Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Something something huite supremacy, ACAB etc,.
2 users liked this post: killamajig, Gameboy Nostalgia
Know what kind of hero shooter would print money?

2 users liked this post: Nintex, Boredfrom
Splatoon 3 is my favorite lesbian shooter.
3 users liked this post: killamajig, benji, Gameboy Nostalgia
3 users liked this post: Boredfrom, Nintex, benji


Ra wrote:
NepNep wrote:Then don't involve yourself in our affairs on our behalf.
Nep the collective nation of Jewish people destroyer wrote:I'm just sitting here wondering why folks are suddenly concerned about anti-Blackness within the Palestinian cause specifically when anti-Blackness has been a thing in American and international politics forever and you'd have people outright defending it.

Biden questioning our Blackness over our voting patterns. It's just a joke. Biden saying that we don't have a diverse political history unlike Hispanic people. Don't rain on the shout he's giving to Hispanics. Biden saying we need to fund the police. Applause. Biden jailing tons of us. Well, you Blacks were in on it too. Liberals telling us to vote for Bloomberg if it came down to it. Whatever is necessary to defeat Trump. Ukrainians preventing Black people from fleeing the war. It's too inconvenient to the current narrative. No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo. Hell, no one even giving a fuck about Cop City. Status quo.

Some pro-Palestinian folks are out of pocket? Real shit.

And to be clear, I'm not saying that anti-Blackness is ever okay. I am questioning the sudden upswell in concern about it when fighting it has largely never been a consistent principle to uphold by liberals and even the left. Like FD said within the video, shit's got psyop and terminally online written all over it.

Which one do you want? People to care, or for them to care and then you call bullshit so they don't dare speak up again?

Isn't the entire point of what we're building here that we take each other in good faith, so someone voicing concerns about anti-Blackness was doing so because they actually gave a fuck and were concerned about us?

If you're going to draw a line in the sand and say mind your business when someone speaks up as an ally, we might as well burn the entire forum to the ground.
Overwatch’s popularity was boosted by smut. Degenerates are getting back into the game after the Juno reveal.

Nobody is doing that for Concord.
(08-24-2024, 08:07 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Hope this leads to something spicy 🍿

Nepenthe wrote:
Like FD said within the video, shit's got psyop and terminally online written all over it.
Um, Nepenthe? I don't you should be insulting anything as "terminally online."

I didn't even watch the video being discussed in question yet, but "leftist infighting" sounds like a very truthful statement.
(08-24-2024, 08:07 AM)Polident wrote: Overwatch’s popularity was boosted by smut. Degenerates are getting back into the game after the Juno reveal.

Nobody is doing that for Concord.
I did not even think of the possibility of Concord smut until this post. And I don't think I want to think about that anymore 🤢
IMCaprica, post: 127622334, member: 58901 wrote:Considering some of that bigotry ties into who I am as a human being, me. I care. And it really fucking sucks when I can't search a game I really enjoy without getting smacked in the face with dozens of posts and videos about how this "woke" game has "fat" "groomer" "men pretending to be women".
a hit dog will holler  Trumps
Quote:Considering some of that bigotry ties into who I am as a human being, me.

Quote:"woke" game has "fat" "groomer" "men pretending to be women".

Which of those are you?
4 users liked this post: NekoFever, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BananaBlast

Stat wrote:
Bubukill wrote:I think I've not seen such negativity surrounding a game for this year than Concord.
New pizza place : *exists*
"I don't like pizza and I hope this pizza place place fails and devs lose their job"
Normal people: Don't eat there then. Doesn't affect you.
Them: "Everyone at the pizza place must lose their job and I will stand outside and picket every day against this place"

I don't think Ive seen more replies about people not getting a game than I have in ever game ever.

Hogwarts Legacy boycott? Stellar Blade? Wukong?

[Image: scrubs-where-do-you-think-we-are.gif]
(08-24-2024, 08:07 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: MOD FIGHT?!


Ra wrote:
NepNep wrote:Then don't involve yourself in our affairs on our behalf.
Nep the collective nation of Jewish people destroyer wrote:I'm just sitting here wondering why folks are suddenly concerned about anti-Blackness within the Palestinian cause specifically when anti-Blackness has been a thing in American and international politics forever and you'd have people outright defending it.

Biden questioning our Blackness over our voting patterns. It's just a joke. Biden saying that we don't have a diverse political history unlike Hispanic people. Don't rain on the shout he's giving to Hispanics. Biden saying we need to fund the police. Applause. Biden jailing tons of us. Well, you Blacks were in on it too. Liberals telling us to vote for Bloomberg if it came down to it. Whatever is necessary to defeat Trump. Ukrainians preventing Black people from fleeing the war. It's too inconvenient to the current narrative. No one giving an absolute fuck about Niger, Sudan, the Congo. Hell, no one even giving a fuck about Cop City. Status quo.

Some pro-Palestinian folks are out of pocket? Real shit.

And to be clear, I'm not saying that anti-Blackness is ever okay. I am questioning the sudden upswell in concern about it when fighting it has largely never been a consistent principle to uphold by liberals and even the left. Like FD said within the video, shit's got psyop and terminally online written all over it.

Which one do you want? People to care, or for them to care and then you call bullshit so they don't dare speak up again?

Isn't the entire point of what we're building here that we take each other in good faith, so someone voicing concerns about anti-Blackness was doing so because they actually gave a fuck and were concerned about us?

If you're going to draw a line in the sand and say mind your business when someone speaks up as an ally, we might as well burn the entire forum to the ground.

Nep wrote:My second post wasn't aimed at Dogo Mojo, but a general trend I'd begun seeing online.

But let's assume both posts were: I want people to consistently care, inasmuch as they will call out anti-Blackness wherever it rears its head, not just when it's convenient. I would also like to see this general care be turned into organization and action.

As it stands, I have very little faith in most people, on Era and elsewhere, to maintain that level of consistency because at this point in my life, I fundamentally do not trust most non-Black folks to genuinely care about Black liberation as a whole because our material reality has barely changed, and part of the reason it has barely changed is because most people are married to the systems and conveniences that are the result of our oppression and don't want to give up those luxuries. Ergo, my guard is up significantly when it comes to online liberals and most leftists because those are the demographics who claim to care, but it's usually only around election time or when we've had enough and have burned down a police station and thus folks are terrified. Conservatives are at least clear that they dislike us from the jump.

The project that is this forum is neither here nor there at this point. I'm truly not happy about a lot of things here, but there's very little I can do about it even within my position without risking either staff cohesion or my personal safety. I made a promise to pull back from certain topics and I think I'm doing right well in sticking to that.

But regardless of all of that, I'm also willing to admit my cynicism is unwarranted and that Dogo Mojo truly meant no harm.

Then why be an admin if you have little faith in the userbase?  ???

Quote:I made a promise to pull back from certain topics and I think I'm doing right well in sticking to that.

Must be hard to not wish the worst on the collective nation of Jewish people.
(08-24-2024, 08:39 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Then why be an admin if you have little faith in the userbase?  ???
I believe it's because she loves the way Resetera is setup. It's an echo chamber that tells these crazies what they want to hear. Despite the flaws she may have with the userbase, in the end it's still a vehicle for power tripping and saying shit without being directly confronted about it.

As an admin, she's able to do things like constantly stereotype men, talk shit about regular heterosexual dudes as if they're all basement dwelling incel chuds, and then push around the "I'm a fat black neurodivergent woman and my voice needs to be heard!" card until dawn. It's a safe space and a power fantasy.

She'll never be satisfied, even with all the shit talking and virtue signaling she can do and has gotten away with.
You need a psn account for Concord.

(08-24-2024, 09:04 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: You need a psn account for Concord.

If this was a massive problem for helldivers, which was a massive overnight success, why did they think this would be a good idea for a massive flop in the making?
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D
(08-24-2024, 08:07 AM)Polident wrote: Overwatch’s popularity was boosted by smut. Degenerates are getting back into the game after the Juno reveal.

Nobody is doing that for Concord.

I see what you're trying to do but it's not going to work on me bud. I won't play Overwatch again, not even just to stick it to Concord.

Just wack it to the porn like everybody else. Trumps
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Nintex, BananaBlast
(08-24-2024, 09:08 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: Just wack it to the porn like everybody else. Trumps
Okay seriously though, that brings me to something I've always wanted to discuss with others.....

How many men on there do you think consistently beat their meat to hyper attractive women doing sexual things? In particular, the lewds of female characters.... female characters that they always whine about being problematic and sexist?

There are some people on there that do admit that, but I swear some of those same people end up crying about something being sexist just because it has sexy women in it.
1 user liked this post: Nintex
I have never masturbated that's gross af, benji it may be time to close signup again...

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Assuming the hrt or other meds didn't fuck their libido entirely.
4 users liked this post: Boredfrom, Gameboy Nostalgia, Nintex, BananaBlast
(08-24-2024, 08:39 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Nep wrote:The project that is this forum is neither here nor there at this point. I'm truly not happy about a lot of things here, but there's very little I can do about it even within my position without risking either staff cohesion or my personal safety. 
Dead Dead Dead Dead
Nepenthe wrote:at this point in my life, I fundamentally do not trust most non-Black folks to genuinely care about Black liberation as a whole
Because your idea of "Black liberation" is literally by your own description either all Black people being forced into an post-apocalyptic famine society cut off from the rest of the world whether they want it or not or a global racial empire that deliberately forces all non-Black people into slave labor for a racially purified imperial core. lmao
Nepenthe wrote:I fundamentally do not trust most non-Black folks to genuinely care about Black liberation as a whole because our material reality has barely changed, and part of the reason it has barely changed is because most people are married to the systems and conveniences that are the result of our oppression and don't want to give up those luxuries.

She can't even do the most basic things to change her own material reality, and yet she concerns herself with the material reality of an entire race of people who are unrelated to her in every way except skin color.  And why is she never specific about what she wants white people to do?  Reparations? Racial separatism?  Racial preferencing in every industry for blacks?  What "systems and conveniences" produce luxuries for white people via what specific oppression happening to blacks?  What specific racial oppression is keeping her from getting her life together and why does it not affect other black people who can live a productive, independent, adult life?  Why doesn't she just move to a place without any white people if she's so convinced they're the cause of every black person's problem?  If white peoples' destructive influence on black people and their nations is globally inescapable, why can't she go to a wealthy East Asian country with no whites?  I'm not being rhetorical here, im seriously confused with why she doesnt act on any of her beliefs despite their testifying to the cause of her problems.
(08-24-2024, 08:39 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Then why be an admin if you have little faith in the userbase?  ???

It's the only power she'll ever have in her life.
She's been explicit plenty of times that literally all of society needs to be completely destroyed because she falsely believes it was stolen from Africa with the slave trade. The "systems", "conveniences" and "luxuries" she wants given up are literally everything humanity has created over the last few centuries.
(08-24-2024, 09:57 AM)benji wrote:
(08-24-2024, 08:39 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Nep wrote:The project that is this forum is neither here nor there at this point. I'm truly not happy about a lot of things here, but there's very little I can do about it even within my position without risking either staff cohesion or my personal safety. 
Dead Dead Dead Dead

What the fucking fuck does this even mean? What on earth does "doing something about it" consist of?
(08-24-2024, 10:08 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote: What the fucking fuck does this even mean? What on earth does "doing something about it" consist of?
Bans until y'all go back where y'all belong and keep your nose out of Black people's business. ufup
"The project that is this forum"


You're a janitor...
No, janitors deserve respect.
NepNep explaining the project to make a bunch of Marvel nerds self-hating transbians.

[Image: W_chCs.gif]

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