Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Re were so quick to write the other guy off but now he has proof and it's crickets. it's disgusting.
It's crickets because their own got caught red handed.
[Image: ffq1xz191yed1.jpeg]
(07-26-2024, 11:02 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: [Image: ffq1xz191yed1.jpeg]


Mcbel wrote:Well then. Fuck Ava, and fuck whoever is trey yates, big lying PoS.

Valcrist wrote:This is why I've been really waiting for real information to get out. This whole thing is a major hit campaign by Keemstar, Nickmercs, Sneako, all people who HATE trans people. This isn't the first one to be debunked. A lot of these posters are posting in favor of Dr Disrespect as well despite the fact that he actually tried to meet with a child and sexted them.

Information from the victim but lack receipts? Nah not real, better wait for receipts.
Another tweet with no receipts but happened to defend the abuser who is the enemy of my enemies? That's the REAL information.

smh, you could have at least tried to be consistent.

Mcbel going for the kill. [Image: 158361-m.jpg]
(07-26-2024, 10:45 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: come tf on, jeez...
Faint wrote:Seeing more and more news about the Discord leaks but honestly it just makes me feel even worse for this Lava person. At first he comes forward defending Ava while lots of chuds were HOPING he was groomed and claiming he was paid off. Then he sees lots of stuff he very likely forgot about come forward and now has to condone the stuff in them, which will just have more people thinking he's acting in bad faith. I'm not sure how old he is now but I hope he doesn't come out of this situation fucked up. It's a lot of attention form someone not used to getting it.
I feel bad for the...well, the...not the victim of course, since Lava is not a victim. However, it is sad that Lava uh...misremembered. And now this will be used against him to prove that he...well...not lied...uh...not was groomed...but that he...y'know...well, it's just uncomfy to get so much attention!  Undecided

Quote:From the perspective of someone who had some fucked up situations like this when I was a teenager, it absolutely will fuck them up at some point in their life even if it isn't now.
That's weird, they said this
Quote:This is why I've been really waiting for real information to get out. This whole thing is a major hit campaign by Keemstar, Nickmercs, Sneako, all people who HATE trans people. This isn't the first one to be debunked. A lot of these posters are posting in favor of Dr Disrespect as well despite the fact that he actually tried to meet with a child and sexted them.
Quote:Well then. Fuck Ava, and fuck whoever is trey yates, big lying PoS

Do you think people would really do that?
(07-26-2024, 10:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Lava is a victim. No matter if he tries to defend or not, he was clearly groomed and is going through a lot right now. I hope Chris gets hit with the force of the law.

i dont think victimhood should be forced on someone because a big part of it is a mindset

if i was 15 years old and my 20 year old woman teacher had sex with me yeah technically i would be a victim but i wouldnt be calling myself a victim, i'd be calling myself a pimp, the teacher would still be a creep tho for going after people that young
Gotta defend Ava they are trans!

Maybe.. it's okay to hate both Dr Disrespect and Chris? And to say this started because of Keemstar and co is stupid when the Kiwi's had information well before the Dr. Disrespect saga.
(07-27-2024, 12:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Mcbel wrote:Well then. Fuck Ava, and fuck whoever is trey yates, big lying PoS.

Valcrist wrote:This is why I've been really waiting for real information to get out. This whole thing is a major hit campaign by Keemstar, Nickmercs, Sneako, all people who HATE trans people. This isn't the first one to be debunked. A lot of these posters are posting in favor of Dr Disrespect as well despite the fact that he actually tried to meet with a child and sexted them.

Information from the victim but lack receipts? Nah not real, better wait for receipts.
Another tweet with no receipts but happened to defend the abuser who is the enemy of my enemies? That's the REAL information.

smh, you could have at least tried to be consistent.

Mcbel going for the kill. [Image: 158361-m.jpg]

Cat fight since this is Valcrist!
[Image: 718-l.jpg]
[Image: 1233-m.jpg]
I don't know any of these influencer people because im old but I waded in with my opinions because it's all about my opinion.
(07-26-2024, 11:44 AM)Venice wrote:

Thread title: Elon Musk's trans daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, absolutely eviscerates him on Threads after he deadnames and misgenders her in interview and Twitter

Elon's Post:

[Image: 6f3579650445836c17513b239ea441b0]

Elon's kids response:

Elon Musks's Daughter wrote:"This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don't even know where he got this from. My best guess is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said "eh- good enough" in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story."

"I did not have a "love of musicals & theatre" when I was four, because y'know… I was fucking four. I did not know what these things were. My earliest real experience with musicals was when my twin brother had a hamilton phase in 8th/9th grade and overplayed it so much in the car to the point where for a long time I swore off the entire genre."

"I never picked out jackets for him to wear and I was most certainly not calling them "fabulous" because literally what the fuck. I did not use the word fabulous when I was four because once again I would like to reiterate… I was four. Like this is so obvious I don't even think it warrants explanation but apparently people believe this nonsense so here I am."

"This entire thing is completely made up and there's a reason for this. He doesn't know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn't there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness. Obviously he can't say that, so I've been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general."

"As for if I'm not a woman… sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I'm legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don't concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me. Obviously Elon can't say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he's desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some fucking grass✨"
See, the problem with what Elon did is that he used stereotypes to argue for what a person "really" was.

*beat to indicate the facetious nature of my statement and to make sure my caustic point is getting across*

chaostrophy wrote:Lula speaks the truth.
Quote:Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Sunday compared Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza to the Holocaust, saying Israel was committing “genocide” against Palestinian civilians in the Strip and saying the only historical equivalent was “when Hitler decided to kill the Jews.”
Mods really want to pretend that HamasRE doesn’t exist 

Quote:How must Rashida Tlaib feel on her own like that with everybody else applauding the extermination of her people.

She also represents US citizens, so they are also her people.
(07-27-2024, 12:13 AM)negativecrepe wrote:
(07-26-2024, 10:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Lava is a victim. No matter if he tries to defend or not, he was clearly groomed and is going through a lot right now. I hope Chris gets hit with the force of the law.

i dont think victimhood should be forced on someone because a big part of it is a mindset

if i was 15 years old and my 20 year old woman teacher had sex with me yeah technically i would be a victim but i wouldnt be calling myself a victim, i'd be calling myself a pimp, the teacher would still be a creep tho for going after people that young

something I've thought about too

I feel like this is something society isn't ready to acknowledge because if some types of abuse can rarely and situationally make someone feel good or at least leave no real scars, that opens an avenue for people to start arguing that it's actually ok sometimes

problem is, I think a victim who doesn't personally feel victimized needs to be made fully aware that it was wrong so they don't fall into perpetuating it and possibly hurt someone else because they personally didn't have a bad experience (i.e. the idea of "normalizing" it)

but yeah, I have to think surely there are lots of people who have to be convinced that they were abused and that they need to feel bad about it and take therapy

there have to be people who are like "oh yeah, my adult cousin did touch me that one time...I forgot about that lol whatev"
(07-26-2024, 09:49 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote:Proposal from Major Shareholders for the Annual General Meeting in M.O.B.A Network AB on April 26, 2024
25 apr. 2024 08:00:00

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Major shareholders representing approximately 68 percent of the total number of shares and votes in M.O.B.A. Network AB (publ) have submitted the following proposal for decisions regarding items 8-10 according to the above proposal for the agenda.

Determination of the number of board members and auditors to be elected at the meeting (item 8) The Board currently consists of five (5) ordinary members without deputies. The major shareholders propose that the Board, for the time until the end of next year's annual meeting, should consist of four (4) ordinary members without deputies.

The company currently has one (1) auditor (a registered audit firm) without an auditor's deputy. The major shareholders propose that the Company should have one (1) auditor without an auditor's deputy until the end of next year's annual meeting.

Determination of fees for the board and auditors (item 9)
The major shareholders propose that the fee to the board shall amount to a total of 375,000 SEK to be distributed as follows: the chairman of the board is remunerated with 150,000 SEK and the other board members are remunerated with 75,000 SEK per member. For work in the audit committee, remuneration shall be paid with 20,000 SEK to the chairman and 10,000 SEK to each of the other members. The major shareholders propose that the fee to the Company's auditor shall be paid according to the approved invoice.

Election of the board and auditor (item 10)
The major shareholders propose that the annual meeting, until the end of the next annual meeting, should re-elect the board members Jonas Bertilsson, Maria Andersson Grimaldi, and Manfred Gottschlich. Fredrik Burvall (chairman) and Henrik Henriksson (member) have declined re-election.

The major shareholders propose the election of Jonas Bertilsson as the new chairman of the board and the election of Mikael Gottschlich as a new board member; see the short presentation below.

Presentation of the new election as chairman of the board:
Jonas Bertilsson is a co-founder of M.O.B.A. Network AB (publ) and is currently a board member of the Company. He is currently COO and Head of M&A at NOD Group AB, which is a fast-growing and profitable corporate group with a presence in forty international markets. Jonas has extensive leadership experience in driving strategic growth initiatives and operational improvements from both growth and start-up phases. He has a solid background in identifying and implementing complex acquisitions and investments in both private and public environments. Jonas also has experience in board work in various industries and company phases, both as a member and chairman of the board.

Jonas is not independent of the major shareholders but is independent of the Company and its management.

Presentation of the new election as a board member:
Mikael Gottschlich has an extensive background in corporate management and has been CEO of the telecom supplier LGP Allgon Holding AB (publ), among other positions. In addition to his professional experience, Mikael has valuable experience from board work in digital and public companies, where he has been a board member at NetEnt AB (publ) and Proact IT Group AB. He is currently chairman of the board at RocMore Holding AB and Hamex Precision Tools AB, as well as a board member at O'Learys Group AB.

Mikael is not independent of the major shareholders but is independent of the Company and its management. For a presentation of the members proposed for re-election, please refer to the Company's website,

Furthermore, it is proposed that the registered audit firm Grant Thornton Sweden AB be re-elected as the Company's auditor until the end of the next annual meeting. Grant Thornton has informed that, in the event that Grant Thornton Sweden AB is re-elected as auditor, Carl Niring will remain as the principal responsible auditor. The proposal follows the recommendation of the audit committee.
Quote:Report from the Annual General Meeting 2024-04-26 M.O.B.A. Network AB
26 apr. 2024 10:50:00
Spoiler:  (click to show)

Report from the Annual General Meeting 2024-04-26 M.O.B.A. Network AB, corporate ID no. 559144-3964, held its annual general meeting today, April 26, 2024. Below is a summary of the decisions that were made at the meeting.
• The meeting resolved to approve the income statement and balance sheet and the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet, as well as the appropriation of the company's loss according to the established balance sheet.
• The meeting resolved to discharge the board members and the CEO from liability.
• The meeting resolved that there should be four ordinary board members and that an authorized audit firm should be elected for the company.
• Re-election of board members Maria A. Grimaldi and Manfred Gottschlich, new election of member Mikael Gottschlich. Jonas Bertilsson was elected as chairman. Fredrik Burvall and Henrik Henriksson declined re-election.
• The ordinary board members are to be remunerated with 75,000 SEK each and the chairman is to be remunerated with 150,000 SEK. For work in the audit committee, a fee of 20,000 SEK will be paid to the chairman and 10,000 SEK to each of the other members.
• Grant Thornton Sweden AB was re-elected as the audit firm with Carl Niring as the principal auditor. The auditor's fee shall be paid against approved invoices.
• Authorization was granted to issue shares for a potential earn-out to the seller of Wargraphs S.A.S.
Quote:Interim Report 1 - EBITDA Increases 278% - The Best Ever in the First Quarter
15 maj 2024 07:30:00
Interim Report
Spoiler:  (click to show)

Financial Summary - 1 January 2024 - 31 March 2024

    Net sales amounted to MSEK 66.4 (MSEK 55.7), an increase of 19%.
    EBITDA amounted to MSEK 10.1 (MSEK 2.7), an increase of 278%.
    EBIT amounted to MSEK 4.2 (MSEK 1.2), an increase of 239%.
    Profit before tax amounted to MSEK -5.7 of (MSEK 0.5).*
    Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital amounted to MSEK 2.5 (MSEK 2.6).
    Cash and cash equivalents amounted to MSEK 57.7 (MSEK 41.5), and in addition, the company has an unutilized overdraft facility of MEUR 25.
    Earnings per share during the quarter amounted to SEK -0.2(SEK 0.0).

* The negative result is attributable to the company's increased interest costs linked to the bond and increased amortization.

EBITDA Increases 278% - The Best Ever in the First Quarter

The first quarter ended strongly after a weak start, and overall, we made one of the best first quarters ever with an EBITDA growth of 278% and strong underlying cash flow from ongoing operations. Despite a continued volatile advertising market, especially at the beginning of the year, we have witnessed growth in all assets during the latter part of the quarter for the first time since the COVID period. We see particularly positive revenue trends from our app, Porofessor, and the YouTube network UFG. The second quarter has started strong across the entire asset portfolio.

The gaming industry has experienced weak development during 2023 and into the start of 2024. Globally leading video game companies like Riot and Activision Blizzard have announced layoffs for many employees, we have seen few new game releases, and notably, our direct competitors are really struggling. Against this backdrop, I am incredibly proud of how M.O.B.A. delivers both operationally and financially, which is also a great testament to the fact that we are working from the right business model with a clear focus on creating growth within our operational areas.

First Quarter - Financial Overview
Revenues amounted to 66.4 MSEK (55.7), which means revenues increased by 19.3 percent compared to Q1 2023, and EBITDA amounted to 10.1 MSEK (2.7), an increase of 278 percent. We are also proud of a robust cash flow from ongoing operations of 10 MSEK (-3 MSEK) during the period.

High Operational Activity Yields Results
Operationally, the first quarter was intense on several fronts, and we intensified the development of our new Valorant product, which is planned to be launched shortly. We have also had very high activity in our YouTube network UFG, where we have entered an intensive growth phase together with our partner. During the second half of the quarter, this led to a significant net inflow of new important creators with a positive impact on our revenues, making UFG also show growth and improved profitability. The increased inflow of new creators during the first quarter has contributed new revenues that on an annual basis, Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR), amount to $6.7 MUSD.

Our portfolio of community sites increased revenues by 38% compared to the first quarter of 2023. We also have a high level of operational activity in this business segment, in line with what has previously been communicated, where we place great focus on increasing the quality of traffic acquisition. From the end of the second quarter, the operational focus will be strengthened by expanding the management team with a dedicated COO role.

The Porofessor App - Expanded Investments in App Development Projects
In-game advertising is now the hottest trend in the industry, and we are strong in this area. Our commitment to this dynamic arena demonstrates our ability to follow and lead market trends and create value for users, advertisers, and other stakeholders. M.O.B.A. has strategically decided to increase its investments in projects related to app development with in-game advertising as the primary revenue model. The decision results from the strong growth of the in-game app Porofessor and an assessed positive market outlook for the coming years, supported by external market analyses.
During the quarter, Porofessor reached the new and fantastic milestone of 13 million downloads.

As previously communicated, the group is developing a new in-game app with an associated community for the popular game Valorant, developed by the global game studio Riot, with a planned launch and integration into the company's portfolio during the first half of 2024. Additional in-game apps are planned to be developed and released after this launch.

Strong Start to the Second Quarter
The strong end to the first quarter is holding up during the first half of the second quarter, and revenues are steadily improving.

Strengthening the Organization
M.O.B.A. is undergoing organizational development and strengthening of the group management, which is natural as we grow and goes hand in hand with the strategy we have set for the company moving forward. We have long been a small and efficient team, and with additional strength and competence in the company, I look forward to continuing to develop the company as COO.

This will be my last report as I hand over the CEO role to Anders Ribbing, who takes office on June 3, and I will then take a comprehensive focus on operations in the role of COO. Moving forward, we have much to accomplish and an asset portfolio with all the possibilities for continued strong growth with good underlying profitability. I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire M.O.B.A. team, who all contribute to the company’s development and fantastic corporate culture, and the owners and partners who have supported the company during my time as CEO!

CEO – Björn Mannerqvist, 15th May 2024

Significant events during the period 1 January – 31 March 2024, in brief

    The company made the strategic decision to increase its investments in app development projects with in-game advertising as the primary revenue model. This decision followed the strong growth of the in-game app Porofessor and a projected positive market outlook for the coming years, which is also supported by external market analyses.As previously communicated, the company is developing a new in-game app and community for the extremely popular game Valorant, developed by the game studio Riot, with a planned launch and integration into the company's portfolio in the first half of 2024. Additional in-game apps will follow after this launch.
    The company has appointed Anders Ribbing as the new CEO, as part of the previously communicated strategic review. Anders will assume the role on June 3 24, 2024. Björn Mannerqvist, who has successfully led the company as co-founder and CEO, will continue to contribute to M.O.B.A.'s success in the role of COO. Anders Ribbing comes from a role as Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at Everysport Group AB (publ) and has extensive experience successfully leading businesses based on digital products and services. Anders has held many key roles at major companies such as the TV4 Group and has also worked as a strategy consultant, CEO, and entrepreneur with successful exits behind him. Anders is well acquainted with the company's current business model and has broad experience in evaluating and applying new business models. In his new role as COO, Björn Mannerqvist will focus on optimizing the company's SEO and AI initiatives, as well as working on the existing business and new growth projects.

Significant events after the period 1 January – 31 March 2024

    On April 26, 2024, the group held its annual general meeting. The meeting resolved to approve the income statement and balance sheet, the consolidated income statement and balance sheet, and the allocation of the company's profit according to the adopted balance sheet. The meeting resolved to discharge the members of the board of directors and the CEO from liability. The re-election of board members Maria A. Grimaldi and Manfred Gottschlich, and the election of new member Mikael Gottschlich, were approved. Jonas Bertilsson was elected chairman. Fredrik Burvall and Henrik Henriksson declined re-election. Authorization was given to issue shares for a potential earn-out to the seller of Wargraphs S.A.S.

This information is information that M.O.B.A. Network is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 2024-05-15 07:30 CEST.
Quote:M.O.B.A. Network announces a buyback of the company's own corporate bonds to strengthen its financial position
26 juni 2024 09:00:00
Spoiler:  (click to show)

M.O.B.A. Network AB, a global leader in operating gaming communities and products, is pleased to announce the repurchase of parts of an issued bond, demonstrating the company's commitment to enhancing its financial strength.

M.O.B.A. Network has repurchased EUR 1 million of its own corporate bonds listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. These repurchases pertain to the company's bond loans (2023/2026) with an outstanding nominal amount of EUR 25 million (ISIN SE0020050540). The repurchase was made at 92.45% of the bonds' nominal value, for a total amount of EUR 924,500. M.O.B.A. Network now owns EUR 2.9 million (11.6%) of the bonds' outstanding nominal amount.

“By buying back bonds, below nominal value, we decrease our interest payments and net debt. This strategic move highlights our positive financial trajectory and underscores our ability to make such proactive financial decisions. We will keep reviewing our balance sheet and actively managing our capital structure to boost shareholder value," stated Anders Ribbing, CEO of M.O.B.A. Network.

For more information about the bond and M.O.B.A. Network, please visit the corporate website,

Anders Ribbing, CEO
Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB

Edit: I'm no finacial talking guy but losing money and your bonds not being worth their full amount stikes me as bad?

Easily explained by systemic issues (nep is an admin of Era) and bad luck (BDubs is the general manager)
Guess Who wrote:the real problem and something i think should be pointed out now. is he went full naked White Christian Nationalism before the think tanks can rebrand it for for white women. You totally smell the tech pro influence on him
Only one person has awful grammar like that and it gave me a headache for trying to figure out wtf is he talking about
bro should stick to comics.  OH!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-27-2024, 02:29 AM)Uncle wrote:
(07-27-2024, 12:13 AM)negativecrepe wrote:
(07-26-2024, 10:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Lava is a victim. No matter if he tries to defend or not, he was clearly groomed and is going through a lot right now. I hope Chris gets hit with the force of the law.

i dont think victimhood should be forced on someone because a big part of it is a mindset

if i was 15 years old and my 20 year old woman teacher had sex with me yeah technically i would be a victim but i wouldnt be calling myself a victim, i'd be calling myself a pimp, the teacher would still be a creep tho for going after people that young

something I've thought about too

I feel like this is something society isn't ready to acknowledge because if some types of abuse can rarely and situationally make someone feel good or at least leave no real scars, that opens an avenue for people to start arguing that it's actually ok sometimes

problem is, I think a victim who doesn't personally feel victimized needs to be made fully aware that it was wrong so they don't fall into perpetuating it and possibly hurt someone else because they personally didn't have a bad experience (i.e. the idea of "normalizing" it)

but yeah, I have to think surely there are lots of people who have to be convinced that they were abused and that they need to feel bad about it and take therapy

there have to be people who are like "oh yeah, my adult cousin did touch me that one time...I forgot about that lol whatev"

Long story but pertinent. A million years ago I worked with with someone that was looking to hook up with me. She was always flirting so I finally told her you're 18 and I'm 34. It ain't going to work. She said "I don't want a boyfriend I'm just looking for a fuck buddy." I told her if she was 10 years older I would, but she's too young. She kind of got offended by that and said "Why can't I fuck whoever I want? I pursued you. You're not taking advantage of me." Well that's all the convincing I needed. Lol

About 6 months later she got a job out of state. We stopped being fuck buddies and became regular friends. I think she's like 38 now and we're still friends. 

Now to the pertinent part. Since the "me too" thing and power dynamics. I told her that I never tell the women I'm with now about her because of the age difference. I told her the couple times I did bring it up. The women thought I was a big creep. She laughed and said "I don't get it. If a man is 18 and fucks a 30-year-old it's empowering  for the woman. But if a guy does it, you're some kind of pedo." She said she finds it infantilizing. She said when you're an adult, empowerment is when you get to decide who you fuck and it's not anybody else's business. 

She also said if any women give me a hard time she'll call them and let them know she wasn't taken advantage of or that it messed her up. That's why reading this kind of reminded me of that. 

I think the moral of the story is it's on a case-by-case basis. There's probably some people that can handle it and some people that can't.

Quote: Cop User banned (3 days): Misrepresenting moderation. You weren't warned for criticizing Mr. Beast. You were warned for calling other posters bootlickers.
Lange wrote:Careful here guys, I know from experience you get a warning for criticizing mr beast in this forum.
A new level of pettiness. Dead

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Antagonizing other members, recent ban for the same
Thorrgal wrote:
EggShen's6DemonBag wrote:Well in this thread and in most conversation "diet" refers to "weight loss" and CICO is all that matters so...."Shit advice" for that would be "oh eat good healthy nutritious plant-based food"; advice which, if followed absolutely scrupulously, might very well result in ZERO weight loss. And if it does, it's ONLY because it ALSO happened to adhere to CICO.
Do you REALLY need to write IN SO MANY CAPS or do you do it on PURPOSE to seem even MORE obnoxious.
(07-27-2024, 03:21 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
Guess Who wrote:the real problem and something i think should be pointed out now. is he went full naked White Christian Nationalism before the think tanks can rebrand it for for white women. You totally smell the tech pro influence on him
1. The phrase "Christian Nationalism" doesn't make sense in the United States, you guys need to stop all saying this because whoever started this is making you all look stupid.
2. If Christian Nationalism was a thing, white woman would be all for it because they love vague spiritual sounding nonsense that doesn't make too many demands about specifics which a Christian Nationalism in the United States would have to be.
(07-26-2024, 05:41 PM)Potato wrote:
(07-26-2024, 02:32 PM)Straight Edge wrote:
(07-26-2024, 01:32 PM)Uncle wrote: thread's been moving fast for the last few days but this is a good post

it feels like what era types and other internet communists have done is pretend socialism/communism is imminent or already here, and to achieve the most personal utility in that world, you maximize your gains by minimizing your utility to the state

you say ohhh yeah I'll do my part to the best of my ability, it's just a shame that my autism is flaring up again, I don't have many spoons today, and then there's my self-diagnosed gluten intolerance when the state just keeps giving us bread and that makes me sluggish  Gloomy

problem is despite their best efforts, the real world still rewards/requires genuine effort in most cases, hence their suffering and continued efforts to tear down anything promoting personal responsibility

they want communism so they can continue to lie about their own lack of merit and be rewarded for it

[Image: OZDEAyY.png]

There is a curious lack of doctors, scientists, and engineers in this utopia.

Or farmers, miners, metalworkers, carpenters, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, builders, actual bakers (not, "I make cookies teehee 🤭), tailors, cobblers or any sort of trade.
This is the Austrian critique of socialism. That a modern, especially global, economy is beyond a single human's comprehension. Hence, central planning is impossible because no human can be omniscient. And it's all interdependent, making choices about capital means it can't be used for other things and the number of things that rely on these choices are staggering. Socialists believe this is not only possible, but simple. Marx used a single sentence to dismiss the idea it would be a challenge to allocate all of this.

Leninist strains of socialism admit there must be forced labor and see this as a positive thing, unlike capitalism everyone will work for the good. It's not "forced" because the collective is deciding it free of false consciousness and individuals happily agree because they are good patriots. This would never fly in the West, we were already too liberalism-pilled, so all the Western forms of communism developed an elaborate cope: that the capitalist distribution of labor would be recreated by people simply choosing what they wish to do. Even though their critique of capitalism is that it pays people differently to do different jobs and uses pay to entice people to do things they don't want to just choose to do. And also this wouldn't effect the central plan because it would somehow magically match the number of garbagemen to the number of people who want to be garbagemen. And this magical coincidence would cascade across the entire economy, something the dumb Austrians didn't think of.

Few socialists bother to try to ever understand capitalism so they almost universally think they personally could make a central plan. It almost always resembles something incredibly vague and based around a handful of people much like "take a carrot, leave a carrot" was.
(07-27-2024, 04:37 AM)benji wrote:
(07-26-2024, 05:41 PM)Potato wrote:
(07-26-2024, 02:32 PM)Straight Edge wrote: There is a curious lack of doctors, scientists, and engineers in this utopia.

Or farmers, miners, metalworkers, carpenters, mechanics, plumbers, electricians, builders, actual bakers (not, "I make cookies teehee 🤭), tailors, cobblers or any sort of trade.
This is the Austrian critique of socialism. That a modern, especially global, economy is beyond a single human's comprehension. Hence, central planning is impossible because no human can be omniscient. And it's all interdependent, making choices about capital means it can't be used for other things and the number of things that rely on these choices are staggering. Socialists believe this is not only possible, but simple. Marx used a single sentence to dismiss the idea it would be a challenge to allocate all of this.

Leninist strains of socialism admit there must be forced labor and see this as a positive thing, unlike capitalism everyone will work for the good. It's not "forced" because the collective is deciding it free of false consciousness and individuals happily agree because they are good patriots. This would never fly in the West, we were already too liberalism-pilled, so all the Western forms of communism developed an elaborate cope: that the capitalist distribution of labor would be recreated by people simply choosing what they wish to do. Even though their critique of capitalism is that it pays people differently to do different jobs and uses pay to entice people to do things they don't want to just choose to do. And also this wouldn't effect the central plan because it would somehow magically match the number of garbagemen to the number of people who want to be garbagemen. And this magical coincidence would cascade across the entire economy, something the dumb Austrians didn't think of.

Few socialists bother to try to ever understand capitalism so they almost universally think they personally could make a central plan. It almost always resembles something incredibly vague and based around a handful of people much like "take a carrot, leave a carrot" was.

Marx later proposed a similar solution to the Leninists: enslaving lesser races incapable of understanding communism to do the important jobs not enough enlightened comrades would want to do. Black Africans, specifically. It was in one of his letters to Engels if I remember correctly.
Quote:I'm with you. I've actually physically fainted in movie theaters, more than once.
I'm in my 40s. Sad, but sort of accepted it. Some trauma from youth, years of therapy, still can catch you offguard.

I've mentioned it here before, didn't seem to get much of a response; but glad people are supporting you!

I basically see most R rated films at home, in an environment I can control.
If I feel like I can control my "immersion," I.e. the light levels, easy ability to get up and walk out of the room, close proximity to water and cool spaces, no stigma about looking at my phone for distraction, etc... I'm fine. It's much easier to enjoy the content when you feel like you're in control.

In a dark, crowded movie theater that feeling of being "stuck" really heightens the anxiety.
I don't do it well, the fear of what might be coming that would trigger me + the lack of control over my environment and my body is a bad combo.

In those cases, I either... don't go to the movie theater.
Or I take a xanax 20 minutes before the show starts, and it usually helps significantly!
Again, I wish KiwiFarms was not so awful to read so I could get more about the Ava stuff. The weird religious bend some posters there are doing is also pretty WTF, the same happened with the Rickieta thread.
(07-26-2024, 12:17 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

sAbobo wrote:The whiplash from the Biden steps down to this thread being the main focus, really shows me that this isn't the place for me to be involved in. Curtains stances that originated from far right fringe elements to suppress voting are now passed along by their targets. I wish the best to a majority of the people in here. Have a good day and hopefully a pleasant future.

Quote: Cop User Banned (3 Weeks): History of metacommentary and sniping at other members, thread derailment
(07-27-2024, 04:57 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Again, I wish KiwiFarms was not so awful to read so I could get more about the Ava stuff. The weird religious bend some posters there are doing is also pretty WTF, the same happened with the Rickieta thread.
One of the positive things about Kiwi Farms is the ratings, because they aren't simple upvotes/downvotes, are surprisingly a good guide to the posts, accounting for the fact that posts that just insult people will get high ratings. The posters who seem like the people who make everything about whatever they're on about like a Crossing Eden or ZeoVGM or benji or ClickyCal seem to not get a lot of support. The people with information or useful analysis tend to get more.

That "highlights" thing Null made is far from perfect but I'm not sure the problem isn't just with whatever formula it uses to pick the posts. It should probably overrate their "informative" rating compared to whatever it is now and downplay "like", that would filter out more of the ones where it's somebody just delivering a great insult.

I don't know how well this works if you're trying to keep up on the conversation like you seem to be but trying to find out about a person who has a thread I've found it works fairly well if the OP is outdated or just not very good.

By comparison the ratings Evilore made were all just basically different ways to say "lol" while Kiwi Farms has a few that emphasize agreement or informative that people seem to actually use. If our single like system wasn't so perfect I'd be much more inclined to a broader range of "opinions" like Kiwi Farms uses versus almost every other system I've seen.

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