Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-29-2024, 09:33 AM)benji wrote: He got to do the JSA reboot and he also got to do three seasons of Stargirl before leaving DC. Now he's got his own company: that apparently is already developing streaming adaptions of stuff.


2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
The Revolution prevailed:

Far-right forum is upset about the people's victory over fascism: wrote:Election stolen.

I guess my country is next since our current president is very buddy buddy with Maduro.
Mingoguaya wrote:Unfortunately Venezuela will never get out of that dictatorship. They will need to resort to extreme measures to rid themselves of Maduro.

Extreme measures.
Mingoguaya wrote:I wonder how the people in Venezuela are taking the news. I fear this time they won't take it lightly at all and a lot of blood will be spilled before this night is over.
Quote:They aren't even hiding it this time, they didn't even bother with theater and drag it out a few days or something. What scum.
Serpens007, Moderator wrote:They really went out there stealing this one huh. Fuck this shit
Quote:It's gonna be ugly in Venezuela tonight. I know the people will just not take this lying down.
Quote:Cuba, Honduras (and probably you should add colombia too) are celebrating the results.

The rest of flags on the tweet are calling this bullcrap.
Quote:I can guarantee you that the Honduran government is siding with Maduro.

Hopefully the people here will wake up to the dangers of fraud in our elections next year.
Quote:Maduro said Milei the president of Argentina is ugly, stupid and takes stupid photos.
Quote:The opposition is calling for non-violence and reconcilliation. I guess nothing is going to happen, then.
Mauricio_Magus wrote:I hope that AMLO doesn't do the same but... I don't expect much from him.
Quote:Just came out. Venezuelan chancellery released an statement saying goberments of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Rep. Dom are making a movement in latin america to intervene in the "clean and peaceful elections"

Motherfucker is not going anywhere.
Quote:- AMLO: The people of Venezuela have chosen Maduro as their president; we respect the democratic results.
- Sheinbaum: I agree with the president.
Quote:So realistically what could be done to force maduro's hand besides civil war?
Quote:Sanctions have proven to be very ineffective in this regard. As you say, an internal revolt is the only way. But that could trigger other countries to intervene and turn Venezuela into Vietnam 2.0 (Russia, China and Iran bloc will support Maduro).
Quote:[Zelaya] is on her way out. Nobody likes her or her party, they have shown how utterly useless they are at managing the simplest of things.

If they win it'll be through the same fraud that's happening in Venezuela.
Quote:He's not getting out, can't wait for Lula to congratule him as well. Latin-America is a joke.
Wish that Nepenthe and Booshka would get in here to provide a little basic theory to all these people demanding capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy overthrow the dignified life that Venezuelans have established through a quarter century of revolution.
[Image: VENEZUELA-WINS.png] wrote:Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on a successful, fair and transparent election, and congratulates President Nicolas Maduro on his re-election with 51.2% of the vote, announced shortly after midnight by the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), the Venezuelan election authority. The victory of President Maduro is a victory for the Bolivarian revolution, the people of Venezuela, the Palestinian people, and everyone struggling against imperialism everywhere in the world.

Mohammed Khatib, the Europe coordinator of Samidoun, is currently in Venezuela representing Samidoun as a part of approximately 1000 international solidarity delegates and election observers to witness the presidential elections, which were conducted on July 28, 2024. “The victory of President Maduro in this election is a victory for Venezuela, for Palestine, for the Bolivarian revolution and for everyone confronting imperialism,” Khatib said.

“Throughout the day and our entire delegation, the vibrancy and depth of Venezuelan political life was abundantly apparent. In popular neighbourhoods, people entered the streets to raise the Venezuelan flag and cheer for President Maduro and the Bolivarian promise. There was tremendous participation by women and youth in the electoral process, and a powerful presence of working-class struggle everywhere we went,” Khatib noted.

After a busy day of polling, in which international observers viewed an orderly, transparent and well-run election system at polling places throughout Caracas and nationwide, the eagerly awaited election results were announced shortly after midnight on July 29. President Maduro won with 51.2% of the vote, followed by his primary opposition challenger Edmundo Gonzales, with 44.2% of the vote, with an overall turnout of 59% of the 21.3 million-person voter base.

As expected, US-backed opposition figures, far-right figures from across Latin America from Mauricio Macri to Ivan Duque to Javier Milei have weighed in attempting to undermine the democratic process in Venezuela for no reason other than that they, and their sponsor in the United States, are unhappy with the election results. The people of Venezuela have spoken again, as they have repeatedly over the past 25 years, and again on this July 28 — Hugo Chavez’ birthday — for the Bolivarian process and for socialism.
Quote:Under Chavez, Venezuela cut all ties with “Israel” in 2009, amid the “Operation Cast Lead” aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Chavez’s willingness to confront U.S. imperialism openly in a wide range of international arenas, alongside his commitment to the Bolivarian socialist project in Venezuela, won him strong support globally, including from Palestinians and Arabs.

In 2018, Ahmad Sa’adat, imprisoned General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a prominent leader of the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, wrote:
Quote:The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been a stalwart friend of the Palestinian people. In all international arenas and forums and through practical support and material solidarity, the Venezuelan people and state have stood with the Palestinian people, confronting imperialism and Zionism. Venezuela’s rejection of diplomatic ties with the Israeli colonial regime stands as an example in the world of principled solidarity and boycott, especially as the Palestinian movement, including the Palestinian prisoners’ movement, urges international boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel… We know well the words and actions of Hugo Chavez in support of the Palestinian people and his clear condemnations of the Zionist attacks on the Palestinian people. ‘The State of Israel has become a murderous lackey at the service of imperialism…It’s a genocidal government. I condemn that Zionist government that persecutes the heroic Palestinian people,’ Chavez said. His words on Palestine and in support of the struggle of our people have bolstered the strength and resolve of Palestinians everywhere.

On the other hand, the Venezuelan opposition, backed by the United States, imperialist powers including the European Union and Canada, and an array of global far-right forces aligned with imperialism, has sought out an alliance with the genocidal Zionist regime. Maria Corina Machado, the leader of the Venezuelan opposition — for which Gonzales was selected as a replacement, as she was barred from running due to her repeated involvement in subverting democracy in Venezuela, including her role in promoting Juan Guaido as “interim president” in 2019 in a failed coup attempt. She was involved in prior coup attempts in 2002 and 2014, and promised to privatize 90% of state industries in Venezuela, bring an end to free health care, cut social programs and otherwise devastate the Chavista program. While this won her accolades from far-right libertarian Javier Milei of Argentina, it is no surprise that this failed to find an echo in the popular neighbourhoods of Venezuela.

Of course, Machado also sought an alliance with Zionism. In 2018, Machado wrote a letter to the infamous war criminal, genocidaire and Prime Minister of the zionist entity, Benjamin Netanyahu, requesting the occupation’s participation in a military intervention in Venezuela, through a document published on her X social media account. She gave interviews to Zionist TV, not only pledging to reestablish diplomatic ties with “Israel” but to establish a Venezuelan embassy in occupied Jerusalem.

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that as the people of Venezuela celebrate the victory of their Bolivarian Revolution in the streets of Caracas, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken — best-known for his fervent support for the continuation of “Israeli” genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza — appeared in Japan to fan the flames of discredited assertions by far-right opposition figures that, somehow, despite the presence of their own observers at the polls and the highly transparent and regulated election system in Venezuela, the results “do not reflect the will of the Venezuelan people.” It is clear, instead, that the results do not reflect the will of U.S. imperialism.
Spoiler: more evidence of Maduro's standing on the right side of history including with persecuted members like noodlesoup (click to show) wrote:Mexico City, Mexico, May 7, 2024 ( – Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro expressed his solidarity with students in the United States protesting against Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza while questioning the silence of human rights organizations amid a crackdown against freedom of expression in the US.

“What would they say if in Venezuela the police suddenly entered and raided the country’s universities and dragged away professors, students, workers as is happening in the United States, where seventy universities have been raided?” asked Maduro during his weekly broadcast on Monday night.

The Venezuelan president likewise criticized Israel’s decision to censor Al Jazeera and expressed his support for the workers of the Qatar-backed international news outlet.

“They have suffered persecution, the murder of their journalists and now the Zionist regime and colonialist occupier under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to silence them,” said Maduro.

The Venezuelan government also condemned Israel’s latest assault on Gaza following Monday’s invasion of Rafah.
Quote:“Venezuela, consistent with its unrestricted support for the Palestinian cause and the just claim for its existence and sovereignty, expresses its absolute solidarity with its People and Government, including the families of the victims, and hopes for the speedy recovery of the wounded and injured,” read a statement published by Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil.

The communique called for the international community to take all the steps necessary to reestablish “legality and international law in the area” in order to avoid a further escalation that could lead to a regional conflict.

The Maduro government has previously publicly spoken out in favor of South Africa’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). wrote:Mexico City, Mexico, February 27, 2024 ( – Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro paid tribute to the sacrifice made by Aaron Bushnell, the US airman who self-immolated outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, to bring attention to the plight of the Palestinian people.

In his final words, Bushnell reiterated a call to stop the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

“We call on the conscience of the entire world to stop this genocide. How can it be that we have to see someone, a soldier, a young man, immolate himself in order to denounce something as horrific as genocide,” said Maduro during his weekly television program on Monday.
Yet the Zionists on celebrate an attempted coup of this anti-genocide democratic leader.
I find it really hard to get excited about the new DC movie stuff with Gunn at the helm. Dunno what it is but I'm not really a huge fan of his stuff.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Polident
Quote:- AMLO: The people of Venezuela have chosen Maduro as their president; we respect the democratic results.
- Sheinbaum: I agree with the president.

I know I can trust AMLO judgement:
Having had to recently suspend The Bire Constitution due to threats to democracy, I pledge solidarity with Maduro trying to stand up to imperialist threats. Juche
You are killing me, Benji! 

Not like this! Existential Juche Sad

I love (hate) how some of the articles you posted are from people from Mexico.
Had to check Maduro’s view on She Hulk. Found… what?
(07-29-2024, 09:53 AM)jooseloose wrote: I find it really hard to get excited about the new DC movie stuff with Gunn at the helm. Dunno what it is but I'm not really a huge fan of his stuff.

I really loved The Suicide Squad. Yeshrug 

And people seem to love Guardians.
(07-29-2024, 09:57 AM)Boredfrom wrote: I love (hate) how some of the articles you posted are from people from Mexico.
I was going to comfort you that it just appeared to be where the reporter was located but after clicking onto the About page it's clear that's a pro-Maduro website. lol
(07-29-2024, 09:58 AM)Polident wrote: Had to check Maduro’s view on She Hulk. Found… what?

Prepare to cry.
(07-29-2024, 09:58 AM)Polident wrote: Had to check Maduro’s view on She Hulk. Found… what?
To be fair, you'd be upset too if you stayed up that late watching the worst Raimi Spider-Man film (and he makes it sound like a real struggle to do):
Quote:The Venezuelan president said he made the connection this week after watching the film Spider-Man 3 with his wife:

That's the trouble, from the beginning until the end there are more and more dead. And that's one of the series small children love most... because it's attractive, it's from comics that are attractive, the figure, the colors and movements... so much so that we finished watching it at four in the morning.
(07-29-2024, 10:04 AM)benji wrote:
(07-29-2024, 09:57 AM)Boredfrom wrote: I love (hate) how some of the articles you posted are from people from Mexico.
I was going to comfort you that it just appeared to be where the reporter was located but after clicking onto the About page it's clear that's a pro-Maduro website. lol

I’m not surprised. That is the Mexican’s left. Willam
Venezuela is the poster child and stands for everything these people believe.  The inability to adopt market friendly reforms and to open the private sector from the influx of 70s nationalized oil boom cash is exactly the type of government they envision.  Now they're against it? Arrest these anti-revolutionary traitors.
(07-29-2024, 10:15 AM)Propagandhim wrote: Venezuela is the poster child and stands for everything these people believe.  The inability to adopt market friendly reforms and to open the private sector from the influx of 70s nationalized oil boom cash is exactly the type of government they envision.  Now they're against it? Arrest these anti-revolutionary traitors.
There were way more Chavistas telling me that shortages were a capitalist myth and/or plot to smear the Revolution back on GAF I can tell you that. Not to mention that all the opposition were landlords who fled upset about having their theft stopped.
Spanish speaking forums were not better.
Serpens007 wrote:They really went out there stealing this one huh. Fuck this shit


I remember some of your posts… you are no one to bitch about this.
I still don't quite understand how a bolivarian revolution is socialism tbh
Meanwhile the bickering continues in the thread about the boy who hates his dad -

Quote:I'm not sure how you both come to that take (getting money back) from my post.
It's about talking sense to the store owner to be more mindful in the future. A 8 year old kid who pays trading cards with a 200€ bill clearly did not got permission from his parents to do so.

Quote:I am not sure if the word "clearly" means what you think it does, because there are situations where it would not exactly be strange.

"Hi Mr/Ms shop owner, my child came in with a 200euro bill and bought trading cards, what is wrong with you? Don't your employees pay attention? Can't they keep track of every kid who comes in? What is wrong with you!"

"Well Mr/Ms parent, I think you should focus more on why your kid is running around with 200 euro notes and spending them freely? The kid said their parents were waiting outside/that they were using their birthday money or some other is not our job to be the parent. "

Quote:A possible snarky response from the shopkeeper is ok, what counts is that he has been told that its not cool in hopes that he does better in the future.

Still not sure why it is so difficult for you to see, the only way I can explain is that you have some kind of "result focused mindset" and if something doesn't yield an immediate result, it's not worth the pursuit.

Quote:Pretty sure that is chapter 3 of the Karen Handbook but you do you mate.

Quote:No, what you don't understand is that it is in no way a vendor's responsibility to police who is legally buying their wares.

You say it's clear that a parent wouldn't give their kid €200 to spend on whatever. It's not. Maybe it was a birthday present. Maybe they worked for it somehow. What's a shopkeeper meant to do instead of asking a kid who may as well lie anyway and you have to take their word for it. It's getting them involved in a situation where they can't really do much anyway.

What people are saying is that as a matter of principle it is none of the shopkeeper's business. If there was a safeguarding issue, maybe, but that's why we have laws against kids buying lighter fluid, or drugs, or whatever. You're overextending their rope when they're just a random person selling goods. If they knew the family, sure, there's a relationship, but that doesn't sound like the case here.
(07-29-2024, 01:18 AM)killamajig wrote:
There is a place for punishment, for banishment, and even capital punishment, but unfortunately the way our society prioritizes capital over human flourishing, those most deserving of punishment are more likely to be the ones helping to propagate our carceral state.

How we define violence, power and who gets to mete out punishment to whom is fundamentally backwards in our classist society.

lol lol Carceral lol lol

Ignoring the other nonsense, I have to point this out because it made me laugh. 

I worked in a prison and I never heard anyone use that word. They try so hard to sound like they know what they are talking about over there.

Prison, eh? What's your view on the proper definition of sex slavery, pray tell?
(07-29-2024, 08:30 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-29-2024, 08:21 AM)Polident wrote:
(07-29-2024, 07:44 AM)benji wrote: If Feige really had balls, he'd bring back Ultron and James Spader and make a non-shitty version.

Just on principle, we should just remake everything Whedon's ever done so it can be as good as it should be.

I’m in part to blame for watching it in theaters, but some movies come out, make a billion dollars, and nobody remembers anything about them. This isn’t a dig at Avatar and Avatar 2 The Way of Water by director James Cameron. More the entire Jurassic World series or those Pirates movies after 3.

Meanwhile, when I ask the average person on the street to tell me their favorite scene from Alita Battle Angel, they go on and on.

The only good Pirates of the Caribbean film is the first one. Bolo 

I’m dying in that hill.

That's not a hill. There is no war. We are all at peace with your opinion.
(07-29-2024, 10:26 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I still don't quite understand how a bolivarian revolution is socialism tbh

Neither do Resetera, but  Angry Joe
Grammer has been canceled.
Rychu wrote:Talked to a Republican voter today who told me that they are more motivated to vote for Trump than ever with Harris as the nominee. When I asked why, they told me: "Because democracy is at stake. It's scary that so many people support Kamala Harris because she will grant citizenship and voting rights to tens of millions of illegal immigrants and Republicans will never win another election in my lifetime. We will be a one-party country and they will be no democracy anymore."

Gives you an idea of where "the other side" is at and how differently we think compared to them.

So not differently at all? lol
(07-29-2024, 01:14 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Rychu wrote:Talked to a Republican voter today who told me that they are more motivated to vote for Trump than ever with Harris as the nominee. When I asked why, they told me: "Because democracy is at stake. It's scary that so many people support Kamala Harris because she will grant citizenship and voting rights to tens of millions of illegal immigrants and Republicans will never win another election in my lifetime. We will be a one-party country and they will be no democracy anymore."

Gives you an idea of where "the other side" is at and how differently we think compared to them.

So not differently at all? lol

Almost reads like a troll post. How can they not see that it is word-for-word madlibs of what Era posters claim all the time?

AcademicSaucer wrote:The opposition has to negotiate pardons and immunity with the military to get them to withdraw support from Maduro

The opposition has literally ZERO power and the military fully supports Maduro, you dumb fuck!
(07-29-2024, 10:37 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(07-29-2024, 01:18 AM)killamajig wrote:
There is a place for punishment, for banishment, and even capital punishment, but unfortunately the way our society prioritizes capital over human flourishing, those most deserving of punishment are more likely to be the ones helping to propagate our carceral state.

How we define violence, power and who gets to mete out punishment to whom is fundamentally backwards in our classist society.

lol lol Carceral lol lol

Ignoring the other nonsense, I have to point this out because it made me laugh. 

I worked in a prison and I never heard anyone use that word. They try so hard to sound like they know what they are talking about over there.

Prison, eh? What's your view on the proper definition of sex slavery, pray tell?

First, it depends on the victims race and religon. Second, what is the race and religon of the accused. Otherwise I can't tell you if I don't have those details. I don't care about the facts of the case, we need to see what the victim tweeted before I give you the definition. I hope that makes it crystal clear. Tongue

BTW, I never ran across an inmate pimping out other inmates. Not saying it never happens, but it would be even less likely to happen in a jail I would think. But you never know, some jails and prisons are still run like the Cool Hand Luke days. 
Pro Tip: don't get locked up in Georgia. Every inmate that went there said it was the worst and AZ felt like a country club compared to that.

What Plagerize said pissed me off enough I looked up his jail and found his supervisor. Fortunately I couldn't find the counties social media policy for officers. If it was like mine, he definitely violated some. Also, the way he denigrated his jail saying there is prostitution going on, he could get fired for that alone.

Then I remembered not to interact with the exhibits. It's a good rule of thumb.

Plagerize I hope you don't read this *wink wink* but if you want to keep your job you might want to tone down the ACAB shit. When I was heated, I got screenshots and links to your more inappropriate posts. Sheriff Donna D. Buckley might not approve. Letting you know incase you start getting insubordinate and want to shit all over the the people that are paying for your new tits. Just sayin.

But what do I know? I'm just some rando on the internet, not some guy with a verifiable record of supervisory and training experience in the correctional field.
Officially four times more ban worthy to disagree with Islam about anything than advocate for political violence: wrote: User banned (1 month): islamophobic rhetoric

Islam gets a lot of stuff wrong but on arse washing it gets everything right.
Quote:I actually managed to sleep the second half of the night but I'm still operating on basically a half night's sleep.

I feel like crap. Just walking around doing work is tough. I have no idea what's wrong with my body lately.

Anyone else feeling like a zombie today?

If we take away Marvel, Star Wars and capitalism this is the scintillating discussions Reee is left with.
(07-29-2024, 01:48 PM)benji wrote: Officially four times more ban worthy to disagree with Islam about anything than advocate for political violence: wrote: User banned (1 month): islamophobic rhetoric

Islam gets a lot of stuff wrong but on arse washing it gets everything right.

I find it hard to believe that the even-handed moderators are upset about the extremely mild phrase "Islam gets a lot of stuff wrong".

I think they are more upset by the implication that practitioners have perfect ass-cleaning habits...just another impossible standard set by yts to ensure POC always face an uphill battle.

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