Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Mohammed turned 40 something then declared that he'd found the true and honest path and subsequently enslaved everyone elses opinions to his own while preying on vulnerable women so checks out imo
Quote:This is crass: Resetera's "Crossing Eden" calls all of us "racists"
The funny thing is that i doubt the Sweet Baby Inc Detected would have gotten 1/10 of the memberships it currently got if they left well alone. But since one of these employees had to went after the creator of the curator, it got everyone looking into that curator. What was it again...i think it was named after a lady's named Barbera. If only i knew what her last name was.
[Image: GH1kgkCW4AAYIVP?format=jpg&name=medium]
(03-05-2024, 07:04 AM)HardcoreRetro wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:39 AM)remy wrote: btw if you're fat literally just go lift weights: squat, bench press, deadlift, OHP and rows. every second day. it will improve your life  Wink

I'm a boxing fan, so I got an even easier training method for them. They'll only have to perform a single rep. It's called the rope-a-dope.

You go to the store buy a small stepladder and a rope.

*points at the rope*

That's the rope.

*points at resetera user*

That's the dope.

They'll figure it out. It's easy.

I apologize, James Somerton's suicide note made me realize this joke was in bad taste.

Anyways, did anyone check his suicide note for plagiarism?
Quote:Yea I also don't like to comment too much about this type of thing since you don't want to victim blame (is that the right term for this?) and dismiss suicidal dangers, but you also don't want to get suckered/have legit criticism shut down. Reminds me (not the same but in the same umbrella) of people who have shut down attempts at criticism by claiming they received death threats. Moving the conversation away from the initial topic/complaint so it remains unresolved.
He has actually been called out for doing exactly this during this whole saga. Not to say he received zero harassment but he presented zero evidence of it if he did, just repeatedly said he did.

Feels like not long ago that asking for evidence of harassment was deemed a gamergate tactic
This would be that community's third body they helped drop if it's true Somerton offed himself. There's Alex Holowka suicide during the height of GG hysteria and that porn star they helped harass into suicide as well back when they were still on NeoGAF. For a community that loves to say how much better they are from the chuds, they seems to be the ones producing body counts.
(03-05-2024, 04:25 PM)Averon wrote: This would be that community's third body they helped drop if it's true Somerton offed himself. There's Alex Holowka suicide during the height of GG hysteria and that porn star they helped harass into suicide as well back when they were still on NeoGAF. For a community that loves to say how much better they are from the chuds, they seems to be the ones producing body counts.

Don't forget Etika.  Kiwifarms got nothing on Era's murderous rampage.  I'm glad we've established that words are violence - now these people must be held accountable for their murders.
Apparently Twitter has a new voice/video calling feature they are all scrambling to turn off, this user thinks his account is safe from it because he is using an older version of the app… 

I know they are retarded and all but… Jfc 

Saganator wrote:Still using pre Elon Twitter version stays winning𝕏tt𝕏r-dr𝕏m𝕏-𝕏t-let’s-keep-it-here-parody-🔵-official-ꕤ.649272/page-1039?post=120064368#post-120064368
Using "pre-Elon" versions of his website on his servers.  I'm subverting his white supremacist system.  Smug
This will be a fun thread to watch, how do you discuss this without discussing Hogfarts by the genocide queen

TransEra right now:

literally shaking
If this youtube guy did end up ending his life, that's what happens when you allow your feelings of self-worth to be dictated by how popular you are online, sadly. And if your dream is to produce something you love and that the audience loves, you better have the talent to back it up, and even then you have to be comfortable with the fact that talent and motivation may not be enough.
(03-05-2024, 05:11 PM)Rendle wrote: If this youtube guy did end up ending his life, that's what happens when you allow your feelings of self-worth to be dictated by how popular you are online, sadly. And if your dream is to produce something you love and that the audience loves, you better have the talent to back it up, and even then you have to be comfortable with the fact that talent and motivation may not be enough.

The fuck are you going on about. The guy is an obvious grifter that basically stole all the content that he posted. Now that the teacher came in to give him an F for his plagiarized essays, the jig is up and the first thing he ends up doing is going for suicide bait. The guy has no self-worth.

Imagine sympathizing with this absolute shitstain of a human.

How about apologizing and bettering your life. Get an actual job and do something.

Rightful criticism isn't bullying.
(03-05-2024, 04:25 PM)Averon wrote: This would be that community's third body they helped drop if it's true Somerton offed himself. There's Alex Holowka suicide during the height of GG hysteria and that porn star they helped harass into suicide as well back when they were still on NeoGAF. For a community that loves to say how much better they are from the chuds, they seems to be the ones producing body counts.

That whole situation seemed crazy back then. As I recall, she had concerns about working with guys who did butt stuff with other guys. Others backed her up that sti testing was lax in that field. Somehow, this lady refusing sex with a man was deemed homophobic  wtf?
When I was referring to people with talent I didn't mean him. The guy could have lived a happy (or at least average) rest-of-his-life but decided if he couldn't be famous he'd rather be dead. It's sad, I have pity. No point in shitting on a dead person though, I save my hate for the living.
Minor dispatch from Dubs Criticism Containment Thread of Just Shut The Fuck Up:

Quote:it is apparently cool here (sorry, not cool - you might even get threadbanned) to say that Israel should not exist

apparently it is also cool to cite conspiracy nuts that deny sexual assaults on october 7

question to mods: what the hell are we even doing here? do you not feel any shame? is it really alright to say anything as long as it shits on Israel?


You are welcome here, foolish soul, as Era mods are worse than having a lack of shame, they have a complete absence of self awareness.

Over here, it’s just Benji’s insanity and informative governmental missives you have to be wary of.
(03-05-2024, 11:11 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote:

This isn't the first time somebody has been called out for abusive/toxic behavior only to self harm. People with narcissistic and/or anti-social behavior tend to have very high rates of depression and anxiety. Ultimately, you can't blame yourself for somebody hurts themselves in response to being held accountable. It is sadly also a very common behavior pattern of abusers in relationships to respond to the victim standing up for themselves by self harming or threatening to self harm.

This is quite the statement to make on a forum with the ongoing pattern of topics resetera has on a weekly basis
(03-05-2024, 06:02 PM)Jansen wrote:

You kinda need to leave your bedroom to participate in that sorta stuff. If anyone there was an actual activist, you'd hear about it non stop. 

One of the more hilarious aspects of reee. There's no sense of community, no leaders out there pounding the pavement and motivating the troops. Just self-hating larpers with nothing better to do.

"We need our ALLIES to fight the fight, I can't even go outside without fear of being put in a camp*"

*Places outdoors with sun and other people
(03-05-2024, 02:17 PM)benji wrote:
various translations, wrote:Umm Salama’s party spoke to her telling her to ask God’s messenger to say to the people, “If anyone wishes to make a present to God’s messenger, let him present it to him wherever he happens to be.” She did so and he replied, “Do not annoy me regarding ‘A’isha, for inspiration has not come to me when I was in any WOMAN’S GARMENT but ‘A’isha’s.”
He went around to her and she spoke to him. He said to her, “Do not injure me regarding 'A'isha. The revelation does not come to me when I am in the GARMENT of any woman except 'A'isha.”
When the group asked her what the prophet said she told them that he did not respond. So they asked her to go talk to him again until he responds… then the prophet said to her, “Do not hurt me with Aisha, for the inspiration did not come upon me when I was IN (fee) A WOMAN’S GARMENT (Thawb) EXCEPT THAT OF AISHA.”
but on the third time he said, “O Um Salama! Do not hurt me with Aisha; for by Allah, the inspiration did not descend on me while I was IN THE COVERINGS (lihaf) of any of you (women) except Aisha.”

I am having some conceptual difficulties imagining this.

Perhaps some online trans activists could help me out by drawing a picture of this and posting it publically to be more illustrative.
(03-05-2024, 06:02 PM)Jansen wrote:

[Image: dYknfC0.gif]
Hoping for at least 9 paragraphs of Nep Nep bragging about all the imaginary community stuff she pretends to do
(03-05-2024, 12:34 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:18 AM)TylenolJones wrote:
Quote:Don't worry. I'll be back to being the good "fatty" who exists only to entertain you.

The fuck is this guy on about  lol

He continues in the constructive criticism thread

Quote:This site still has a fatphobia problem. That one thread a few years ago about charging a fat tax for plus size clothing still lives in my head rent-free.

Yesterday, I criticized a comic for its sizeism. Someone posted it to reply to a thread that was about something else. It was a one sentence opinion that I didn't back up because the discussion reached the second page, so it was going to be buried, and calling out problematic elements in things is kind of a site thing.

I was shocked to see my notifications explode as people were more outraged at my opinion, which I need to emphasize was buried in the second page, than the main discussion.

It does not matter how much you disagree with my opinion - calling me a joke, or a "parody of a person" as one member said, is not fucking okay.

It can't be helped here. It's the "dunk on" culture. And I agree, it is thrilling to be the first one to dunk on a troll's horrible opinions. But trolls do not stand by their beliefs. I posted my opinion because I felt that it needed to be said, and I was misidentified as a troll and dehumanized as a result.

What bugs me the most about all this is that I posted my opinion based on my experiences living as a plus-sized person. Yet people here made it a mission to ignore the original post to confront me about myself and my beliefs.

I'll be honest, I don't want to even go back to that thread. When I see it, I feel humiliated, like if I was a victim of hazing. I don't know if the person who attacked me directly was even banned, and I am too afraid to check. Call me sensitive, I don't car

(03-05-2024, 01:20 PM)Propagandhim wrote: What does JK Rowling have to do with "white supremacy" lol. Do words mean anything anymore?

She's white and has achieved superior things to the people who are mad at her. 

That's white supremacy.
white supremacy is when you are caught supreming while white
(03-05-2024, 01:22 PM)benji wrote: These guys sure are angry about a woman speaking her truth:

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:I do wonder if Twitter ever did collapse, the other platforms like Bluesky would be willing to shut her down for her bigotery.

Lol, shut her down?

If this were to happen, the owners of those other platforms would be throwing money at her feet and literally begging her to move to their shitty part of the internet.

(03-05-2024, 06:45 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:34 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-05-2024, 12:18 AM)TylenolJones wrote:
The fuck is this guy on about 
He continues in the constructive criticism thread
Quote:This site still has a fatphobia problem. That one thread a few years ago about charging a fat tax for plus size clothing still lives in my head rent-free.
Yesterday, I criticized a comic for its sizeism. Someone posted it to reply to a thread that was about something else. It was a one sentence opinion that I didn't back up because the discussion reached the second page, so it was going to be buried, and calling out problematic elements in things is kind of a site thing.
I was shocked to see my notifications explode as people were more outraged at my opinion, which I need to emphasize was buried in the second page, than the main discussion.
It does not matter how much you disagree with my opinion - calling me a joke, or a "parody of a person" as one member said, is not fucking okay.
It can't be helped here. It's the "dunk on" culture. And I agree, it is thrilling to be the first one to dunk on a troll's horrible opinions. But trolls do not stand by their beliefs. I posted my opinion because I felt that it needed to be said, and I was misidentified as a troll and dehumanized as a result.
What bugs me the most about all this is that I posted my opinion based on my experiences living as a plus-sized person. Yet people here made it a mission to ignore the original post to confront me about myself and my beliefs.
I'll be honest, I don't want to even go back to that thread. When I see it, I feel humiliated, like if I was a victim of hazing. I don't know if the person who attacked me directly was even banned, and I am too afraid to check. Call me sensitive, I don't car

I have a problem with him appropriating “dunk on” from fit people. That’s not his term to use.

Somebody post a hot wnba player. If you must use Lola Bunny, at least use Space Jam 1’s.
(03-05-2024, 02:17 PM)benji wrote: Muhammed, like Spider-Gwen, is a well known trans icon:
various translations, wrote:Umm Salama’s party spoke to her telling her to ask God’s messenger to say to the people, “If anyone wishes to make a present to God’s messenger, let him present it to him wherever he happens to be.” She did so and he replied, “Do not annoy me regarding ‘A’isha, for inspiration has not come to me when I was in any WOMAN’S GARMENT but ‘A’isha’s.”
He went around to her and she spoke to him. He said to her, “Do not injure me regarding 'A'isha. The revelation does not come to me when I am in the GARMENT of any woman except 'A'isha.”
When the group asked her what the prophet said she told them that he did not respond. So they asked her to go talk to him again until he responds… then the prophet said to her, “Do not hurt me with Aisha, for the inspiration did not come upon me when I was IN (fee) A WOMAN’S GARMENT (Thawb) EXCEPT THAT OF AISHA.”
but on the third time he said, “O Um Salama! Do not hurt me with Aisha; for by Allah, the inspiration did not descend on me while I was IN THE COVERINGS (lihaf) of any of you (women) except Aisha.”

Spoiler:  (click to show)
No, I don't know if this is true nor an accurate translation, you can find more of the debate/response on that website:

But maybe you should consider why you can't let the trans community have just one thing: that Muhammed girl-moded in the clothes of his child bride to receive gender euphoria.

Sounds to me more like he's saying he only gets inspiration while he's fucking his teen bride and no other woman.
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1709663675' wrote: 1709663675[/url]']
Hoping for at least 9 paragraphs of Nep Nep bragging about all the imaginary community stuff she pretends to do’s-time-to-stop-complaining-on-the-internet-and-start-acting-locally.824100/?post=120075903#post-120075903

Quote:I already volunteer for a local group that does mutual aid for the Atlanta area. This is where you're likely going to see the younger people, OP- we're in more radical activist and socialist circles. However, a goal I have this year is to do more organizational work of my own accord; take the knowledge and tools forward without having to rely on the group's scheduling and planning, as it were. Work always needs to be done.

You got 1 paragraph.

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