Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Uncle wrote:it's kind of fucking obvious she's pretending she has more in common than she does by code switching around certain populations

But Trump does the same, but with social and economic classes. Yeshrug

Quote: but it's more fun/inflammatory to be imprecise and upset a bunch of people

But you could see the moment that Trump knew he fucked up. lol

And this audience are not his usual sycophants that celebrate him everything.

Again, my question is less about Trump and more how the user defines ethnicity and race, because there white Jamaicans, very few but there are, but he throws black like we understood what it means in that context so he is not exactly someone to complain about white people not understanding race.
Code switching is survival for minorities.

Mr. Worldwide

This is the point of trump acting bewildered about Kamala. To stir shit up. People need to stop eating it up.

'92 for me....and yeah this and even the 1980 map will never not perplex me even with explanation

first time I agreed with him
Nobody thats voting for him cares about this.  Weird that they think this is some big fuck up.
Trump is a hero for doing an interview with people that hate him and then bodying them.

It would be the equivalent of Kamala Harris going on the Alex Jones show. She would never ever.
Trump doesn't give a fuck and they can't show the clips because the audience laughs and loves it. 

Now the question is, will Kamala continue to present herself as a black woman going forward or did he end that. 

Trump is just taking a blow torch and a sledge hammer to their entire staged fantasy feel good "magical" yass queen campaign
(07-31-2024, 09:55 PM)killamajig wrote:

I've watched Deadpool & Wolverine today. It was probably the first movie I went alone after since 2016. I forgot about how it feels like a therapy. When I was waiting for the movie to start, it was like a dream. I wasn't thinking about my life or problems. Just me and the movie. I should do it more often but other than Gladiator II, I don't have interest in any other 2024 movies.
Is it bad that I feel the same way Undecided
[Image: j6NktAI.jpg]
(08-01-2024, 01:36 AM)Snoopy wrote: [Image: j6NktAI.jpg]

Wow that's really misogynistic.

rzks21 wrote:
GhostTrick wrote:There's a lot of people here who hate to see any discussion about Palestine outside of this thread for very obvious reason and I don't think this is because of mods or admins but because of many users acting in bad faith in this community, because of racism (yes, I'm saying it).

When you see people calling Biden a hero, when you see people dropping in this thread to either spread misinformation or to do so outside of this thread, that is done with a not so subtle intent and there are users who already cracked their mask and expressed their discontent about people talking about Palestine. You'll see other posters trying to be "subtle" by using the word "terminally online people" "tiktok kids" "single issue voters" and such, trying to be smartass, but it's much of the same.
Many of us have been saying for months that Era has partly devolved into your typical libshit space where mainly white users expect others to accept a genocide for the sake of their maintaining their own rights and privileges intact.

Moderation has become much better, that I will say, but there are still cases of people popping up to casually remind brown users that their lives are ok to throw under the bus and baiting us in very obvious ways.

Heck, I still remember how many people here and in other threads got banned for arguing it was ok not to vote Biden and that he should drop out of the race to allow a less genocidal candidate to run. The piece of shit is out now and thankfully the polls are looking great, so to all these people shaming us for daring go against the great white leader: fuck you and know that you specifically did deserve Trump the most out of anyone.
(08-01-2024, 01:06 AM)Greatness Gone wrote:
(07-31-2024, 09:55 PM)killamajig wrote:

I've watched Deadpool & Wolverine today. It was probably the first movie I went alone after since 2016. I forgot about how it feels like a therapy. When I was waiting for the movie to start, it was like a dream. I wasn't thinking about my life or problems. Just me and the movie. I should do it more often but other than Gladiator II, I don't have interest in any other 2024 movies.
Is it bad that I feel the same way Undecided

Dune 2 and Inside Out 2 didn't do anything for you? Not excited for Joker 2, Moana 2, and Anora 1?
Biden, the Great White leader lol

Rinku_ wrote:It's not just black and brown people who are in the west or who are terminally online. It is a universal experience against the oppressor, it should be no shock that this predominantly white, liberal space has no capacity to understand our struggle.

Found another dude who lives in a 2 story house in the suburbs of America.
(08-01-2024, 01:57 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

rzks21 wrote:
GhostTrick wrote:There's a lot of people here who hate to see any discussion about Palestine outside of this thread for very obvious reason and I don't think this is because of mods or admins but because of many users acting in bad faith in this community, because of racism (yes, I'm saying it).

When you see people calling Biden a hero, when you see people dropping in this thread to either spread misinformation or to do so outside of this thread, that is done with a not so subtle intent and there are users who already cracked their mask and expressed their discontent about people talking about Palestine. You'll see other posters trying to be "subtle" by using the word "terminally online people" "tiktok kids" "single issue voters" and such, trying to be smartass, but it's much of the same.
Many of us have been saying for months that Era has partly devolved into your typical libshit space where mainly white users expect others to accept a genocide for the sake of their maintaining their own rights and privileges intact.

Moderation has become much better, that I will say, but there are still cases of people popping up to casually remind brown users that their lives are ok to throw under the bus and baiting us in very obvious ways.

Heck, I still remember how many people here and in other threads got banned for arguing it was ok not to vote Biden and that he should drop out of the race to allow a less genocidal candidate to run. The piece of shit is out now and thankfully the polls are looking great, so to all these people shaming us for daring go against the great white leader: fuck you and know that you specifically did deserve Trump the most out of anyone.

I’m pretty sure you are not from the U.S., asshole. 

I also get passionate about U.S. politics but you need to remember that… is not your or my country.
(08-01-2024, 02:19 AM)Propagandhim wrote:

Rinku_ wrote:It's not just black and brown people who are in the west or who are terminally online. It is a universal experience against the oppressor, it should be no shock that this predominantly white, liberal space has no capacity to understand our struggle.

Found another dude who lives in a 2 story house in the suburbs of America.

I bet you that most of Muslim RE are privileged as hell. Messy said he worked at Mecca city.
(07-31-2024, 10:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Outside of the disaster of this appearance, the maggots are all tripling down on this line of attack.

What exactly are they trying to accomplish with this? Who is this for? They don't need to fire up the base, the base is already there! What are they thinking? "Well, I was gonna vote for Kamala but she's not actually black, so now I'll vote Trump instead!"

This has to be some of the stupidest messaging I've seen in politics.

Flyinj wrote:They are trying to normalize racism so that white "undecideds" feel comfortable with it and thus feel comfortable voting for an extreme racist like Trump.

You could just say “they are racist idiots” just to no sound stupid yourself.  Yeshrug

These people really can't help but see everything through a race lens. Trump's attack is not about race, it's about authenticity, and it will work because Kamala is about as authentic as Killiary.

Nop, it was totally about race… why the fuck is saying that in the middle of a interview with a black audience.

Quote:it's about authenticity, and it will work because Kamala is about as authentic as Killiary.

They were booing him on stage.

Quote:He declared himself the best president since Abraham Lincoln for “the Black population”. He pushed back on the idea that Kamala Harris would identify as Black. (“She was Indian, and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went.”) He enunciated the word with such contempt, as if coughing up a hairball – buh-LAAAAA-kuh. All the while, crowd reactions whipsawed from incredulous laughter to deep groans. At one point the discussion shifted to Sonya Massey, the latest Black person to be unlawfully killed by police. “Are you talking [the one] with the water?” Trump asked to audible gasps.


Quote:Trump falsely claimed the vice-president and presumptive Democratic nominee had only emphasised her Asian-American heritage until recently when, he claimed, "she became a black person".
"I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black," he said at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago on Wednesday.
"So I don't know - Is she Indian? Or is she black?"

Quote:Facts First: Trump’s claims are false. Harris did not “all of a sudden” begin identifying as Black. She has embraced and discussed her Black identity for decades, beginning long before she became a political candidate, while also honoring her South Asian heritage.

Harris graduated in 1986 from Howard University, a historically Black institution where she was a member of a historically Black sorority. After that, she was elected president of the association of Black law students in her second year at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, she wrote in her 2019 memoir.

Politico reported in 2021 that, as a third-year student at the law school in 1989, Harris rose to speak against anti-Black racism at a campus demonstration prompted by the discovery of racist vandalism. Politico reported: “For Black students, she said, according to archives of the Hastings Law News, the cartoon was an example of ‘what we deal with all the time.’”

A profile of Harris in the publication AsianWeek in 2003, when she was running for San Francisco district attorney, was focused on her South Asian heritage. But it quoted Harris discussing her father as “a Black man” and saying, “I grew up with a strong Indian culture, and I was raised in a Black community. All my friends were Black and we got together and cooked Indian food and painted henna on our hands, and I never felt uncomfortable with my cultural background.”

Harris’ official online biography in 2005 as San Francisco district attorney referred to her as “the first African American woman in California to hold the office” and noted that she had attended “America’s oldest black university.” She wrote in a 2009 book about her childhood trips to both India and Jamaica, where, she wrote, “my father and uncles would talk to us about the complicated struggles of the people of Jamaica - the history of slavery, colonialism, and immigration.”

Her official online biography as California attorney general referred to her as “the first African American woman and South Asian American woman in California to hold the office” of San Francisco district attorney. In 2017, her first year as a US senator for California, she spoke about how she was “the second Black woman elected to the United States Senate.”

Harris wrote in the 2019 memoir about how her mother’s family instilled her and her sister Maya with “pride in our South Asian roots,” but also that “my mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters. She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.”

Harris said in another 2017 speech: “Look at my own life, where a daughter of a South Asian mother and a Jamaican father concluded her own interfaith wedding with her husband breaking a glass and everyone yelling, ‘Mazel tov.’”
chaobreaker wrote:Internet edgelords are so easy to please. You could be a straight-up pedo and/or sex criminal but as long as you say the magic words they will always give you unconditional support.

Quote:Seriously, some label put out a Roman Polanski box set lately and I felt like I was in some bizarro universe where that's somehow okay. It's like I'm okay with you still distributing these old Polanski movies individually without glorifying the guy, but don't put out a fucking box set with his name on in big letters celebrating him. Fuckin' awful shit.

Kiyamet wrote:The evil is defeated


No time to be cheeky. This is a serious subject matter. I dont believe them. I made up my mind on Coppola. Fuck him I bet he paid them off or something. Wouldnt be the first payout he's made to stifle sexual misconduct and more.

If Coppola is still your guy I got smoke for you too

Believe in women unless is stuff I disagree with… because then they are lying whores!

loco wrote:This movie is going to be a pile if what I'm hearing from some screenwriter friends is true

Someone is aiming for Planet Smasher position.
(08-01-2024, 03:20 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
chaobreaker wrote:Internet edgelords are so easy to please. You could be a straight-up pedo and/or sex criminal but as long as you say the magic words they will always give you unconditional support.


Guess the chuds are not not much different from the trannnies covering for Chris Tyson.
(07-31-2024, 05:56 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Twitter was always stupid. Elon musk buying it was the opportunity for everyone to consider how stupid it was that the news cycle was dominated by a stupid website filled with such bullshit. Alas, the experiment continues. What's weirder is that Twitter definitely doesn't matter as much as it did in say 2016 but it's still as there in the background as much as it ever was.
It was, and still mostly is, a public Journolist. Yet somehow this barely has any effect on people like Ben Collins or Michael Hobbes being treated as legitimate instead of blatant propagandists.

(07-31-2024, 11:59 PM)killamajig wrote:

'92 for me....and yeah this and even the 1980 map will never not perplex me even with explanation

first time I agreed with him
Reagan didn't "flip" states, states weren't created as Blue or Red states circa 2016. The states Reagan flipped were in the South which is where the Democratic strength was and he did it because the Democrats ran way to the left of the general population. Reagan cleaning up in the North and West was normal for Republicans until the 2000s.
B-Dubs wrote:The Iran hostage crisis. That and inflation killed Jimmy Carter's chances.
omfgIt's a map of 1984, not 1980, it literally says Mondale on it.
Holy fucking shit there's actually like one post in that thread with any historical knowledge instead of thinking things were exactly the same as they are today then trying to figure out how Reagan could have duped so many people.

But this is the nuttiest wrong post of all the bad posts:
Quote:I'm actually wondering what happened between 1996 and 2000 to create the modern divide. You can see hints of it in 1992 and 1996 but it's not totally there. Feels like we have been in the same stalemate since 2000 where before then, election results were very different election to election, with blowouts or states voting in ways you can't even imagine now.
1996 Telecommunications Act, which Clinton was so proud to have signed got rid of the cap on how many Radio and TV stations a single entity was allowed to own. And like that, Reagan's destruction of the Fairness Doctrine achieved Stage 4.

That's it, that's what happened. Nazis like Limbaugh got syndicated across all counties in all fifty states because his Handlers got to own an unlimited number of stations, while Fox News astroturfed into existence for largely the same reasons.

"Free Market" Liberals handed Fascists the keys to the kingdom, gleefully speedrunning the destruction of FDR's Legacy without a care in the world. They put limits of Radio and TV station ownership in the first place for a reason. Literally as these technologies were new and rolling-out, there were many people who saw from the start how mass-communication networks could be used by bad-actors (ba-dum-tish) to spread propaganda and disinformation to the detriment of Democracy; Or, ahem, manufacturing consent.

One more:
Quote:I was too young to remember but I know my family were very worried about him, them being Mexican American and all.
Except Reagan was pro-immigrant and signed the last amnesty:
(08-01-2024, 03:20 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
chaobreaker wrote:Internet edgelords are so easy to please. You could be a straight-up pedo and/or sex criminal but as long as you say the magic words they will always give you unconditional support.

Here's a tax payment for not posting top of the page content:

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Twitter's dumb blocking of embedding "NSFW" content apparently thinks this is Klepek content:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: GT1X_vcbwAE4rGZ?format=jpg&name=small]
[Image: GT1YLpabAAAxbaX?format=jpg&name=small]

Phil Now I'm interested in this.
(08-01-2024, 01:57 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

rzks21 wrote:
GhostTrick wrote:There's a lot of people here who hate to see any discussion about Palestine outside of this thread for very obvious reason and I don't think this is because of mods or admins but because of many users acting in bad faith in this community, because of racism (yes, I'm saying it).

When you see people calling Biden a hero, when you see people dropping in this thread to either spread misinformation or to do so outside of this thread, that is done with a not so subtle intent and there are users who already cracked their mask and expressed their discontent about people talking about Palestine. You'll see other posters trying to be "subtle" by using the word "terminally online people" "tiktok kids" "single issue voters" and such, trying to be smartass, but it's much of the same.
Many of us have been saying for months that Era has partly devolved into your typical libshit space where mainly white users expect others to accept a genocide for the sake of their maintaining their own rights and privileges intact.

Moderation has become much better, that I will say, but there are still cases of people popping up to casually remind brown users that their lives are ok to throw under the bus and baiting us in very obvious ways.

Heck, I still remember how many people here and in other threads got banned for arguing it was ok not to vote Biden and that he should drop out of the race to allow a less genocidal candidate to run. The piece of shit is out now and thankfully the polls are looking great, so to all these people shaming us for daring go against the great white leader: fuck you and know that you specifically did deserve Trump the most out of anyone.
For a candidate who is just as genocidal? huh
How hard is it for you stupid chuds to understand that race does not necessarily mean ethnicity alone.

Take Trump for example. Sure he may have orange skin, but really he's black.

- convicted felon
- got shot
- has many side hoes
- hustling everyday
- grew up in Jamaica
- funny
- has mad rizz

Contrast that with say, neppy. Sure she has black skin, but she is the whitest bitch there is

- has a greek username, and a super white ass real name
- furry
- communist larper
- cop
- obsessed with video games
- lives in the suburbs in a safe neighborhood
- snitches to the pigs
- likely incel

Really, it's not hard. Read some basic theory for once. How to Be Black
Quote:[Image: 1159-l.jpg]

J J McCullough (Canadian conservative content creator and public figure) seems to have no idea what a leftist is or leftism. This just came up a few days ago. He thinks monarchism is a movement of the left! Like he knows no history, such as left-wing being called left cause they opposed the royals and sat left of the presiding member's chair in parliament during the French Revolution. He thinks Trudeau is a leftist!!!

Yeah? Well you're a religious weirdo with repeated bans for antisemitism who had his parents buy his wife on an app so you're not much a lefty either dickhead

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