Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(03-11-2024, 12:16 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: For a moderation team who wants less drama moving it to etcetera isn't the best idea. At least in hangouts the OT was ignored by their most zealot of posters. Now there's going to be a lot more reports with the kneejerk reactionaries.
Maybe that was the point. But that's none of my business...
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-10-2024, 08:45 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
B-dubs wrote:I am not playing around here.

It was Tuesday!

I put my doxxing skills to work and tracked down a photo of b-dubs

[Image: kcP7ljd.png]
Quote:For all those who used to be staff members, you all know full well how incredibly draining this topic is in general. In the past when it's come up, whatever situation was going on generally resolved or at least calmed down within a few weeks. We are currently on month six of this one. I, personally, have had a few different breakdowns trying to keep up with all of this. It's a lot harder emotionally than a lot of people think it is. We're trying our best and I get that it's not always up to our usual standard and I'm sorry for that, but you need to give us a little bit of leeway here.
lets reflect on the real victim of the conflict in Gaza, bdubz who has to volunteer to moderate an internet forum for free with no way out
Honeypot to ban Anti-semitic Hamas Israel sympathizers?  hmm

True. If hangouts were being ignored by the far leftist populi forcing it to Etcetera means posters like Brady can be mass report flagged and justified in banning, especially when there are voices speaking up in his defense. They'll be drowned out by "Genocide Joe!" and "You're a Zionist if you support Brady" reactionaries.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): misrepresenting moderation
banananahammock wrote:
CreepingFear wrote:Remember folks, Hamas has only "allegedly" been accused of things. Innocent until proven guilty. Unbelievable.
only if confirmed by hamas-controlled sources or al jazeera obviously. apparently two of the most trusted sources of news in the world if you read the IP thread.
Well, the UN report wasn't good enough. Trumps
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1710103526' wrote: 1710103526[/url]']
B-dubs wrote:I am not playing around here.

It was Tuesday!

Oh shit, so the Pokémon tournament is canceled?
Looks like they’re going through reports in the politics thread

Quote:User banned (2 weeks): misrepresenting moderation

only if confirmed by hamas-controlled sources or al jazeera obviously. apparently two of the most trusted sources of news in the world if you read the IP thread
(03-10-2024, 09:01 PM)benji wrote: harassment and doxxing is when you notice something I don't want you to mention

[Image: iqMHdLJ.png]
(03-10-2024, 11:14 PM)nobody of note wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:You got people in there plotting on ways to call the feds on my staff just because they don't like people individually, you think that's not toxic behavior? Clean house and we'll talk.

Are you fucking kidding me, shitbag? This dismissive reductive bullshit pisses me off so much. It's deflective gaslighting 101 and they get away with it all the fucking time with unquestioning loyalty. You fuckers usually get triggered by way less, this is bordering on stockholmian abuse.

Abuser: Ackshually, they're the problem, we're victims under attack
Victim: Why are you under attack?
Abuser: Because there are some meany weany people that simpwy don't wike us :<

Yes, they're discussing calling the feds on your staff because they simply don't like you.
It's not because of the aggressively unapologetic, categorically extremist, outwardly antisemitic racist bigot bitch furbag you have as an admin, who enjoys the Trumpian privilege of being able to say whatever deranged shit she wants without ANY repercussion (BTW, Bdubs, that's how you use that fucking word), consequentially forcing your userbase to deepthroat her bullshit for YEARS. She has shown NO remorse for the absolutely vile things she has publicly condoned, and is publicly condoning, on MULTIPLE public platforms, about MULTIPLE racial demographics. But forget remorse, forget apologizing - she's too much of a pussy to even ACKNOWLEDGE it, sending lackeys like plagiarize and Bdubs to put out the fire that she absolutely had a hand in, to gaslight the absolute fuckin shit out of your userbase that no, actually, we conducted a self investigation and found nothing wrong. So she runs around unabated, spreading antisemitic and other ridiculous propaganda freely, because who's stopping her? You're not a chud trying to silence the upper middle class educated with mercedes benz MARGINALIZED & OPPRESSED, are you?

No, you see, they just don't like us, and that's why we're being doxxed Crybaby (with google and publicly available information)
We didn't fuck up Crybaby
Nepenthe? That was on another site, pls dont inflammatory  Crybaby
Just GamerGate 2.0. Just another day of the 2nd trans genocide. Move along, sheeple.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
I don't think stockholmian is a real word
(03-10-2024, 09:13 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(03-10-2024, 09:04 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(03-10-2024, 09:03 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Nepenthe is the toxic shitlord, Bdubs. And we're not in the discord, some of us have never even registered to your bullshit forum, it's just famous across the internet for being stupid

Cannot confirm nor deny that I am Twohearts.

It's not as if I found the old bore through google when searching for why someone was banned on Resetera, lurked for a good while, then decided to post here after the Oct 7th attacks because the Ree community response was horrific.  wag

I didn't realize you were only here after oct 7, it feels like you've been here forever uguu
I don't even know what "call the feds on Nepenthe" is even supposed to look like if someone did do it.

But then this is the moron who after banning Hogfart's said he nearly had his Swedish masters contact the FBI for some inexplicable reason.
(03-11-2024, 12:23 AM)Uncle wrote:
(03-10-2024, 09:01 PM)benji wrote: harassment and doxxing is when you notice something I don't want you to mention

[Image: iqMHdLJ.png]
It's weird because why wouldn't both eyes get bigger for better nooticing?
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle, Gameboy Nostalgia
Which one takes longer: waking up from a nap or filing a police report?

Asking for a friend.
(03-11-2024, 12:25 AM)Genocide Joe wrote:
(03-10-2024, 11:14 PM)nobody of note wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:You got people in there plotting on ways to call the feds on my staff just because they don't like people individually, you think that's not toxic behavior? Clean house and we'll talk.

Are you fucking kidding me, shitbag? This dismissive reductive bullshit pisses me off so much. It's deflective gaslighting 101 and they get away with it all the fucking time with unquestioning loyalty. You fuckers usually get triggered by way less, this is bordering on stockholmian abuse.

Abuser: Ackshually, they're the problem, we're victims under attack
Victim: Why are you under attack?
Abuser: Because there are some meany weany people that simpwy don't wike us :<

Yes, they're discussing calling the feds on your staff because they simply don't like you.
It's not because of the aggressively unapologetic, categorically extremist, outwardly antisemitic racist bigot bitch furbag you have as an admin, who enjoys the Trumpian privilege of being able to say whatever deranged shit she wants without ANY repercussion (BTW, Bdubs, that's how you use that fucking word), consequentially forcing your userbase to deepthroat her bullshit for YEARS. She has shown NO remorse for the absolutely vile things she has publicly condoned, and is publicly condoning, on MULTIPLE public platforms, about MULTIPLE racial demographics. But forget remorse, forget apologizing - she's too much of a pussy to even ACKNOWLEDGE it, sending lackeys like plagiarize and Bdubs to put out the fire that she absolutely had a hand in, to gaslight the absolute fuckin shit out of your userbase that no, actually, we conducted a self investigation and found nothing wrong. So she runs around unabated, spreading antisemitic and other ridiculous propaganda freely, because who's stopping her? You're not a chud trying to silence the upper middle class educated with mercedes benz MARGINALIZED & OPPRESSED, are you?

No, you see, they just don't like us, and that's why we're being doxxed Crybaby (with google and publicly available information)
We didn't fuck up Crybaby
Nepenthe? That was on another site, pls dont inflammatory  Crybaby
Just GamerGate 2.0. Just another day of the 2nd trans genocide. Move along, sheeple.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
I don't think stockholmian is a real word
It'll be on the main page of the etc forum. The subforum isn't really a subforum, it's more a technical thing so we can more easily control who posts in there or not. 

When you click New Thread in Etc. you should see an option for "Etcetera - US Elections Threads," which would put it in that subforum
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji
[Image: 8FtwntP.png]

Wait, is B-Dumbs referring to the--publically available--pics posted here and then blaming PoliERA for it? We all know B-Dumbs and Hecht and possibly other mods regularly peek in here. So they must know the "dox" didn't originate from PoliERA or their Discord. So B-Dumbs is outright lying about the "dox" as justification to kill PoliERA. Also these pics been up for months without issue from them. Now it's a problem?
Goddamit. I only have so much pre-cum. Can someone at least suicide their account or something? Lore got cut off at the knees for being creepy, but Nep (she's anti-colonial) is going to put Beta Orbiter-Dubs in a an early grave.

I wonder if he's tryin ta hit that?
So B-Dubs stands by the invidual who wears a dog furry costume and writes fan fiction about hoisting precum as they are calling for the destruction of israel and indeed the murder of all jews on Twitter and murdering white babies while also advocating for self-immolation and a violent overthrow of the United States government and the capitalist system by trans activists who they say should arm themselves to the teeth for the upcoming civil war because that's literally the only thing they can do to stop a genocide instigated by the well known author J.K. Rowling.

Do they realize that when they file the 'police report' the police will actually investigate 'both sides' if they take action?
Why did they go with Genocide Joe and not Genocidin' Biden?
(03-10-2024, 09:16 PM)nobody of note wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:I need to be real, this shit is exhausting for all of us but especially for our Jewish mods.
Which ones are those? Maybe they could wear some kind of identifying flair? hmm
(03-10-2024, 10:17 PM)nobody of note wrote: Constructive, Nepenthe:
Nepenthe wrote:When I get done filing a police report, I'll talk to you all straight up.

Just give me time to actually sit down at a computer and breathe.

Thank you.

wait nepenthe is calling the cops, BECAUSE she can't breathe  ???
'Hello police? The discord posted things I said on the internet. No, I don't have any evidence. No, I don't know who did it. Which discord? The one that said the stuff about me. No not Kyuujis that's a different one I don't know anything about sorry. What did I say? Something about the collective nation of jewish people. BTW you're all absolute cunts and you better not kill me when you come over. Hello?'

Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
(03-11-2024, 12:43 AM)remy wrote: Why did they go with Genocide Joe and not Genocidin' Biden?

F. That's good.
(03-10-2024, 09:38 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: B-dubs gives the starving a single crumb and they will accept it without complaint.

Blessed are the fornicants
May we bend down to be their whores
Blessed are the rich
May we labor, deliver them more
Blessed are the envious
Bless the slothful, the wrathful, the vain
Blessed are the gluttonous
May they feast us to famine and war

A Perfect Circle - The Doomed
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Tucker's Law, Gameboy Nostalgia
What will the police find when they visit Nepneps house.
Certainly no illegal substances, unlicensed fire arms and/or minor attracted persons material Trumps
(03-10-2024, 08:45 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
B-dubs wrote:I am not playing around here.

It was Tuesday!

Don't make me turn this website around and none of you get ice-cream! maf
They covered the whole damn roof in solar panels:
[Image: plagiarizehouse.png]
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-11-2024, 12:52 AM)Nintex wrote: What will the police find when they visit Nepneps house.
Certainly no illegal substances, unlicensed fire arms and/or minor attracted persons material Trumps

Would this time around make it a GAF tradition? Is this our eternal fate?

edit: I keep somehow getting top page so I feel obligated to uphold the top page babe tradition. Gadot and Sweeney are fine... but I am a dignified Linda Cardellini gentleman:
[Image: Linda+Cardellini+2.jpg]
hello police, let me save you same time. In over 3,114 and counting Nintex posts you won't find a single doxxing action.

yfw you read them all and you didn't even find a single NES ROM or copyright violation and you find out there is also other websites that you need to dig through with more posts and since you started readng more and more posts are being created and the task is seemingly endless. 

Who is BBubs anyway? I never recognized the name from neogaf. Did he take adminship when the site first opened? And what I'm more curious about is, why? His leadership style is comically bad even for a videogame forum and as far as I know he's been running it for years. But like.... why? How did it come to this?? Thinking Did he get a slice of that $2.1m pie? Can he give me some of that money? Thinking Thinking
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia

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