Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1690567168' wrote: 1690567168[/url]']
matrixman92 wrote:NekoNeko wrote:so the fact that Kanye produced/wrote and starred on the album was fine but featuring Chappelle is going to far? Why is this album even being promoted/discussed here? No mention of Travis Scott getting his audience members killed by practically inciting a riot. 
Uh-oh. Sounds like another ban for advocating banning content.
anamika wrote:There's a story going around Capitol Hill that Democrats insist you just have to hear. It's about how Speaker Kevin McCarthy is "a pussy."
While both members told nearly identical versions of this story, they both delivered Swalwell's response in exactly the same way. "You. Are. A. Pussy," Swalwell told McCarthy.
These dems seem very proud of hurling around misogynistic slurs to show machismo.
anamika wrote:Wraith wrote:I’m not praising use of the word.
But if the accounts we see laid out in the article are accurate, Swallwell initially called him “weak” and “pathetic” to his face.
Then in the later instance, it’s McCarthy that starts in with physical threats and use of that term. And Swallwell using it since McCarthy specifically threatened him not to. Perhaps even that is a bit childish and not a term one wants their representatives using. But it wasn’t something Swallwell was throwing at McCarthy, before he started using it as part of his empty macho defense mechanism.
While I’m completely over “when they go low, we go high” rhetoric (and am glad to see the initial callout of McCarthy’s obvious weakness), I agree that it’s not a term I want to see used in Congress. Yes, but the democrats telling the story seem to be very proud of using this misogynistic slur. Look at the way the story is framed. Even with the emphasis on Swalwell calling McCarthy the slur with the period and all. Like it's something to brag about. Hey did you know that Swalwell called McCarthy the Slur? Well he did!! Because McCarthy is weak and then walked off! Here's how it happpened!
And I expect better from the Dems. And I notice many folks here repeating the slur as well.
anamika wrote:Sho_Nuff82 wrote:The way the story is told (and I double checked the article to make sure), Swallwell originally said nothing more than "you are weak", McCarthy interpreted that as an attack on his manhood, and escalated the situation by daring Swallwell to call him a pussy and physically threatening him.
Swallwell calling his bluff, slur or not, just proved his original point and made the blowhard bully back off. If Kevin got away with threatening another member of the opposition party by cornering them in a hallway, I can only imagine how comfortable he would've gotten with doing so with members he perceived as physically smaller or weaker than himself. I am sorry, but can we stop with the mansplaining please? As a woman I find this entire story offensive and unnecessary and the usage of that slur by all sides as misogynistic and unprofessional. Let's leave it at that.
anamika wrote:Rampage wrote:As a women, can you please stop tone policing people telling the story using the accurate words that were said? Stop twisting that Democrats are bad because the used a bad word against people who literally stripped women of human rights. As a woman, I don't want to listen to men justifying the use of misogynistic slurs. That's just me. Pointing that out is not defending the people stripping women of human rights. Damn.
anamika wrote:Rampage wrote:Yes you are. As a women- i can see through your tactic clearly. You are trying to derail a thread by picking out word and laying morality while playing the women card. It is suck a classic MAGA thread derailing move- it makes be doubt you are a women at all. Wait, pointing out the use of a misogynistic slur is a MAGA move and you doubt that I am even a woman?! What in the world.
Rampage wrote:REPORTED.
07-28-2023, 07:11 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2023, 07:12 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
(07-28-2023, 06:52 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/%E2%80%98you-are-a-pussy%E2%80%99-mccarthy-and-swalwell-get-in-house-floor-feud.747160/page-2#post-109614466
anamika wrote:Rampage wrote:As a women, can you please stop tone policing people telling the story using the accurate words that were said? Stop twisting that Democrats are bad because the used a bad word against people who literally stripped women of human rights. As a woman, I don't want to listen to men justifying the use of misogynistic slurs. That's just me. Pointing that out is not defending the people stripping women of human rights. Damn.
anamika wrote:Rampage wrote:Yes you are. As a women- i can see through your tactic clearly. You are trying to derail a thread by picking out word and laying morality while playing the women card. It is suck a classic MAGA thread derailing move- it makes be doubt you are a women at all. Wait, pointing out the use of a misogynistic slur is a MAGA move and you doubt that I am even a woman?! What in the world.
Rampage wrote:REPORTED. 
Peak RE interaction.
Bonus points if both happen to be trans women
FEUER FREI. dateline='[url=tel:1690491811' wrote: 1690491811[/url]']
B-Dubs, post: 109588744, member: 143 wrote:So, I’m just going to point to the rule about advocating for the banning of content again. Knock it off. We’ll decide that sort of thing based on our own criteria on our own schedule.
We told people doing this would result in bans, consider the warning in this post us being nice.
User banned (duration pending admin review): Hostility towards staff. Community metacommentary. Violating thread rules.
Mana Latte, post: 109590172, member: 58375 wrote:I guess it’s that time of week where you have to show your ass again huh? If you don’t want people clamoring for banned topics and shit then don’t set a precedent for it. And also I would like to say show some respect for your user base but your title means that doesn’t apply to you. Maybe the eventual version 3.0 of this community will be better.

Now a perm.
Also, the one voice of dissent (Natiko) silently got hit with this once a they got to a new page:
User threadbanned (permanent): Ignoring thread rules
Pussies Front holes
07-28-2023, 07:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2023, 07:48 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
Quote: User Banned (1 Month): Dismissive Commentary Around Representation; History of Dismissive Commentary
TheWraith wrote:Fj0823 wrote:That'll for sure help us Latinos get a hero role next time. You got yours so now it should stop for everyone else.
Such valuable input. If we're in an age where every possible ethnicity desperately needs it own matching superhero we are indeed in deep trouble. I'd rather want to see an original, engaging movie with latino's in standout roles. Much more worth to look up to, and not tied to the superhero schlock 15 years of cinema that clearly had its heyday.
07-28-2023, 07:50 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2023, 08:04 PM by Shecky Fragbaum.)
From the Barbie movie on pace for dat billion thread:
Praetorpwj wrote:WB takes a lot of hits on this forum but they have may take both the biggest film and game of 2023
Slickness detected
13 users liked this post: ClothedMac, Uncle, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Switters, BIONIC, benji, Taco Bell Tower, Tucker's Law, Propagandhim, MJBarret, PogiJones, HaughtyFrank
Wasn't Fj1234 the one who didn't like the trailer to the cartoon about the Latino(x) family in East LA because the trailer did a poor job of representing every single Spanish and Latino country in the world or was that some other moron?
07-28-2023, 08:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2023, 08:38 PM by Greatness Gone.)
I think WB turning Blue Beetle into a theatrical level release based off of Latino "demand" for superhero content wasn't too bright. I live in Los Angeles and there is no such thing as a "Latino" community here. You are either Mexican/Cuban/Puerto Rican etc. None of them are united in the same way the majority of black americans for instance are. That's just my two cents. The box office predictions definitely make sense.
There’s another question about how “pure” the representation need to be.
Miles Morales is the Spider-verse movies is Afro-Latino. Disqualified for animated or being half? Oscar Isaac plays Moon Knight. Originally a Jewish character, so no good? Doctor Strange 2 had the latina girl, but not the lead? Uh, Spy Kids? not based on an existing comic.…Zorro? Last reboot was like 25 years ago.
I watched some YT’er walking around Los Angeles at night. Holy shit. What a fucking nightmare that place is. Over here almost every person I saw on it would be beaten and arrested within minutes
1 user liked this post: Nintex
(07-28-2023, 10:43 AM)Snoopy wrote: From the Bluesky thread -
Quote:Who let all the furries in? Yikes.
Quote:i'm sorry that you have to coexist with queer people :(
Quote:Imagine hating furries in 2023. 🙄
Quote:I honestly want to know what the point of your post was? Just “ew”?
If B Dubs and Nep Nep really want a better community they could start by getting rid of obvious ban baiters and witch hunters like this lot
Quote:Quote:i'm sorry that you have to coexist with queer people :(
Interesting that's what you took from that.
Quote:Quote:Interesting that's what you took from that.
even if I wasn’t a furry, I’d much rather have furry porn randomly show up in my feed than any inkling of elon
What's with these idiots?
Someone doesn't want furry content on their feed, there's a multitude of reasons why this could be. Maybe they don't want their timeline flooded with creepy cunts posting
I've seen people have already made multiple furry mute lists on there so I'm sure that will go down well and they'll twist that into them being massive homophobes or some shit.
(07-28-2023, 07:18 PM)BIONIC wrote: FEUER FREI. dateline='[url=tel:1690491811' wrote: 1690491811[/url]']
B-Dubs, post: 109588744, member: 143 wrote:So, I’m just going to point to the rule about advocating for the banning of content again. Knock it off. We’ll decide that sort of thing based on our own criteria on our own schedule.
We told people doing this would result in bans, consider the warning in this post us being nice.
User banned (duration pending admin review): Hostility towards staff. Community metacommentary. Violating thread rules.
Mana Latte, post: 109590172, member: 58375 wrote:I guess it’s that time of week where you have to show your ass again huh? If you don’t want people clamoring for banned topics and shit then don’t set a precedent for it. And also I would like to say show some respect for your user base but your title means that doesn’t apply to you. Maybe the eventual version 3.0 of this community will be better.

Now a perm.
Also, the one voice of dissent (Natiko) silently got hit with this once a they got to a new page:
User threadbanned (permanent): Ignoring thread rules
Pussies Front holes  Wishing someone dies from a stroke? No action
Joking about someone shitting themselves? 3 day ban
Criticising moderation? PERMABANNED
(07-28-2023, 08:25 PM)books wrote: Wasn't Fj1234 the one who didn't like the trailer to the cartoon about the Latino(x) family in East LA because the trailer did a poor job of representing every single Spanish and Latino country in the world or was that some other moron?
He was one of them, yeah.
07-28-2023, 10:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-28-2023, 10:21 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
hachikoma wrote:i swear to god if these rumors i'm hearing that democrats are planning to accept some of the anti-trans riders to the NDAA and other funding bills are true i'm going to cause the hugest shitshow i can Just leave your gun at home.
Greatness Gone dateline='[url=tel:1690576684' wrote: 1690576684[/url]']
I think WB turning Blue Beetle into a theatrical level release based off of Latino "demand" for superhero content wasn't too bright. I live in Los Angeles and there is no such thing as a "Latino" community here. You are either Mexican/Cuban/Puerto Rican etc. None of them are united in the same way the majority of black americans for instance are. That's just my two cents. The box office predictions definitely make sense.
Being fair, I don’t think that most minorities are united as tight as black Americans, unless they share a strong ethnic heritage. Black Americans situation was kind of different than most immigrants.
Also, I think at this point is less about not having a Latino community and more like “everyone is tired of superhero films” to the point that a autor toy commercial and a autor biopic about a Jewish womanizer scientist are more celebrated.
J_ToSaveTheDay, post: 109650718, member: 6934 wrote:If Square-Enix demonstrates their commitment after FFXIV by having any non-paid exclusives on Xbox going forward, it might be a significant motivator in making my Xbox my main platform again.
That said, as stated in the other FFXIV-coming-to-Xbox thread today, this was my biggest remaining port want on Xbox and I’m very pleased. Even though I’ve changed my primary platform to PS5 at the start of this year, I didn’t get rid of my Xbox and I have always wanted to play XIV on my Xbox (for a lot of personal and complicated reasons that are more emotional than rational) and that persisted past my change in primary platform. This is all great news that I’m really hoping Squenix lives up to as they’ve promised. I still love my Xbox despite not currently seeing it as my main platform but Squenix renewed/expanded support would be greatly appreciated!
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
07-28-2023, 11:05 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 12:45 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
Ree Sony Pony mad
Quote:Very true. People who talk shit about Phil have no idea how much the man has done for Xbox.
And this means he doesn't deserve any criticism for other things under his watch that wasn't/isn't all that great?
07-29-2023, 12:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 12:35 AM by benji.)
(07-28-2023, 03:47 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/i-hate-semi-trucks.747208/
Quote:Why have we not created semi-truck/large vehicle only lanes? We have, it's just not economical or allowed by the government in all places. Maybe get outside your bubble?
(07-28-2023, 06:52 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/%E2%80%98you-are-a-pussy%E2%80%99-mccarthy-and-swalwell-get-in-house-floor-feud.747160/page-2#post-109614826
Rampage wrote:Yes you are. As a women- i can see through your tactic clearly. You are trying to derail a thread by picking out word and laying morality while playing the women card. It is suck a classic MAGA thread derailing move- it makes be doubt you are a women at all. Interesting, you're allowed to dispute someone else's claimed identity on ResetERA.com? Especially after they have taken offense on behalf of the identity?
(07-28-2023, 08:38 PM)Greatness Gone wrote: I think WB turning Blue Beetle into a theatrical level release based off of Latino "demand" for superhero content wasn't too bright. I live in Los Angeles and there is no such thing as a "Latino" community here. You are either Mexican/Cuban/Puerto Rican etc. None of them are united in the same way the majority of black americans for instance are. That's just my two cents. The box office predictions definitely make sense. Hispanic/Latino was invented by the U.S. Census like Asian-American, these terms are not used internally in the communities only by political groups in their relations with yts and the state. Even white is a modern Census category aggregated of once diverse ethnicities, the only ethnic group that mostly (but still nowhere near 100%) matches their Census category are African-Americans. Native Americans, much like Indigenous groups around the world, do not see a "shared" struggle with yts as they see their own tribes relations, that's something yts invented for them to make it easier on yts.
AniHawk, post: 109584292, member: 4173 wrote:like a glove
Quoting known genocidal transphobe Ace Ventura. Not slick at all
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
07-29-2023, 02:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 02:12 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
hachikoma wrote:i was in an hours-long flamewar with a transphobe when it kicked in at like 7am this morning. maddening. had to finish him off only interacting using the notifications tab which was all that still worked
hachikoma wrote:clay_ghost wrote:I will take that as a sign to stop using twitter. It's really not worth that effort to spend that much time with a troll. i do trans policy professionally so i have to talk very politely to powerful transphobes all week. twitter is where i get to release the anger that builds up on dipshits i have more clout than. it's not draining, it's cathartic.
hachikoma wrote:y'all know they do this in the us already right? like without a subpoena and everything? the fact that they go through accommodating tech conglomerates doesn't mean we're better. the fbi was literally surveilling the last national nonprofit i worked for, presumably bc of our immigration work.
Derails thread to make it about herself:
(07-29-2023, 02:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Derails thread to make it about herself:
https://www.resetera.com/threads/wisconsin-governor-extends-education-funding-increases-through-2425.738816/#post-108528243 Quote:Quote:I agree that Biden could do more for trans people, but I’m not seeing the connection here? Biden doesn’t have a line item veto.
go nuts, investigate manchin's daughter, who gives a shit. people are being assaulted in the streets for being queer so i'm not pearl clutching about some billionaires getting any remote tiny ethereal bit of comeuppance
why place nice with fascists? if we all acknowledge that we are at war with fascists then there is no reason to restrain ourselves socially or politically. i refrain from adding physically because i hope not to be banned,
Quote:Quote:I don’t disagree, I just don’t see the connection to Evers using a line-item veto so I was confused. Sorry to bother.
nothing exists in a vacuum. i like the political gumption or whatever but for things like this to mean anything there has to be some kind of coalescence around an anti-fascism. one politician has an abusable veto. one has the ability to outlaw a political organization using hate symbols, another has the ability to investigate burs in the saddle and apply pressure to them however indecorous. We're either genuinely at war with fascism or we're not. I'm stretching myself rhetorically to remain within the bounds of this space.
We had to become fascists to be anti-fascists.
(07-29-2023, 02:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Old:
hachikoma wrote:i was in an hours-long flamewar with a transphobe when it kicked in at like 7am this morning. maddening. had to finish him off only interacting using the notifications tab which was all that still worked
hachikoma wrote:clay_ghost wrote:I will take that as a sign to stop using twitter. It's really not worth that effort to spend that much time with a troll. i do trans policy professionally so i have to talk very politely to powerful transphobes all week. twitter is where i get to release the anger that builds up on dipshits i have more clout than. it's not draining, it's cathartic.
hachikoma wrote:y'all know they do this in the us already right? like without a subpoena and everything? the fact that they go through accommodating tech conglomerates doesn't mean we're better. the fbi was literally surveilling the last national nonprofit i worked for, presumably bc of our immigration work.
Derails thread to make it about herself:
Holy fuck
Remember when they posted their custom AR-15 with trans flag colors within days of a mass shooting by a trans person without a hint of introspection?
Wasn't that a mod or admin? I'm probably thinking that one mod who encouraged users to get a gun. Someone who's not NepNep.
07-29-2023, 02:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 02:55 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
(07-29-2023, 02:35 AM)BIONIC wrote: Remember when they posted their custom AR-15 with trans flag colors within days of a mass shooting by a trans person without a hint of introspection?
hachikoma wrote:if you're trans you need to start thinking about what your bright lines are, what you're willing to do for your dignity and your community when they're crossed, and who will be alongside you doing it, regardless of whether or not we have mass mobilization behind us at that point.
(07-29-2023, 02:39 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Wasn't that a mod or admin? I'm probably thinking that one mod who encouraged users to get a gun. Someone who's not NepNep. Take up arms.
07-29-2023, 02:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2023, 03:04 AM by BIONIC.)
I went through the rest of that Washington gun ban thread and only one person responds to them while completely sidestepping the lunacy on display. They all know not to engage with the inmates at this point