Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
They've been Saved and look how good things are (or would be if not for the FUCKING CHUDS) for them now that their Operating Thetans are progressing towards Clear status, don't you too want to open your heart to the Good Word that Joseph found on the Golden Plates (available now on Disney+)?
3 users liked this post: MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

I know very little about this film except that it is popular and its popularity rustles the fuck out of eras jimmies.
kind of a perfect storm because it was rejected by Disney and is wrecking them at the box office so you know movie studios are going to be scrambling to figure out what it did right and mimic its success  lol

underdog story with a twist
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Those first few years were rough! I did enjoy RR7 at launch--RIP to the last console Ridge Racer. I also remember playing VF5--which later got a superior version on the 360 lol--especially after SEGA saying it was only possible on the PS3.

The controller felt light and flimsy and no rumble.

I did enjoy buying Blurays and trying them out, but I was tapped out from the initial purchase so I couldn't get a nice bigger TV to enjoy it. I had that very popular 27-inch Samsung HD flatpanel.

I also had some backlogged PS2 games I would play on it.

Sony eventually helped the PS3 recover over the generation, but man, it was not really worth it for a few years.

What were your launch era thoughts on the PS3?
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-22-2023, 11:28 AM)Eric Cartman wrote:

I know very little about this film except that it is popular and its popularity rustles the fuck out of eras jimmies.
From what I understand the movie has nothing to do with QAnon and predates it based on an allegedly true story, just a lot of people involved in it have subsequently come to see the wisdom of Q.

It has a 73% on RT so it can't be just the chuds. Clearly the chuds have infiltrated the Cathedral to falsely inflate the critics score above the recent just as successful and good as ever MCU films.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-22-2023, 11:52 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Those first few years were rough! I did enjoy RR7 at launch--RIP to the last console Ridge Racer. I also remember playing VF5--which later got a superior version on the 360 lol--especially after SEGA saying it was only possible on the PS3.

The controller felt light and flimsy and no rumble.

I did enjoy buying Blurays and trying them out, but I was tapped out from the initial purchase so I couldn't get a nice bigger TV to enjoy it. I had that very popular 27-inch Samsung HD flatpanel.

I also had some backlogged PS2 games I would play on it.

Sony eventually helped the PS3 recover over the generation, but man, it was not really worth it for a few years.

What were your launch era thoughts on the PS3?

The more things change...
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Quote:I think the news is legit, just everyone reporting on it sucks which makes it not worthwhile to engage with as an online discussion.

This is something that really annoys me about modern leftist online discourse. Someone on the left does something bad but the only ones calling it out are people on the right, so now if you bring it up you're instantly considered "sus" etc. because after all only right wingers reported on this. 

That the situation in the video is something that should be unequivocally be called out and condemned gets completely ignored. If a movement can't be self critical it losses all credibility to me
Just stop oil has nothing to do with left or right in the first place and that level of stupidity is half the reason we're in a culture war
(07-22-2023, 11:28 AM)Eric Cartman wrote:

I know very little about this film except that it is popular and its popularity rustles the fuck out of eras jimmies.

This thread   Tinfoil Tinfoil Tinfoil
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-22-2023, 11:28 AM)Eric Cartman wrote:

I know very little about this film except that it is popular and its popularity rustles the fuck out of eras jimmies.

[Image: F1hlByXXoAEhkAU?format=jpg]

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Marvel slander? Sound the horn!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
The comic book stuff is so weird. I'm a huge nerd, galaxy class perhaps, and I would put comic books maybe half a rung above fan fiction in the great hierarchy of being
They are acting like Marvel didn’t popularized the Whedon esque dialogue.

Nsalivas wrote:theres a difference between mahvel speak and fun writing.

i think some gamers just want games to have as little personality as they do

There is a difference between personality and what you consider “fun writing”.
3 users liked this post: Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:I remember some vampire game for the original Xbox also had dialogue like that. It worked fairly well there from what I remember. So maybe it just needs to be better.


Quote:Yeah, that's the one.

gee I wonder what buffy and marvel dialogue have in common
I think that kind of dialogue can work, but it requires a contrast between what is happening and what it is saying while choosing well when to do it. The fact that is now so integrated in media also makes harder to people to not dislike it immediately.

As it stands today, is as cringey as 90’s “to cool for school” attitude.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
it also depends on how it is constructed, timed, acted, etc.

era acts like there's zero difference between 80s movie quips and marvel quips

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Victim blaming, not reading the OP, prior ban for victim blaming
Rangerx wrote:I don't get it. What was their case? How could the franchise be liable? She dropped a chicken nugget.
4 users liked this post: benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
Richietto wrote:Lmao it’s a video game what the fuck?
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Drive-By
Chunchun wrote:Last they they did that on BFV, they said 'Then don't play BFV', and game flopped. History repeats itself.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
(07-22-2023, 03:59 PM)Uncle wrote: it also depends on how it is constructed, timed, acted, etc.

era acts like there's zero difference between 80s movie quips and marvel quips

All jokes should be written by Jada Pinkett Smith, just to be safe, I think
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower

Believe women, chuds. ufup
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower

Quote:M.O.B.A. Network signs competitive ad agreement with Raptive

Fri, Jul 21, 2023 09:30 CE

M.O.B.A. has signed a new ad agreement with US-based Raptive, which operates a global ad network and already manages the ad inventory for the community websites run by M.O.B.A.'s subsidiary Magic Find. The agreement gives M.O.B.A. the opportunity to transfer more community websites to the same improved terms over time as other contracts expire. The agreement significantly improves terms and will lead to increased earnings for M.O.B.A.

The recently acquired websites from Wargraphs, and will be the first assets transferred over to the new agreement.

"Raptive's ad technology is impressive and their support in helping us increase revenue is world-class. Cooperation with Raptive provides expanded global presence. It's good for our customers and leads to increased earnings for M.O.B.A over time", says Peter Carlstedt, Chief Revenue Officer, M.O.B.A. Network.

"We are very proud of what we’ve been able to achieve for M.O.B.A. thus far,” said Tina Pautz, EVP, Enterprise, Raptive. “The expansion of our relationship is a testament to the value we can achieve together, and we look forward to continuing to help M.O.B.A. make the most money they can for more sites in their portfolio.”

Stockholm 2023-07-21

Björn Mannerqvist, CEO



Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB
2 users liked this post: jorma, Taco Bell Tower
(07-22-2023, 02:46 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:I think the news is legit, just everyone reporting on it sucks which makes it not worthwhile to engage with as an online discussion.

This is something that really annoys me about modern leftist online discourse. Someone on the left does something bad but the only ones calling it out are people on the right, so now if you bring it up you're instantly considered "sus" etc. because after all only right wingers reported on this. 

That the situation in the video is something that should be unequivocally be called out and condemned gets completely ignored. If a movement can't be self critical it losses all credibility to me

Quote:Closed at OP’s request.
(Also, double check your sources folks)
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-22-2023, 04:57 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Victim blaming, not reading the OP, prior ban for victim blaming
Rangerx wrote:I don't get it. What was their case? How could the franchise be liable? She dropped a chicken nugget.

Quote:not reading the OP,
I guess they're finally cracking down on this.  Now to see Ree be a ghost town from bans since majority don't read OPs.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Uncle
(07-22-2023, 12:24 PM)benji wrote:
(07-22-2023, 11:28 AM)Eric Cartman wrote:

I know very little about this film except that it is popular and its popularity rustles the fuck out of eras jimmies.
From what I understand the movie has nothing to do with QAnon and predates it based on an allegedly true story, just a lot of people involved in it have subsequently come to see the wisdom of Q.

It has a 73% on RT so it can't be just the chuds. Clearly the chuds have infiltrated the Cathedral to falsely inflate the critics score above the recent just as successful and good as ever MCU films.
BertramCooper wrote:
Lexad wrote:Having seen the film, which was filmed 5 years ago and was in pre-production before Q came out, there wasn't a single democrat, adenochrome, harvesting, bs or whatever in the film.

It was a deeply disturbing film because things like child trafficking do in fact exist. I could give two fucks if Kari Lake and Jack P like the film.
It's a QAnon movie.

It's a movie starring a QAnon believer about a QAnon believer - involving one of the central aspects of the QAnon conspiracy theory, being actively marketed to adherents of QAnon and Q-curious conservative folks. The production date is irrelevant; it's not like QAnon came out of nowhere.

So congrats on both patronizing and sticking up for a QAnon movie.
Messofanego wrote:
FaintDeftone wrote:What’s up with the oddly high Rotten Tomatoes score?
Check the positive reviews, most of them are from fairly unknown right wing outlets signal boosting the film or if they aren't right wing critics, they haven't done any research into the organisation. The only top critics that gave it a positive review are Owen Glieberman from Variety, and Adam Graham from Detroit News gave it a C+ grade. The film itself seems to be not wholly bad in the technical aspects so it can get a pass for a middling score.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:It's a QAnon movie.

It's a movie starring a QAnon believer about a QAnon believer - involving one of the central aspects of the QAnon conspiracy theory, being actively marketed to adherents of QAnon and Q-curious conservative folks. The production date is irrelevant; it's not like QAnon came out of nowhere.

So congrats on both patronizing and sticking up for a QAnon movie.

That is not how this fucking works you piece of shit.

Criticize the organization and the film, but throwing shit like “is a QAnon film” are just going to make this stuff worse.
Quote:It's like some low quality Chinese thing with a name like PolyStation Portable 3.
Look at this sinophobic post.  Mods!
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Hap Shaughnessy, BIONIC
(07-22-2023, 07:14 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:It's a QAnon movie.

It's a movie starring a QAnon believer about a QAnon believer - involving one of the central aspects of the QAnon conspiracy theory, being actively marketed to adherents of QAnon and Q-curious conservative folks. The production date is irrelevant; it's not like QAnon came out of nowhere.

So congrats on both patronizing and sticking up for a QAnon movie.

That is not how this fucking works you piece of shit.

Criticize the organization and the film, but throwing shit like “is a QAnon film” are just going to make this stuff worse.

"I guess I'm pro-paedophile sex traffiking rings if QAnon are against them" is the same retarded reactive pushback as "reading books is for the alt-right"
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

oh, NOW era decides to get on its high horse about unrealistic depictions of cleopatra

Is eras bitch-eating-crackers grudge against gal godot still that she did fucking compulsory national service for her fucking country, or is there anything actually substantial to their "hope the bitch loses all her money and this flops" attitude?

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