Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
juraash wrote:I too side eyed the first thing that she conjured was a piece of furniture. That said, I think the new Zelda looks fun and creative. It seems like they tried to come up with something that gives you freedom like you'd get in BotW or Tears but in 2D. I thought the premise was quite clever honestly.

Do they think there is something inherently feminine/sexist about... tables?


Planet smasher wrote:I think the thing that gets me is just that this is the first time Zelda's been the main playable character in a (Nintendo-made) Zelda game and it bums me out that they can't even give her some kind of close combat emergency button that she can rely on. If this was like the third or fourth Zelda-lead game, go nuts! Do all kinds of wacky shit! Reinvent the whole format!

I was just really hoping Zelda's first foray as the main protagonist would give her the full range of Zelda activities, recontextualized around her expertise. There are SO MANY different weapons or fighting styles Zelda could use to differentiate herself considerably from Link while still maintaining some degree of direct defensive mechanics. I really think that giving her a suite of elementally-aspected orbs that she can fling out and attack with would single-handedly widen her capabilities and even FEED INTO the Echo system by giving her an extra way to manipulate the field mechanically. And it would give her an "oh shit" panic button for emergencies.

And speaking for me personally, I have never found the "command a troop of AI drones to do most of the fighting for you while you hide in the back praying enemies don't get close to you because you're utterly helpless on your own" gameplay loop satisfying in any game. I absolutely hated playing as V in DMCV for the exact same reason. It's just not a gameplay format I personally find fun and I really hope there are all kinds of options in this game for combat that don't rely on "summon some ghosts and then run away while they do most of the work".

I hope that makes sense. I was really excited for a Zelda game and I absolutely think there is a way to give her direct defensive options that doesn't just rely on copy-pasting Link's exact moves on top of her.

All from a single look at a game still in development which clearly had UI for more items/weapons.

b dumbs wrote:That's because this was just a teaser and barely showed us anything. I imagine we'll get another direct closer to the release with way more information.

B dumbs being the voice of reason compared to some of them should give them pause and reflection lol
Resetera: "These Chuds will get mad about anything"

Also Resetera: "Did Zelda just summon a table??? Fucking sexist"
malenia wrote:Is PlanetSmasher going to ruin every thread about this game like he is with every other game he hates?

Malenia wrote:The ignore function is worthless when everyone constantly quotes them.

Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)
(06-18-2024, 03:32 PM)benji wrote:
(06-18-2024, 03:27 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I think the Zelda reaction generally sums up what I hate about Resetera. It's not enough that you just say "I don't like this kind of gameplay, wish it was different" No, you have to tie to some virtuous cause. Actually nintendo is evil and sexist because they didn't make the palette swap zelda game you wanted and that's the objective truth.
It's because their entire pursuit of "virtue" is as a way to get around tolerating different opinions. If you don't like something I like I'd be the baddie if I harangued you and accused you of things for having a different opinion from me. But if the reasons you don't like it are suspect for ideological and moral reasons, well, now you're the baddie. And all good people now have a duty to support me and destroy your immoral ways. (Or they're showing their asses.)

i was talking to my girlfriend about this phenomenon the other day. I feel like it’s a direct outgrowth from the 10-15-years-ago-fashionable talking point of “well, if it’s not hurting anyone, why do you care?”. And this was used in leftist spaces to justify…well, basically everything you can imagine.

The unexpected effect this had in left-leaning spaces is that now you couldn’t discuss ANYTHING on relative terms. If you just dislike something because of universal, ineffable human caprice, well, you’re bad for saying so…UNLESS you’re being Harmed. So now we (and by we I mean they) have to dress up every fucking benign difference of opinion with Harm. 

“I don’t like Zelda’s object based gameplay because it is clearly made by men who think women are holes!” Does it make sense? No. But if you’re gonna take issue with a game, you gotta come correct with whatever moral infraction you can grasp onto, no matter how tenuous.
(06-18-2024, 03:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: :
planet smasher wrote:The top-down perspective definitely means the game is going to take significantly less time to develop and test than a full 3D world. It's a cost/dev time thing for sure.
What... what exactly does he think goes away because the camera is fixed?

Did he even watch the trailer? I wouldn't even call this "top-down" because it's full of shots where the camera moves to a new perspective for something, nobody's going to develop two or more engines just to move the camera anymore. Does he think the developers have to design everything in the game from the single camera perspective? That it's all camera tricks rather than a simple "full 3D world" that they lock the camera for the player?
(06-18-2024, 04:41 PM)benji wrote:
(06-18-2024, 03:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: :
planet smasher wrote:The top-down perspective definitely means the game is going to take significantly less time to develop and test than a full 3D world. It's a cost/dev time thing for sure.
What... what exactly does he think goes away because the camera is fixed?

Did he even watch the trailer? I wouldn't even call this "top-down" because it's full of shots where the camera moves to a new perspective for something, nobody's going to develop two or more engines just to move the camera anymore. Does he think the developers have to design everything in the game from the single camera perspective? That it's all camera tricks rather than a simple "full 3D world" that they lock the camera for the player?

Remember, he's a self professed game designer. wag
And journalist, games insider, leaker, theatrical entrepreneur, actor, stand up comedian, anger management consultant, delusional retard
(06-18-2024, 04:41 PM)benji wrote: What... what exactly does he think goes away because the camera is fixed?

I grant that objects and enemies can despawn sooner just off-screen

the simulation can be a little less complex
(06-18-2024, 04:35 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: i was talking to my girlfriend about this phenomenon the other day. I feel like it’s a direct outgrowth from the 10-15-years-ago-fashionable talking point of “well, if it’s not hurting anyone, why do you care?”. And this was used in leftist spaces to justify…well, basically everything you can imagine.

The unexpected effect this had in left-leaning spaces is that now you couldn’t discuss ANYTHING on relative terms. If you just dislike something because of universal, ineffable human caprice, well, you’re bad for saying so…UNLESS you’re being Harmed. So now we (and by we I mean they) have to dress up every fucking benign difference of opinion with Harm. 

“I don’t like Zelda’s object based gameplay because it is clearly made by men who think women are holes!” Does it make sense? No. But if you’re gonna take issue with a game, you gotta come correct with whatever moral infraction you can grasp onto, no matter how tenuous.
I think it does make sense if you remember that these people largely do not consider the consequences of their choices to be binding on themselves. The rest of us who accept that taste is relative and not a reason to judge on those grounds alone accept that and then for the most part deal with it. They don't, they want to continue to castigate people for having the wrong taste, but they can't because that's been declared off limits, but if you can paint those tastes as a slippery slope that lead to a hellworld now you have something to work with, you aren't criticizing the tastes, merely the consequences.

Except they're idiots who are ignorant and don't actually listen to others so they don't realize that their attempt to make tastes a protected class wasn't actually their dispute with the "conservative" forces they were trying to fight against. It wasn't just disgust that led people to be upset about say interracial marriage or gay marriage. They all earnestly believed the slippery slope that would lead to the hellworld. That's the entire reason there could be "good ones" since those were exceptions not the rule.

Their mentality isn't actually any different from the reactionary conservatives they posture against, it's a difference in taste. So all they did was just adopt the very reasoning they claim to be against, which just leads it back to being a difference in taste but they can't object on those grounds anymore because they made it off-limits from criticism.

This just escalates the necessity of correct taste now, otherwise you're agreeing with the chuds and the chuds don't like Marvel because they think it's crap, they don't like Marvel because they want to return Black people to slavery and force women into breeding pens. So now you really need to consider how much you like Marvel because if you don't, you must want those things too.

All their beliefs are like this, they target what they don't like and make it the only thing that matters so everything is determined by it. Look at how they treat gender, politics, skin color, etc.
I can barely see Zelda’s penis in that trailer.
The Legend of Link: Tears of the Cuck
(06-18-2024, 04:54 PM)Uncle wrote: I grant that objects and enemies can despawn sooner just off-screen

the simulation can be a little less complex
But only if they move in certain directions, a camera fixed behind the player would occlude entire walls/buildings that a top-fixed perspective never could until the scroll happens. He's not saying that it presents different design decisions but that it makes it massively cheaper in every single way!

Still my main critique is that I'm skeptical Nintendo is going to build an entirely new technology and tool base when they could just fix the camera.
(06-18-2024, 02:50 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Their sole concept of a strong female character is really just a palette swap of a male one.

Actually, Links jawline is too soft and feminine, to make a truly great female character design the jaw needs to be much squarer and stronger.

And also show less skin in their costume.
(06-18-2024, 03:06 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:I'll take it.

I don't love the LA Remake art style.
I don't love the core gameplay gimmick is copying items.
I don't love that both this and Peach Showtime have Nintendo still stuck in this "the girls wouldn't be traditional heroes, we need to change the gameplay to be more girl-like" mindset, even bringing back the "she's wisdom, not courage" thing. And then if they don't sell as well, they'll view it as an issue with the starring character and not the different gameplay forced onto them.

I'll take it.


[Image: Samus_sm_Artwork.png]
Of course that absolute mong is melting down when they put more puzzles and strategy into a Zelda game.

Just get your dad to do it for you, mate.
Do you guys think Metroid Prime 4 will finally answer the question?

Y Metroid can't crawl?
Terrible example, they've never once had Samus take off her helmet to reveal she's trans and in a wheelchair. Social Justice Warrior 2
Remember that they don't think you can play a game unless you identify with the main character or you're a male.
[Image: 7d2ed802-fc47-4556-8ecc-98c380d0603e_text.gif]
kamboybolongo wrote:People literally just want Zelda that plays identical to link

that demon life wrote:Some people on this board just really love to complain. Lots of them, actually.


Uzumaki Goku wrote:Remakes of Mario RPG and Thousand Year Door and now a new Mario and Luigi.

All this makes me wonder: what direction is Nintendo gonna take the RPG Mario games in next? Are they gonna stick with one style or just do all three?

Why isn't this a reply to an existing thread? The first line isn't even a sentence. 

They really should revoke his thread making privileges. It's always low-effort "hey I was thinking about this, remember that?"

He's essentially a real life version of one of Farley's SNL characters:
(06-18-2024, 01:47 PM)Shecky Fragbaum wrote: Now we're talking:

Quote:Do not allow your support for the Palestinian people to be twisted into the virulent antisemitism these assholes are fomenting online.

New fun game: Booger Nick post or RetardEra Post, no one can tell the difference!
Bonus from earlier, you can tell he's never played these games as it was clearly new lol

planet smasher wrote:I genuinely could not tell if this was a remake or an entirely new M&L game until the title drop at the end.

LinkStrikesBack wrote:How? The levels were clearly new ones.

The best mario RPG series wins out, so there's the answer for if paper mario will be a RPG going forward
(06-18-2024, 01:47 PM)Shecky Fragbaum wrote: Now we're talking:

Quote:Do not allow your support for the Palestinian people to be twisted into the virulent antisemitism these assholes are fomenting online.

[Image: scrubs-where-do-you-think-we-are.gif]

Quote:I mean anyone who'd allow that would never have been worth much in the first place


jaymzi wrote:I now understand why they are so many supporters of the current genocide that's going on.
Which one?
It's catboy Nick bigot! wag
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium
I’m more curious about who these people are. Why is the nu white nationalist movement so diverse. David Duke is the only white there and he’s like 100.
Fuentes and Resetera crawled out of the same sewer of internet degeneracy

Isilia wrote:mean, have you guys got a bed dropped on you? That hurts.

But seriously, I think a lot of the complaints would disappear if they didn't lead in with that and the sword comment.

Just another female lead game that will get 100x the ire over the male lead ones.

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