Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
“Fuck around and find out” philosophy to its natural conclusion
(06-28-2024, 11:09 AM)bork wrote:
(06-28-2024, 06:58 AM)MMaRsu wrote: Did you read those tl she showed? Lol nothing weird in there lmao
[Image: nmOjWLA.png]


I think doc should lean into claiming that he's mentally still a minor. The proof is right there
That famous cry of legendary revolutionary figures: “why should I have to start the rebellion? It’s just not fairrrr!” 

Thank you for your service!
To be fair after looking at the state of those 2 senile old twats I’m amazed everyone in the US isn’t out in the streets
my view is that, at least for the modern US presidency, I’m voting for a platform, not a person.

If they just wheeled out a headstone to represent Biden, I’d still vote for him. But I did enjoy the shitshow last night.
I’d vote for a dead joe Biden with his son inside him before trump

A worrying state of affairs based on last night. He looked fucking terrible.
Biden is obviously going senile and has been for years. I love the "he has a cold" excuse... has he had an ongoing cold that causes brain damage for years. If he were somehow able to win he definitely won't be making executive decisions in a few years aka Reaganed
3 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, Gameboy Nostalgia, Nintex
I think the reasonable thing to do is for Biden to step aside and let AOC run instead. She's so popular in my Bluesky feed, she pretty much can't lose.
Cunting Eden wrote:This happened shortly after btw.

"Biden is too old to be coherent" again is a right wing talking point and people peddling that are self reporting that they have very short memories and are being reactionaries.

Cunting Eden wrote:

Dealing with a person who could tell five lies within a two minute time span without any form of actual moderation.

Cunting Eden being the lone Biden defender at this point.
Like hey, I also want Biden over Trump but that doesn't mean we can't call a spade a spade.
You can't call out Trump's rambling and then go "this is fine" when Biden rambles incoherently
I hate trump. I hate him more than anyone I have ever hated in my life. I hate everything he stands for. I hate the people who like him. I hate the amount of bullshit he's fucked up. I hate that the american people are stupid fucking enough to have voted for him and that tens of millions did it again in 2020.

That said, you would have to a slobbering retard to think Biden isn't falling apart physically and mentally and has been for months if not for the last year or so. It's not his fault, his age is catching up to him, but that the entire democrat institution can't get its shit together yet again and mitigate for his weaknesses is just stupefying and it feels like Clinton 2016 all over again. This debate won't matter because Americans have the memory of goldfish, but all it will take is an october surprise of any kind and this country, and in turn the world, is fucked.
advance wars sgt wrote:I mean, we as a citizenry can just revolt and forcibly prevent the fascist from helming the executive branch if it comes to it. That option is never completely off the table.

Sadly I don't think it's at all realistic because too many white citizens would willingly lay their life on the line to protect fascism. White people, even the supposed good ones, need to seriously have a reckoning with themselves and start doing more to cull the white supremacist ideology that's intertwined with their identities. Because it's simply not fair that the rest of us have to suffer the most under fascism *AND* do the brunt of anti-racism work simply because they don't want to.

[Image: GAnLhziasAMA0f9?format=jpg&name=small]
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Trump hasn't really changed much. He's still as quick on his feet as he was 8 years ago. He can still fly around to do multiple improv rallies and podcasts in a single day in between dozens of social media posts, visits to fast food joints and a round of golf. His movements are slower and less erratic (his pace is slower, he longer stampedes around like an elephant) but overall he's still the same Trump (and probably more healthy than he was 4 years ago). He was able to decode the incoherent brabble of Biden in real time and respond to it in a split second in ways most comedians wouldn't even be able to.

You can't say the same about Biden, he's clearly not as fit as he was 4 years ago, let alone 8 years ago.
I think that if Biden would admit that he's too old and announces his retirement, most people would thank him for his service in difficult times and the Democrat poll numbers would go up regardless of who their candidate is. Now they're trying to tell everyone not to believe their eyes because they don't have an explanation for Bidens behaviour and he will only get worse as days and months roll by.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Quinton confirmed to be in the Raleigh area, 
Quinton wrote:I'm here, actually.

lexible wrote:Something that lives in my head rent-free is the delusional cope that I saw from posters at the old place regarding Hillary Clinton having the election 'in the bag' and being the best possible candidate and I'm already seeing the same vibes now. Biden is so utterly cooked I just cannot with the notion that people think hes fine / gonna be fine for November.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(06-28-2024, 12:10 PM)Snoopy wrote: Meanwhile -

Quote:Voting Trump. Good job democrats
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Troll account
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Ageism and Drive-by
asd202 wrote:There both so old. Do you really have no one better America?
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
dennydothero wrote:This is cruel and abuse. He clearly a vegetable and has a severe form of dementia/alzheimers.

Here is a film of a younger joe biden:

Like night and day. A completely different person.

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): attacking other posters
Dash Kappei wrote:
RexNovis wrote:Editing in my apology:
I wasn't going to reply because you clearly have a reading comprehension issue and there's no point in arguing with someone who doesn't understand the meaning of what they read, but the apology makes this meltdown even more ridiculous than it already was, lol

Quote:Time to hit Biden with the Havana Syndrome gun. My man needs a way to bow out of this thing gracefully.

Seems to already been hit by it
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower

Quote: Cop User banned(1 week): Trolling
Vex wrote:Damn get rekt
It's Joever omfg  

We are so back  Malarkey! Obama  

It is what it is Trumps
If you drive in winter conditions, you may have experienced the slow motion car wreck on ice that you can't do anything about except wait until it's over. That's what it's like watching yank politics.

(06-28-2024, 07:34 PM)Jansen wrote:


Quote:On a separate note, it never stops to fascinate me how much salivating there is for minority led MCU films to fail, meanwhile Deadpool is the guaranteed savior of the franchise.
Here's the problem Disney faces.

They scrap the movie but then they lose $275 million and years of production
They release the movie even more undercooked than usual, ensuring it won't break even
They release a mid movie that costs $350 million and might just make some money
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(06-28-2024, 07:34 PM)Jansen wrote:


Quote:No way this is going to be profitable.
Quote:I wonder what YouTubers will blame that on…
Spoiler:  (click to show)

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Rika wrote:Trash as hell. What were they thinking?

“People hate this guy. Maybe they would want to kill him in a video game?”

Wasn’t Gary Busey also a illusive target? Way before “not funny actually” to laugh?
(06-28-2024, 07:34 PM)Jansen wrote:


$350 million for a Captain America movie starring not Chris Evans, why would the chuds do this?
Seafoam Gaming wrote:Well my state went ahead and OK'd a 6 week abortion ban today, so I guess people here are in hell now! Will Joe campaign off of that and try to pledge to help people in states like mine which wont go blue (but still have plenty of people stuck and in need)? I doubt it. Just watch his midwest campaign stops be WI/MI again and again and he doesnt even bother to condemn the actions of my state or point it out in the campaign.

God it feels so fucking hopeless. Feel fucking abandoned especially after last night. Nobody is coming to save us and the chances of a flip in a state like Iowa is next to none now. It's really up to the same damn states again, huh

Sounds like you should make a youtube video about it. It's been a year since your last upload, pal.  doggy
So when is Trump getting arrested? The guy is a criminal and a rapist according to Biden.


2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium

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