Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-15-2023, 08:04 PM)jooseloose wrote:
(07-15-2023, 04:10 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: That female members are "reclaiming" it if they use it as an insult is BS anyway. You don't reclaim insults if you keep using them as insults. That recent phrase of "Serving cunt" is actual reclaiming, and unsurprisingly it's used by women and (mostly gay) men.
The funny thing is someone actually got banned for saying "serving cunt" and they were female  lol

not female, but 100% gay since his post history is exclusively eurovision and overwatch 2   Kiss
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1689455849' wrote: 1689455849[/url]']

B-Dubs, post: 108995031, member: 143 wrote:You know, I've never had someone try and bludgeon me with my own condition before. Congratulations. Turns out things have changed, people are bigger jackasses than ever.

WhoaIsThatMars, post: 108996054, member: 5512 wrote:Look at all your posts in this thread and then re-read this post. What are we doing here?

ABK281, post: 109004076, member: 41771 wrote:Good thing you have such a high up position on this forum, because I've been banned for much more reasonable responses than this.

Not sure that moderation should have such favoritism, but hey, it is what it is.

roguesquirrel, post: 109005729, member: 24072 wrote:man full offense but if you werent the general manager of this forum, you wouldve copped a warning/ban for hostility for this post if not an earlier one. every post of yours in this thread is dripping with smug contempt, is at a level of antagonism the posts you're replying to dont warrant & are inventing sleights that arent in the posts you're responding to (ie claiming the OP thinks the world is "destroyed"). And its not just this thread -- this seems to be your MO in every thread Ive seen you in recently that isnt about forum policy (and even then those posts tend to contain some dig about how the average user on this forum is jackass you dont look forward to handling).

I dont know if its this forum or something else in your life but it seems like you need a big break from something. Taking the position in every thread you're the rational correct voice and then angrily lashing out anyone who says something different (who then have to walk eggshells around you because you're high on the proverbial food chain) isn't a sustainable attitude. I hope you find what you need to take a break from and you're able to get it.

Phil32, post: 109011390, member: 21342 wrote:Showing that that rudeness and hostility are allowed when you're on staff when it shouldn't be allowed for anyone here.
Makes this forum even more miserable and hostile than it needs to be when staff are perpetuating it.

Popcorn Sickos

The thread that keeps on giving. Watch how many of them get in the next few weeks for histories

Unknownlight wrote:Harry Potter somehow got away with killing off important characters out of nowhere off-screen. I’m still not sure how I feel about that, whether the reason of “It’s a war, people die” justifies the less satisfactory storytelling.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever

Why the fuck they are so obsessed with the DCEU?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1689455022' wrote: 1689455022[/url]']

Like this guy's story is absolutely insane, and they've tried to make narrative biopics about him multiple times but they've always fallen through. I worked on a pitch for a biopic about him but told from his (fellow spy) wife's perspective, but it never took off.

20th July 1941.

Juan has gone off on a mission to kill some Nazis tonight. He plans to single handedly tunnel under a camp, kill all the Nazis and free the prisoners. I noticed once again he forgot to take the trash out. Why must I suffer under this patriarchy? 

26th July 1941

Juan plans to hijack a plane carrying Nazi gold. He spent hours mansplaining it to me. Men are such scum. When will we be free of them?

4th August 1941

Tried to get Juan to come along to my feminist poetry club tonight. Claimed he was busy infiltrating the Gestapo. He left his socks lying in the bathroom again. The oppression never ends.
(07-15-2023, 02:45 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:If you lack imagination maybe

Sure it reads as a little dull, but it's just a brief description. The character in the comics is known for have photographic memory so its not like they made shit up, and with the right execution the scene could work

At the very least, it establishes why she has any potential at all as a future vigilante
Did he even read that?
Quote:We start with a young Barbara Gordon in ballet class. She sees the martial arts class through a window and sneaks in. She meets her best friends here, Jason Bard and Alysia Yeoh. With the help of her photographic memory, she uses some moves she saw to take down a bigger kid.
What part of the right execution can make this work? It's not just stupid and absurd and not how photographic memory works but it's not remotely at all like the actual character. Barbara isn't some superpowered savant, or even Bruce or Dick, she actually has to work to be a hero. This is what made her turn as Oracle so beloved. Since she's been uncrippled they've maintained the fact that Barbara has to work at things.

Really, you all should be more outraged at the fact that they'd apparently make Alysia not trans if she's going to be a childhood friend of Barbara now. lol
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-15-2023, 10:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Why the fuck they are so obsessed with the DCEU?

Prefacing this by saying I didn’t and won’t read that thread. But I saw similar types seeing it as a win, days after whining about Disney Plus removing some movie. With the writer strike, also been seeing people across the aisle with the same mentally. Slagging writers for The Idol or saying people who write ‘woke’ shouldn’t be paid. Hypocrisy doesn’t really exist anymore. Like empathy, it’s something people weaponize against others. When some people are fundamentally lacking a sense of self or shame, the concepts have no power.

Reminds me of a quote from Michael Bay’s Pain and Gain, spoken by a bloated roided Marky Mark, “I don’t just want everything you have. I want you not to have it.”
(07-15-2023, 10:47 PM)benji wrote: Really, you all should be more outraged at the fact that they'd apparently make Alysia not trans if she's going to be a childhood friend of Barbara now. lol
Oh: wrote:Aquino was born in the Philippines. She knew from a very young age that she was transgender, stating in a 2017 interview, "As soon as I was born, I was always a girl; I was just assigned differently at birth."[1] In her mid-teens, she started hormone therapy
So they were going to have a trans character and have them already be a girl as a youth. Teehee
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-15-2023, 11:04 PM)Polident wrote: Prefacing this by saying I didn’t and won’t read that thread. But I saw similar types seeing it as a win, days after whining about Disney Plus removing some movie. With the writer strike, also been seeing people across the aisle with the same mentally. Slagging writers for The Idol or saying people who write ‘woke’ shouldn’t be paid. Hypocrisy doesn’t really exist anymore. Like empathy, it’s something people weaponize against others. When some people are fundamentally lacking a sense of self or shame, the concepts have no power.

Reminds me of a quote from Michael Bay’s Pain and Gain, spoken by a bloated roided Marky Mark, “I don’t just want everything you have. I want you not to have it.”

Great fun movie, very underrated
2 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower
Not the point, but if accurate, this 20 year old Batgirl is hanging around Keaton’s 70 year old Batman, who is even older than Gordon. Sure.

I think once upon a time Nicolas Winding Refn wanted to make a Batgirl movie with Christina Hendricks. They should’ve just made that instead.
3 users liked this post: Potato, jorma, Taco Bell Tower

pink, post: 109006575, member: 13267 wrote:is this thread worthy

signal, post: 109006662, member: 23561 wrote:Exposing the garbage spewed from a presidential candidate that is constantly getting platformed by people with millions of viewers is better than just pretending they don't exist imo.

EntelechyFuff, post: 109006959, member: 61531 wrote:strongly disagree. deplatforming works.

TooFriendly, post: 109016583, member: 26533 wrote:Sorry, you think resetera counts as a platform?


Friendship ended with Baltimore Sun. Now Baltimore Banner is my best friend.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 month): Inappropriate joke about abusive relationships
PassiveObserver wrote:Damn, guess he preferred the black and blue.

Whiteme wrote:goddamnit. bravo
(07-15-2023, 08:34 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nothing Loud wrote:PB&J is my personal sorry I’m not sorry struggle snack champion, right next to cereal, because it can be elevated to a more premium gastronomic experience with a few simple touches.

Don’t use just bread, use a nice one. A challah or brioche or dark rye loaf? Use that. Or for example, I found a keto seeded orowheat loaf that was actually delicious and low carb.

Don’t just use peanut butter, use a mix of it with Nutella or something similar instead. I use chocolate/cacao sunflower butter.

Don’t just use plain jam, use a locally sourced jam, jelly, or marmalade. Use a local fruit jam if you can, in my case I got marionberry jam. In Texas I might get a mango-habanero jelly or something, for example.

So now I’ve got a chocolate sunflower butter and marionberry jam sandwich and it is actually 🔥

The sweet chocolate nuttiness balanced with the acid tart sweetness of the Marionberry was perfect.

Just use this as an excuse to post your favorite PB&J alternatives etc

Marionberry? Marion Berry?
My man loves his drug addicts.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-15-2023, 11:36 PM)BIONIC wrote:‘ethnically-targeted’-to-spare-jews.742566/page-3#post-109016583
TooFriendly, post: 109016583, member: 26533 wrote:Sorry, you think resetera counts as a platform?
Quote:I think we don’t need to reiterate the statements of confirmed dumdums on this “platform”, no.

We’re not educating, serving, informing, or whatever rationalization we wanna hide behind.

It’d be one thing if it were an otherwise respected person, but this is almost an Alex Jones tier personality.
Quote:This nut job is getting featured on Joe Rogan, the Lex moron, news networks, newspapers… those are platforms.
this is the off-topic section of a niche gaming forum. Sorry, this isn’t a ‘platform’ in any meaningful sense.

pointing out that this guy is a dangerous anti-vaxxer, racist, conspiracy theorist is what should happen wherever he pops up. and it should be treated as a place to put resources that show WHY he is dangerous.

saying ‘shhhh don’t mention that person here, they will get attention by being mentioned on this platform’ is bordering on delusional and frankly sticking your head in the sand and achieving nothing.

Btw here is a good video with clear examples of why RFK is dangerous and how to refute his claims. It’s not platforming, it’s basically vaccinating against his lies.
49 minute video with this as the first image:
[Image: owDpGWI.png]

Quote:Correct. Trying to make sure people know he's a nutcase is the correct play. Otherwise, the right's plan to have him siphon off votes from Biden is more likely to succeed, not less.

I mean, the guy is polling like 20% of the Democratic vote on name recognition alone. That's going to shrink a ton once Biden is the official nominee, but it's not going to go to zero. It's important to dilute that number by offsetting the name recognition with the crazy.
Wut Why would the evil fascist conspiracy organized against me personally waste its time on such a meaningless endeavor?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-15-2023, 10:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Why the fuck they are so obsessed with the DCEU?

ZASLAV  Rage At this point he's Ree's Dinkleberg
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Bengels, what the fuck is a %0 warning level? Is that like when you're hanging out with you're buddies at a Juneteenth cook out and some toddler trips on a Tonka truck and falls into a sink hole knowing full well that Al Gore warned us that trans teens have the highest rate of knowing what movie Al Pacino won the academy award for in 1992 and did nothing to stop it?
3 users liked this post: BIONIC, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
That's not supposed to show for non-staff and I don't know why it does. I explained it in the community feedback thread a while ago but I'll put it here for people who only hit up this thread, the warning system on this forum software allows you to assign points to infractions and allocate a total number of points so that moderators can see whether a poster has a history of history without having to look anything up. I would assume that the intended procedure is that if I were to ban you for misrepresenting moderation and you had a 100% I'd know you need to get permed for being a troll account whereas if you had 0% I would need to come up with some other explanation for perming you. I'm not using it and haven't set it up because it only allows for one class of members, I can't properly allow prominent members to exceed 100% and be protected. I left it on the page because when I deleted it, it created an error and when I deleted the whole section that created even more errors.
Quote:I want a character not associated with street fighter (could be from "sister universes" like final fight or rival schools) to pop up

And C Viper. I think C Viper could be very interesting with the systens

And Sakura/Makoto because i love them
From SFA, 3 and 4  ???
(07-15-2023, 07:45 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Hello, Era.

It was my longest relationship. I really loved her. I don't know what to feel now but I really loved her. She was constantly arguing with me. She hated my parents. She was comparing me with the other guys for years. Yeah I am gonna make a summary now.

We started to date in 2018 and she always talk about a guy that she couldn't forget while we were dating but meanwhile she said she wanted to marry me. We were both at college back then. I got it but why want marry me if you don’t like my acts? We solved it but then she constantly breaks up with me or hangs up the phone while we were arguing. Years have passed. We got better but core problems remained and she is talking bad about my parents again. She thinks they are the reason why we can’t marry and I did everything for my mother and my girlfriend to get among well. My parents tried to like her and they tried to feel her comfortable but Last sunday she visited our home and it was the first time I thought everything is solved but no she bring up another problem a day later and she stopped talking to me again. I tried to apologize and she blamed my parents again.

We went to holiday in wednesday. Everything was good at first but then again she argued. We solved by talking and she argued again the cycle continued. I was thinking about breaking up but when we went to city she said she loves me and I settled down but when I texted her yesterday she said she hates my parents she doesn’t want to talk to them. Today we went to drink coffee and I said tried my best but I can’t carry on anymore then she left and cried but when I was going home she called me and texted me over and over again. I don’t want to talk to her again but one of my part misses her.

She said marriage will solve all of the problems but I was afraid that worse things can happen. I am really upset right now. She wants me back but I don’t know. I suffered a lot in this releationship and I love her but I am not sure.

Not gonna talk bad about the kid. We all have had those relationships where we're aware things aren't good, but you're afraid to lose the pussy.

Dude just needs to leave the bitch and stop being a giant pussy with women.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(07-15-2023, 08:34 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nothing Loud wrote:PB&J is my personal sorry I’m not sorry struggle snack champion, right next to cereal, because it can be elevated to a more premium gastronomic experience with a few simple touches.

Don’t use just bread, use a nice one. A challah or brioche or dark rye loaf? Use that. Or for example, I found a keto seeded orowheat loaf that was actually delicious and low carb.

Don’t just use peanut butter, use a mix of it with Nutella or something similar instead. I use chocolate/cacao sunflower butter.

Don’t just use plain jam, use a locally sourced jam, jelly, or marmalade. Use a local fruit jam if you can, in my case I got marionberry jam. In Texas I might get a mango-habanero jelly or something, for example.

So now I’ve got a chocolate sunflower butter and marionberry jam sandwich and it is actually 🔥

The sweet chocolate nuttiness balanced with the acid tart sweetness of the Marionberry was perfect.

Just use this as an excuse to post your favorite PB&J alternatives etc

You could just eat a decent sandwich instead of eating like a fucking child...
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Surprised he didn't list homeless man jizz as his secret ingredient.
(07-15-2023, 08:34 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nothing Loud wrote:PB&J is my personal sorry I’m not sorry struggle snack champion, right next to cereal, because it can be elevated to a more premium gastronomic experience with a few simple touches.

Don’t use just bread, use a nice one. A challah or brioche or dark rye loaf? Use that. Or for example, I found a keto seeded orowheat loaf that was actually delicious and low carb.

Don’t just use peanut butter, use a mix of it with Nutella or something similar instead. I use chocolate/cacao sunflower butter.

Don’t just use plain jam, use a locally sourced jam, jelly, or marmalade. Use a local fruit jam if you can, in my case I got marionberry jam. In Texas I might get a mango-habanero jelly or something, for example.

So now I’ve got a chocolate sunflower butter and marionberry jam sandwich and it is actually 🔥

The sweet chocolate nuttiness balanced with the acid tart sweetness of the Marionberry was perfect.

Just use this as an excuse to post your favorite PB&J alternatives etc

Remember when he was moaning about how dumb kids are and how his galaxy brain couldn't possibly relate to them?

My head canon of him being a basic bitch being clowned on by younger and younger people continues, as he rushes to era to brag about his mad PBJ skillz because the 5th graders were laughing at his inability to make a superior grilled cheese and called him a baby.

Coming soon, why diapers are superior to potty training!
Reply wrote:
Quote:Thinking of something that was said in another thread about things eventually getting better. That the moral panic will eventually die and people will realize that it was just all blatant hate and things will begin to improve again. Like when will that happen? I want to believe, as I said there, history always looks poorly at those who fuelled moral panics, but I can't think of what could change the tide.

What will Rowling reputation be after that I wonder if she's even alive at that point? Will people try to downplay or "re-examine" her role or pretend/forget it ever happened or will she ever been known as a vile monster responsible for so much suffering and death?
If things genuinely eventually change? Probably just handwaved as, "the culture of the time"
Just like when people talk about Dickens or Lovecraft or something

Like you say history CAN look poorly on those with shitty morals that influence people. However the ones that stay buried don't really create much art. They didn't leave anything behind for future people to experience and enjoy. They're career politicians or people whose entire life is basically one issue.
Like Anita Bryant is most famous for orange juice, not a series of books, or music. And even then she was just the face. If you drink OJ today you aren't thinking about homophobia lady.


Lovecraft was such a virulent racist even his contemporaries were like "Dude, wtf?", and by contrast Dickens was one of the most progressive writers of his time, drawing attention to the hypocrisy and social issues of the time to the extent contemporary reviewers were all "Dude, just write funny stuff, leave the social justice commentary behind"

I mean, if you dipshits in the bitch-eating-crackers thread actually read, you know, books you might know this.
(07-16-2023, 05:25 AM)benji wrote: That's not supposed to show for non-staff and I don't know why it does. I explained it in the community feedback thread a while ago but I'll put it here for people who only hit up this thread, the warning system on this forum software allows you to assign points to infractions and allocate a total number of points so that moderators can see whether a poster has a history of history without having to look anything up. I would assume that the intended procedure is that if I were to ban you for misrepresenting moderation and you had a 100% I'd know you need to get permed for being a troll account whereas if you had 0% I would need to come up with some other explanation for perming you. I'm not using it and haven't set it up because it only allows for one class of members, I can't properly allow prominent members to exceed 100% and be protected. I left it on the page because when I deleted it, it created an error and when I deleted the whole section that created even more errors.

can you give people negative points, like a reward for being so incredibly based that they get an extra buffer against racking up a ban

User rewarded (5 weeks): witty bon mot
TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 109010709, member: 40323 wrote:Thinking of something that was said in another thread about things eventually getting better. That the moral panic will eventually die and people will realize that it was just all blatant hate and things will begin to improve again. Like when will that happen? I want to believe, as I said there, history always looks poorly at those who fuelled moral panics, but I can't think of what could change the tide.

What will Rowling reputation be after that I wonder if she's even alive at that point? Will people try to downplay or "re-examine" her role or pretend/forget it ever happened or will she ever been known as a vile monster responsible for so much suffering and death?


Is she personally gunning down motherfuckers in the streets and I just don’t know about it?
(07-16-2023, 04:47 AM)Switters wrote: Bengels, what the fuck is a %0 warning level? Is that like when you're hanging out with you're buddies at a Juneteenth cook out and some toddler trips on a Tonka truck and falls into a sink hole knowing full well that Al Gore warned us that trans teens have the highest rate of knowing what movie Al Pacino won the academy award for in 1992 and did nothing to stop it?

(Num_Likes * Penis_Length^2)
/ Num_Posts
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
that quote Kobeyuck 

I feel like history tends to look down on anti-scientific nonsense

satanic panic = there's nothing magic about D&D or fantasy stories, let people enjoy them

gay marriage = there's nothing magic about marriage, let two humans cohabitate any way they like

transition = there's nothing magic about hormones, you are still your birth sex with whatever advantages that confers
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1689455849' wrote: 1689455849[/url]']

B-Dubs, post: 108995031, member: 143 wrote:You know, I've never had someone try and bludgeon me with my own condition before. Congratulations. Turns out things have changed, people are bigger jackasses than ever.

WhoaIsThatMars, post: 108996054, member: 5512 wrote:Look at all your posts in this thread and then re-read this post. What are we doing here?

ABK281, post: 109004076, member: 41771 wrote:Good thing you have such a high up position on this forum, because I've been banned for much more reasonable responses than this.

Not sure that moderation should have such favoritism, but hey, it is what it is.

roguesquirrel, post: 109005729, member: 24072 wrote:man full offense but if you werent the general manager of this forum, you wouldve copped a warning/ban for hostility for this post if not an earlier one. every post of yours in this thread is dripping with smug contempt, is at a level of antagonism the posts you're replying to dont warrant & are inventing sleights that arent in the posts you're responding to (ie claiming the OP thinks the world is "destroyed"). And its not just this thread -- this seems to be your MO in every thread Ive seen you in recently that isnt about forum policy (and even then those posts tend to contain some dig about how the average user on this forum is jackass you dont look forward to handling).

I dont know if its this forum or something else in your life but it seems like you need a big break from something. Taking the position in every thread you're the rational correct voice and then angrily lashing out anyone who says something different (who then have to walk eggshells around you because you're high on the proverbial food chain) isn't a sustainable attitude. I hope you find what you need to take a break from and you're able to get it.

Phil32, post: 109011390, member: 21342 wrote:Showing that that rudeness and hostility are allowed when you're on staff when it shouldn't be allowed for anyone here.
Makes this forum even more miserable and hostile than it needs to be when staff are perpetuating it.

Popcorn Sickos

Captain C, post: 109017117, member: 14600 wrote:Again, what the fuck are these posts.

FSLink, post: 109027881, member: 596 wrote:Wtf

Witchcraft, post: 109031070, member: 126540 wrote:Glad someone said it because it’s a recurring theme with them in almost every thread I’ve seen them post in.

Froli, post: 109031739, member: 4078 wrote:I don't meant any offense but what kind of attitude is this?
It feels like you are mocking everyone who has been affected and life changed because of the pandemic including me and others
And some pointed out that your posts have similarities on other threads. That's alarming

show me your skeleton, post: 109036110, member: 22719 wrote:b-dubs showing his ass as always.

qq more, post: 109037538, member: 4019 wrote:Remembering the time when B-Dubs made a very insensitive post towards one of my partners earlier this year and it made her cry. I'm not ever going to let that go. (And if you're wondering the "It's so frustrating" part was in context of awful trans news going on in the US. He felt the need to show little class with "You're frustrated?")

[Image: xyYs9a8.png]

matrixman92, post: 109026282, member: 8804 wrote:I feel in general Covid brought the absolute worst out of certain groups and its been full throttle since.

sara1312, post: 109040745, member: 149499 wrote:and it's all on full display in this thread alone. not least because of that one community manager.

Rangerx, post: 109039545, member: 5126 wrote:Completely agree with this. Tbh a lot of staff here are the same.

(07-16-2023, 11:44 AM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(07-15-2023, 08:34 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nothing Loud wrote:PB&J is my personal sorry I’m not sorry struggle snack champion, right next to cereal, because it can be elevated to a more premium gastronomic experience with a few simple touches.

Don’t use just bread, use a nice one. A challah or brioche or dark rye loaf? Use that. Or for example, I found a keto seeded orowheat loaf that was actually delicious and low carb.

Don’t just use peanut butter, use a mix of it with Nutella or something similar instead. I use chocolate/cacao sunflower butter.

Don’t just use plain jam, use a locally sourced jam, jelly, or marmalade. Use a local fruit jam if you can, in my case I got marionberry jam. In Texas I might get a mango-habanero jelly or something, for example.

So now I’ve got a chocolate sunflower butter and marionberry jam sandwich and it is actually 🔥

The sweet chocolate nuttiness balanced with the acid tart sweetness of the Marionberry was perfect.

Just use this as an excuse to post your favorite PB&J alternatives etc

Remember when he was moaning about how dumb kids are and how his galaxy brain couldn't possibly relate to them?

My head canon of him being a basic bitch being clowned on by younger and younger people continues, as he rushes to era to brag about his mad PBJ skillz because the 5th graders were laughing at his inability to make a superior grilled cheese and called him a baby.

Coming soon, why diapers are superior to potty training!
You joke but knowing that site it's a guarantee in the future.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

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