Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

The original title was “Brazilian 9/11 is 10 years old today” lol
(07-08-2024, 03:32 PM)NekoFever wrote:

The original title was “Brazilian 9/11 is 10 years old today” lol

Bdubs wasn't happy about that one.  lol
We just know that there's no way benji is coming out of his twitter dives mentally unscathed. He has to have the psychological version of black lung.
Timeline cleanse

Biden dares the party elite to challenge him at the convention.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(07-08-2024, 04:41 PM)PogiJones wrote: We just know that there's no way benji is coming out of his twitter dives mentally unscathed. He has to have the psychological version of black lung.


Thordison is such a fucking cunt.

Leftist want to everybody to get along and understand other cultures… but don’t you dare to travel!!!!
Thordinson wrote:They aren't being invited to come by the people of Barcelona. Corporations and politicians are not acting in their interests.

It is their fault. They are not entitled to travel to those places. This attitude is what is going to make things worse.

But by all means, tell Native folks who are displaced by overtourism that it's not the tourist's fault. It'll go over really well.


Quote:I mean, this attitude is fucking gross and there are some weird examples of it in this thread.

You can dislike over-tourism and criticise the municipal greed of a place without resorting to bullshit like this.

Basically inferring that visitors to a city are a cancer if they don't live there full-time, incredibly dumb. Barcelona without tourism would be well and truly fucked. This is about over-tourism which isn't the individual fault of an innocent person who fancies visiting a city for a weekend.

Thordison wrote:Do you believe that folks are entitled to traveling to a place? If so, why?

I'm talking about overtourism. You can pretend the individuals have no agency if you want but that attitude will just lead to more resentment towards tourists.

By that logic people are justified to resent both legal and illegal immigrants. But that's none of my business... 

You identify the problem (corpo and government mismanagement) but choose the most assholish approach possible.
(07-08-2024, 02:07 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-08-2024, 01:12 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-08-2024, 05:43 AM)NekoFever wrote: Deaf people.

Some absolute nutters in there, refusing to get their kids cochlear implants, etc.

before all this trans stuff ever took off, if anyone ever wondered whether humanity had the capacity to glorify disability and dysfunction, the deaf community was a test run

I remember hearing about how genetically deaf people would intentionally look to partner up with others like them in the hopes that their children would also be deaf so they could all be broken together and maintain "deaf culture," maintain the population so all their fire ASL memes wouldn't be forgotten

I haven't kept up with that for a few years, I don't know if it's stayed as insane or if they collectively got over that kind of stuff

That is depressing.


Quote:The news that an American couple have deliberately set out to conceive a deaf baby has shocked many people both here and in the US. But it came as little surprise to me: I have been deaf all my life and fully understand why a deaf couple would want their child to be like them. In my family, I am the fourth generation to be deaf and a month ago my deaf husband, Noel Traynor, and I had a daughter, whom we have named Givona, who is also deaf.

I didn't know I was going to have a deaf child. I never asked to find out. I did consider approaching the foetal clinic, which might have been able to find out, but together we decided not to. Before I gave birth I didn't have any feelings that I wanted a hearing or deaf child - I just wanted my child to be healthy. I say that because, as part of the deaf community, I in no way see deafness as a disability, but rather as a way into a very rich culture. Which is one of the reasons I was delighted to learn when I gave birth that my baby was deaf.

Many papers have reported that the American lesbian couple, Sharon Duchesneau and Candy McCullough, are part of a "radical school of thought that believes deafness is a cultural identity not a handicap". In fact, it's not a radical school of thought at all. Having a shared language (sign) means we can be part of a culture with which we can all identify. We all share the same ways of life and values - like the same technology such as flashing lights in the home and text phones, as well as common beliefs, games, humour, history and poetry. Why would I not want my daughter to be part of that?

It was obvious, when I gave birth, that the hospital was concerned that our daughter would be deaf, and so tests were ordered immediately. We could tell they were worried about it - but for us, finding out that my daughter was deaf just the day after her birth was absolutely delightful because it meant I could start speaking sign language to her from the start.

"those silly nurses, they were so concerned that something might be wrong with my daughter, they were so sad that she would never be able to hear, I laughed right in their stupid faces! I'm so delighted and thrilled!!"
(07-08-2024, 05:52 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-08-2024, 02:07 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-08-2024, 01:12 PM)Uncle wrote: before all this trans stuff ever took off, if anyone ever wondered whether humanity had the capacity to glorify disability and dysfunction, the deaf community was a test run

I remember hearing about how genetically deaf people would intentionally look to partner up with others like them in the hopes that their children would also be deaf so they could all be broken together and maintain "deaf culture," maintain the population so all their fire ASL memes wouldn't be forgotten

I haven't kept up with that for a few years, I don't know if it's stayed as insane or if they collectively got over that kind of stuff

That is depressing.


Quote:The news that an American couple have deliberately set out to conceive a deaf baby has shocked many people both here and in the US. But it came as little surprise to me: I have been deaf all my life and fully understand why a deaf couple would want their child to be like them. In my family, I am the fourth generation to be deaf and a month ago my deaf husband, Noel Traynor, and I had a daughter, whom we have named Givona, who is also deaf.

I didn't know I was going to have a deaf child. I never asked to find out. I did consider approaching the foetal clinic, which might have been able to find out, but together we decided not to. Before I gave birth I didn't have any feelings that I wanted a hearing or deaf child - I just wanted my child to be healthy. I say that because, as part of the deaf community, I in no way see deafness as a disability, but rather as a way into a very rich culture. Which is one of the reasons I was delighted to learn when I gave birth that my baby was deaf.

Many papers have reported that the American lesbian couple, Sharon Duchesneau and Candy McCullough, are part of a "radical school of thought that believes deafness is a cultural identity not a handicap". In fact, it's not a radical school of thought at all. Having a shared language (sign) means we can be part of a culture with which we can all identify. We all share the same ways of life and values - like the same technology such as flashing lights in the home and text phones, as well as common beliefs, games, humour, history and poetry. Why would I not want my daughter to be part of that?

It was obvious, when I gave birth, that the hospital was concerned that our daughter would be deaf, and so tests were ordered immediately. We could tell they were worried about it - but for us, finding out that my daughter was deaf just the day after her birth was absolutely delightful because it meant I could start speaking sign language to her from the start.

"those silly nurses, they were so concerned that something might be wrong with my daughter, they were so sad that she would never be able to hear, I laughed right in their stupid faces! I'm so delighted and thrilled!!"

(07-08-2024, 05:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Thordison is such a fucking cunt.

Leftist want to everybody to get along and understand other cultures… but don’t you dare to travel!!!!

I don't think anyone on era even likes that asshole. He's insufferable. Every post reeks of smugness.
Quote:Merope’s advise now, a year after her daughter’s death is this.

“Ignore the advice and look everything up on the internet. Google like crazy, educate yourself, ask questions and, if you are unsure, insist on a second opinion, or a third. Remember that it’s entirely possible you will be “managed” and “reassured” but not told the full truth. We certainly weren’t.

Be aware that much care in hospitals is less thorough at weekends. And understand the damage done by the hierarchical, patrician system – everyone defers to the most senior consultant. If things seem to be going wrong: shout the ward down. In our case, the cost of not doing so was too great. We had such trust; we feel such fools.”

She is not totally wrong, but it sounds like she is using her daughter death to spout BS. (Is not the same as the deaf one, it looks).
I will admit that doesn’t disturb me so much that she has a pretty egotistical reaction about her daughter condition, but more how she isn’t self aware in how egotistical it is.

“My daughter is deaf, now she will be forced to learn sign language first. We have a lot of advantages when traveling abroad. Snob ”


People can have this sort of awful and egoistic thoughts all the time, but usually they keep them to themselves and try to reflect on it. She did neither.
"My daughter died."

Wow, that's absolutely delightful.
(07-08-2024, 06:05 PM)EaldNarche wrote:
(07-08-2024, 05:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Thordison is such a fucking cunt.

Leftist want to everybody to get along and understand other cultures… but don’t you dare to travel!!!!

I don't think anyone on era even likes that asshole. He's insufferable. Every post reeks of smugness.

The woke squad, Gilo and Booshka,  just come by to tell us how tourism is shit and we should feel bad.

Booshka wrote:Tourists inherently have more means and privilege than local impoverished workers so they should check themselves and try to travel more responsibly and ethically.


Again, how this is different from the conservative talking point about immigration? 

“No , is okay, they don’t come from privilege… they are just going to affect the local privilege and benefits, specially poor workers.” Awesome
I always wonder if sign language is actually a proper translation.

It seems like a very easy way to create cheap fakes without many people being able to find out. 
You could just have someone wave their arms and spell: "Donald Trump wants to kill all deaf people" and rig an election. Trumps
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
Thordison wrote:I've no problem with you disagreeing with me. But just don't expect local populations to take kindly to folks feeling entitled to be there. That's not my fault either.

“Me and those vandals speak for the local Spaniard population, thank you very much. Snob ”

NinjaScooter wrote:Nobody snatches defeat from the jaws of victory quite like the Democratic Party.
Quote:I'm so sick of this attitude blaming regular ass people just trying to live their lives causing all of society's ills for real.

Did you get attacked on vacation? It's your fault for not researching the delicate socioeconomic issues currently facing the city! Tough luck jackass!

Thordinson wrote:Regular ass folks are partially responsible for some of societies ills, yeah. Just being a regular ass person doesn't mean you have no agency or blame for things. Doesn't mean they are solely to blame nor are they to blame for everything.

Victim blaming?  is this?

Violence Jack wrote:Normal-minded folks always get the short end of the straw in these cases because these man-babies can't just ignore something that's not for them without letting everyone know how shitty they are.

tiebreaker wrote:They can just not watch those shows?
(07-08-2024, 06:26 PM)Nintex wrote: I always wonder if sign language is actually a proper translation.

It seems like a very easy way to create cheap fakes without many people being able to find out. 
You could just have someone wave their arms and spell: "Donald Trump wants to kill all deaf people" and rig an election. Trumps

They do come up with not always flattering gestures to shorten famous people’s names rather than spelling them out every time, like Donald Trump is a flapping toupee:
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(07-08-2024, 06:25 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-08-2024, 06:05 PM)EaldNarche wrote:
(07-08-2024, 05:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Thordison is such a fucking cunt.

Leftist want to everybody to get along and understand other cultures… but don’t you dare to travel!!!!

I don't think anyone on era even likes that asshole. He's insufferable. Every post reeks of smugness.

The woke squad, Gilo and Booshka,  just come by to tell us how tourism is shit and we should feel bad.

Booshka wrote:Tourists inherently have more means and privilege than local impoverished workers so they should check themselves and try to travel more responsibly and ethically.


Again, how this is different from the conservative talking point about immigration? 

“No , is okay, they don’t come from privilege… they are just going to affect the local privilege and benefits, specially poor workers.” Awesome

Are they too stupid to realize how easy all of those points can be turned towards being anti-immigration?
There is probably a good conversation to be had about how tourism affects the locals of a city. But you aren't going to get that on Resetera. I doubt most of them have traveled anywhere outside of their state let alone country.
(07-08-2024, 06:40 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

This one is weird, they are not the only fujoshi bait LGBT friendly show on that platform, dunno why single them out. Feels like an overreaction because MotherBasement decided to bitch about some nobodies at Twitter. 

I’m not gonna say I will miss the comment section of Crunchyroll, but closing comment sections shouldn’t be the answer to this stuff.
Era has singlehandedly ruined the word "folks" to me.
Quote:Exactly what's the process for Biden to step down? Does he have a press conference and announce it or will just be his press secretary delivering the message?

I'm not going anywhere you lying dog faced pony soldier. Come to the convention to see if the BLACKS support you PAL. The President of the United has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY I'm sending all you big fat cats and your billionaire friends to GITMO if you try to stop me jack. THE FBI WILL RAID THE GOLF COURSES ON MY ORDERS. When you come for ... the.... you know... the guy... that guy man... you better not miss. THIS IS A DEMOCRACY. You have guns we have something called F35s. BAY OF PIGS.

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(07-08-2024, 06:26 PM)Nintex wrote: I always wonder if sign language is actually a proper translation.

It seems like a very easy way to create cheap fakes without many people being able to find out. 
You could just have someone wave their arms and spell: "Donald Trump wants to kill all deaf people" and rig an election. Trumps

deaf people can't read the internet  ???
(07-08-2024, 06:26 PM)Nintex wrote: I always wonder if sign language is actually a proper translation.

It seems like a very easy way to create cheap fakes without many people being able to find out. 
You could just have someone wave their arms and spell: "Donald Trump wants to kill all deaf people" and rig an election. Trumps

They’re deaf, not retarded. They catch the fakers pretty easily. 

Quote:I'm guessing it's mostly migratory outrage brigades. These chuds are often outsiders to the communities that they claim to be a part of, railing against "woke" content that has long been there.

Then why overreact for something like this? Unless, of course, Crunchyroll was already playing with the idea of phase out comments sections but didn’t bother with an excuse until now.

Blaming the community for losing a feature (whenever was used or not) is always a scumbag move, specially if is understood that the perpetrators are outside that community.
White people can't experience migration  Social Justice Warrior
(07-08-2024, 02:02 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: The newest cope has hit.

Quote:We need to raise awareness of this. Who knows if what is described occurred but we need to investigate Trump's ties to Jeffrey Epstein more closely. What's written here certainly matches the depravity he displayed in the events described in the Jean E Carroll and Stormy Daniels cases (already twice liable for sexual assault)
Did they missed Biden is in trouble?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D

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