Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(03-22-2024, 07:50 PM)DocWager wrote: Who’s side are the tankies on?

Russia sides with Palestine so SUPPORT THEM!! Ukraine is an imperialist puppet state after the CIA coup and Israel is committing genocide backed by the very same government! The damn DIRTY USA!

[Image: communist-pikachu.gif]
(03-22-2024, 09:40 PM)clockwork5 wrote: Kyuuji:
Quote:Utterly horrific. Zero interest in watching the footage and don't need it described in the thread. Can only wish the best for the survivors and the families of all.

Holy shit that’s crazy. However, Russian’s aren’t really a protected group here at resetera, so while we will describe in gruesome detail any tragedies that happen to the groups we root for, there isn’t much to talk about here. RIP Komrades.

Just classic passive aggressive shitbag behavior. If you don't want to hear it described than stop reading the thread you asshole. It's not everyone else job to suddenly not discuss the news that is happening. Also you had a thread going where you described how that one trans chick got killed in the most excruciating detail and happily accepted shoulder pads for it, so just shut up.
Translation: this isn’t about me, so can we please moderate our behaviour so it is about me, somehow
(03-22-2024, 09:44 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(03-22-2024, 07:50 PM)DocWager wrote: Who’s side are the tankies on?

Russia sides with Palestine so SUPPORT THEM!! Ukraine is an imperialist puppet state after the CIA coup and Israel is committing genocide backed by the very same government! The damn DIRTY USA!

[Image: communist-pikachu.gif]

ngl that flag is lit and I always liked the Russians better in Red Alert 2.
I'm calling a conference with all the chapters of GamerGate to reconsider our allegiance.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
You know for a suicide baiter I think haziq is a pretty cool guy.

Starting the purity thread and letting the EtcetEra community prove it right.  Trumps
If you think about it, which I’m sure they don’t, the Russian terrorist attack thread is the type of thread that should be in the sensitive sub forum. 

The nation that has been vilified (rightly or wrongly) for the past 3+++ years was attacked, lots of dead civilians, no clear responsible group yet…. Just lots of room for people to spout their mouth off with some, (I’m paraphrasing)

“Have you ever heard a Russian talk?”

“My conspiracy brainz says it’s Putin but lol I’m not gonna say that but for real tho ne1 no who did this?”

Like maybe this is the type of thread you don’t want the general retardation that permeates your community to have such easy access to their less than 30 word ideas.
I’m surprised that idiot Dubs hasn’t locked Kyuuji’s hate boner thread considering how TERF bitch has enough money and lawyers to sue MOBA into permanent bankruptcy
(03-22-2024, 09:59 PM)clockwork5 wrote: “Have you ever heard a Russian talk?”

I don't like to be reminded of it Kobeyuck
revolutionary nepenthe wrote:As I asked in my original post, how do I start coalition building with people who fundamentally do not even recognize my oppression for what I believe it is? It makes no sense to me. Like, I'm certainly not going to ever say that "okay guys, we can keep the capitalism" for the sake of trying to get capitalists on my side when "the capitalism" is literally the core reason for why Black people are fucked. Because even if I do that and get the votes today, well tomorrow the contradiction remains and we're still gonna be fighting about this.

Now, I'm not saying I know everything. I can admit maybe I'm wrong on this belief. But for me to compromise on that belief, you would have to objectively demonstrate that capitalism had absolutely nothing to do with the slave trade or the continued economic disenfranchisement of Africa and Black diasporas happening literally right now, to say nothing of how it exacerbates social issues like lack of access to quality amenities, redlining, food deserts, etc.. And unfortunately I don't think the evidence really squares with you on that.


Cenauru wrote:I hope people see this and realize this is what a genocide looks like. States just deciding it's not illegal to kill trans and non-binary people.

You expect them to resurrect Agnathy/Nex/Roach and prosecute him her them for suicide? Who is the perpetrator here, the kids that got attacked in the bathroom so they fought back?
It's possible to be sympathetic to the Ukrainian side without dehumanizing Russian citizens. Trumps
(03-22-2024, 10:41 PM)Water Enjoyer wrote:
(03-22-2024, 09:59 PM)clockwork5 wrote: “Have you ever heard a Russian talk?”

I don't like to be reminded of it Kobeyuck

Kyuuji wrote:Expand this out to the issues across intersectionality and that's why reducing it to 'not in 100% lockstep' isn't worth much and oversimplifies the ask to make it seem more casual and accessible. Don't get me wrong either, I'd vote Biden and I'm voting Labour. Concessions are made all the time. Which is the other point, because where are the concessions being made toward us? Can't even get people to stop supporting Harry Potter, while we get it in the neck over 'purity tests' for being hesitant to trust people and systems who have let us slide as far as we have since 2019. Why are people practically gagging to bemoan Era and leftists from some imaginary vantage point acting as if that attitude isn't also a problem. Isn't also causing rifts. Isn't also a sign of someone berating others for not being in this 100% lockstep being spoken of.

That site wide IP ban is going real well
(03-22-2024, 11:22 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Can't even get people to stop supporting Harry Potter,
                   Purity test
is this?
No, you can't get people to stop liking harry potter you fucking idiot
What I find hilarious is that the thread has now been taken over completely by those engaging in purity tests including an admin of the site bemoaning that Liberals are against abolishing Capitalism for the advancement of Black People. 

Imagine one day you just decide that you're going to make your entire life about stopping people from having nostalgia for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Every time you think something cool turtles related is coming Kyuuji pops up and tells you you're going to burn in hell forever for even fucking THINKING about playing that Turtles game, it is written, the dude said a no no on the nazi site where I post my nudes.
Volimar, post: 120806025, member: 4961 wrote:Between the Moscow concert hall terror attack thread, the Kate Middleton picture thread, and the Boeing whistleblower thread I think the staff really needs to crack down on the conspiracy theories.  It's not a good look for the community.
B-Dubs, post: 120806823, member: 143 wrote:It helps if people send in reports on this stuff instead of coming in here to complain we haven't banned stuff. The Kate Middleton threads, for example, have generated a grand total of 3 reports from what I can see. One of which was some boys clubs nonsense we smacked.

no fucking shit because most of the forum are fucking nutcases my dude, and the only shit you action is shit that should not even be actioned but you fucking dickride transmafia and nepnep and her ilk 's beliefs and the rest of the parasites and their toxicity of what should be actioned. you and the rest of the cunts create this environment and then wonder why no one reports it because they all fucking agree you fucking DUMBASS B-Dumbs. grow a brain and a ballsack
“You have a conspiracy theory problem” 

“Well how are we supposed to know about the problem if the conspiracy theorists don’t report themselves!?” 


royalan wrote:I have friends, loved ones, in real life...meaning I break bread with them regularly, who are HIV positive. Friends who are alive and suppressed because they regularly take meds that they can afford because of a state program guessed it, a) was created by Democrats; b) is continuously funded by Democrats; and c) is routinely threatened by Republicans.

Sorry Alan, but Nepenthe told me that voting democrat has gotten Black people no further ahead than you’ve started. This suggestion they are saving HIV positive Black people is unacceptable.
Royalan thinking he’s being all brave and showing what an ally he is bragging about “breaking bread” with HIV positive people. Get fucked you performative cunt
(03-22-2024, 11:42 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:
Volimar, post: 120806025, member: 4961 wrote:Between the Moscow concert hall terror attack thread, the Kate Middleton picture thread, and the Boeing whistleblower thread I think the staff really needs to crack down on the conspiracy theories.  It's not a good look for the community.
B-Dubs, post: 120806823, member: 143 wrote:It helps if people send in reports on this stuff instead of coming in here to complain we haven't banned stuff. The Kate Middleton threads, for example, have generated a grand total of 3 reports from what I can see. One of which was some boys clubs nonsense we smacked.

no fucking shit because most of the forum are fucking nutcases my dude, and the only shit you action is shit that should not even be actioned but you fucking dickride transmafia and nepnep and her ilk 's beliefs and the rest of the parasites and their toxicity of what should be actioned. you and the rest of the cunts create this environment and then wonder why no one reports it because they all fucking agree you fucking DUMBASS B-Dumbs. grow a brain and a ballsack
I couldn't imagine being a mod for such a forum because the amount of engaging discussion you'd think it would generate isn't there, because it's just a reddit thread but in a forum format. So no wonder B-dubs says "report it, it helps us out," because to actually read content on this site is insufferable. Fat4all and etrenment aren't ignored without reason.
(03-22-2024, 11:42 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:
Volimar, post: 120806025, member: 4961 wrote:Between the Moscow concert hall terror attack thread, the Kate Middleton picture thread, and the Boeing whistleblower thread I think the staff really needs to crack down on the conspiracy theories.  It's not a good look for the community.
B-Dubs, post: 120806823, member: 143 wrote:It helps if people send in reports on this stuff instead of coming in here to complain we haven't banned stuff. The Kate Middleton threads, for example, have generated a grand total of 3 reports from what I can see. One of which was some boys clubs nonsense we smacked.

no fucking shit because most of the forum are fucking nutcases my dude, and the only shit you action is shit that should not even be actioned but you fucking dickride transmafia and nepnep and her ilk 's beliefs and the rest of the parasites and their toxicity of what should be actioned. you and the rest of the cunts create this environment and then wonder why no one reports it because they all fucking agree you fucking DUMBASS B-Dumbs. grow a brain and a ballsack

Noticing one conspiracy completely missing. Truly in the hands of the trans mafia now
(03-22-2024, 02:35 PM)clockwork5 wrote: That Vanillaware thread isn’t coming back. 

Another thread where people celebrate their joy of gaming while one of the many reset cabals, this time it was the Burqa Boys, don’t even attempt to hide that they are brigading the thread with mountains of ban-bait and successfully shut down all conversation. Some mod bursts in the door, clutching their pearls, exclaiming “I am so offended” Locking the thread and leaving everyone who was enjoying the thread wondering “why the hell am I a member of this dogshit message board.

Quality leadership.

And we get to the root of why I don't feel sorry for these fucking idiots who are prisoners in a prison without walls.

They could leave any time and join the multitude of NeoGoof refugee camps dotted around the internet, but they remain there under the mental case neo-communist take a carrot leadership while being the willing product of some of the worst of Swedish capitalism.

Like, fuck off you morons. You are your own worst enemies.
(03-22-2024, 02:40 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: What gets me is they will point to a company like KO_OP as a successful workers coop in gaming. But lets dig a little deeper and crunch their numbers:

10 people, according to crunchbase and a few articles.

This many titles:
[Image: ANKGcIX.png]

So lets take the most recent one as that got their biggest push via Sony featuring it multiple times leading up to the PS5. How much did each employee make from the Steam release of a dinosaur dating sim:

Some steam info:

Steam player count indicates there are currently 5 players live playing Goodbye Volcano High on Steam.

Goodbye Volcano High had an all-time peak of 291 concurrent players on 29 August 2023.

#3285 in top sellers
1,139 positive reviews
118 negative reviews

Owner estimates:
    ~15.5 k by Gamalytic
    ~28.6 k by PlayTracker
    ~37.7 k by VG Insights
    ~58.0 k by SteamSpy
SteamSpy is trash but lets take their upper bound as a best case scenario

Launch price: $29.99 Lowest recorded sale price: $22.49
Let's assume a straight 50/50 split to be charitable, 29K for each price:
$869,710 full price sales; $652,210 discounted sales; total: $1,521,920

Ah, but Steam takes 30% of that. So really $1,065,344.
Dividing that evenly, before taxes, each member made: $106,534 off the Steam release for Goodbye Volcano High, a game that took how long to make? Oh... 3 years... so in actuality before taxes each member of this collective made $35,511.47 per year off this investment.  And the Quebec income tax rate? $98,541 to $119,910 24.00% so that initial $106,534 drops down to $80,965 (assuming they aren't using a progressive tax like the US, maybe they are).

The workers coop idea totally makes sense guys Derp

That's not even accounting for the expenses of running a studio. Even if they are all just working in their own homes, using their own equipment, they still have to account for electricity and other expenses.
(03-22-2024, 06:31 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
(03-22-2024, 06:14 PM)DocWager wrote: Wow, weeks of shitting on Kate Middleton, and it turns out she has cancer, and wanted it private. Now Era is like “Oh uhhhhhhh… Pulling for her😁”.


I will say that a few of them don’t even have the decency to let it go at this point. “Why didn’t they tell us? What kind of cancer is it? She gives up her right to medical privacy because reasons. I deserve to know before her children!”

Beyond scum.

You can say fuck cancer but I don’t believe you. Scum.

Some of those cunts are probably yanks too
Hello everyone it is I, Royalan, breaker of bread with infected folk. Don’t worry. I wear a hazard suit. There’s nae chance of me catching the plague from they dirty bastards. They might fuck about. No me. I take nae chances. My blood is pure.

[Image: W6PnrXr.png]

The blue hairs bowed out of the 2016 election because of Bernie and look what happened. They're a necessity.
Hello all, it is I, Royalan. Fat as can be but my blood is pure. You can bet your fuckin house on that. AIDS? That’ll be the day. I wear a Hazmat suit around cunts that have head colds. HIV? Get tae fuck. I break bread with them but separate tables in separate countries only. Ye think I’d risk getting the plague from one of they cunts? Nae chance. Pure as the driven snow.
(03-22-2024, 11:42 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:
Volimar, post: 120806025, member: 4961 wrote:Between the Moscow concert hall terror attack thread, the Kate Middleton picture thread, and the Boeing whistleblower thread I think the staff really needs to crack down on the conspiracy theories.  It's not a good look for the community.
B-Dubs, post: 120806823, member: 143 wrote:It helps if people send in reports on this stuff instead of coming in here to complain we haven't banned stuff. The Kate Middleton threads, for example, have generated a grand total of 3 reports from what I can see. One of which was some boys clubs nonsense we smacked.
Well, okay, but don't complain if I start filing reports since my posting about them here where you can see them clearly isn't working.

Plus I'm sure you'll get right on it when I report all the trans and Nepenthe posts.
Nepenthe wrote:Do you think rustling through people's infractions to make an ad hominem attack is conduct staff don't also frown upon?
Didn't TransEra use this to their advantage days ago and get someone banned?  ???

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