03-11-2024, 10:41 PM
Journal of Other Forum Analysis
03-11-2024, 10:43 PM
(03-11-2024, 10:07 PM)nobody of note wrote: Only Era staff is allowed to engage in doxxing. Antisemitism by staff MUST NOT be investigated. Why are you only concerned about the "doxxing" and not concerned about the raging anti-semitism? WHY IS NOBODY TALKING ABOUT THE RAGING ANTI-SEMITISM?? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:43 PM
I think you guys are all ignoring that B-Dubs explained this all already, Nepenthe can't help her views, they were imposed on her by our society. By the algorithms. The same ones that have you convinced you to use your Discords for evil. And convinced me to dislike the warm embracing bosom of cops.
03-11-2024, 10:44 PM
(03-11-2024, 10:31 PM)Water Enjoyer wrote: I don't see any UN report supporting the claim that B-Dubs is holding a community hostage for off-site drama, it's just a random act of cross-platform grudge holding. (03-11-2024, 03:42 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: B-dubs had to take hostages. PoliEra is the aggressor. Maybe if they didn't attempt to harass moderation by attempting to colonize their website then hostages wouldn't have had to be taken. Ever thought of that? What happened today was not the fault of Palestin Moderation, March 10th is what happens when you kick a dog over and over and it finally got fed up and bit back. ![]()
And really can you blame Nepenthe? She makes a little criticism of the collective nation of Jewish people and look at how they've responded. She can't breathe. She has to file police reports. She has to lock her Twitter.
03-11-2024, 10:46 PM
Also, don't these fools dig though people's social media accounts literally every day to find info to confirm their biases? I mean, these assholes regularly cancel people and sic internet mobs on them if they even dare to like the "wrong" Tweet or follow the "wrong" person. But when it comes to confirming Nep's antisemitism, "internet sleuthing" is now beyond the pail.
03-11-2024, 10:48 PM
Shoes on the other foot.
Reaping what they sow. Face eating leopards. Etc. ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:48 PM
(03-11-2024, 10:05 PM)Cheststrongwell wrote: The stupid Kate picturegate thread (started yesterday) has five more pages of intense discussion than the Trans Genocide thread. That's gonna be a Yikes with a side of I'm So Tired from me. Probably going under the radar somewhat because of all the fun elsewhere, but look who is in there cheerleading it, none other than 'I have my own discord' Kyuuji (I have been making jokes about Kyuuji's sex discord for quite some time out of pure irony, thanks for confirming dickhead). Now take away the fact that Kate Middleton is married to a royal. The joke that Kyuuji is dancing around is that Kate is either ill, or having some kind of breakdown because her husband has been cheating on her. This is the problem when you make male incels your primary lens for feminist issues on your forum. The 'empathy' for women there is a farce. ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:49 PM
(03-11-2024, 10:45 PM)benji wrote: And really can you blame Nepenthe? She makes a little criticism of the collective nation of Jewish people and look at how they've responded. She can't breathe. She has to file police reports. The collective nation of PoliEra is putting that knee on her neck and they need to fucking STOP! ![]() If you can't be a fucking ISIS / HAMAS supporting Antisemite on Resetera then the site has no fucking meaning anymore! By God, the collective nation of jewish people are committing genocide! STOP CAPING FOR THEM! ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:50 PM
The dichotomy of era. Staff needs to step up to meet the moment:
Avitus wrote:There's a reason well run communities use mods that are borderline anonymous. They take care to avoid injecting themselves into discussions, especially ones they have personal feelings about that would impact impartiality. The alternative will inevitably lead to resentment when lines are crossed that would get regular members banned. The upside of that entire conversation was nonexistent and the ban to Brady ridiculous. No, actually, the discord needs to make restitution for benji's violence: Scottt wrote:I'm reading the outlines and reasoning here that mean to reduce the severity of the violence, and I trust them, but it is still violent behavior. And while those actions were violent towards specific people, they were also violent towards the community itself. Those who are thread members but not discord members, I would just wait for a bit. This is an extraordinary event. But I would also suggest to resolve to be vocal within the thread community about what kind of atmosphere it wants to generate, so that community self-moderation is the guide. There was a lot of bad stuff happening in the thread, and not a lot of community self-moderation. So making restitution for violence would be a good offering, and I assume that's what B-Dubs is asking for. And restitution isn't something that ought to be determined solely by B-Dubs or website staff, but to be agreed upon by the whole of the community. Because even if a person's violent behavior is aberrant, they felt the atmosphere was comfortable to share it with their community--even though it was destructive to the community. So deciding on what kind of restitution to offer will determine an atmosphere of community that fosters good will and is vigilant against both intended and aberrant violence. ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:50 PM
Averon dateline='[url=tel:1710197187' wrote: 1710197187[/url]'] Right but those are bad people on the wrong side of history, all tactics are viable against them. Nepenthe is on the right side of history, and thus untouchable. ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:51 PM
Scottt wrote:I'm reading the outlines and reasoning here that mean to reduce the severity of the violence, and I trust them, but it is still violent behavior. And while those actions were violent towards specific people, they were also violent towards the community itself. Those who are thread members but not discord members, I would just wait for a bit. This is an extraordinary event. But I would also suggest to resolve to be vocal within the thread community about what kind of atmosphere it wants to generate, so that community self-moderation is the guide. There was a lot of bad stuff happening in the thread, and not a lot of community self-moderation. So making restitution for violence would be a good offering, and I assume that's what B-Dubs is asking for. And restitution isn't something that ought to be determined solely by B-Dubs or website staff, but to be agreed upon by the whole of the community. Because even if a person's violent behavior is aberrant, they felt the atmosphere was comfortable to share it with their community--even though it was destructive to the community. So deciding on what kind of restitution to offer will determine an atmosphere of community that fosters good will and is vigilant against both intended and aberrant violence. ![]() who hurt you? who damaged your brain so thoroughly that you write this way? who infected your mind to make you think this was tactful, positive, soul-baring or whatever? ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:51 PM
Quote: Iron_Maw wrote:eyeball_kid wrote:Sexist designs being part of Vanillaware's DNA isn't an excuse to not call them out for it. And this is a much wider issue with game reviews than just this game.The point is they aren't gonna change if even you do because they like their characters being a little sexy. They aren't stop just to please people that don't. Its same reason why your not free not buy any of their games if turns you off so much. Otherwise up to personal tolerance for that kind of thing since not exactly a secret. VW games are well liked inspite of their fanservice because their are genuinely solid to phenomenal experiences that trump it. ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:52 PM
(03-11-2024, 10:50 PM)nobody of note wrote: No, actually, the discord needs to make restitution for benji's violence:Nepenthe calling for ethnic cleansing = firey but mostly peaceful language. Posting Nepenthe's calling for ethic cleansing = violence. ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:54 PM
"Be sure to add Genocide Denial. That way no one questions the ban. Tee-hee."
03-11-2024, 10:55 PM
"Because even if a person's violent behavior is aberrant, they felt the atmosphere was comfortable to share it with their community--even though it was destructive to the community."
![]() ![]()
"Palestinians are justified if they ethnically cleanse Jews from their land."
![]() "Sure, they abducted women and have been raping them for months, but you better not call it sex slavery or we'll ban you." ![]() "Ah. Peace and quiet. #ADayWithoutAWoman" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:56 PM
“Dismissing genocide” 😂
The gall of these mods, it’s incredible ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:57 PM
The mods started the trans genocide on Resetera, not the GOP. ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:57 PM
(03-11-2024, 10:50 PM)nobody of note wrote:Scottt wrote:I'm reading the outlines and reasoning here that mean to reduce the severity of the violence, and I trust them, but it is still violent behavior. And while those actions were violent towards specific people, they were also violent towards the community itself. Those who are thread members but not discord members, I would just wait for a bit. This is an extraordinary event. But I would also suggest to resolve to be vocal within the thread community about what kind of atmosphere it wants to generate, so that community self-moderation is the guide. There was a lot of bad stuff happening in the thread, and not a lot of community self-moderation. So making restitution for violence would be a good offering, and I assume that's what B-Dubs is asking for. And restitution isn't something that ought to be determined solely by B-Dubs or website staff, but to be agreed upon by the whole of the community. Because even if a person's violent behavior is aberrant, they felt the atmosphere was comfortable to share it with their community--even though it was destructive to the community. So deciding on what kind of restitution to offer will determine an atmosphere of community that fosters good will and is vigilant against both intended and aberrant violence. Posting Nepenthe's twitter is violence, but rioting and looting isn't. ![]() ![]()
03-11-2024, 10:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 11:00 PM by nobody of note.)
Looks like the discord didn't capitulate and the discord people are getting taken out:
mentallyinept wrote:I was just about to reply saying how insightful this is and how applicable it is to the current events... BabyDontHurtMe wrote:Also the OP of the PoliERA thread has been banned. Permanently, presumably. They're basically flushing the members of the Discord server out. Not seeing any ban banners yet. ![]()
03-11-2024, 11:01 PM
There won’t be a ban banner because they can’t possibly justify creating one.
03-11-2024, 11:04 PM
Quote: Diplo wrote:Good. FEMC is not needed, let's get more Persona games. Not something that only a select few want. People saying "guess im not buying" over this news are ridiculous to me. You never were going to buy this game, be honest! https://www.resetera.com/threads/kazuhisa-wada-teases-more-remakes-and-why-femc-wasn%E2%80%99t-added-in-famitsu-persona-3-reload-expansion-pass-interview.825315/page-4?post=120241272#post-120241272 Quote: Drachen wrote:Meia wrote:I feel bad for people thinking that that's the only thing P3P's female path had going for it. The social links were far superior. /shrugYeah but thanks to all the new hangout events or whatever they're called you get a lot of extra time and interaction with the characters that would have been part of FeMC's social links anyways ![]()
03-11-2024, 11:06 PM
03-11-2024, 11:07 PM
SSF1991 is banned? That little guy hurt no one. The fuck.
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03-11-2024, 11:07 PM
Calling for the ethnic cleansing of jews because of racist bigotry and ideological zealotry = absolutely fucking great
Vanillaware are a good dev and I wish them well = summary execution ![]()
03-11-2024, 11:08 PM
B-Dumbs wrote:It's just the guys running the discord. We refuse to house members who are perfectly ok with people who go to white supremacist websites that are only know to house doxxing materials in an attempt to attack members of this community. They were given more than long enough to make it clear to their community how big a line was crossed and to make it so it never happens again, but they refused. It's not a big ask to draw a line in the sand and say, "Don't do that." ![]()
03-11-2024, 11:08 PM
When Booshka returns from his own ban he can smile knowing he outlived PoliEra.
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03-11-2024, 11:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 11:09 PM by nobody of note.)
So they're getting banned for running a Discord that refuses to permaban someone for admitting to clicking on Kiwifarms; Honestly, good on the mods for not giving in. I realize that posting on a Known Hate Site makes my congratulations worthless, but it was still nice to see B-Dubs unable to exert influence offsite.
![]() Quote: We weren't asking the world, just for them to take five minutes and do their jobs. ![]() if only you would have done that yourself days ago! ![]() |
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