Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Hitler was an artist.  Trumps
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Daffy Duck
He was actually better than Nepenthe too tbf to the auld rascal

"Lets brigade a pretty reasonable request under the banner of 'homophobia'!"
Quote: I do have a problem with them calling people that like this stuff sexual deviants.

Quote:Not the first time that any mention of two characters being gay is automatically "sexual deviance" even if no actual sex is involved.

queer folx just cant catch a break these days
(03-24-2024, 05:42 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

"Lets brigade a pretty reasonable request under the banner of 'homophobia'!"

Quote:What are the options for getting this person out?

Quote:This shouldn't be shocking. Being an asshole is rewarding in our society.

Yes exactly like the take a carrot, leave an antisemitic rant society known as resetera.

Quote: ...the pair travel to many contemporary and historical locations to fight crime, including the Moon, Ancient Egypt, and the White House, as well as several fictitious locations, such as the Philippines.
(03-24-2024, 05:42 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

"Lets brigade a pretty reasonable request under the banner of 'homophobia'!"

Being honest, the dude fucked up when he started with “sexual deviants” even if he is right about everything else. The shippers are going to get widespread support even if they just went to post smut or talk about how a cartoon dog wants to fuck a cartoon bunny-esque thing.
hit dog drawn fucking a rabbit in the ass hollers
Quote:Sam & Max are the gayest creatures in video games.
[Image: snm.gif]

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): sniping at other members
Richter1887 wrote:People really keep trying to pretend that Biden's hands are tied ans yet the opposite way keeps happening. At that point, are they tied?

I am so fucking disgusted by liberals and their attempts to defend this monster. At the very least admit you don't care about Gaza or Palestine. Stop pretending you care. You sure don't.

Really pathetic. Palestine is a sacrifice to keep this disgusting monster genocider instead of racist cheeto. That's how the takes come to me.

Fuck Biden. Fuck him and his Admin and his defenders. You don't defend genocide and these policies.
Quote:Lovely watching the silence on Western Media on the multiple reports of rape and sexual violation coming out now at the besieged Al-Shifa hospital.

Multiple woman raped and then executed, a woman raped for 2 days until she couldn't speak and a 5-month pregnant woman raped in front of her children and husband, who were then threaten to keep watching or they'll be killed if they close their eyes. Can't forget the men and teenagers being stripped naked and told to open their legs and then let go naked if they're not killed.

Plus Canadian doctors have also been saying it but no one has report it, or even investigated.

Just blind accusations with zero sources. But he didn’t say the words (sex slave)…. So no ban? Like how about a quote from one of these doctors. How about linking something anything to back this up?
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory commentary on a sensitive topic over a series of posts
never wrote:
Chaos Legion wrote:This is honestly the most illogical and nonsensical argument I have seen. Which position, deeply held by Joe Biden, has this administration not been pushed left on?
never wrote:Zionism is the establishing and defending of a jewish state on the land of palestine.
(03-24-2024, 08:11 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
Quote:Lovely watching the silence on Western Media on the multiple reports of rape and sexual violation coming out now at the besieged Al-Shifa hospital.
Multiple woman raped and then executed, a woman raped for 2 days until she couldn't speak and a 5-month pregnant woman raped in front of her children and husband, who were then threaten to keep watching or they'll be killed if they close their eyes. Can't forget the men and teenagers being stripped naked and told to open their legs and then let go naked if they're not killed.
Plus Canadian doctors have also been saying it but no one has report it, or even investigated.
Just blind accusations with zero sources. But he didn’t say the words (sex slave)…. So no ban? Like how about a quote from one of these doctors. How about linking something anything to back this up?

Somebody needs to ask the Era rape expert plagiarize if this counts as "rape rape".
(03-24-2024, 08:11 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
Quote:Lovely watching the silence on Western Media on the multiple reports of rape and sexual violation coming out now at the besieged Al-Shifa hospital.

Multiple woman raped and then executed, a woman raped for 2 days until she couldn't speak and a 5-month pregnant woman raped in front of her children and husband, who were then threaten to keep watching or they'll be killed if they close their eyes. Can't forget the men and teenagers being stripped naked and told to open their legs and then let go naked if they're not killed.

Plus Canadian doctors have also been saying it but no one has report it, or even investigated.

Just blind accusations with zero sources. But he didn’t say the words (sex slave)…. So no ban? Like how about a quote from one of these doctors. How about linking something anything to back this up?

Quote:#MeToo (except Palestinians)

Nepenthe wrote:Democratic socialism is definitely not a centrist position in American politics, but it's still ultimately just capitalism. If you're talking to anti-capitalists, then countering with dismissals of your committal to leftism with the fact that you're a Dem Soc is not gonna convince that sector of leftists.

Nepenthe wrote:That is true under a leftist framework that poses that capitalism is the base problem with many a groups' oppression. Both parties are capitalist, therefore both are inevitably going to be responsible for the same oppression even if it's to different degrees.

Get a fucking job already and get out of your parents house.  Jesus Christ.

Quote:Part of the fight is not just in understanding where you personally stand on a general praxis level, but in being open to really hammering down and critiquing your biases and blind spots. You might have liberal biases that you need to hammer out if you're interested in not being characterized as such. This shit is hard. And it only gets harder the more you learn.

You know what's easier than praxis?  Javascript.  Start studying already.
(03-24-2024, 08:11 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
Quote:Lovely watching the silence on Western Media on the multiple reports of rape and sexual violation coming out now at the besieged Al-Shifa hospital.

Multiple woman raped and then executed, a woman raped for 2 days until she couldn't speak and a 5-month pregnant woman raped in front of her children and husband, who were then threaten to keep watching or they'll be killed if they close their eyes. Can't forget the men and teenagers being stripped naked and told to open their legs and then let go naked if they're not killed.

Plus Canadian doctors have also been saying it but no one has report it, or even investigated.

Just blind accusations with zero sources. But he didn’t say the words (sex slave)…. So no ban? Like how about a quote from one of these doctors. How about linking something anything to back this up?
Quote:NYT will never write about this. Absolutely sickening.

Even Al Jazeera hasnt written anything about this you idiot
(03-24-2024, 02:52 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I call this: The Duality of Man

[Image: 78uOy6j.png]

Man? I thought they were all women now you transphobe?
(03-23-2024, 10:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:And in general, if you want to bridge gaps with people of different views, you first need to actually recognize and at least sympathize with people's hang-ups and differences in some way. You need to talk to people as if they aren't evil (unless they're brandishing Nazi insignia at which point punch away). Liberals have this problem where they always believe they're the smartest person in the room and thus shouldn't have to meet people where they are, because they don't believe where people are is even a valid place to be. Everyone else is either just a lost sheep or an idiot; the idea that neoliberalism is failing entire populations just isn't a possibility to contend with, in ironically a very similar way that conservatives tell on themselves by charging people with even basic amounts of empathy with "virtue signalling," because they themselves cannot fathom caring about an out-group without having something to materially or socially gain for it, so it must be that everyone else is doing it too (although, ironically, there's a degree of truth to that when talking about realpolitik liberals).

They do this smug act with conservatives by default not just because conservatives are largely, well, wrong about base political and historical history and fact, but because they feel these people are just such an embarrassment that they get second-hand cringe. It reminds the white liberals of the annoying shit they have to put up with their family members. But without the shield of familial blood and with the excesses of social media, they treat conservatives as basically idiotic non-persons. But this attitude is consistently turned onto leftists too because ultimately part of the issue is that we don't just agree with fundamental moral issues, and when you don't agree with the smartest person in the room then you're, again, either a lost sheep or an idiot.

But this smugness is never really going to ensure you're going to be able to convince people to your cause, which is especially important if every election is "the most important election of a lifetime."
(03-24-2024, 08:22 PM)Propagandhim wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:Democratic socialism is definitely not a centrist position in American politics, but it's still ultimately just capitalism. If you're talking to anti-capitalists, then countering with dismissals of your committal to leftism with the fact that you're a Dem Soc is not gonna convince that sector of leftists.

Nepenthe wrote:That is true under a leftist framework that poses that capitalism is the base problem with many a groups' oppression. Both parties are capitalist, therefore both are inevitably going to be responsible for the same oppression even if it's to different degrees.

Quote:Part of the fight is not just in understanding where you personally stand on a general praxis level, but in being open to really hammering down and critiquing your biases and blind spots. You might have liberal biases that you need to hammer out if you're interested in not being characterized as such. This shit is hard. And it only gets harder the more you learn.
This is also the person who has a post that I wanted to find but didn't who says that ever compromising away from immediate revolution is assisting Nazis.

Why would anyone want to "bridge gaps" with someone who outright rejects anything that doesn't agree with her? Who will literally refuse to critique her own biases and blind spots? Who can't even define "capitalism" as she spends all her time inveighing against it, blaming it for every single problem in human history and says it needs to be violently suppressed across the entire planet by a US Census based racial elite?
Cenauru wrote:I hope people see this and realize this is what a genocide looks like. States just deciding it's not illegal to kill trans and non-binary people.

loco wrote:Holy crap all of the charges were dropped! Why hasn't anyone come forward and name the monsters that did this to Nex? Why are they being protected?
(03-24-2024, 04:23 PM)Echelon wrote: Regarding AI: It's so funny to see the same dozen "starving artists" bitching themselves into a frenzy in every single thread.

AI is simple: it creates derivative works based on aggregating existing imagery. The exact same fucking thing that most artists already do with varying degrees of success. If artists didn't take inspiration from existing works then Star Wars wouldn't exist without Buck Rogers and Dune. The Last Airbender wouldn't exist without anime. John Wick wouldn't exist without Hong Kong action movies. Parody wouldn't exist at all.

Similarly, artists often ask other artists to create work that they themselves can't actually produce. Ridley Scott didn't build the Xenomorph puppets himself. George Lucas didn't compose Binary Sunset. Instead, what these guys did was give other artists prompts about what they wanted. "I want this alien to look phallic because it's supposed to represent rape as a violent force".

The only thing AI does is generate these prompts without utilizing a human just like a VFX program can generate an explosion without actually detonating anything. If it's cheaper to use than hiring people to paint, compose, or blow something up, then that actually opens special effects up to budget films that could not afford those people in the first place. It allows indie games built by three people to have more character dialogue and so on. This in turn allows more creatives more ability to bring whatever they want to life.

Alternatively, if the AI's output is worse than the work of real people (which it mostly is) then the market will reject that work as subpar, and these super duper artists have nothing to worry about. If, however, AI's work is equivalent to yours, then maybe your value just plummeted and you should split your hobby from your income generating career. 

But it's easier to bitch about the fact that artists are nature's gift to humanity and that they should be held sacred because drawing cartoon furries is your only "contribution" to society.

Those artists whose jobs are being eliminated should learn to code mine coal.
(03-24-2024, 08:22 PM)Propagandhim wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:Democratic socialism is definitely not a centrist position in American politics, but it's still ultimately just capitalism. If you're talking to anti-capitalists, then countering with dismissals of your committal to leftism with the fact that you're a Dem Soc is not gonna convince that sector of leftists.

Nepenthe wrote:That is true under a leftist framework that poses that capitalism is the base problem with many a groups' oppression. Both parties are capitalist, therefore both are inevitably going to be responsible for the same oppression even if it's to different degrees.

Get a fucking job already and get out of your parents house.  Jesus Christ.

Quote:Part of the fight is not just in understanding where you personally stand on a general praxis level, but in being open to really hammering down and critiquing your biases and blind spots. You might have liberal biases that you need to hammer out if you're interested in not being characterized as such. This shit is hard. And it only gets harder the more you learn.

You know what's easier than praxis?  Javascript.  Start studying already.

I love how Nep constantly goes on and on about dismantling capitalism when she lives in the house of a man whose job is one is the most capitalist things you can do: no, not selling cars, his job is slinging overpriced loans onto unsuspecting gullible people who need private transportation.
(03-24-2024, 08:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Cenauru wrote:I hope people see this and realize this is what a genocide looks like. States just deciding it's not illegal to kill trans and non-binary people.

loco wrote:Holy crap all of the charges were dropped! Why hasn't anyone come forward and name the monsters that did this to Nex? Why are they being protected?
Probably because actual monsters like you want to target teenage girls who fought back from being attacked and have already had to deal with being told they might have killed someone from the minor harm they did? And then further want to accuse them of carrying out genocide for not letting some chick bully them.
(03-24-2024, 02:52 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I call this: The Duality of Man
[Image: 78uOy6j.png]

Yall need to understand the proper praxis for buffets.  Practice the praxis, dumbaxxes.   Survey the options.  Be mindful of supply lines.  Prevent palate fatigue.  Take brief pauses between courses to process the tastes and digest.  Allies, once you approach with proper praxis, you'll see the buffet is a microcosm of inherent inequalities and exploitative nature of the capitalist system.  The owners of these establishments create an illusion of abundance and choice, while in reality, they are perpetuating a system of manufactured consent: Corporation 1 slop and Corporation 2 slop.  America is free, yeah, free to choose Coke or Pepsi!  Free to suck on a dick, not that there's anything wrong with that.  And sometimes you can get Dr Pepper.  And then there's Arizona Iced Tea, and the special Overwatch Blue Razz flavor and dlc codes at participating retailers, which i've been praxising in my pants over.  But anyway, the buffet thrives on the exploitation of the worker and eater as "goods" in and of themselves.  OF their essence. UNTO their value.  FOR themselves, per se, and i do se, if i say so myself.    

The very layout of the buffet is designed to maximize profits for the owners, rather than to provide a truly nourishing and equitable dining experience for the masses. The placement of cheaper, carbohydrate-heavy dishes at the beginning of the line is a calculated move to fill the plates of the proletariat with low-cost, less nutrient-dense options, leaving less room for the more expensive, protein-rich dishes that are essential for the well-being of the working class.  They do this on purpose cuz y'all fall for that shit, retards.  Point of privilege, I have many retards in my family so I have the ability to usurp this word UNTO an appropriated "self", and FOR its essence as a, praxis-facing word, per se.   I never said this was gonna be easy.  Check your biases.  This shit is hard.  They call it the American dream cuz you gotta be asleep to believe it.  Moreover, the idea of selecting for maximal intake is a symptom of the capitalist mentality that encourages individualism and competition, rather than cooperation and shared prosperity.  They advertise all you can eat, but the crab legs are always on short supply, and instead of sharing among our brothers, we fight over them.  Notice how liberal "allies" never ask, "are we free to eat crab legs together?"  Have you ever heard a liberal or social democrat ask that one question?  I'm tired of this retarded shit (remember: tons of retards in my family)  They call it a cell phone cuz it's a prison.  Creating a dining experience that prioritizes the needs of all those in the restaurant over the desires of individual is the only way forward.  They call it a library cuz the lies r buried there.
These people have the gall to claim to be progressives when they constantly show they can't even come close to Enlightenment standards and their concept of due process is pre-medieval.
(03-24-2024, 08:11 PM)clockwork5 wrote:
Quote:Lovely watching the silence on Western Media on the multiple reports of rape and sexual violation coming out now at the besieged Al-Shifa hospital.

Multiple woman raped and then executed, a woman raped for 2 days until she couldn't speak and a 5-month pregnant woman raped in front of her children and husband, who were then threaten to keep watching or they'll be killed if they close their eyes. Can't forget the men and teenagers being stripped naked and told to open their legs and then let go naked if they're not killed.

Plus Canadian doctors have also been saying it but no one has report it, or even investigated.

Just blind accusations with zero sources. But he didn’t say the words (sex slave)…. So no ban? Like how about a quote from one of these doctors. How about linking something anything to back this up?

The source is a rando from Twitter that works for a ProPalestine org. She ended saying that she will reveal everything in her memoirs. 

Is also cute how she still tries to imply that still works in the UN.
(03-24-2024, 08:46 PM)Propagandhim wrote: The very layout of the buffet is designed to maximize profits for the owners, rather than to provide a truly nourishing and equitable dining experience for the masses. The placement of cheaper, carbohydrate-heavy dishes at the beginning of the line is a calculated move to fill the plates of the proletariat with low-cost, less nutrient-dense options, leaving less room for the more expensive, protein-rich dishes that are essential for the well-being of the working class.  They do this on purpose cuz y'all fall for that shit, retards.  Point of privilege, I have many retards in my family so I have the ability to usurp this word UNTO an appropriated "self", and FOR its essence as a, praxis-facing word, per se.   I never said this was gonna be easy.  Check your biases.  This shit is hard.  They call it the American dream cuz you gotta be asleep to believe it.  Moreover, the idea of selecting for maximal intake is a symptom of the capitalist mentality that encourages individualism and competition, rather than cooperation and shared prosperity.  They advertise all you can eat, but the crab legs are always on short supply, and instead of sharing among our brothers, we fight over them.  Notice how liberal "allies" never ask, "are we free to eat crab legs together?"  Have you ever heard a liberal or social democrat ask that one question?

I try telling people this constantly and rather than critique their biases and blind spots they stopped inviting me to eat with them* which illustrates the epistemic violence contained within the capitalist, colonialist and white supremacist system they choose to compromise with.

*Not that I would since I already cut them out of my life for promoting fascism.
This shit is hard.
I don't think other people even have an understanding of just how much labor we expend in critique. Completely dismissive of our efforts and accomplishments. That's how you know how selfish and narcissistic they are. And how necessary Year Zero is going to be.

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