Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Got you guys some more progressive scholarship:
[Image: 44WRGzl.png]
[Image: L3T39Xc.png]

Always remember that good is the enemy of perfect, and perfect is a totalitarian state:
[Image: pUpgfdb.png]

Maybe I should make a thread that I only ever post in for this.

depressed.jackhammer wrote:Hello,

I got tired of browsing for video game related content on another site only to be hit with posts from people shilling their cosplay/onlyfans. My neighbor mentioned this site as an alternative so here I am.

So far, this place seems chill so I'm happy.

ClickyCal' wrote:
SilentEagle wrote:Jessica Alba when she played Sue Storm was my childhood crush lol
My wife's as well lol.

Mandelbrot wrote:I would like to apologize to the people in this thread:


On June 29, I opened this thread to page 408. There, I saw post #20,363 by TheEchosOfTheCyborg about Gardenia's new outfit in Pokemon Masters. It included a hidden content box. Having liked many of the outfits in that game, I wanted to know what else TheEchosOfTheCyborg had to say in the hidden box.

At the time, I was not aware of the serious discussions which had occurred in the previous pages in this thread; page 408 does not include any of this discussion in the clear. I was not interested in the other hidden posts on page 408 prior to my post, because there was no non-hidden context accompanying them.

What I did:

I wrote a non-contributing post #20,374 solely in order to see the hidden content in TheEchosOfTheCyborg 's post. I naively wrote the post in a way that indicated that I wanted to see hidden posts in the rest of the thread too, even though I was only interested in TheEchosOfTheCyborg 's post.

What happened afterwards:

Soon after my post, I was reprimanded by several people within this thread regarding my post. After reading these replies, the now revealed other hidden posts, and the more serious content of the previous pages, I understood why my post was more offensive, insensitive, and/or intrusive than I intended. Later that day, I received a temporary ban from ResetEra.

The apology:

I would like to apologize to the mods for violating ResetEra's rules on drive-by posting, particularly on a thread like this.
The discussion following my post took up the time of many people, including Patsy , Foot , PallasKitten , PlanetSmasher , Juraash , MoonlitSeer and others. I would like to apologize to them all.
I agree with Patsy , Foot , and MoonlitSeer that it was wrong to write a non-contributing post just so I could read TheEchosOfTheCyborg 's hidden content. In doing so I also intruded upon several more sensitive posts from coffeecat . Therefore, I would like to apologize to both TheEchosOfTheCyborg and coffeecat .
Going forward:

Most of this mess could have been avoided if my post had contained some contribution and context that indicated why I was interacting with this thread. For example, I could have explicitly replied to TheEchosOfTheCyborg 's post by stating my appreciation of other good outfits in Pokemon Masters. I will keep this in mind for the future.

Thank you for reading.


JFC are these people for real?
Our Nepenthe
Who art in Riteaid
Hallowed be they name
thy gobs of pre cum
there will be some
on earth, as it is in Resetera
give us on this day of all days
our daily hrt
and forgive us the debt on our versa
as we forgive hamas

that is one of the top ten most autist posts i have seen from there
Men should be banned from the Why women criticise thread.  wag
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
That would make it a ghost town in the process bub. wag
Sorry if the joke has already been made, but regarding that idiot bitch talking about disabilities, does that mean I'm disabled while jacking off and playing Street Fighter, and if so, does that mean I can apply for social security disability benefits?
In this day an age probably...
3 users liked this post: Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(07-07-2024, 11:27 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Men should be banned from the Why women criticise thread.  wag

Morrigan and Dice posting every other month in it. Then many days of tumbleweed.
(07-07-2024, 11:35 PM)Echelon wrote: Sorry if the joke has already been made, but regarding that idiot bitch talking about disabilities, does that mean I'm disabled while jacking off and playing Street Fighter, and if so, does that mean I can apply for social security disability benefits?

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(07-07-2024, 11:56 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(07-07-2024, 11:27 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Men should be banned from the Why women criticise thread.  wag

Morrigan and Dice posting every other month in it. Then many days of tumbleweed.

So like the trans genocide thread?  lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D

Kusagari wrote:WaPo edited the story and put in Mark Takano and not Ted Lieu.

They really mixed up two Asian guys.

Jesus Christ.
The disability shit is especially silly because its just chapter 83439 of “browbeat fromsoft about difficulty”

i remember when people were saying that the games’ high difficulty was literally a capital-A accessibility issue. Right alongside colorblindness etc. After an eon, I think the general audience got wise to the fact that retard lefties were trying to force game design by drawing a specious connection to “Harm”.

So now the new tack is “well actually, according to MS, looking down at your phone to swipe on Grindr with your dick out IS ACTUALLY a (situational) capital-D Disability. Ergo, HARM!”

They don’t realize that desperately flinging scary language makes the original bullshit even more retroactively transparent.

Plain vanilla whining (i.e. I want easy mode/pause because I suck) would go so much further. Or at the very least be intellectually honest.
(07-07-2024, 10:45 PM)benji wrote: Got you guys some more progressive scholarship:
[Image: 44WRGzl.png]
[Image: L3T39Xc.png]

Always remember that good is the enemy of perfect, and perfect is a totalitarian state:
[Image: pUpgfdb.png]

Maybe I should make a thread that I only ever post in for this.

I learned the word dithyramb in the early 90s because wilson was telling tim the tool man taylor about it
4 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-07-2024, 11:35 PM)Echelon wrote: Sorry if the joke has already been made, but regarding that idiot bitch talking about disabilities, does that mean I'm disabled while jacking off and playing Street Fighter, and if so, does that mean I can apply for social security disability benefits?

yes but since it's classified as situational disability you will only be granted situational disability benefits

as soon as you stop masturbating you have to give all the money back
I can't believe Ree is now full anti joe.. the dems will lose if they replace him, unless it's with HILLARY and KAMALA.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, clockwork5, Taco Bell Tower

first post btw

Quote:is this considered good or bad (or least bad)

Messages 23,780

Get off Reeee and find out, for christ's sake.
The newest cope has hit.

3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(07-07-2024, 11:27 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Men should be banned from the Why women criticise thread.  wag
Masturbating over the positions taken by women's bodies associates male orgasm with the positions expressed in the post. Ever wonder why men are so passionate about video game designs?

I must also say that video game designs have become a sexual fetish through years of absolutist writing in the melodrama mode in that thread in particular. Behaviorally, the women's criticize thread's men are reading about problematic video game designs, masturbating to the women, reading about problematic video game designs, masturbating to the women.


Spoiler:  (click to show)
(07-08-2024, 02:02 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: The newest cope has hit.

Never thought i'd miss Bill Clinton. He was a multiple rapist but at least he could string a sentence together, never thought the bar could ever be this low
Emwitus wrote:no one should hold the media that got trump elected in 2016 to any standard.

Kaitos wrote:If that's the case then there's no reason to believe anything. No reporting is true. Anything we don't like can be hand waved away.

Emwitus wrote:your right. No one should be leave clearly biased new organizations whose Clear intent is clicks

PeakPointMatrix wrote:You're literally entering the MAGA fake-news mindset and you don't even realize lmao

Yall need to get a grip

Kasumin wrote:The NYT has completely lost my trust. I was critical of them before but have always appreciated when they do produce good reporting. Their behavior the last week is inexcusable. Then there's the article from the right wing religious monarchist telling people to not vote even though he votes. And as I linked above, they're even trying to make being a felon sound less severe.

In addition to that, the pundit class has lost their minds.

I've been getting better coverage from the Guardian because it actually offers analyses of what's going on politically. I would never condemn all mainstream press, but I will limit which news sources I read.

As I said before, some of the best coverage and analysis is scattered across dozens of substacks.

PeakPointMatrix wrote:This is a far cry from the other poster flippantly dismissing all media outlets, all polls, all accounts from people's very real concerns on this forum. It's maga brain-rot but on the other extreme.

It's absolutely fair to make reasoned observations on outlets that have revealed themselves to be birds of a feather amongst places like the NYT, NY Post, and Fox News. But when every single outlet big and small are reporting in the same ballpark, dismissing them all just because of your gut is straight up conspiracy theory.

I'm legitimately confused on what the moderation policy is on posts broadly saying as much about the reporting on Biden here. Surely "every media/news outlet" is conspiring against Biden has to fall under hawking conspiracy theories or no?

Arugala wrote:Not if it's true.

PeakPointMatrix wrote:If what is true? All media outlets are conspiring against Biden? You honestly believe that?

Arugala wrote:Yes. There is a concentrated effort to remove him.

PeakPointMatrix wrote:By reporting on his visible cognitive decline? Or reporting on the behind the scenes conversations the Democratic party is having to the same effect? All news outlets are conspiring together to have Biden step down?

lol I love it.
Wait, now they stan the Grauniad? Isn’t that rag deeply transphobic to the point of genocide???
(07-07-2024, 09:36 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Alek wrote:Alana is right in that she's pulling information correctly from the Microsoft inclusive guidelines correctly. However, it is worth highlighting that I have heard people in the disability community upset by the use of this term on the basis that 'disability' is their identity and that you ultimately, can't acquire that temporarily or situationally.

Wait, WHAT!

Who willingly makes a disability an identity?

Deaf people.

Quote:Cochlear implants have been controversial around the Deaf community ever since they first were made available to the public. Those who oppose cochlear implants even refer to it as "cultural genocide," as it lessens the prevalence and importance of Deaf culture.

Some absolute nutters in there, refusing to get their kids cochlear implants, etc.
(07-08-2024, 04:40 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Kasumin wrote:The NYT has completely lost my trust. I was critical of them before but have always appreciated when they do produce good reporting. Their behavior the last week is inexcusable. Then there's the article from the right wing religious monarchist telling people to not vote even though he votes. And as I linked above, they're even trying to make being a felon sound less severe.

In addition to that, the pundit class has lost their minds.

I've been getting better coverage from the Guardian because it actually offers analyses of what's going on politically. I would never condemn all mainstream press, but I will limit which news sources I read.

As I said before, some of the best coverage and analysis is scattered across dozens of substacks.
They lost your trust because you don't know the difference between editorial/opinion and reporting which at the NYT (and all major papers) are completely siloed with the newsroom editor having no say over editorial and vice versa?

Please note that I'm saying something different and nuanced from the idea that media isn't biased. I think all media is biased and it's on all individuals to understand the bias and read it critically. This is why I have no problem believing and linking to openly right-wing sources or Fox News, I expect people to understand their bias and weigh it accordingly. The reason I don't do this for accounts Nintex uses for sources is because the problem isn't their ideological bias, it's their stupidity, ignorance and dishonesty. (If your takeaway from the Dominion lawsuit is that Fox News always lies, you missed why the lawsuit wasn't immediately dismissed and Fox had to pay out the nose, which is that they don't but they looked the other way about a few of their anchors refusing to follow typical institutional standards. But you're an idiot if you didn't already know this about people like Hannity and if you don't think all the non-Fox anchors don't do this because they are rarely taken to court.) This idiots problem is that he believed the tales the NYT and other media sources told about themselves, he refused to be skeptical or critical and now he's mad about it that they've crossed him personally so he's abolishing them from his sources. Which it should be noted is exactly what MAGA has been saying about Fox News for the last four years for the crime of calling Arizona for Biden. This has only led them into blatantly worse sources like OANN, Newsmax and catturd2.

The belief that the NYT is somehow biased in a pro-Trump and pro-Republicans direction is absurd, that doesn't mean they don't feel it important to report and share opinions from those people because knowing your enemy is incredibly important. While I think the NYT is, like all media except a handful of exceptions, pro-Democrat, I do not believe this is actually their major bias. That bias is mostly shared by all journalists and trickles down into most people who believe they are being objectively informed by media blind to the advocacy and assumptions underlying the entire methodology. (Which is ironic because these morons tell me they're always uncovering these ideologies when they find the answer to everything is the same: an elaborate centuries old conspiracy to perpetuate capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy.)
Anyway this is what Biden supporters want:

Spoiler: hit up the venmo/cashapp (click to show)

Saoirse retweeted this top one but when I hit the replies I knew I needed to post it:

Spoiler: good discourse (click to show)

[Image: pokpVCs.gif]

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