Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Feel pretty bad for Slash, he was always a friendly guy in my experience. SSF as well, he was an autistic retard but he was born that way. Hopefully they will learn from this, extreme leftists always eat their own

Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Days): White Fragility
Art Vandelay wrote:
Bufbaf wrote:Anyone can recommend some underrated DD content creators, preferrably non-white-cis-male standard ones? I'm tired of all the Arrekses and Ratatoskrs and whatstheirfaces.

I wish Kay would still be on Youtube -.-
Sounds a little racist tbh
Only three days? Yikes
The first of the hostages have been terminated. The genocide of PoliEra has begun. The rightful return of Palestinian Moderation land has begun.

From the river to the sea Nepnep will be free!
And this is why rational people with reasonable questions are leaving in droves.
Do wonder, is this the final straw? Will another Cerium emerge to bankroll an exodus? What will their new name even be. And will anyone be left to play in the Pokémon tournament lol
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
CreepingFear admitting to going on KF seems to be B-Dumbs' saving grace. He's using it to maximum effect to save face and deflect questions/demands about Nep's antisemitism.
(03-11-2024, 11:09 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Feel pretty bad for Slash, he was always a friendly guy in my experience. SSF as well, he was an autistic retard but he was born that way. Hopefully they will learn from this, extreme leftists always eat their own

I've been reading some of the poli discord and Slash was actually repeatedly trying to find some common ground. B-Dubs just kicked the guy who reached out a hand
(03-11-2024, 11:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Do wonder, is this the final straw? Will another Cerium emerge to bankroll an exodus? What will their new name even be. And will anyone be left to play in the Pokémon tournament lol

Doubt it. PoliEra isn't a big enough portion of the board. Majority of posters didn't care when the PoliEra thread was having their protest. The second B-dubs brought about Kiwifarms is the moment where the tide turned.

Genius. Bravo. All he needs to do is say Brady told someone in private that Nep is an uppity n-word and their March 10th countercoup will be complete.  Applause
2 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower
Is it possible B-Dumbs is even worse that Evilore? At the very least they're comparable in terms of how awful they are, right?
B-Dumbs must really, really, REALLY love using the n-word to defend NepNep to keep his n-word privileges that badly.
I can see why B-dubs is scared of Kiwifarms. Their reaction economy is far more advanced than the take a like, leave a like system.
GulAtiCa wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:It's not a big ask to draw a line in the sand and say, "Don't do that."
But that was said multiple times in the discord.
B-Dubs wrote:And yet the people that did it are still not only there but running around this thread defending it. Funny that.

"The people that did it" sounds like more than CreepingFear but like... why aren't they banned from Era then? How are they still running around the thread? unless his objection isn't the doxxing thing.
I'm baffled B-Dumbs is that upset about doxxing when his site is notorious on doing it to cancel people.

Beautiful thread for a laugh.
(03-11-2024, 10:37 PM)benji wrote: How many drafts of her eventual essay do you think Nepenthe has gone through by this point?

It’s probably going to take several years knowing her capabilities. I can only imagine how far back the rule updates her and Hecht were working on are going to be now.
For some reason they super deleted NotSoNeat aka Deleted member 108302:
(03-11-2024, 11:14 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-11-2024, 11:09 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Feel pretty bad for Slash, he was always a friendly guy in my experience. SSF as well, he was an autistic retard but he was born that way. Hopefully they will learn from this, extreme leftists always eat their own

I've been reading some of the poli discord and Slash was actually repeatedly trying to find some common ground. B-Dubs just kicked the guy who reached out a hand

could you or someone else document it somehow before it's all deleted and memory holed, would really like to see how dubs conducted himself[/hide]
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Bunch of people banned on that PoliEra page too, the purge is on going!
(03-11-2024, 11:22 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Beautiful thread for a laugh.
Not so funny!
Quote:Closed at OP's request.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
Can’t lie, I loved browsing PoliEra because of the autistic obsession with polling. One of the few places on the web with a great collection of polls and discussion about it. Can’t imagine I’m the only one either, so another easy revenue stream killed by their antisemitic antics lol
night of broken posts Gloomy
Iorek Byrnison
Goldeneye 007
Ham Sandwich

Rest in power boys Thank you for your service!
(03-11-2024, 11:29 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Can’t lie, I loved browsing PoliEra because of the autistic obsession with polling. One of the few places on the web with a great collection of polls and discussion about it. Can’t imagine I’m the only one either, so another easy revenue stream killed by their antisemitic antics lol

Same. I'm going to miss it. PoliEra is how I kept up with a lot of current news. Now all we have is Nintex.
The narrative has been set: 
"B-Dub's hands were forced. The ugly doxxers of PoliERA that uses KF had to be purged for the safety of his staff. B-Dubs was entirely reasonable. Antisemitism? Who did antisemitism? Stop with your whataboutism."
Who will be responsible for copy & pasting PoliEra poll posts from their discord to here now?  Stahp
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
gameboy did you see my pm and leave me on read, or you just don't notice the bold (unread 1) or something Stahp
I don't know how to check PMs  uguu
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, PogiJones
so many of their best now gone forever Gloomy

Iorek Byrnison
Goldeneye 007
Ham Sandwich

all to protect an antisemite and a rape defender, good job b dumbs
(03-11-2024, 11:26 PM)Lonewulfeus wrote: Bunch of people banned on that PoliEra page too, the purge is on going!

[Image: XVV2kar.jpg]
[Image: jQD1ENk.jpg]
Going over great so far:
yami4ct wrote:If there are members here who's behavior is unacceptable, why not just ban them and be done with it? Feels like the quickest way to deal with the problem rather than this weird horse trading that seems to be happening. You can correct me if I am wrong but the way you worded that sounded to me the members you're taking issue with still can post on era. I have little interest in the discord so I'm also lacking knowledge of what's happening there anyway.
S!lent wrote:Doesn't appear that anything will be addressed. All I see is a lot of deflection, gaslighting, circling of wagons, scapegoating, and outright misrepresentation of what has occurred and how we got to this point.
Blunt wrote:It's pretty damn cheeky to be outright banning people for supposedly refusing to clean house on a Discord outside the side when all of this was set off by mods turning a blind eye to repeated questions about their own refusal to clean house. This is straight up power trip territory.
mentallyinept wrote:I know I'm risking my account here by even quoting you, but I'm really unclear about this:

What are your concrete, actionable demands of the PoliEra Discord Moderators?

Do you just want the person that said they Googled the Twitter account name clicked on that search result that hosted the doxxing information banned from the Discord?

Is there something more?

What can actually be done to mend this?

"Drawing a line in the sand and say don't do that" is too vague in my opinion to get an actual result or answer from them...

Not that they could answer directly now but maybe someone on the Discord could act as go between, like Addie said.
Windrunner wrote:I share that concern but would encourage patience and wait for her to comment.

Unfortunately a lot of tankies showed their ass (yes I know, when are they not being awful) back in October and said a lot of dumb racist anti-semitic bullshit and advocacy for genocide dressed up in a childlike understanding of anti-colonial thought and some misguided people who spend too much time on the internet might have got swept up in that bile, thinking they were doing good advocacy for the Palestinian people. I want to believe that Nep showed poor judgement and is not that person in those tweets.
yami4ct wrote:I want to be clear that I'm speaking only about on site behavior right now. Said person had a chance to respond already when it first happened. I do not find that response to be satisfactory but I am open to another more considered response changing my mind.

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