Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Comedy thread!  Comedy thread!  comedy thread!

[Image: 41poi4X6zxL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg]

Get ready for people that are the most Hilarious among their activist groups describe how comedy works and the formula of a "REAL JOKE".  What notables will appear to explain why those successful  comics ARE WRONG. and actually NOT GREAT.  

The website known for hilarity goes deep on why "humor is actually not funny."
(06-17-2024, 09:59 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

cool forum of totally mentally stable users

At least transness is defined by trans joy. Smile
(06-17-2024, 10:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

another standup comedy honeypot thread, whos gonna make it out of this one alive?

MJForumPoster wrote:Shane Gillis has a great sense of humor.

zeovgm wrote:Does he?

[2 articles about the same SNL firing]

As a bonus, here's him posing with white supremacists:
[pic of him with trump and kid rock]

There's Zeo to come in and scold everyone lol
I’ll defend Shane. He’s actually funny. And zeo showing again why he’s the worst person on earth
It's actually a rule there that if you're funny you're banned faster than if you say the collective nation of jews need to take responsibility for the most evil genocide in the world ever
Quote:picked up that Peach game, Sword Peach design goes HARD.

also, I was a little shook at first when I saw normal Peach running animation, where she holds her dress all girly like and I was like "the fuck is this shit?" but then I thought about it and that is a long ass dress, ain't no way she would be running in it, so her holding it up to run is actually an amazing little detail so I guess you got me with that one Nintendo lol.

Very normal people
(06-17-2024, 11:03 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:picked up that Peach game, Sword Peach design goes HARD.

also, I was a little shook at first when I saw normal Peach running animation, where she holds her dress all girly like and I was like "the fuck is this shit?" but then I thought about it and that is a long ass dress, ain't no way she would be running in it, so her holding it up to run is actually an amazing little detail so I guess you got me with that one Nintendo lol.

Very normal people

Zeo actually likes a lot of iffy shit by "problematic" "creators" (music) but you'll never see him admit it on reset
EYEL1NER wrote:Went to watch the video. The goddamned Blue Checks are showing more outrage and anger over this than they do for videos of black Americans being executed by cops. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised; this is Twitter we are talking about. But damn…

love how weasel it out his actual opinion about the incident. 

“People care more about this animal than human beings… never mind is a cow that got cruelly fucked up by incompetent police.”

Just starting shit because they can get away with it.
(06-17-2024, 11:16 PM)remy wrote: Zeo actually likes a lot of iffy shit by "problematic" "creators" (music) but you'll never see him admit it on reset

Like Disney those goddamn trans/jews/blacks/puppy haters
(06-17-2024, 09:59 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:

cool forum of totally mentally stable users

I thought these types defined blackness by the number of drops of black blood in their veins...or is that another group?
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(06-17-2024, 10:24 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: It's actually a rule there that if you're funny you're banned faster than if you say the collective nation of jews need to take responsibility for the most evil genocide in the world ever

Why was blame space banned?
Mauricio_Magus wrote:I love the Crossbell games to death, it sure helps that Tío/Elie are both incredible main characters and the games handle both of them perfectly but yeah those games start to have some tropes which I'm not a fan of, Zero is perfectly fine but Azure does have two particular moment/segments that I'm not crazy about(a character gets sexually assaulted out of fucking nowhere in Azure and there's a short beach segment).

One day I'll play the Cold Steel games... I hope they aren't that bad, I'll see.

Mauricio… I know for a fact that you are a fucking pervert. You don’t care about this shit. These people are not going to be your shield if stuff goes bad. You are supporting a group that will throw you to the wolves and go against your own interests in hopes of “being one of the good ones”.
(06-17-2024, 11:24 PM)Potato wrote:
(06-17-2024, 10:24 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: It's actually a rule there that if you're funny you're banned faster than if you say the collective nation of jews need to take responsibility for the most evil genocide in the world ever

Why was blame space banned?

For our sins

[Image: em7ODx0.png]
‘My lifestyle determines my deathstyle’
                                      - Metallica

                                                 - Resetera
(06-17-2024, 05:20 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(06-17-2024, 04:47 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:Yep, by any means necessary, get rid of the occupying force. Acting like there is some noble and correct way to resist your own genocide is ahistorical nonsense.

cool forum

Why doesn't anyone call these cunts out? This quote tree even started by someone saying "Hey not every Palestinian with a gun is Hamas." which is a fair statement considering the state Gaza is in you can make an argument that it can be for self protection. However, these cunts then storm in and basically argue that everyone Palestinian with a gun is actually a freedom fighter and also completely justified in shooting any Israeli. Like what the fuck? That goes completely against the initial point.

They are protected and people don’t enter to that thread anymore. Booshka is every single stereotype of white middle class leftist with an Asian wife, that it hurts.
Is Nep dead?
(06-17-2024, 09:25 PM)who is ted danson? wrote: a

holy shit based.
(06-17-2024, 11:46 PM)Snoopy wrote: Is Nep dead?

Blackness has always come with an inherent presupposition that we are not only meant to suffer, but that that suffering is natural, because we live in a system founded upon four centuries of treating those deemed as Black like cattle. A butcher doesn't cry over their livestock.

Furthermore, it's not even just that the state and the civilian population is always doing its damnedest to kill us, it's that the animosity also comes with the belief that we have a higher tolerance for suffering, and thus our suffering is truly not that bad. It's abuser logic- what I'm doing to you is okay because it's not actually hurting you. That's also partly why whites always say we're blowing things out of proportion; they can't fathom that we're human beings, because culturally they've never actually been conditioned to fathom it.

And sure, it's very easy, understandable even, that you would feel despondent and defeated by being born in a world that literally only exists the way it does now because it had to oppress an entire continent's worth of your people for centuries and that it's still ongoing. I simply look at it differently- I don't see why I should respect the institutions and people that are stupid enough to think that having higher protection from skin cancer somehow makes me less human. White supremacy doesn't make me particularly emotional anymore. It's annoying, but at the same time I cannot say I am ever surprised by anything white people of any political persuasion throw at us, because being surprised would mean I have higher expectations of conduct, and at this point I simply don't. Until white supremacy, and by extension capitalism, are dismantled, expect the fuckery to continue.

So while it sucks that the world is the way it is, I personally find it liberating to understand that I don't actually have to respect white opinions, white nonsense, white supremacy, the West, none of it. It makes fighting for solutions a whole lot easier and less complicated, because I have far less information and feelings to take into account.
(06-16-2024, 09:41 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

But that's none of my business...

A scan of who replied to that thread shows not a single post from the biggest Disney defender on Reeee

Zero Vag must have been busy seeing as he always has time to make sure to let you know that insert latest Disney product is great and you're wrong.
Nep is the Candyman. She'll never die.

Edit- Deadpool x Wolverine will be interesting at a minimum, and R rated hilarity at a max; what this all means is we will all be Zeovag in a few weeks and he will have been proven right.
(06-18-2024, 01:44 AM)Uncle wrote: [quote="Snoopy" pid='60394' dateline='1718668006']
Is Nep dead?

It's not really my place to tell black Americans how they should feel about their living situation, so I just wonder, is it really as dire as the people in that thread make it sounds, or is it another example of ERA being populated with some of the most miserable and nihilistic people around? 50/50?

Quote:So while it sucks that the world is the way it is, I personally find it liberating to understand that I don't actually have to respect white opinions, white nonsense, white supremacy, the West, none of it. It makes fighting for solutions a whole lot easier and less complicated, because I have far less information and feelings to take into account.

What does it even mean? What solution are you fighting for that doesn't involve a large chunk of the people around you? Is it a final one? I mean...

Quote: As far as solutions, I just see it going one of two ways.

1)Late stage capitalism completely falls apart to the point of there's a real alignment in the basic idea that White supremacy hurts us with the collapse of the white middle class as proof, and they come to their goddamn senses. We win.

2)Late stage capitalism completely falls apart and white people lose their minds and we win by default, lol. While there's a large contingent masturbating violently to the hypothetical race war (that oddly never pops off how hard some chuds try), by the very nature of being oppressed in a system like the US makes us better suited for it falling apart than most realize.

(06-18-2024, 02:43 AM)Ethan wrote: ...

Quote: As far as solutions, I just see it going one of two ways.

1)Late stage capitalism completely falls apart to the point of there's a real alignment in the basic idea that White supremacy hurts us with the collapse of the white middle class as proof, and they come to their goddamn senses. We win.

2)Late stage capitalism completely falls apart and white people lose their minds and we win by default, lol. While there's a large contingent masturbating violently to the hypothetical race war (that oddly never pops off how hard some chuds try), by the very nature of being oppressed in a system like the US makes us better suited for it falling apart than most realize.


Have they all already forgotten the Chaz zone and what a big fuck up that was? That was "take a carrot leave a carrot" in action and it went exactly how you'd expect it to go.
ZEO is more bitch made than a Nike T-shirt.

Backseat mods were on this one quick. Containment thread only!!!
Ethan wrote:It's not really my place to tell black Americans how they should feel about their living situation,

I mean, Black RE is pretty willing to tell other how they should feel and that other minorities should “stay on their line”.
It's all those other people masturbating about hypothetical race wars, definitely not us. Anyway we would definitely "Win" bros.
(06-18-2024, 03:59 AM)Superstar wrote:

Backseat mods were on this one quick. Containment thread only!!!

Quote:Post in the WWE thread.
(06-18-2024, 02:40 AM)books wrote: Deadpool x Wolverine will be interesting at a minimum, and R rated hilarity at a max; what this all means is we will all be Zeovag in a few weeks and he will have been proven right.

Don’t worry. The next two Marvel movies after that are Thunderbolts and Captain America: Brave New World, so sanity will be restored.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Jonsey
(06-17-2024, 11:03 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:picked up that Peach game, Sword Peach design goes HARD.

also, I was a little shook at first when I saw normal Peach running animation, where she holds her dress all girly like and I was like "the fuck is this shit?" but then I thought about it and that is a long ass dress, ain't no way she would be running in it, so her holding it up to run is actually an amazing little detail so I guess you got me with that one Nintendo lol.

Very normal people

This got me to go and watch a trailer and it’s the most benign shit imaginable. It’s a kids’ game about a fairytale princess with a magical hair ribbon in a bright pink dress and she holds it up with one hand while running.

“the fuck is this shit?”

lol Klepek
Princess Peach rescue rangers literally made me the woman I am today and saved me from a life of chuddery

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