Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-22-2024, 09:04 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

B-Dubs wrote:What in the flying fuck is wrong with these people?
"These people"? What

Fucker changed the thread title. lol 

Also, BDumbs, the ultimate centrist.
[Image: SK0bvKk.png]

[Image: HKWTLzt.png]

Thanks for your service, nep! 🤑🤑🤑

Also now that twohearts has copped a ban, whats the general consensus here? long-game troll or brave and stunning real woman(ses)?
(06-22-2024, 09:19 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
mieumieu wrote:I want to revenge against the whole British transphobia class - politicians, media figures, news media

All of them deserve to suffer for the rest of their lives

I swear this user was permbanned for posting things like that.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Alpacx, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Nepenthe wrote:I've had this in my head for awhile, specifically within the context of Drakeheads and "fence sitters" saying this moment doesn't matter because Drake is still financially more successful than Kendrick is, and that financial success is because he's a more palatable artist for white people. Like... yeah, that's literally a sticking point of the beef. We know your boy a house nigga; thank you for agreeing with us.

I know that is Rap Beef shit, so the Bravado is X100 but still… lol she is closer to Drake than Kendrick, me thinks.
(06-22-2024, 09:43 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Thanks for your service, nep! 🤑🤑🤑

Also now that twohearts has copped a ban, whats the general consensus here? long-game troll or brave and stunning real woman(ses)?

Most of us here agree she that is a troll. We are mostly surprised in how RE doesn’t realize this, probably because she is friendly with the most nutty people from TransRE.
(06-22-2024, 04:46 PM)Kevtones wrote: This okay to steal thread is fun. Basically a ‘fuck corporations’ component with a bunch of contradictions and a caveat of ‘don’t steal from mom and pops’ as a morality save.
It's hilarious that they think it really harms corporations for individuals to steal minor amounts of retail goods.

I'm not saying this from a "knowing how the world works" perspective, I'm saying from their own. Remember, the entire system is rigged so only the billionaire whites benefit and have everything handed to them while everyone else is burdened by the consequences. 

Yet they try to justify their sociopathic behavior by claiming it's coming straight out of the Waffle House CEO's mattress and slowing eroding his power, undermining the creeping police state and bringing down the whole system of capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy.

Messofanego wrote:I'm pretty good but couples therapy can definitely test your competencies. It's usually not a failing on my part. Some people are either not ready to go very deep or you're just not the right fit. Supervision is super helpful.
And he's got the dossiers on them to prove it!

Nothing Loud wrote:My job is to research science nobody has investigated yet so I would be doing my job wrong if I was comfortable with it or my performance.

Normal jobs bore the shit out of me. If I had to just make phone calls or fill out spreadsheets until retirement I would just exit the world as it is.

I'd rather be grossly uncomfortable than bored.
Egomaniac Egomaniac Egomaniac
I accidentally stole a bottle of vodka yesterday. The alarm on the self service thing I was using kept going off while I was scanning my stuff. After the 3rd time the assistant disabled it. When I checked the receipt later I realised I hadn't scanned the voddie. Result. I just hope the guy didn't get in any bother cos it wasn't his fault.
Your honorable deed of stealing from the white man might lead to a job loss for an individual that is employed to enrich the white man.  And I'm betting the employee was white?  That's three birds with one stone.
(06-22-2024, 11:29 PM)Propagandhim wrote: Your honorable deed of stealing from the white man might lead to a job loss for an individual that is employed to enrich the white man.  And I'm betting the employee was white?  That's three birds with one stone.

He was actually black which is so rare here I 'm tempted to go back to the store and tell them it wasn't his fault. Tempted but will I do it? Lol. No. Free vodka.
(06-22-2024, 08:07 PM)Potato wrote:
(06-22-2024, 04:46 PM)Kevtones wrote: This okay to steal thread is fun. Basically a ‘fuck corporations’ component with a bunch of contradictions and a caveat of ‘don’t steal from mom and pops’ as a morality save.
Opinions of Tyler Malka aside, Resetera was basically formed by stealing from a mom and pop and then continues to operate after being sold to a corporate overlord.
Also, it's ok to steal, but don't you dare steal (leak) information about unreleased video games while cosplaying as a Japanese woman.
And don't you dare discuss piracy (even though it isn't stealing).

(06-22-2024, 09:58 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I've had this in my head for awhile, specifically within the context of Drakeheads and "fence sitters" saying this moment doesn't matter because Drake is still financially more successful than Kendrick is, and that financial success is because he's a more palatable artist for white people. Like... yeah, that's literally a sticking point of the beef. We know your boy a house nigga; thank you for agreeing with us.
I know that is Rap Beef shit, so the Bravado is X100 but still… lol she is closer to Drake than Kendrick, me thinks.

I don't know what's the big deal. Both of them are rap for whiteboys.
At least that's the vibe I get from my main interaction with blacks (worldstar) SCIENCE!

ponzies wrote:I moved from SoCal, heavy Asian/Latino population, to Virginia, mostly black and white people, and people here are way taller! Even the women are taller than me at 5'8.

Why are we Asian/Latino people way shorter than black and white people?
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Shoot wrote:
huffpost wrote:Elizabeth Wolf, described by the Council on American-Islamic Relations as a "White American woman,"
Brinbe wrote:absolute fucking morons. doing this shit in america of all places is extra heinous. dear white americans, this land does not belong to you and never has.

Elizabeth Wolf

[Image: Fj8PM9w.png]

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[Image: Rfcqt1Q.jpg]
(06-23-2024, 01:32 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Brinbe wrote:absolute fucking morons. doing this shit in america of all places is extra heinous. dear white americans, this land does not belong to you and never has.
is this?
I love how they blow past a proper criticism, that Native Americans were taken advantage of for various reasons, to completely deny them both agency and ownership by saying they couldn't cede the land at all.
LordFanny wrote:People are beaten down and tired, living paycheck to paycheck and just trying to get what little enjoyment out of life before the axe falls their way. For a lot of people even if this election goes well, they see the inevitability that the next election won't or that society will continue to crumble regardless of what does or doesn't happen politically if for nothing else the looming climate disasters that await us all. The future looks decidedly bleak regardless of what happens in the short term. We're all living in 1920s Berlin on a global scale

Is an Indigenous woman allowed to drown colonizers? hmm
Just jerk it to the election meltdowns like a civilized individual...

[Image: mhD3dK2.png]

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I'm expecting The Young Turks 2016 level's of cope, and seethe!

[Image: sK9bt1h.gif]

Still glows. Snob

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No cotton from the blend left.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(06-22-2024, 07:01 PM)Uncle wrote:
(06-22-2024, 01:14 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Bubsy is trans?

bubsy was declared trans by tumblrites 10 years ago thanks to one or more specific artists that kept drawing the character trans and resonated with others

the idea was that bubsy was so depressed by how awful his games were and how much people hated him that he spiraled into drugs and self-harm, transitioned into a woman and became a trash prostitute, and is depicted as "harley quinn" unstable with constantly running mascara, which is somehow representative of the trans experience

Quote:Modern Bubsy a.k.a Spanky Bobcat

After the rise of the series' popularity, Bubsy became a popular subject of fan art, along with a popular reinterpretation of the character called "Modern Bubsy", which depicts Bubsy as a transgender prostitute, made depressed by the series' unfortunate history.[7] Said reinterpretation of Bubsy would also become a character in the game "Super Space Funeral IV: Deluxe Blood Red Version & Bubsy," created by artist Squirrelly Jack[9], though said game was later cancelled due to Jack no longer having an interest in creating a Space Funeral fan game, instead opting for a standalone Modern Bubsy game called "Purresident Evil." In June 2017, in light of the announcement of The Woolies Strike Back, Squirrelly Jack announced she is rebranding Modern Bubsy as an original character called "Spanky Bobcat" in order to avoid any potential legal problems with Accolade, even further renaming her Modern Bubsy game to "Spanky Bobcat in: Super Bobcat 3D Blast RPG: Purrresident Evil!"[16][17]. As of December 2015, there are over 2,250 entries on DeviantArt tagged with "Bubsy".[8]

apparently, a bunch of people "realized" that they were trans thanks to this character

Quote:Call her Spanky Bobcat, call her Modern Bubsy or Trans Bubsy. I call her one of the best. She cracked so many eggs that we all was eatin omelettes for weeks. She was a character that is a trashy tran, by a trashy tran, for trashy transes. She got some folks to accept that they're into trashy trans girls. Basically what I'm sayin is she had a good effect on so many folks, I'm constantly told so by others, n I'm sick of pretending otherwise. I say this in the best way possible - suck her fat undead transgender cartoon bobcat toes, all you lil freaks out there. Hell yea.


This post is the worst thing I've experienced lately, and I currently have Influenza A.
(06-22-2024, 09:43 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Thanks for your service, nep! 🤑🤑🤑

Also now that twohearts has copped a ban, whats the general consensus here? long-game troll or brave and stunning real woman(ses)?

Still leaning on troll, but I could be convinced otherwise.
(06-22-2024, 09:58 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I've had this in my head for awhile, specifically within the context of Drakeheads and "fence sitters" saying this moment doesn't matter because Drake is still financially more successful than Kendrick is, and that financial success is because he's a more palatable artist for white people. Like... yeah, that's literally a sticking point of the beef. We know your boy a house nigga; thank you for agreeing with us.

I know that is Rap Beef shit, so the Bravado is X100 but still… lol she is closer to Drake than Kendrick, me thinks.

Always remember, Nepenthe is a middle class suburban kid.
(06-22-2024, 10:24 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Messofanego wrote:I'm pretty good but couples therapy can definitely test your competencies. It's usually not a failing on my part. Some people are either not ready to go very deep or you're just not the right fit. Supervision is super helpful.

This cunt. I'd love to know how many professional complaints he's had against him.
(06-23-2024, 12:37 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ponzies wrote:I moved from SoCal, heavy Asian/Latino population, to Virginia, mostly black and white people, and people here are way taller! Even the women are taller than me at 5'8.

Why are we Asian/Latino people way shorter than black and white people?

Look at this fucking manlet over here. 

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