Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-25-2024, 04:52 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(07-25-2024, 04:51 PM)killamajig wrote: Thordinson
Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)

what was the offending post this time?
Quote: Cop User banned (3 months): victim blaming and concern trolling; user has a long history of inflammatory behavior and trolling around serious topics
It was the "mom and pop store" thing. That's quite a slap!

Even so, the comedians at our favorite website still keep the laughs comin'!

Kmonk wrote:But crime- both property and violent- are at historic lows in the state when looking at the last 50 years. Increases since the pandemic have been minor. And in my county- often used as an example of exploding homeless populations- has seen a decrease in property crime. How do you square that statistical circle?

There's been a narrative crafted about California since 2016 that isn't borne out in the stats. I live in the urban core of a major city, and I feel perfectly comfortable and safe walking around my neighborhood at two in the morning. In MY purely anecdotal experience "getting their shit stolen" isn't "a fact of life" for my neighbors, friends or family in the region.

Era: Cops are "quiet quitting" cuz they're still assmad about George Floyd years later!
Also Era: Crime is at historic lows so this is all made up bullshit!

Pop quiz, genius! If cops aren't responding to crimes/enforcing laws/charging suspects, how do you think that might impact crime statistics?

Currently losing their minds over Kamala posting this:

[Image: MEUEm42.jpeg]
Khanimus wrote:so yeah, she ain't changing shit

SEATliens wrote:I'm glad I live in a state where my vote doesn't matter, I wasn't voting for Biden and I'm definitely not voting for her.

Booshka wrote:This is such liberal brain rot. Condemning the protests outside of congress while inside is where the historical and material harm is being reproduced and celebrated.

Fuck off Kamala

Afrikan wrote:If anyone remembers the democratic primaries in 2020, they shouldn't be surprised by Kamala flip flopping.

I'll still vote for her over Trump turd, but I know what I'm getting and won't BS myself and won't BS others.

Huskman wrote:Conflating protests against the government of Israel with Anti-Semitism is such absolute horseshit. I disagree with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran on tons of shit; that doesn't make me Anti-Muslim. Fuck

m bluth wrote:So much for a change in direction on this.

Psittacus wrote:It hasn't even been a week and they've already figured out how to fumble the ball. Classic.

One user rightfully calling these weirdos out, likely banned for it:
Tuskarrs wrote:The statement isn't that bad. She's trying to aim the denunciation directly at the people drawing Pro-Hamas red triangles and other things.

edit: [Image: 57d78e7bd93b5d7bf9b870f817680ded.jpg]

Toxi wrote:A leader whose administration killed at minimum 40,000 people in less than a year just got a standing ovation from Congress while these protests were happening.

I don't give a fuck about pro-Hamas graffiti. Kamala shows where her priorities lie and it's not with stopping genocide.

more posts like that but you get the idea. Sick freaks
(07-25-2024, 04:44 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(07-25-2024, 01:59 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
Fugu wrote:Look, I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, but proportionately this is almost certainly just a very small but visible sliver of the pie. This kind of behavior still overwhelmingly occurs in the familial context, and when it's not familial it's nearly always some other kind of kinship association (i.e. friends, friends-of-a-friend). I only say this because this kind of misdirection has the effect of making it harder to do what really needs to be done a lot of the time. The outrage over child porn on pornhub a few years ago, for example, was actually just an anti-sex work campaign in disguise and they ended up doing a fair bit of damage.

Hell, as someone whose practice is mainly sex assault prosecutions, I would've thought the number of arrests over a six year span would be far higher than a couple dozen.

It was anti-'sex work' of minors.
Because an investigation found CP laughably easy, and the oversight to prevent it laughably lack lustre.


Being fair, YouTube have a similar pedo problem but their solution ended being a fuck you to their content creators, so I imagine something like that happened in Pornhub. Obviously, CP is more serious problem with legal ramifications to just say “anti sex campaign” conspiracy.
Red Mercury wrote:We'll do anything but fucking legalize drugs and give people a clean supply so they don't have to go out robbing, or give people access to stable, safe housing.

How the fuck would clean drugs keep people from robbing stores to support their drug addiction? I guess at best they'd steal the fentanyl directly at the store?
Toxi wrote:A leader whose administration killed at minimum 40,000 people in less than a year just got a standing ovation from Congress while these protests were happening.

I don't give a fuck about pro-Hamas graffiti. Kamala shows where her priorities lie and it's not with stopping genocide.

Motherfucker, YOU SHOULD give a fuck that your movement is defacing a monument while promoting a terrorist group. Netanyahu being a scumbag doesn’t mean that people should accept Hamas.
Quote:Era: Cops are "quiet quitting" cuz they're still assmad about George Floyd years later!

They shouldn’t be cops honestly. But obviously, the solution shouldn’t be “no more cops”.
etrain911 wrote:I do not blame a single Palestinian for being unable to support her as a candidate come election time when she is letting a foreign head of state insult American citizens protesting and then AGREES WITH HIM in her statement. It's gross as fuck.

...Where is she agreeing with Netanyahu? That antisemitism and Hamas are bad? lol

Kinthey wrote:I don't know what people hope to achieve by directly supporting Hamas

Brave statement

effingvic wrote:There goes all my enthusiasm for her

Genocide is ok, protesting genocide is anti semitic.

Both parties are rotten

Either didn't look at the protests or thinks hamas is A OK
(07-25-2024, 05:16 PM)jooseloose wrote: EDIT:

Nothing Loud wrote:
Mafro wrote:Did it go viral because of poop?
Hmm. Yes and no. I suppose it went viral "because it's poop" and everyone from Putin to Paris Hilton can relate to it but also I published my work in a top tier medical journal with top tier PIs, where I studied how even healthy people that report mild amounts of constipation suffer associated changes in their body and gut that produce kidney toxins that can damage kidney function. I did this through a clinical systems biologist approach and lots of statistics and data science of a deeply phenotyped cohort. Anyway I guess since it's "poop" everyone can relate to it and also when we did the press release on eurekaalert NBC and others immediately engaged to prepare articles for the embargo and now 2 weeks later it has over 130 news articles about it in over a dozen languages and an altmetric of 1000 now—which I don't understand because a score of 7-10 over a lifetime is considered top tier but I'm now at a 1000 which is like…unheard of.
He literally won't entertain the idea it went viral because poop is funny. I'm sure his Linkedin is popping off with job offers after this.

Also, I literally don't believe a word coming out of this compulsive liar's mouth, so I'm sure whatever he's on about there isn't unheard of.
It's also framed, as you can see in my screenshots, in that dumb news bite health tip way. Are you pooping enough? NEW RESEARCH SAYS WE DON'T KNOW! Just like how every other month they tell you coffee is killing you or prolonging your life or...
(07-25-2024, 04:56 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(07-25-2024, 04:44 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(07-25-2024, 01:59 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:

It was anti-'sex work' of minors.
Because an investigation found CP laughably easy, and the oversight to prevent it laughably lack lustre.

I'm also curious about the purported "fair bit of damage". Damage to what? to whom? And please, for fuck's sake, don't say "sex workers lost revenue and reach"...seriously, who gives a shit?

(07-25-2024, 05:27 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Red Mercury wrote:We'll do anything but fucking legalize drugs and give people a clean supply so they don't have to go out robbing, or give people access to stable, safe housing.

How the fuck would clean drugs keep people from robbing stores to support their drug addiction? I guess at best they'd steal the fentanyl directly at the store?
I don't think you understand, he means the drugs should be provided for free like the housing.
(07-25-2024, 05:36 PM)benji wrote:
(07-25-2024, 05:27 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Red Mercury wrote:We'll do anything but fucking legalize drugs and give people a clean supply so they don't have to go out robbing, or give people access to stable, safe housing.

How the fuck would clean drugs keep people from robbing stores to support their drug addiction? I guess at best they'd steal the fentanyl directly at the store?
I don't think you understand, he means the drugs should be provided for free like the housing.

What about the opioid crisis?
i agree, treat it like kids who get caught smoking and make em smoke the whole pack of fent at once
(07-25-2024, 05:39 PM)Boredfrom wrote: What about the opioid crisis?
Only a problem because they aren't wards of the state with constant state supervision for their state provided drugs obviously.
I forgot that Red Mercury is a junkie. lol
Giga Man wrote:I'm not surprised, but it still hurts to see that there is zero effort to actual listen to what protestors are saying and it's just unconditional support for Israel. It's so depressing.

Gee I wonder what these people are really trying to say

[Image: ?]

[Image: 611861]

Khanimus wrote:Or she'll do what's expected and try and shut down any criticism with "well if you'd remember October 7th..."

As if nothing further needs to be said.

What else needs to be said about October 7th, most Jews killed in a single day since the Holocaust, Khanimus? Maybe we can consult Nepenthe.
Quote:I do not blame a single Palestinian for being unable to support her as a candidate come election time when she is letting a foreign head of state insult American citizens protesting and then AGREES WITH HIM in her statement. It's gross as fuck.

Why would American Palestines would have a problem with she condemning protesters defacing monuments and promoting Hamas? Unless you think Palestines are okay with Hamas.
(07-25-2024, 05:45 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Giga Man wrote:I'm not surprised, but it still hurts to see that there is zero effort to actual listen to what protestors are saying and it's just unconditional support for Israel. It's so depressing.

Gee I wonder what these people are really trying to say

[Image: ?]

Holy fuck, there is a Spanish homophobic slur in that photo. lol 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Puto is the equivalent of “faggot”.

Feels like Mexican protests where they put random stupid shit.

(07-25-2024, 03:51 PM)NekoFever wrote:

I like how the correct opinion on shoplifting in California has changed from “this isn’t happening” to “it’s happening, but it’s only desperate people left behind by capitalism and not opportunists and organised gangs”. I wonder when the memo went out.

It's now about how actually wage theft loses causes more loss so roving theft mobs are acceptable.  Efforts would be better put into ending capitalism and beginning a new era of human civilization.

Just waiting for that second Renaissance.  It's coming any day now.
(07-25-2024, 05:32 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
etrain911 wrote:I do not blame a single Palestinian for being unable to support her as a candidate come election time when she is letting a foreign head of state insult American citizens protesting and then AGREES WITH HIM in her statement. It's gross as fuck.
1. He is not a foreign head of state.
2. It's not up to her whether or not he can insult American citizens.
(07-25-2024, 05:34 PM)benji wrote:
(07-25-2024, 05:16 PM)jooseloose wrote: EDIT:

Nothing Loud wrote:Hmm. Yes and no. I suppose it went viral "because it's poop" and everyone from Putin to Paris Hilton can relate to it but also I published my work in a top tier medical journal with top tier PIs, where I studied how even healthy people that report mild amounts of constipation suffer associated changes in their body and gut that produce kidney toxins that can damage kidney function. I did this through a clinical systems biologist approach and lots of statistics and data science of a deeply phenotyped cohort. Anyway I guess since it's "poop" everyone can relate to it and also when we did the press release on eurekaalert NBC and others immediately engaged to prepare articles for the embargo and now 2 weeks later it has over 130 news articles about it in over a dozen languages and an altmetric of 1000 now—which I don't understand because a score of 7-10 over a lifetime is considered top tier but I'm now at a 1000 which is like…unheard of.
He literally won't entertain the idea it went viral because poop is funny. I'm sure his Linkedin is popping off with job offers after this.

Also, I literally don't believe a word coming out of this compulsive liar's mouth, so I'm sure whatever he's on about there isn't unheard of.
It's also framed, as you can see in my screenshots, in that dumb news bite health tip way. Are you pooping enough? NEW RESEARCH SAYS WE DON'T KNOW! Just like how every other month they tell you coffee is killing you or prolonging your life or...
Upper Class Twit Edmond
(07-25-2024, 05:45 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Giga Man wrote:I'm not surprised, but it still hurts to see that there is zero effort to actual listen to what protestors are saying and it's just unconditional support for Israel. It's so depressing.

Gee I wonder what these people are really trying to say

[Image: ?]

[Image: 611861]

Khanimus wrote:Or she'll do what's expected and try and shut down any criticism with "well if you'd remember October 7th..."

As if nothing further needs to be said.

What else needs to be said about October 7th, most Jews killed in a single day since the Holocaust, Khanimus?  Maybe we can consult Nepenthe.

I can't believe a presidential candidate would denounce this
I like the guy who forgot why he was there and spelled it Paleyiine, and also added “Free” in front or “all zionists”.
Zionist and “faggot” in the same picture. Is like 4chan.
(07-25-2024, 05:56 PM)Polident wrote: I like the guy who forgot why he was there and spelled it Paleyiine, and also added “Free” in front or “all zionists”.

Did they recruited the same people that protest in Mexico City? lol
(07-25-2024, 05:53 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
(07-25-2024, 03:51 PM)NekoFever wrote:

I like how the correct opinion on shoplifting in California has changed from “this isn’t happening” to “it’s happening, but it’s only desperate people left behind by capitalism and not opportunists and organised gangs”. I wonder when the memo went out.

It's now about how actually wage theft loses causes more loss so roving theft mobs are acceptable.  Efforts would be better put into ending capitalism and beginning a new era of human civilization.

Just waiting for that second Renaissance.  It's coming any day now.
Strange how the liberating random chaos mobs never seem to target public property for their appropriation/redistribution. Or capital in general rather than commodities. hmm
(07-25-2024, 05:45 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: What else needs to be said about October 7th, most Jews killed in a single day since the Holocaust, Khanimus?  Maybe we can consult Nepenthe.

More Jews died on 911 (probably?)
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Mrbeast wrote:Over the last few days, I’ve become aware of the serious allegations of Ava Tyson's behavior online and I am disgusted and opposed to such unacceptable acts.

During that time, I have been focused on hiring an independent third party to conduct a thorough investigation to ensure I have all the facts. That said, I’ve seen enough online and taken immediate action to remove Ava from the company, my channel, and any association with MrBeast. I do not condone or support any of the inappropriate actions.

I will allow the independent investigators the necessary time to conduct a comprehensive investigation and will take any further actions based on their findings

[Image: 20240725-130513.jpg]
That wasn't a "all jews are bankers" joke btw. I'm just saying, even if only 1/4 of them were Jewish it'd be more than October 7.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
effingvic wrote:Have to side eye people who only chime in when some protestors do stupid shit, while remaining quiet about the reason for protests and on the vast majority who have protested fine for 10 months and especially quiet on the police brutality enacted on them.

(07-25-2024, 05:58 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Zionist and “faggot” in the same picture. Is like 4chan.

From another poster on that same era thread:
andymcc wrote:Netanyahu is an evil monster but I wonder about the affiliations of people that are willing to protest with signs like this:
[Image: protests-in-dc-today-so-far-v0-mq896jn4s...height=439]

Era tying itself in knots over not denouncing these people is hilarious
(07-25-2024, 05:22 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

Currently losing their minds over Kamala posting this:

[Image: MEUEm42.jpeg]
Khanimus wrote:so yeah, she ain't changing shit

SEATliens wrote:I'm glad I live in a state where my vote doesn't matter, I wasn't voting for Biden and I'm definitely not voting for her.

Booshka wrote:This is such liberal brain rot. Condemning the protests outside of congress while inside is where the historical and material harm is being reproduced and celebrated.

Fuck off Kamala

Afrikan wrote:If anyone remembers the democratic primaries in 2020, they shouldn't be surprised by Kamala flip flopping.

I'll still vote for her over Trump turd, but I know what I'm getting and won't BS myself and won't BS others.

Huskman wrote:Conflating protests against the government of Israel with Anti-Semitism is such absolute horseshit. I disagree with Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Iran on tons of shit; that doesn't make me Anti-Muslim. Fuck

m bluth wrote:So much for a change in direction on this.

Psittacus wrote:It hasn't even been a week and they've already figured out how to fumble the ball. Classic.

One user rightfully calling these weirdos out, likely banned for it:
Tuskarrs wrote:The statement isn't that bad. She's trying to aim the denunciation directly at the people drawing Pro-Hamas red triangles and other things.

edit: [Image: 57d78e7bd93b5d7bf9b870f817680ded.jpg]

Toxi wrote:A leader whose administration killed at minimum 40,000 people in less than a year just got a standing ovation from Congress while these protests were happening.

I don't give a fuck about pro-Hamas graffiti. Kamala shows where her priorities lie and it's not with stopping genocide.

more posts like that but you get the idea. Sick freaks

(07-24-2024, 11:43 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Almost as if they want Kamala to condemn their actions. 

I love it.  lol

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