Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Melody taking plagarize's advice, legal name changes will set her free. Also seems to be asking Nintex (or whoever it was) that was so kind to donate in the past

Quote:If you'd like to help me legally change my name donate or share my ko-fi! 
The more visibility the better! 
I might get some undesirables in the process but I don't care!

This money will definitely not go to games or toy models.
tyrant t002 wrote:People don't know that they can be bi-gender.

plagiarize wrote:For the record, yes. Calling for political violence against Trump will get you banned. It always has.

Weird how many unbanned posts there are then lol
You know what Tyrant's doing? Fishing for dirt. No doubt inspired by Visawife
Quote:Yo fuck the martyr shit, Trump dead is better than what we have now. Fuck him and I hope he dies

Quote:You think a Trump assassination wouldn't cause something bad to happen? Look what happened when he lost an election. Him dying as a result of a public assassination could very well set off something even bigger.

Quote:Iam now expecting bans for all the people who call for Trump's death considering other people were banned in the Palestine-Israel threads for wishing death on Biden for 'not acting against Israel since the Rafah bombing hasn't reached the US's bottomline yet'.

I hope.. you and your mod team are fair..considering I was banned for just that.

Quote:For the record, yes. Calling for political violence against Trump will get you banned. It always has.
Ashen One caught a 1 month for even asking that and they edited his post lol

ashen one wrote:User banned (1 month): mod whining in a serious thread

Mod edit: don't derail threads with this sort of thing

Last edited by a moderator: 2 minutes ago
(07-14-2024, 01:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Ashen One caught a 1 month for even asking that and they edited his post lol

ashen one wrote:User banned (1 month): mod whining in a serious thread

Mod edit: don't derail threads with this sort of thing

Last edited by a moderator: 2 minutes ago

The mods are absolutely making the right decisions which is why they can't even allow anyone to see the critique. Always a sign of a healthy environment
Quote:For the record, yes. Calling for political violence against Trump will get you banned. It always has.

You fucking liar.
Decided to see what two hearts is up to on bluesky and… well it’s not good. 

Quote:need a lobotomy that makes me mentally a toddler. can't be worse than what i have going on right now

Quote:Kissing is a lie created by big child predator to get little boys to touch them in increasingly fucked up ways. I am sick of entertaining the societal delusion that this is something that normal adults actually do

Quote:Just can't make headway with my depression. my meds have stopped working again and I can't up the dose and there's no stronger meds to try. This is it chat, this malaise is my life now

Quote:reading old books you hear all this talk about unmolested countrysides. Why can't I get unmolested it's not fair


Which translates to “hazel was a kindergartener”…

Quote:this was us and then we remembered and it sucks but its ok but now we shake and cry a lot and we dont sleepgood but its ok cos the bad mans gonna go to jail and get murdered there
um do kids evergotta have sex? Mama says theydont and im safe now but i see so much stuff on here about kids getting sexed in shows and stuff and growned ups kissing is scary enuff for me and i dunno i feel scared and im sorry 😟

I dunno what the fuck this one is on about and don’t want to know 

And these two I had to get photos of the exchange because it’s so fucking weird. Everything quoted here in these images and text were within the last day. 

[Image: VVbuwOs.jpeg]

[Image: GF97dTa.jpeg]
(07-14-2024, 11:46 AM)Bootsthecat wrote:

Tyrant t2 consulting agency is back open!

Jesus Christ, fuck off with this shit already, literally grooming for the cult here and yet Era moderation will allow it xx

Quote:According to the group 'Nullbulge,' the group has gained access to the company's internal Slack, in which 1.1TB of data—including unreleased projects, concept arts, login details, and personal details—is said to have been compromised.
Siren Siren
Worse than the Trump assassination attempt.
Quote:There are moments that feel like they define you when they happen. And they can change you for better or worse. But your whole life does not have to be in the shadow of one event. With enough time, you will heal. I know it doesn't feel that way now, and might not for a long time. But take it one day at a time, focus on recovering, and soon this will be an event in the rearview mirror.

Glad you're still here. I promise there is still light to life.
Is it tho?
(07-14-2024, 01:04 PM)Snoopy wrote: You know what Tyrant's doing? Fishing for dirt. No doubt inspired by Visawife

It’s the Church of Scientology approach to keeping people in the cult.
(07-14-2024, 01:29 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Decided to see what two hearts is up to on bluesky and… well it’s not good. 

[Image: giphy.gif]
advance wars sgt wrote:People who are not under threat from a Trump presidency are showing their asses with their meek non-violent mantras.

You don't fucking WAIT until harm is done to then justify self-defense. A lot of the people in this thread are tacitly endorsing the death of many individuals because they can't stomach the fact that people want a violent fascist regime dead before it gets off the ground.

Soft as fuck. I really wish the world took more from Malcolm X in these instances, he would not be advocating for a quiet death of oppressed individuals like so many here are apparently OK with.
What was that you said Plagiarize? All encouraging of political violence is banned? lol
Advance wars sgt again role playing as a hardcore black revolutionary.
Resetera: I'm going to vote in the republican primary to fuck over Trump getting the nomination in my state! We are 10th level political masters guys!

Also Resetera: The shooter was a registered Republican and donated to ActBlue? He must have been a real republican with a screw loose!

How are they this fucking retarded?
Nepenthe wrote:Liberals: I don't understand how fascism is taking over.

Also liberals: You can only fight fascism once they're physically carrying you away to the camps, otherwise you're just as bad as them.

Every single time.

[Image: NCqN2kP.jpeg]

What was that again Plagiarize? lol
(07-14-2024, 11:42 AM)benji wrote: These morons are all systemic this, hegemonic that, institutional whatever, but they're talking about murdering a single person as if it's this broad-ranging progressively liberationist act in a democratic country. It's sometimes truly remarkable how stupid they are. lol

Ain't no such thing as halfway Crooks
(07-14-2024, 11:33 AM)benji wrote: There's a per person donation limit, they think you can just get around this by donating in other people's names?

Chris Jericho literally did this, it made wrestling news for about 5 seconds lol Donated the max as his real name and as Chris Jericho
Quote:People are saying the picture looks "cool", but it just reminds me of how facists liked to look during their reign, especially Mussolini

[Image: 904257332.jpg?260]

Some striking similarities. They're both holding up a fist and.... and.... Uhh....

It's uncanny how similar these are
The most surprising thing about all this was Beaker at the rally being interviewed on the BBC.
(07-14-2024, 02:01 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
advance wars sgt wrote:People who are not under threat from a Trump presidency are showing their asses with their meek non-violent mantras.

You don't fucking WAIT until harm is done to then justify self-defense. A lot of the people in this thread are tacitly endorsing the death of many individuals because they can't stomach the fact that people want a violent fascist regime dead before it gets off the ground.

Soft as fuck. I really wish the world took more from Malcolm X in these instances, he would not be advocating for a quiet death of oppressed individuals like so many here are apparently OK with.
What was that you said Plagiarize? All encouraging of political violence is banned? lol

you don't wait until harm is justify self-defense...

so you just go around harming people before they harm you?

that sounds like mugging, murder and all-around anarchy with extra steps
billfisto wrote:Fuck, it's infuriating to watch the news just go to a bunch of Republicans who spew a bunch of bullshit about how "we should be able to talk about our different opinions with words" or whatever, as if their whole fucking deal for almost the last decade wasn't stochastic terrorism.

Not even a scent of introspection
Quote:User banned (1 month): attacking and misrepresenting members of staff
Mod edit: this sort of behavior remains unacceptable

They keep deleting posts that presumably call out the inconsistency in the bans
(07-14-2024, 01:32 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(07-14-2024, 11:46 AM)Bootsthecat wrote:

Tyrant t2 consulting agency is back open!

Jesus Christ, fuck off with this shit already, literally grooming for the cult here and yet Era moderation will allow it xx

I think Era members felt similarly. Zero posts in it lol.
(07-10-2024, 03:12 AM)Garfield wrote:
(07-09-2024, 06:29 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I mean, part of the theory of restorative justice includes accounting for what the actual victims want, and if they want him to get treatment versus spending time in jail, you're not really doing them any favors by saying "No, your family member has to be ripped away from you for years/forever."

Now granted, I don't know if I'd be strong enough to advocate for treatment for someone who tried to fucking kill me and my children, but alas.

(I am also aware this is shit only afforded to rich people while poor folks are spending years in jail on harmless drug crimes. Theory is sound, but America remains a trash place.)


"Restorative justice" in practice usually involves schools making victims of bullying/sucker punching sit down and listen to their attackers' sob stories to deflect them of any real blame or punishment.  Despite what nep says, it's usually done to the benefit of poor kids, since it's racist to punish too many non-white kids in school these days.

(07-14-2024, 02:07 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Liberals: I don't understand how fascism is taking over.

Also liberals: You can only fight fascism once they're physically carrying you away to the camps, otherwise you're just as bad as them.

Every single time.

[Image: NCqN2kP.jpeg]

What was that again Plagiarize? lol

What is Nepenthe doing to fight fascism?  Besides being a furry suburbanite that lives comfortably in mom and dad's house, larping as a black nationalist from the hood on a videogame  forum, i mean.  "Why aren't yall committing more political violence while I watch Bluey with the homies in Discord!"   Another do-nothing, loudmouth that needs a security guard to tell her when to interact with the police.
higemaru wrote:I mean fascism was an aesthetic philosophy before it's a political philosophy. Trump, whether he knows it or not, embodies the American mutation of Italian fascism and that picture is proof of it. "Cool" is subjective but the photo is of a "leader" (inasmuch as he is one) withstanding an attack and showing defiance and a reserve of strength in the immediate aftermath. It's a textbook fascist image.

I mean, no it wasn't.  It's very clearly delineated what fascism is in texts, when it was devised, what it was, etc.  The flippant way you idiots use this term has somehow taught you it's okay to muddy the water with haphazard vocabulary that nothing means anything anymore, which is the reason you can say random shit like this and nobody cares or calls you out on it, and consequently, nobody ever takes you people seriously.
nepenthe wrote:Being bad at organizing implies you're trying to do it and yet failing. I don't see liberals actually trying to plan or organize any truly material opposition to Republican fascism beyond telling people to vote, finger-wagging towards those who didn't give a shit about whether or not Trump died yesterday, and lying through their fucking teeth that violence isn't part of American identity.

"Civility and decorum" are impregnable parts of the liberal agenda, a way to separate themselves as the good guys. Subsequently, they have ceded all of the tools of fighting to the right-wing because violence in and of itself is always fundamentally unjustifiable to the liberal unless you're swung on first, although they have no answer for when the metaphorical swing is a fucking mass shooting, or mass demonstrations of Nazis, or a Supreme Court stripping your rights, or police doing what they're paid to do all the time. They are pacifists who don't believe in preventative action, folks whose answer towards the paradox of tolerance is just to ignore it.

If Trump had died yesterday, I would've cut off my dominant arm before being seen admitting that I gave any sort of shit about the well-being of my political enemy. Fuck him and the rest of the fascists backing him.

what a sick person
That little race-obsessed bitch wants everyone to engage in violence while she watches on a livestream from mommy's basement.  Detestable freak.

Nepenthe wrote:Subsequently, they have ceded all of the tools of fighting to the right-wing because violence in and of itself is always fundamentally unjustifiable to the liberal unless you're swung on first

No, the cornerstone of a civilized society lies in our collective restraint from violence as a means of politics. It's not merely a moral choice, but a pragmatic necessity for the sustainability of this whole project.  The moment we legitimize violence as a valid form of political expression, everything unravels and the centuries of progress you enjoy in your comfy suburb becomes another third-world hellscape.  You should celebrate this shared commitment not shit all over it.  Even in the face of deep ideological divides we can agree that violence is wrong - that distinguishes a truly civilized society from one teetering on the brink of chaos. That's why people don't do it.   Not because durrr libruhls r weak.   Deep down, Nepenthe knows this because she doesn't move anywhere that takes her beliefs seriously - keep LARPing, I guess.

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