Journal of Other Forum Analysis
The implicit theme of those posts is a lack of curiosity for history, cultures, and the world writ large.
Quote:The bomb didn't aimed for war criminals only


wow not slayvern!
PeskyToaster is already on VERY thin ice after he got warned for saying The Marvels should bomb. A perma is definitely arriving in his immediate future, I fear.
(08-01-2023, 12:17 AM)Straight Edge wrote:
Quote:The bomb didn't aimed for war criminals only
Oh, now we're going to allow supporters of fascist war criminals off the hook?
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
The mod test has specific questions about WWII era gosh-darn Japan.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
look you guys can talk about japanese war crimes all you like but the real concern is all the innocent animals vaporized  Gloomy
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC
[Image: aM9pMVo.jpg]
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

Richiek wrote:
Dan-o wrote:"...and that they are neither 'sequels' nor 'prequels'… no number attached to them meaning they are true one-off's is victory for Cinema"

How are people reading more into this than what it is? Just, like... chill. He's not wrong.
says the guy who directed The Godfather Part 2 and 3.

Edit: The whole thread is amazing. lol
(08-01-2023, 12:48 AM)Uncle wrote: look you guys can talk about japanese war crimes all you like but the real concern is all the innocent animals vaporized  Gloomy
Wouldn't be surprised if they were targeted specifically due to American queerphobia. Rolleyes
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, books, BIONIC

Slayven, post: 109787605, member: 2504 wrote:Not like last time when reality tv was new and novel. The market is situated. Farmer Joe isn't going to feed the machine

Wut Confused
Farmer Joe is probably the name of the white kid back in elementary school that bullied Slayvem for being a retard. wrote:If you’ve never heard of Bungie, and you’ve never heard of “Destiny 2,” maybe you’ve never heard of GamerGate — a year-long campaign by angry, misogynist, mostly male computer nerds and forum-dwellers to heckle and threaten feminist members of the gaming community out of online existence.

Of course, that most people have never heard of any of these things is part of the problem.

GamerGate remains the most obvious, most mainstream example the country has seen of how easily random trolls can turn into a unified mob — and how that mob can turn up at a target’s door, ready to bang down the brittle walls between online behavior and offline consequences. This isn’t entirely figurative. Two women involved in the episode, fearful for their safety after a doxing attack revealed their addresses, were forced to leave their homes.

GamerGate today is treated as a cautionary tale, yet it never really ended. Instead, the episode represented merely the biggest and loudest version of a phenomenon that keeps happening every day. Writer Amanda Hess summed it up in the title of a viral essay almost 10 years ago: “Women aren’t welcome on the Internet.” Plunge into the cesspool, and you’ll see that neither are Black people, or LGBTQ+ people, or, or, or.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
One of those women "forced to leave their home" was Brianna Wu btw, the home they returned to and continue to live at. And were the ones who posted the death threats against themselves.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
For some reason, this was in the recommended for me in that video and I watched it hoping to learn another alt-right (and alt-right only) trick:

1 day ago
I hate what I call “the advantage of the stupid”. They’ll asks a condescending question that takes five seconds to ask but ten minutes to explain to them and they don’t even actually care about your answer. It always seems like ignorance has it easier and it pisses me off.

1 day ago
What keeps me sane is people are already getting wise to this trick. It's why the "Every accusation is a projection" became a popular stereotype for republicans.

1 day ago
It's wild how many of this can just boil down to "they do be gaslightin' tho..."

Sincerity and honesty are anathema to conservative political strategy.  They won't ever acknowledge what they actually want until they think they can get away with it.

"Hide your power level" as they'd put it.  

1 day ago
As someone who spends a lot of time in trans subreddits, I'm reminded of the argument trans teens perpetually have with their unsupportive parents. "Wait until you're 18 to start HRT" becomes "wait until you're 21, you might regret it" becomes "wait until you're 25 and your brain is fully developed (citing some bogus pop science)" becomes "wait until you're 26 and off my insurance" becomes "oh my God, you're already 26, HRT won't do anything for you, it's too late to transition" (not true, btw). Any young trans folks listening rn struggling with this--just bite the damn bullet and transition. There will never be a "right time". In order to be a healthy adult you're gonna have to disappoint your parents a bit, alright?

1 day ago
God this is so true, the rights response to trump was insane and its established such a scary precedent

1 day ago
Yup, that's why people argument swap all the time. I noticed that the right has four arguments they used a lot when accused of something - deny, both sides, downplay, justify. They all mean the same thing: we're right. 

1 day ago
Wow. This one was a hell of a lot shorter than I expected. Considering the topic though, good on you. I also wouldn't extend this to a 30-40 minute essay. Nothing can win over conservatives, because they are stubborn and has already decided they're correct. 

1 day ago
Also don't forget them suddenly actually liking all these policies they said were just hysteria 4 years ago. 

1 day ago
To some extent they might've been changed in the process of those four years. Such that they might've been sincere in not liking the fascism when they said it four years ago, but now they've become fascist due to compromising and interacting with Trump. 

1 day ago
The bad faith is SO real and I'm so sick of it. It's like, "Look, we know you're full of shit. You know you're full of shit. We know you know. You know we know. Can we drop the fucking act already?" We're just delaying the inevitable.There's going to be a fight. They're going to get their ass kicked because they know they're in the wrong. Let's get it over with so we can try and move on and heal already.

1 day ago
The best way of avoiding accountability is to always avoid the present, so the way they talk about the future is "pssh you're crazy, that'll never happen, derangement syndrome!", and the past is like "what, you're still on about that, derangement syndrome!"

And thus the Current Thing meme is born, where you don't even acknowledge things in the moment, because you're waiting until it's over so that you can revise the narrative in whatever way you want.

Also since when is that what "hide your power level" means? lol
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Holy shit who was in the replies of that video:
1 day ago
Your videos are always incredible, and I'm always happy to see a new one even if it's a short video.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(08-01-2023, 02:08 AM)benji wrote: [quote=]GamerGate — a year-long campaign by angry, misogynist, mostly male computer nerds and forum-dwellers to heckle and threaten feminist members of the gaming community out of online existence.

I just want to point out that the computer nerds and forum dwellers were not the only group who were "mostly male".
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
General Manager wrote:
Locked on OPs request. Also, we'll be going through the thread.

Administrator wrote:
Locking the thread to review reports, although considering how much a meme discussion got derailed into whether or not nuking Japanese civilians was justifiable this thread is likely to remain locked.

How did that happen? Thinking
(07-31-2023, 11:06 PM)benji wrote: Yeah, I remember that story, and I think the ice is increasing in size every time he tells it.

PlanetSmasher wrote:Of course it's a real possibility. This country is full of idiots.

Maybe after he hits 200k posts the ice will be large enough that he'll realize he has yet to post anything of substance.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato
Quote:Remember, this same time (around 15 months before the election) in 2019, no one was expecting Biden to win the election, and yet, he did. It's too early to tell, folks.
[Image: 8LBFrbF.png]

Spoiler: well, nobody thought he'd win the nomination (click to show)
[Image: JJLM3OW.png]
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(08-01-2023, 02:55 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
General Manager wrote:
Locked on OPs request. Also, we'll be going through the thread.

Administrator wrote:
Locking the thread to review reports, although considering how much a meme discussion got derailed into whether or not nuking Japanese civilians was justifiable this thread is likely to remain locked.

How did that happen? Thinking

For the Resetera asylum inmates lurkers: By my count it was two mods that were PART of the derailing, including the cunt who locked the thread BECAUSE of their own derailing attempts.

How are you idiots STILL putting up with this shit?
4 users liked this post: Straight Edge, Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever, Boredfrom
Freddy=Legend wrote:
PeskyToaster wrote:they can't chill. he insulted marvel movies.
He didn’t insult Marvel movies. He insulted every writer, director, actor, editor, & everyone else who make Marvel movies.

(08-01-2023, 03:29 AM)Averon wrote:
Freddy=Legend wrote:
PeskyToaster wrote:they can't chill. he insulted marvel movies.
He didn’t insult Marvel movies. He insulted every writer, director, actor, editor, & everyone else who make Marvel movies.
They already got paid, SO FUCK EM! Bolo
4 users liked this post: MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, BIONIC
(08-01-2023, 03:29 AM)Averon wrote:
Freddy=Legend wrote:
PeskyToaster wrote:they can't chill. he insulted marvel movies.
He didn’t insult Marvel movies. He insulted every writer, director, actor, editor, & everyone else who make Marvel movies.

[Image: 728lBcr.png]
To quote Ebert,

Quote:A lot of fans are basically fans of fandom itself. It's all about them. They have mastered the "Star Wars" or "Star Trek" universes or whatever, but their objects of veneration are useful mainly as a backdrop to their own devotion. Anyone who would camp out in a tent on the sidewalk for weeks in order to be first in line for a movie is more into camping on the sidewalk than movies.

Extreme fandom may serve as a security blanket for the socially inept, who use its extreme structure as a substitute for social skills. If you are Luke Skywalker and she is Princess Leia, you already know what to say to each other, which is so much safer than having to ad-lib it. Your fannish obsession is your beard. If you know absolutely all the trivia about your cubbyhole of pop culture, it saves you from having to know anything about anything else. That's why it's excruciatingly boring to talk to such people: They're always asking you questions they know the answer to.

Alternative quote from Sam L Jackson,

Quote:You have to get past the Avengers and Marvel shit at some point, ok? Other fucking people make movies.
6 users liked this post: PogiJones, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, Potato, benji
benji dateline='[url=tel:1690860705' wrote: 1690860705[/url]']
Averon dateline='[url=tel:1690860568' wrote: 1690860568[/url]']
Freddy=Legend wrote:He didn’t insult Marvel movies. He insulted every writer, director, actor, editor, & everyone else who make Marvel movies.
They already got paid, SO FUCK EM! Bolo

I hope that doesn’t include that movie that stars 3 women (including 2 WoC), that is directed by a Black women, chudlord ufup
(08-01-2023, 04:01 AM)Polident wrote: Alternative quote from Sam L Jackson,

Quote:You have to get past the Avengers and Marvel shit at some point, ok? Other fucking people make movies.
Yeah, let's listen to the guy who starred in racist chud Tarantino's movie as a happy slave and encouraged the white actors to say the N-word with a hard-r as if we all couldn't hear that dogwhistle. Social Justice Warrior 2
5 users liked this post: ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, Averon, BIONIC
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1690847877' wrote: 1690847877[/url]']
It's fair to be critical of the use of the atom bombs and ask questions about what other outcomes there could have been, some of which the movie even addresses , like whether they should warn the targeted cities beforehand, but why does Nepenthe have to dress it up in some dumbass opinion that it was about "putting Japan in it's place". That just such a level of dumbfuckery removed from any argument in reality.

Because she is a stupid racist furry that gets high in power trips in a video game forum. The real question is why BDumbs and others in the mod team still consider it tolerable behavior when is clear she is a time bomb.

Royalan, post: 109794658, member: 41 wrote:What a talented young man. His performance on Euphoria really was transcendent.

But more than his performance, he was a human. A person who was suffering. I pray for a world where we do better by people like him*.

*Contingent upon their Twitter likes
Um, can we also not downplay and ignore that trans people are human and suffering and deserve a world that do better by them???
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1690868859' wrote: 1690868859[/url]']

Royalan, post: 109794658, member: 41 wrote:What a talented young man. His performance on Euphoria really was transcendent.

But more than his performance, he was a human. A person who was suffering. I pray for a world where we do better by people like him*.

*Contingent upon their Twitter likes

You just know someone on Era is digging into social accounts looking for something bad to post.

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