Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Still hasn't changed, huh?
I don't know why people think MOBA would pay any of these idiots except the tech guy they were contractually obligated to.
On discord

Hecht wrote:I do want to post here a snippet of what I had prepared for the Constructive feedback thread in case everything went south after Nep's apology though

I don't think you understand just how many eyes are on all of you, and your communities.  The moment you decide to make a mountain out of a (potential) molehill, you are providing cover for more unsavory types to swoop in and escalate things.  I've had to reach out to many users telling them that their personal information was found elsewhere because they jumped into some giant fucking argument and made themselves the main character of some shitty hate site out there.  I mean I've had to do that for people that were just bystanders, too, but still.  They revel in the dysfunction.  They have nothing going on in their own shitty lives that they crave the drama and seek to make it worse.  To be absolutely clear, these shitheads are to blame for any doxxing and the like, but we can all practice better OPSEC but just...being normal people having normal conversations.  If it's not interesting to them, they have little to do.  We've had several members of staff doxxed, myself included, and let me tell you, it's a grand ol' time.  You can find it if that's your thing. At least they picked a cute picture of me. 

Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't bring things up that you find offensive or disruptive, or whatever.  Things are going to happen.  But we are not sitting here hoping for conflict. We'd love it if the forum could just be that, a forum.  A place for people to discuss things without jumping down each others' throats over any possible slight or wording.  I've said many times that if people could stop being dicks to each other and stop console warring, this would be the easiest fucking job ever. 

I don't know if there was anyone in the Discord that provided the doxxing info (and, for the record, I have seen the posts elsewhere that doxxed Nep). But I also don't know that isn't the case. There are a lot of lurkers there, and when you have a channel dedicated to just shitting on the site, guess where people are gonna hang out and look for...well...dischord?  I saw the post about KF, and it's not about whether or not that user was a KF member, or whether they even visited the site. It's the fact that they themselves admitted that they were out there looking. If I google her Twitter username, the first two results after the Twitter results are one of the gamergate subreddits, and KF doesn't even show up in the results.  So there was a concentrated effort to find dirt. And to that I say, fuck that.  If you find yourself searching for the same things you're gonna find on those sites, then perhaps you need to reevaluate your own life choices.

To be absolutely CLEAR - none of us were in your Discord when the KF post was made. A member of the PoliEra Discord server reached out to us to say that someone appeared to be researching Nep's personal details, which lead them to KF. They provided the screenshot. We later confirmed it. And I take that shit seriously, because the last thing I want is for a member of staff or a user of this site, to have to worry about getting doxxed or even worse, swatted.

So forgive me if this piddly little forum kerfuffle isn't really the top thing on my mind at the moment. I'm sick and tired of people picking fights because they want to assume the worst about someone on the other end of the internet, decide to escalate it into some dumbass schoolyard fight, and attract all sorts of fucks from around the internet to look on and do the shit they do. Enough of it. Act like fucking adults, or go to GameFAQs.

On Discord, in general

Discord is fine. It has its place. We do not have an official ResetEra Discord, because who the fuck wants to moderate a fast-moving chat room?  We don't police your Discords either. We have other things to do.  However, when someone brings us information, ESPECIALLY if it's of the "hey I was just wandering the internet and I tripped and fell into a hate site" variety, then yeah, I'll take that info and remove whomever was involved, because I have no tolerance for those kinds of assholes. Go. Vanish.

Y'all can have your Discords. If you want to chat about stuff in your communities off-site, feel free. Nothing stopping you. But just be aware the risk you take by essentially having channels dedicated to what amounts to pointing and laughing: you're just fostering an environment where groups become insular and seek validation from others - "I was wronged! Right, guys?" "Yeah, yeah! Fuck those guys! You did nothing wrong, they're the nazis!"  Feel free to vent about whatever - as I said, nothing stopping you. But it's your house. You want to shit in your house, you can expect that no one wants to be around people who smell like shit. 

ok, i'm done for now. bring on the onslaught 

I've been doxxed,  I can handle this shit

(thebore picked a cute pic of me at least)
(03-13-2024, 08:45 PM)benji wrote: wrote:Page 1 of the report states that Benedict's death was caused by a combined overdose of Diphenhydramine and Fluoxetine. The full medical examiner's report will be released on 03/27/2024.

Antidepressants and sleeping pills
Quote:you're just fostering an environment where groups become insular and seek validation from others - "I was wronged! Right, guys?" "Yeah, yeah! Fuck those guys! You did nothing wrong, they're the nazis!"

Hecht has now been kicked from the discord with the reasoning that he said everything he had to say.

My exclusive scoop is over
I hope his large post is just ignored and people talk around him. The guy has main character syndrome and should be treated like the weirdo he is.
Hecht wrote:The moment you decide to make a mountain out of a (potential) molehill, you are providing cover for more unsavory types to swoop in and escalate things.

Hecht wrote:They revel in the dysfunction.  They have nothing going on in their own shitty lives that they crave the drama and seek to make it worse. 
Hecht wrote:I'm sick and tired of people picking fights because they want to assume the worst about someone on the other end of the internet, decide to escalate it into some dumbass schoolyard fight, and attract all sorts of fucks from around the internet to look on and do the shit they do. Enough of it. Act like fucking adults, or go to GameFAQs.
Hecht wrote:you're just fostering an environment where groups become insular and seek validation from others - "I was wronged! Right, guys?" "Yeah, yeah! Fuck those guys! You did nothing wrong, they're the nazis!"  Feel free to vent about whatever - as I said, nothing stopping you. But it's your house. You want to shit in your house, you can expect that no one wants to be around people who smell like shit.
Quote:Nothing stopping you. But just be aware the risk you take by essentially having channels dedicated to what amounts to pointing and laughing: you're just fostering an environment where groups become insular and seek validation from others - "I was wronged! Right, guys?" "Yeah, yeah! Fuck those guys! You did nothing wrong, they're the nazis!"
By the way. Antifa doxxed stonetoss and posters are sharing it on Resetera.
I guess doxxing is okay if they do it? Huh.
I love how their narrative is always "those people are pathetic with nothing in their lives", "I'm not scared of them, I can handle it" and "they're in denial about reality" while also posting about having constant breakdowns from meaningless shit on their forum, people constantly making threads about their pathetic lives, endless literally world ending doomering, screeching about how someone is trying to kill Nepenthe, contacting the police over non-illegal stuff they saw online, discussing their collecting of mental illnesses, staring into the night sky with dark thoughts, etc.

Something something the enemy is strong yet weak.
Seems like Hecht chose wine tonight so he could wax poetically, jokes on him no one gives a fuck lol
(03-14-2024, 03:28 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord
Hecht wrote:They revel in the dysfunction.

Yes, but remember, it wouldn't be possible without you doing your part too. Respect Knuckles
(03-14-2024, 03:40 AM)benji wrote: I love how their narrative is always "those people are pathetic with nothing in their lives", "I'm not scared of them, I can handle it" and "they're in denial about reality" while also posting about having constant breakdowns from meaningless shit on their forum, people constantly making threads about their pathetic lives, endless literally world ending doomering, screeching about how someone is trying to kill Nepenthe, contacting the police over stuff they saw online, discussing their collecting of mental illnesses, staring into the night sky with dark thoughts, etc.

Something something the enemy is strong yet weak.

Posting on the bore is just like posting on Twitter. It's all screaming into the void for some light chuckles.  Snob
(03-14-2024, 03:43 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Posting on the bore is just like posting on Twitter. It's all screaming into the void for some light chuckles.  Snob
FACT CHECK: the likes here mean something.
By the way, instead of openly approaching the discord for a conversation Hecht made a new account a few days ago with a random name and snuck into the discord to lurk and "keep an eye on them" and only decided to reveal himself now. Kind of speaks to how they regard people in their own community
If you don't want me to laugh at you, stop being so fucking funny. Trumps
We laugh to hide our sorrow and tears.  Gloomy
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Footage of Hecht informing a ResetEra user they’ve been doxxed. 

Quote:He's a white nationalist but he's not white. He looks exactly what you think

Quote:What does that mean?

Quote:He's a mixed Latino

Race experts at RE exposing those dirty Nazis.


DanarchyReigns wrote:By the way, a total Nazi having the name Hans. Can the simulation stop being so on the nose?

(03-14-2024, 03:55 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:He's a white nationalist but he's not white. He looks exactly what you think

Quote:What does that mean?

Quote:He's a mixed Latino

Ree supports the 1 drop rule.  omg
(03-14-2024, 03:46 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: By the way, instead of openly approaching the discord for a conversation Hecht made a new account a few days ago with a random name and snuck into the discord to lurk and "keep an eye on them" and only decided to reveal himself now. Kind of speaks to how they regard people in their own community
Wasn't B-Dubs already a member?

This is so confusing. It's liked they planned a sting, when? Why? Their explanations have made all of this dumber and made them look worse and worse. lol
Quote:At least they picked a cute picture of me. 

(thebore picked a cute pic of me at least)


tbh I don’t know who this guy is. Seems lonely. Demoralized. If he does have an account here, think people are willing to chat. Find common ground. Some of those guys are true believers and others are putting up a front. Again, don’t know him from era, but he seems like the latter. Probably exhausting to keep up with.
Quote:He looks exactly what you think

Fat and with glasses? Doge 

Hate the dude all you want, he may deserve it, but he looks better than most TransRE.
I really hope the users who posted the doxx get banned. it just isn't right.  Gloomy Thankfully no one here posts any doxxed info.
(03-14-2024, 12:34 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Please go after Steam. Full Steam ahead.
Quote:This. I've been saying that people need to be careful with their kids online these days. There are already stories from former KKK people saying they've been using games to recruit young people.
Coldsun out there supporting that TERF BITCH JOANNE with his gameplay hours of the Wizard game.

This is exactly what all the extreme left commie bastards are doing too. What makes a commie any better than a KKK lunatic? They're all extremists who want to murder people over political and racial differences.
(03-14-2024, 03:55 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:He's a white nationalist but he's not white. He looks exactly what you think

Quote:What does that mean?

Quote:He's a mixed Latino

Race experts at RE exposing those dirty Nazis.


DanarchyReigns wrote:By the way, a total Nazi having the name Hans. Can the simulation stop being so on the nose?


Edging close to doxxing there aren’t we b dumbs 

(03-14-2024, 12:45 AM)benji wrote:
(03-14-2024, 12:43 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:although we probably won't peruse a re-diagnosis.
Is using the wrong words a symptom of DID? (Android Sophia does this too.) hmm

Usually a symptom of being A FUCKING MORON! Android Sophia is a fucking moron too.
two hearts wrote:While I have no love for the FBI or any other branch of policing, I do feel that considering we are 10 years out from gamergate and seem to be on the verge of a gamergate 2, there is needed accountability for more extrimist gamers so we don't get into bombthreat territory again.
The image of "GamerCops" however is moderately amusing to me“extremist”-gamers.826941/?post=120441612#post-120441612

Feel like two hearts should have a sign off for each alter so we know who is actually speaking here.

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