me tell you folks, this thing had everything like you wouldn't believe. So I sat down, I took a dump, I flushed. And this wasn't like a little trickle but actually a real flush, I mean, this thing must've been illegal. The marxists that want to take away your flushing, they would never allow it. But here it was sitting in this automobile garage barely used because women don't drive cars it was really special but frankly they should've placed it behind the other door. And apparently car mechanics never shit so that might be why you have to wait so long before the brakes come off.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Given how dangerous it is for them to use the same bathroom as men, shouldn't the trans members be steadfastly against gender-neutral bathrooms? hmm
Nobody on era washes hands lulz
(02-08-2024, 09:27 PM)nachobro wrote:
(02-08-2024, 08:47 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

ClickyCunt, post: 118857504, member: 7351 wrote:Tbh, when at the hospital last year, I got asked if I was pregnant.  It was a case of not knowing how to even react with it going beyond just some regular affirmation thing.

l m a o i just cant anymore

jesus how fat is this person? cause that's the only reason they'd be asked lol

Pretty standard question for any woman needing X-rays etc in hospital.

Clickycunt is trying to let us know that, for one moment, he passed as a woman in someone's eyes.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
LOL, as if that happened. It reads like fanfiction to me.
I want trans folks in charge so they can fuck things up like us nornal folks.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
I've been to gender neutral bathrooms at conventions and such and it is the weirdest thing.
Quote:Damn, you must have went all over your hands or something.

[Image: GF2cvOzWsAAXNwh?format=jpg]
(02-08-2024, 10:49 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Why does it being right before takeoff make it a downer?

I have to assume because security detained them and they missed the flight or almost did

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