Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-01-2024, 06:29 AM)Potato wrote: For food and living expenses only. No Shin Megami Tensei V.
Money is fungible. But that's none of my business...
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

they keep donating to melody even though they are broke..  Gloomy

Why does Melody not donate back?
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
[Image: yLPoYGI.png]
[Image: EDLlYQ0.png]
[Image: gvueCjS.png]

Went way over, got $135:
[Image: fhB7yJg.png]
[Image: 8YwqMec.png]
[Image: 7VWuaNj.png]

[Image: K3MGzP1.png]
[Image: HbR2zYv.png]
[Image: 3d4ql4S.png]

[Image: muxGYE6.png]
[Image: kO3DLdm.png]
[Image: Oi5KxMe.png]
[Image: 0J0Mf45.png]

Spoiler: Klepek (click to show)
[Image: GZl1ZNe.png]
4 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Bootsthecat
all their speakers?  ???
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
So weird to just see them spamming each others ko-fi's. Melody really needs to start giving back to others.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D
(07-01-2024, 07:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: all their speakers?  ???
I'm pretty sure in the bedroom pictures you could see at least a 5.1 system.
But they are STARVING! How could they have that?!
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
melodyshreds...based guilty gear/armored core/smt enjoyer. he would be kind of cool if it wasn't for the extreme mental illness.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
lol I found Kyuuji by accident

[Image: cnh6r7Q.png]
3 users liked this post: kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
the bire needs to STOP all this doxxing! Benji is a CRIMINAL!
(07-01-2024, 04:35 AM)Uncle wrote: how fucking stupid do you have to be to subscribe to any website for any reason, especially fucking news

why would you pay to read some article that says "here's how the debate went" when there are 5 million places to read or watch how the debate went that don't involve paying anyone anything
Imagine not having a Bire Gold™ subscription. You're missing out on unlimited access to all the secrets in the Jelqing Tips subforum.

Lookie who got their ban reduced to time served and will be 'Debate me bro'-ing everywhere in the coming days..
UK people, this is like a house right, not an actual business place:
[Image: s0D2o3y.png]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-01-2024, 08:36 AM)benji wrote: lol I found Kyuuji by accident

[Image: cnh6r7Q.png]

Ah yes it makes perfect sense, I've been arguing with this variety of dickhead my entire life

As for the house yes that is a fairly normal house depending where you are, but we often register LTDs to our homes.
3 users liked this post: kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-01-2024, 08:44 AM)benji wrote: UK people, this is like a house right, not an actual business place:
[Image: s0D2o3y.png]

yes that is a house. I know because I've watched enough of this.

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(07-01-2024, 08:49 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Ah yes it makes perfect sense, I've been arguing with this variety of dickhead my entire life
You want to hear Kyuuji?

I picked one of the two non-Minecraft videos:

Or maybe you'd prefer to see some Battlefield 4 hunting for an easter egg?

Then hit up the GAMING channel:
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
Looks like they might know about this thread. Video is private.
All the videos got deleted or privated after I posted it. Dead
the discord is after you now, Benji. Good job. Your actions have ruined the bire reputation!

Stahp I can't believe this is a doxxing site!
Let's see what happens to the Twitter accounts:

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
I probably should install a mod that logs the number of guests so I can see the spikes on a graph. lol
[Image: CYm58ED.png]
Are the guests here to learn about negging and peacocking?
56 guests? Hello TransEra discord!

Start updating your Trans Genocide Thread. It's horrible that none of you upkeep it.
It's probably just people looking for an update on noodlesoup's case. The date for the case is July 9th. I do not believe Nepenthe will be attending.
For the Gawkers: We have judged and PlanetSmasher is actually way cooler than Kyuuji
(07-01-2024, 09:57 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: For the Gawkers: We have judged and PlanetSmasher is actually way cooler than Kyuuji

PlanetSmasher the king of Why women criticise sexualised character designs threads.
Lord Fanny, wrote:The real problem is that if it's not Project 2025 it'll be Project 2029 and if it's not that it'll be Project 2033. Most of this is just a solidification of what the modern Republican Party wants. Even if some of this is shed in time it is inevitable that a Republican president that will implement a lot of this stuff is going to be elected
Angelus Errare wrote:Ultimately, America is fucked. Even if Trump doesn't win, Project 2025 isn't going away. They'll just wait till the next Republican president
Yeah, because it's literally the same document rehashed since 1981:

These guys are so funny:
Crossing Eden wrote:
Volimar wrote:I don't know how, after everything we've lost in just the last few months even, people can hear about Project 2025 and go "It can't happen here".
"Progressive" media has downplayed the fuck out of the part where we just, historically mind you, lost decades worth of progress. If anything, they seemed primed and ready to fall in line.
Amalthea wrote:I suspect that many members of the centre to left media across the western world pre-emptively try to handle the fascists with silk gloves in hopes of being able to fall in line unharmed. The thing is that fascists already regard those journalists and papers as enemy traitors and just wait to take vengeance on them. No amount to sucking up to their butchers-to-be will save them.
Quote:With the world becoming a harsher place and most people being poorly informed, poorly educated and with challenged critical thinking, this is inevitable. We see it here, we see it rising in Europe and South America. You see it exercised in Russia and the Middle East. The right is growing. Authoritarians and strongmen are favoured when the masses are scared.

Humans fundamentally can only coexist when there is enough bread to spare. When someone says you have to split that slice, the stabbing begins. Base instincts exploited. We have a difficult time head.
Quote:This is more or less what I've been stewing on as well. Record breaking voter turnout still didn't give Dems enough power to get major progressive bills through. And our elections against fascism have been dangerously close already in a country that loves to flip flop every couple of election for who is in power. It's hard not to feel like we are waiting for the end.
Nola wrote:I think sounding the alarm about Project 2025 needs to happen, but I also think it is a strategy that is reminiscent of Hillary's attacks on Trump being unfit for office and a threat to democracy. Which were rather ineffective and took oxygen away from focusing on economic issues and everyday items people were more responsive too. It's just the case that if you have to get most Americans to watch a 30 min video or read a bunch of Twitter threads to explain your case, average voters are just gonna tune out. And Democrats don't have a Fox News to force the issue into the larger consciousness and keep pounding it.
Quote:Seems the choice the US faces from now on, every four years, is to hold off a collapse of liberal democracy for another four years, while still having to live with its slow decline on the hands of Republican, or getting an open fascist who will do all he can to destroy American democracy, being held back more by his own incompetence than by American institutions working as intended.
Quote:We're pretty much fucked because republicans don't care about breaking laws and democrats do.
Quote:There's going to be no riots under a new Trump regime. Protestors will be shot on sight.
Quote:I bet they're digging into everything they can to try to remove all checks and balances, to make the President able to operate completely independently other the other branches. And how to prevent the next Democratic president from having that same power? Well, I'm sure there's something they can do about those pesky "elections".
Quote:Trump winning isn't just the US falling to fascism and destroying the lives of millions, it's the entire world likely becoming a much worse place. Ukraine and Europe will be in a very bad spot if the aid from the US stops, as someone living in Europe this is extremely scary. China could move on Taiwan as the US will not pledge to defend it, the impact such a transgression will have on the world economy is significant.

Not voting is the same as voting for Trump and fascism, there is no room for indifference when the price is this high.
Quote:This is truly scary shit. The number of people who support these ideas, even if Trump loses, means we are in serious trouble.
Quote:It's simply hard to feel these political victories are meaningful when we are still teetering on the end of democracy. It just really hammers home the point that nothing is truly fixed.
Quote:There's this phenomenon that, when people are told what the GOP will do if they get power, people literally don't believe it because of how over-the-top evil and cruel it is. They can't imagine politicians would do that, so they brush off claims of what the GOP will do aside as typical partisan politics to ignore.

But wait you say, surely we just need to divest from capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy and well, there's a lot of white opinions in this thread:
Quote:I have a far leftist friend who believes we need to vote for Trump to accelerate the collapse of our systems so we can riot and rebuild. It's hard for me to that as a reasonable solution at all. Change and progress to me has always been incremental which is why until the system changes, I'm blue no matter who.
Your friend is an absolute idiot but unfortunately he's not the only person who thinks on those lines. Luckily that type of absurdity is mostly held with young and naive people who end up being too lazy to vote anyways.
Quote:Pretty sure I've seen people here saying the same or similar.
Nola wrote:This stuff pisses me off because my first question is, so what do you want to replace this system?

It's not an attempt at nuance trolling, but I have never seen any suggestion of what they want to see come out the other side besides vague allusions to socialism and communism. Why voting for Trump leads to that outcome. And unless you want Leninism/Maoism, I.e. just a dictatorship using the language of class struggle and Marxism(which would happen in America right now), we kinda need some idea of a vision and plan beyond "vote for the worst person and cross your fingers it creates a revolution and a revolution that creates a utopia."

Cause that is not how most violent revolutions go, including every communist one.
Quote:This is why people saying they won't vote for Biden pisses me off so much. Biden isn't the greatest, his handling of the Palestine/Israel situation is truly awful, but if he loses then amount of suffering we'll be seeing is immense. Trump winning is ten thousand times worse than Biden winning. Under no circumstances can we allow Project 2025 to happen.
Quote:Yep. We really need to avoid this disaster at all the costs.
entremet wrote:Accelerationists are so so weird.

I also notice that many are middle class white suburban "kids", meaning some of the most privileged people in the world. They haven't seen much struggle, especially like black, brown, LGBTQ folks, etc. These are communities that understand harm reduction and pragmatism historically much better.

They're also completely missing women and women's health, which has tanked since Dobbs. These are incredibly selfish people.
Quote:I've seen the same idea thrown around here and it's scary how many people just want to throw everything in the trash.
Davidon wrote:Every last one a worthless fucking idiot
Quote:I hate sounding like such a fuckin boomer, but I firmly believe that a scary amount of people (especially young gen zer.) have the same mindset! These fucking morons who have clearly never open any sort of book, have gas themselves into thinking they're big badass revolutionary that will definitely beat the government state because They have hit tweets & tik-tons. Like it makes me want to scream! This isn't the hunger games & your not katniss! No, they're more no name red shirts that will die within 5 seconds. There's also the weird dark aspect of them being so willing to sacrifice people! Like fucking seriously!? All that just to fuel your weird main character syndrome?! people like this need to eat shit!
Quote:Also absolutely insane seeing hammer-and-sickle Twitter saying (typically) dumb shit like "project 2025 will happen no matter who wins". I know Twitter isn't real life, but it's shocking to me how prevalent such idiotic takes have become among younger voters who think accelerationism is going to produce any outcome other than a complete and total collapse of democracy and a further deepening of inequality, poverty, and a loss of rights.

These people need their heads checked (or better yet, come to my part of the globe to see actual examples of what such vacuous thinking achieves for a country when applied in the real world)
Quote:This is where America needs to grow up and learn instant gratification only happens on TikTok and McDonald's. Not in real life.
literally shaking
[Image: X1lWlTg.png]
PussySmasher is more feminine than trans ree


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