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It registers the like but you can’t see it in real time like before. You have to manually refresh the page. That’s like worse than how old bore did it lol Dead
1 user liked this post: benji
I rolled it back, the new version was actually supposed to reduce the number of errors it returns. Since it didn't seem to have problems before, whatever, we'll use the last version.
you fixed it, thank you mr. benji
1 user liked this post: Cauliflower Of Love
That fixed it for me too.  Kiss
(11-28-2023, 07:08 PM)BIONIC wrote: It registers the like but you can’t see it in real time like before. You have to manually refresh the page. That’s like worse than how old bore did it lol Dead

The purpose of all software is that it will eventually only get worse - Nintex
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Potato
Getting this error on Firefox, every other time I open it will fail to load as well saying there was an end of file error problem.

[Image: 19gINGO.png]
benji's trying to steal your data.
2 users liked this post: benji, BIONIC
If you can't trust a connection with who can you trust? Trumps

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Proxy or VPN issue apparently. This was coincidentally the top result when I searched:
1 user liked this post: kaleidoscopium
[Image: Z4NzWJn.png]

I'm getting this weird bug because of youtube embeds...
Embed API errors should disappear after a bit because they generally are some disconnect between things elsewhere and they get fixed elsewhere. I haven't seen anything like that but let me know if it persists. I don't think our fancier video embed thing should be sending keys like that but maybe the mod's collecting data or something, if it is for YouTube anyway I should be able to disable the fancier one and use the default YouTube embed.
It's just an ungoogled chromium thing most likely because they gut drm and other proprietary bullshit, in doing so breaks shit so it's probably a nothing burger. Elon
Yeah, I think the Twitter embed sometimes breaks because Elon is messing with the ads or logins or whatever, it's just the standard one they publicly tell non-API people to use but it's likely tied in with stuff they're actually changing. YouTube one should be the same since the ads are loaded in the frame. I dunno.

Just for anything in general if it doesn't go away on its own, that's always been one of my clutch moves that make people in real life think I'm some kind of tech genius. "Try it again later" is up there with "restart it and see" especially now that everything is connected to some server somewhere.
(12-13-2023, 04:03 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: It's just an ungoogled chromium thing most likely because they gut drm and other proprietary bullshit, in doing so breaks shit so it's probably a nothing burger. Elon

(12-13-2023, 04:28 AM)benji wrote: Yeah, I think the Twitter embed sometimes breaks because Elon is messing with the ads or logins or whatever, it's just the standard one they publicly tell non-API people to use but it's likely tied in with stuff they're actually changing. YouTube one should be the same since the ads are loaded in the frame. I dunno.

Just for anything in general if it doesn't go away on its own, that's always been one of my clutch moves that make people in real life think I'm some kind of tech genius. "Try it again later" is up there with "restart it and see" especially now that everything is connected to some server somewhere.

It was a youtube grease monkey script that doesn't work with the changes that youtube made...
I know the Twitter embeds don't seem to be working, I presume this is something they did. This happened before and it fixed itself after a little bit, I assume when everybody else on the planet complained to Twitter that they broke the embed code they told everyone to use.

edit: While looking to see if there was information about this I added some Twitter supplied code they recommend to speed up loading on these whenever they come back. The embeds are broken on Twitter's own pages. lol
Might have something to do with the current flood of gay porn.

this is a dumb thing but just on the off chance something happened

I have been logged in here on this device for ages and then suddenly just now I was logged out

I guess this is something that can eventually happen to make sure people don't keep their session open forever?

or did benji forcibly log everyone out or update something?

EDIT: likely my own problem, because I was also forcibly logged out of reddit, and now I'm unjustifiably paranoid that a keylogger virus is on my system and the hackers force logged me out in order to capture my passwords
(02-03-2024, 12:18 AM)Uncle wrote: this is a dumb thing but just on the off chance something happened

I have been logged in here on this device for ages and then suddenly just now I was logged out

I guess this is something that can eventually happen to make sure people don't keep their session open forever?

or did benji forcibly log everyone out or update something?

EDIT: likely my own problem, because I was also forcibly logged out of reddit, and now I'm unjustifiably paranoid that a keylogger virus is on my system and the hackers force logged me out in order to capture my passwords

well that would explain the weird PM you sent me Thinking hmm
I like the new forum description.  Mynicca
1 user liked this post: Potato
The bot spam is getting kinda weird ngl Mike
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(02-13-2024, 02:31 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I like the new forum description.  Mynicca

Can we change it to Spamdello?
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-14-2024, 03:16 AM)BIONIC wrote: The bot spam is getting kinda weird ngl Mike

Gotta add a like requirement to be able to post here. If they’re going to post spam, least they can do is keep this self sustaining like economy moving.
3 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, BIONIC, Potato
Dunno how they suddenly all started getting through, they usually just piled up in the queue unable to get through the e-mail step. Like 90% of them have e-mail addresses.

Maybe I should look into it. Or add a single post requirement.

Maybe. Don't want to miss out on any great deals but they mostly are shilling news website and like who wants that. Jeanluc
The Spam is out of control. 

Admin me so I can clean house when you are sleeping Thumbsup
Seems a lot of these spambots are using a firstname + 3 letter surname format
It's funny that some of them get through because every day the queue has at least three of them sitting in it unable to get through. Yeah, they all have that name format and still mostly .ru e-mails. 

There's probably a way to add a CAPTCHA at registration or something I'll look into.

I liked the one who posted a semi-normal thread, then started posting spamlinks in another thread. That's fancy.
Might have to really look into that registration stuff, there's 25 bots in the queue. All with that name format. Dead
1 user liked this post: who is ted danson?
Would it be helpful in the short term to block .ru emails?

I wonder if it's like ants, one blazes a trail through your house and comes back with food so now all the rest can follow the scent, "hey guys posting a thread actually worked on this forum"
(02-18-2024, 02:23 AM)Uncle wrote: Would it be helpful in the short term to block .ru emails?

I wonder if it's like ants, one blazes a trail through your house and comes back with food so now all the rest can follow the scent, "hey guys posting a thread actually worked on this forum"

Putin in shambles.
2 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Just quarantine them in their own forum so we can create super spam bots.
3 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC
You guys are being pretty genocidal towards a developing form of life just because it annoys you. wag

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