Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment wrote:
Quote:People are far more critical of Biden than Trump nowadays - it seems almost by design.
The level of fuckery in the mainstream media is nuts right now.

I've taught the concept of agenda-setting and the NYT is going all in. They want people thinking about nothing but Biden's age and it's ridiculous.

Their insistence on ignoring the very real dangers being set up against the American people is downright perverse at this point.
Quote:FUD like this only gets traction if there's legitimacy to it. And it's because there's legitimacy to it that we need to be actively concerned.
Not really. See: Claudine Gay getting fired

Chris Rufo made up some shit and then the NYT ran with it

This is disinformation, which is the standard attack strategy nowadays. The NYT is leading the attack because Biden didn't give their owner an exclusive interview
Quote:Exactly. Biden is a fucking psycho but because he comes along as this grandfather figure who pretends to care about progressive values people fall for it. Nevermind at the drop of a hat that he is willing to give up on them whilst abetting a genocide.
Quote:He's not a psycho. FFS, I've explained this before. He thinks he is doing the right thing. That's the banality of evil. Calling him psychotic simplifies the issue way too much.

Trump is legitimately unhinged. His niece who is a psychologist wrote about just how bad he is mentally
If you're president and you're not stopping the killing of thousands of children then yes, you are a psycho.
Quote:I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure Trump is going to win again. All we can do now is hope that the Dems keep control of Congress to obstruct his agenda as much as possible.
Something tells me that obstruction won't be an option if this happens.
We need cis people to arm up and get in the streets.
All the Females can rise up when the draft for them starts up. But that's none of my business...
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(07-03-2024, 04:59 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(07-03-2024, 03:34 PM)TylenolJones wrote: lol, they nuked the two hearts thread.

Lmao they really completely erased it. That's pretty rare. I wonder if someone send the blue sky account to the mods. Pretty embarrassing to give a pedo so much free reign

They read my post on here lol
(07-03-2024, 07:14 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:Artists should not suddenly devalue their work just because they're in an enthusiast space, because enthusiasts can run all sorts of income brackets. Artists should charge what they're worth. End of. If you are a strapped attendee, then you don't get the right to have access to high-valued labor just because you have a nerdy passion for the subject of that labor. Either save up money or buy what you can afford.

what about "moviemakers should charge what they're worth" or "video game studios should charge what they're worth?"

if your movie is super amazing, should you charge $100 per ticket? or is that fucking ridiculous and you should instead charge what it takes to be competitive, because no one fucking exists in a vacuum?

by all means, charge what you're worth and enjoy getting no commissions at all, that's surely a winning strategy
Two hearts is posting on blue sky and famiboards about how Nintendo whitewashed Mario, that he is Sicilian and should be brown skinned. For some reason. 

twohearts wrote:Why isn't Mario brown any more he's Sicilian he shood be brown

Quote:Mario is from Brooklyn so he's probably Sicillian so he should at least be olive if not kinda brown

Quote: They white washed mario which is stupid. Do you know how many brown lrktagonists there are in mainstream video games??????? Not many!!!!

Quote:Um it's kinda a term for giving characters lighter skin then they used to have, like what happened with Daisy fir a while. It's not a good thing cos of colourism which is people thinking bad about people with darker skin which is stupid cos so many of my nurses at the hospital are south Asian amd south East Asian and there still super pretty

Quote:He's b3en lighter in general since sunshine I think or mario 64 ds and it annoys me. He's gotten paler in the paper mario games too and it just annoys me. It's not a huge deal I just thought it was nice to have a big popular hero who is darker
the meltdown on reee when trump wins is going to be amazing

User Banned (2 Weeks): Trolling in a Sensitive Thread; History of Trolling and Modwhining
Fat4all wrote:
Quote:Now we get to question whether the mods chose to action harshly because of the she/they angle or because the poster wasn't a cis woman. Wonderful.
seems like we need The Things tests, but for the c-word!

Everybody is laughing at you!
shinobi wrote:This is an interesting point. When you just compare what each said, Biden demolished Trump:

It's unfortunate that he had a rough start, but it's too bad a lot of people just look at presentation and not actual substance.

Yeah, actual substance, like "We beat Medicare" and "You're a child" and "my golf handicap is only six..or eight" and whatever the hell he mumbled that led to Trump replying "I don't know what you just said and I don't think you do either"  lol

Does the transcript mention that he was a second away from falling asleep and drooling?
4 users liked this post: Alpacx, Nintex, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D

Quote:Absolutely stupid ban. Moderation was called out for an absolutely laughable action that deserved ridicule.

MULTIPLE people in this thread have expressed their discontent and lack of faith in the moderation team and this does them absolutely no favours at all.

And don't you DARE try to talk down to us by telling us to post in that condescending "Constructive Feedback" thread that at best is flatly ignored.

The users calling moderation out are not the problem, but they're the minority groups who have ended up being driven off the site over the years and now to this day.

I'm angry because I genuinely care about this place, but you Just. Keep. Fucking. Up.

The asylum is revolting, this user will definitely get banned soon.
(07-03-2024, 09:52 PM)benji wrote: wrote:
Quote:People are far more critical of Biden than Trump nowadays - it seems almost by design.
The level of fuckery in the mainstream media is nuts right now.

I've taught the concept of agenda-setting and the NYT is going all in. They want people thinking about nothing but Biden's age and it's ridiculous.

Their insistence on ignoring the very real dangers being set up against the American people is downright perverse at this point.
Quote:FUD like this only gets traction if there's legitimacy to it. And it's because there's legitimacy to it that we need to be actively concerned.
Not really. See: Claudine Gay getting fired

Chris Rufo made up some shit and then the NYT ran with it

This is disinformation, which is the standard attack strategy nowadays. The NYT is leading the attack because Biden didn't give their owner an exclusive interview

All the receipts for Claudine Gay's plagiarism are out there in broad daylight for anyone to read.  There's nothing "made up" about it; even Claudine gay's papers weren't made up, they were just ripped from other authors including her thank you page  lol lol lol

Her CV showing she had roughly as many papers as a third-year professor, after 20 years in the "biz" is also out there publicly
4 users liked this post: Alpacx, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(07-03-2024, 10:58 PM)negativecrepe wrote: the meltdown on reee when trump wins is going to be amazing

Bitter tears make for the best lubricant.

(07-03-2024, 06:35 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

shinobi602 wrote:Anyone that cares a single bit about the freedoms we have will come out and vote for this man so we don't actually descend into literal dictatorship. It's America or Trump, simple as that.

Will Shinobi vote this time, or will he be too busy shilling some shitty WRPG and accusing his toddler son of being a racist chud again?
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
NeoGaf couldn’t survive the first Trump presidency, will ResetEra survive the second?
[Image: gfJRLIG.png]

Thinking Thinking Thinking Thinking 

Until we get rid of capitalism, you will need to pay for skilled labor.  No, fuck that.  I can't wait.   We need to dismantle this rotten, bullshit system NOW.  I gotta start subverting the international monetary system now.  I gotta start subverting.  



[Image: ZmAFqp9Ikzs]
[Image: irSkeb-W2dY]
[Image: FX_bS5bd5oQ]


 [Image: Otqek3N.png]
Fuck yes, these are wayyyyy better than those shitty bullshit wolves Nepenthe dre...err...uh....ahhh....i mean, yes, we have liberated the world from the iron chains of capitalism, a boundless garden of equality and harmony awaits us, where the blossoms of freedom and justice flourish in eternal splendor.
I thought her complaint was that people won't pay for it, that they'll generate it.
I can't figure it out.  She wants to be an artist in a post-capitalist society where people don't give her monetary compensation for her work (until we dismantle capitalism, you have to pay)?  I guess until the government supports her existence as an artist and providing her art to the world after capitalism is gone, she's mad nobody is willing to buy it out of their own free will?  I can't follow.  FWIW, the few artist friends I have don't have this problem - they have so much work lined up they have to pick and choose who to accept commissions from.  Nepenthe, doing what Nepenthe does best - externalizing her personal problems to a system at large.  Because she sucks, everything has to be torn down.
(07-03-2024, 11:28 PM)Propagandhim wrote: I can't figure it out.  She wants to be an artist in a post-capitalist society where people don't give her monetary compensation for her work (until we dismantle capitalism, you have to pay)?  I guess until the government supports her existence as an artist and providing her art to the world after capitalism is gone, she's mad nobody is willing to buy it out of their own free will?  I can't follow.  FWIW, the few artist friends I have don't have this problem - they have so much work lined up they have to pick and choose who to accept commissions from.  Nepenthe, doing what Nepenthe does best - externalizing her personal problems to a system at large.  Because she sucks, everything has to be torn down.

Well after the singularity, and after scarcity is over, we'll all be free to live in leisure all day everyday. It's only five years away too (although that may be after climate change ends the world of course)  lol
she rejects the idea that artists might need to adjust their prices to compete better with what's now free

what she very specifically wants is for AI to immediately stop existing entirely so that artists are valued again (were most of them really, before?) and they can get $1000 per commission again or whatever

is that conservative? pining for "the good old days" and resisting change, doing whatever possible to reject new scientific advancements and newfangled technology, and trying to extract as much money as possible from people?

or is that liberal? daydreaming about a utopia that literally cannot exist due to human nature, but trying to take steps toward it anyway that are just intrusive and piss everyone off?

Kitsunebaby wrote:Transphobic cis-folk who care oh so much about their precious single-sex spaces should be grateful that binary trans people just want to use the ones that best fit them and go about their day without bothering anyone. Lotta agender and postgenderist folk like myself want to abolish them entirely.
[Image: 8PnY70g.png]
this place rocks lmao
Quote:Nothing irks me more than a person who who doesn't respond to your text in a reasonable amount of time. Call me sensitive but I take it personally. For me, I'll respond pretty quick (or in a few hours), even just to say, "I'm busy, I'll get back to you." But I'll match your energy (or even be worse) if you're one of those "I'll get back to you when I get back to you" kind of people.

For example:

I went on a kinda-sorta date with a guy over the weekend (we saw the new Quiet Place movie). We had been messaging on and off for more than a year (long story) but we finally met up. Afterwards, I told him I had a great time and he said "likewise."


So I later told him "goodnight." He read it and didn't respond. Then the following day I messaged him asking if he wanted to meet up again and hang out or whatever. He read the message and didn't respond for more than a day. So I basically more or less said nice meeting you and take care.

Then he sent me these super long paragraphs about how he had fun with me and how he didn't respond because he had to go to the hospital because of a spider bite (he even sent me a picture of the "bite") and how he'd love to hang out again.

My eyes almost rolled out of my head. I haven't opened the message and I don't know if I even want to respond. The fact that he viewed my IG story during this "fatal spider bite" incident was even more annoying.

Once a guy ghosted me, messaged me back, I didn't respond, and he messaged me saying that his mother died. For reasons I won't get into, I think he was 100% lying, but I figured that if he'd go to that extreme just to get me to respond, I might as well forget it.

Another guy took 7 days to respond to me. I told him I'd get back to him in 8 days (which I did).

Usually, if someone takes more than a day to respond to me, I don't respond back (if they do end up responding).

For my close friends, I usually don't have to worry about this (they know me well enough to know that I take it personally lol). I usually respond as soon as I see the message and they usually get back to my messages pretty quick, too.

The only person I let get away with shit texting is my dad lol. He'll call me if he wants to talk and rarely responds to my texts (I rarely text him because of this).

So how do you handle shit texters? Are you a shit texter? Do you take it personally like me? Or do you not really care?

[Image: 36457-m.jpg]
(07-03-2024, 09:33 PM)D3RANG3D wrote: You survived four years of the blumpfster you can survive another four, christ! You motherfuckers need fainting couches like the rich privileged bitches of old!

(07-03-2024, 11:59 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Kitsunebaby wrote:Transphobic cis-folk who care oh so much about their precious single-sex spaces should be grateful that binary trans people just want to use the ones that best fit them and go about their day without bothering anyone. Lotta agender and postgenderist folk like myself want to abolish them entirely.

Yes, what a great way to gain support by proving your detractors right that having trans people in certain bathrooms could be a danger to the public. Again, these people are their own worst enemies.
(07-03-2024, 10:58 PM)negativecrepe wrote: the meltdown on reee when trump wins is going to be amazing

Don't count chickens before they hatch or something
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Two hearts, two souls, two minds.

I can't believe moderation banned Twohearts. This is an act of discrimination that I hope their userbase fights against.

It's all so tiring..  Princess Peach
(07-04-2024, 12:13 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-03-2024, 09:33 PM)D3RANG3D wrote: You survived four years of the blumpfster you can survive another four, christ! You motherfuckers need fainting couches like the rich privileged bitches of old!

[Image: w6neK3f.png]
They survived, your cheeks won't though...
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-03-2024, 01:39 PM)Steven Snell wrote: [Image: f92f5e6a5f212ca258a832dc0f6c3dd6.png]

new banner for the bire, Benji!
(07-03-2024, 03:34 PM)TylenolJones wrote: lol, they nuked the two hearts thread.

Lol. It finally took mods this long to realize TwoHearts was either a troll or a genuine disturbed person that shouldn't be around kids.

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