Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:No new games, people want The Last of Us 2 Remake at 4K now /s
Quote:did The Last of Us 2 kick the weebs dog or something. Every single time someone takes a random shot at TLOU2 it's anime avatar.
Sony gamers gonna have to cope like us Wii U fans. Cuz I don't have a Playstation (but I do have one ps4 game- A-Train), I was hoping the pro version would be my intro, but nope, just gonna look for cheap sales for the COD or Spiderman Ps5 slim.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(09-11-2024, 03:41 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:No new games, people want The Last of Us 2 Remake at 4K now /s
Quote:did The Last of Us 2 kick the weebs dog or something. Every single time someone takes a random shot at TLOU2 it's anime avatar.

[Image: GXJY0pgbEAIhb6O?format=jpg&name=900x900]
(09-11-2024, 03:10 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (permanent): Trolling; Account in Junior Phase
Dancing Vampire wrote:
ZeroMaverick wrote:What if the media decides that after tonight it's more lucrative to bash Trump for being old and senile and just flip on him?
Trump does not come across as old or senile. Post something that demonstrates this. You've living in a major bubble if you think he does.

No I agree. He came off as his usual self. 

Which isn't a compliment either.
Quick, time to gaslight by showing a early access game that has lower CCU than Concord!
Quote:All Reviews:
Very Positive
(09-11-2024, 03:10 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (permanent): Trolling; Account in Junior Phase
Dancing Vampire wrote:
ZeroMaverick wrote:What if the media decides that after tonight it's more lucrative to bash Trump for being old and senile and just flip on him?
Trump does not come across as old or senile. Post something that demonstrates this. You've living in a major bubble if you think he does.

lol remember when they banned people for armchair diagnosis when someone called Biden senile. Now it's a ban for not calling Trump senile
Page 2020

Corona Rodney Corona MJ Corona Rodney
Woke up this morning and saw the PS5 Pro cost $699?? That’s crazy. Probably the worst news I’ve ever read on this specific date.
(09-11-2024, 04:29 AM)Polident wrote: Woke up this morning and saw the PS5 Pro cost $699?? That’s crazy. Probably the worst news I’ve ever read on this specific date.

Roughly $810 for the disc drive and vertical stand.
Once again, big gaming news and the trans genocide takes a break. The Palesrinian genocide is still being committed by Israel, but not today.

(09-11-2024, 04:34 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(09-11-2024, 04:29 AM)Polident wrote: Woke up this morning and saw the PS5 Pro cost $699?? That’s crazy. Probably the worst news I’ve ever read on this specific date.
Roughly $810 for the disc drive and vertical stand.

That's the most egregious part. At least you can plop your old slim drive onto new one. 800 is before the 100 in taxes.
StrontiumPawg wrote:
Lausebub wrote:He even called the widow of the guy who got shot at the Trump rally.
that's because Biden's politics are closer to the kind of guy that would go to a Trump rally's than they are with a peace activist's
Shoot wrote:Biden is a white supremacist.
(09-11-2024, 04:59 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
StrontiumPawg wrote:
Lausebub wrote:He even called the widow of the guy who got shot at the Trump rally.
that's because Biden's politics are closer to the kind of guy that would go to a Trump rally's than they are with a peace activist's
Wonder if there might be another reason he'd do this. hmm
(09-11-2024, 04:06 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Quick, time to gaslight by showing a early access game that has lower CCU than Concord!
Quote:All Reviews:
Very Positive

This thing is MS funded so Sony guys are trying to make comparing it to Concord a thing.

Like "MS funded a flop too!!!" 

I saw it showing up in the concord threads and it confused the fuck out of me until I made the connection, because it's such a random game to go to console war over.
Wonder what's going on in that thread:
Quote:There was a NYT report that showed campus protests dying down, which may be due to a combination of factors (i.e. new class of students, waning energy, increased police presence, stricter university policy, etc). There were some police violence against some protesters in UMich, but otherwise nothing else notable. My alma mater (and current college for my grad program) Rutgers seems to lack any protest activity whatsoever. Though they do have designated areas that students can opt into using for demonstrations. At least my university isn't doing some absurd shit like characterizing Zionism as Jewish identity or whatever. I think NYU did that.

Anyway, it is nonetheless unfortunate to see the energy whittling down, especially over a serious issue such as a genocide. Maybe people feel powerless? Maybe people feel like there's no way they're being heard? It's hard to think about since global solidarity is extremely important as Israel increases their military campaign against Palestine. I don't think the movement is fading, but I just hope the pressure continues.
Quote:Biden is a war criminal. In a just world he should be trialed in the Hague alongside blinken and Netanyahu.
Scuffed wrote:Their criminality is so egregious and explicit. There are so many that should be tried in the Hague. Matthew Miller, John Kirby, Vedant Patel, Karine Jean-Pierre everyone "just following orders" lying in defense of Israeli's never ending war crimes and providing levels of political cover that I have never seen in my life. Every last one of them knows that they are lying constantly.
Quote:This why you should always apply maximum pressure to the Biden/Harris administration.

They always had the power to stop the slaughter, they are just choosing not to.

Quote:Liberals will keep telling us the US has no material leverage though. I haven't really gotten to grips with it almost being a year of the genocide already, the Biden admin are doing everything in their power to prolong it beyond the election cycle.
krazen wrote:Never made any sense how the US can still successfully pretend they can't do nothing. Israeli public is divided against Bibi, want the war ended and hostages returned. The US makes a public rebuke of Israel and says they will curtail (lol, we will never stop sending weapons to anyone) shipments because it impedes a cease fire and what happens next geopolitically is…nothing.

1)Bibi can try to align himself with some of the other geopolitical powers but Russia/China etc have already made their bed with Iran

2)Right wingers there might try to enflame anti-America sentiment but on a basic level the populace has a strong link to America due to how many of them have Western roots so that's going to go nowhere

3)Outside of the US meddling geopolitically the ME is pretty stable* a strong public rebuke of Israel in this case would not be a change in the status quo in the power axis there particularly since lots of the players the US and to a certain extent in 2024, Israel also has a strong relationship with. It's not the 1960's.

*Saudi Arabia x Iran Proxy wars mostly in Africa besides

In the US considering the far right has also used the genocide to go full Nazi under the guise of being Pro-Palestinian, the political blowback wouldn't even be that terrible. Ceasefire is still winning in the polls and tbh selling Biden as 'pro terrorist' is a moot point now, you could even cynically sell the genocide up to now as 'Mission Accomplished' © George Bush. I don't see how people still push back against calling this a genocide (propaganda aside) the slaughter serves no purpose (even factoring amoral political or capitalistic reasons) except for a group determined to wipe Palestinians out and take over the rest of the land.
Booshka wrote:
yogurt wrote:…what international law did Vedant Patel and Karine Jean-Pierre break….?
They are the spokespeople for Biden's administration, which is complicit in genocide- lying, obfuscating and delaying while active harm is being done by their boss, and they know about it. It's like a mandated reporter situation for workers that serve vulnerable populations.

These spokespeople are covering up crimes and lying about them to keep it all going.
Scuffed wrote:I don't know why you singled out Vedant Patel when he fills in for Miller unless you think Miller is in the clear too. Anyway they are propagandists and the Hague did go after propagandists. They shouldn't be shielded from that label because of their positions or just following orders.

Quote:Conspiracy charges were central to the cases against propagandists and industrialists: the former were charged with providing the ideological justification for war and other crimes, while the latter were accused of enabling Germany's war effort.
But no worries Yogurt no one in the U.S. will be charged with anything. We are speaking to what we would like to happen. You know full well not a single person responsible for this Genocide will see the Hague regardless of their position. There will be literally no justice for any of this.
yogurt wrote:The Nuremburg Trials predated the founding of the ICC in the Hague and a some of the international law it rests upon, hence my wondering if spokespeople are relevant / have ever been tried there.
Scuffed wrote:They should be. Again no one will be tried. The international courts have been deemed irrelevant in regards to anything Israel. That isn't right or normal but it's still the case.
Quote:Can't believe it's been almost a year... this is depressing
Scuffed wrote:Palestinians are simply forbidden from defending themselves even in the face of belligerent occupation and oppression by ethnonationalist fascists. Israel did extreme ILLEGAL settler expansion this past year and Biden/Harris say fucking nothing. Then when there is pushback they go in and destroy roads and infrastructure to add insult to the already deep deep injury. Such evil.
Quote:The west bank is an occupied land. The Palestinians have the legal rights of resisting the IDF and the psychotic settlers . The US & israel not caring about international law doesn't change that fact .
Scuffed wrote:They do and Gaza is occupied also. The problem is U.S. backed Israel has all the American muscle to crush resistance and they have no international body that can hold them accountable for being savages without morals when doing so. We are seeing what happens when oppressors have the backing of the most powerful nation on earth and everything that comes with that. Namely the information war that will very successfully label any pushback as terrorism. That terror label is still so strong in the west.
Quote:Fuck Biden and this wretched, racist administration.
Quote:I truly hope that he is haunted by this specter for every waking and non waking moment for the rest of his, admittedly short, existence
Quote:One of the big reasons why I won't ever respect or honor the legacy of Biden is because he is indelibly tied to these historic atrocities happening under his watch and tacit approval. The same will apply to Harris if she continues this shameful legacy in Palestine.
Quote:Its honestly really hard to not be pissed off.
Fuck the way people, especially politicians, will excuse Israel countless war crimes.
The worst part is the way a lot of those people will also openly condemn any kind of support for Palestinian. They praise Israel for its genocide yet pretend Palestinian aren't suffering. They openly support Israel yet they scream at people defending Palestinian to stay neutral and to mind their own business.
Fuck all of them.
Quote:Nothing happened when they bombed that charity convoy fronted by that celebrity chef and that was extremely high profile. I expect the Dems are hoping people are going to forget about this soon.
Quote:Biden is 100% a racist and don't view Palestinians as human beings. And that without mentioning his rabid zionism . Trump support for Israel is purely for selfish reasons because the amount of money he got from pro Israel parties but Biden support is literally ideological.
Quote:The most despicable group of people are Isreali politicians, IDF soldiers and the US politicians that enable them.

Been listening to a report on another murdered journalist and sitting there fuming.

Worst part is that it's a US election year and my feed is stuffed with pieces of US politicians pretending they have any humanity in them, like they have any type of morals or values.

Fucking child murderers, the whole lot of them.
spineduke, On Break wrote:The Mawsawi camp massacre in Khan Yunis is looking really bad. Huge bombs dropped on refugee tents that left 9 meter deep craters. Some bodies have been completely obliterated. They can't even confirm the death count because of it. These massacres happen over and over and the US does nothing to curtail the use of such weaponry, and instead has $20 billion more on its way. Do people still want to give Biden the benefit of the doubt as to what his actual agenda is? The "I've done more for the Palestinian community than anyone else has" guy.
Scuffed wrote:America is literally responsible for all of Israel's crimes so they will always whitewash them. There will be no consequences and unfortunately the only way to change this is for certain politicians to see that it hurts their chances of winning elections if they support bad foreign policy.
Quote:Biden is a piece of shit and a war criminal.
Quote:Biden comes across as Israeli puppet. Just repeats latest lies and talking points 1:1.
Quote:he is one
Scuffed wrote:Biden is dumb as a rock now just totally checked out. He has to be to say something like this so casually without all the details. It's so callous and irresponsible nevermind that it doesn't mesh at all with eye witnesses, what Blinken said, or what the State Dept has said when they say there is still an investigation. Biden looks to be more about Israeli pr than getting to the truth of anything. He's a truly pathetic man.
effingvic wrote:My God fuck this guy and fuck this motherfucking party.

Hes letting Israel kill americans with our own fucking money and weapons and were telling them sorry for making a fuss.
Quote:It is extremely depressingly obvious that there are massive amounts of anti-Arab racism at the highest levels of Washington

I love how nobody brought up that Israel doesn't recognize the ICC. (Neither does the US.)
800 usd for a machine that barely clears a 7700xt lmao
Quote:User Banned (1 Month): Long history of trolling
Quote:If you have 10 grand to waste, yeah, it's worth going back.
[Image: ejgjYXf.png]
Fucking chuds and TERFs for Black Myth: Wukong and Wizard Game  Social Justice Warrior
When they say gta v they mean online because I played it recently and it stinks. An RDR2 preskin.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Honestly, PC gaming is if you want to compete and try hard in competitive games. I no longer strive for that.
(09-11-2024, 03:18 AM)killamajig wrote: Why did you autistics sperg your debate shit in this thread? Bad enough the other autistics sperged their console talk all up in here. I want to sperg about the other mega-autistics.

I'm bringing back calling people spastics, join me.
(09-11-2024, 04:34 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(09-11-2024, 04:29 AM)Polident wrote: Woke up this morning and saw the PS5 Pro cost $699?? That’s crazy. Probably the worst news I’ve ever read on this specific date.

Roughly $810 for the disc drive and vertical stand.

Charging for a stand on a $700 console  Success

[Image: hTDFEx6.png]
They're eating the dogs, They're eating the cats, They're making 700... 800... 900 dollar playstations, these people are crazy.

[Image: jj32j557.jpg]

In a more socialistic society you would cost 699 and the playstation would be a vtuber  Rogan
Latest Women Loving Women Weirdo thread:

Anime observation: Is Marcille (Delicious in Dungeon) 2024's top "character wlw women will die for"?

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:I am WAY behind on the anime but just casual observation on wlw spaces online and reading through wholesome wlw fan art, it's hard to not notice Marcille appears in a A LOT of art this year and gets named dropped and mentioned a lot in discussion.

It's similar to how Pokémon's Rika did back in 2022 except there it felt more like "OH MY GOD SHE'S SO HOT AND AMAZING!!!" (not judging, I've been there with characters like Symmetra); but with Marcille it feels more like, "OH MY GOD SHE'S SO RELATABLE AND AMAZING!!!" and many women really wanting to give her a big reassuring hug.

So many gay, bi, pan women online seem to absolutely adore her which honestly makes me happy, I like seeing my fellow wlw happy (:

Us lesbians sure can't get enough of this anime character, right fellas?
(09-11-2024, 10:41 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote: Latest Women Loving Women Weirdo thread:

Anime observation: Is Marcille (Delicious in Dungeon) 2024's top "character wlw women will die for"?

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:I am WAY behind on the anime but just casual observation on wlw spaces online and reading through wholesome wlw fan art, it's hard to not notice Marcille appears in a A LOT of art this year and gets named dropped and mentioned a lot in discussion.

It's similar to how Pokémon's Rika did back in 2022 except there it felt more like "OH MY GOD SHE'S SO HOT AND AMAZING!!!" (not judging, I've been there with characters like Symmetra); but with Marcille it feels more like, "OH MY GOD SHE'S SO RELATABLE AND AMAZING!!!" and many women really wanting to give her a big reassuring hug.

So many gay, bi, pan women online seem to absolutely adore her which honestly makes me happy, I like seeing my fellow wlw happy (:

Us lesbians sure can't get enough of this anime character, right fellas?

[Image: 570.gif]
(09-11-2024, 10:41 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote: Latest Women Loving Women Weirdo thread:

Anime observation: Is Marcille (Delicious in Dungeon) 2024's top "character wlw women will die for"?

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:I am WAY behind on the anime but just casual observation on wlw spaces online and reading through wholesome wlw fan art, it's hard to not notice Marcille appears in a A LOT of art this year and gets named dropped and mentioned a lot in discussion.

It's similar to how Pokémon's Rika did back in 2022 except there it felt more like "OH MY GOD SHE'S SO HOT AND AMAZING!!!" (not judging, I've been there with characters like Symmetra); but with Marcille it feels more like, "OH MY GOD SHE'S SO RELATABLE AND AMAZING!!!" and many women really wanting to give her a big reassuring hug.

So many gay, bi, pan women online seem to absolutely adore her which honestly makes me happy, I like seeing my fellow wlw happy (:

Us lesbians sure can't get enough of this anime character, right fellas?

Bunch of sexual deviants I tell ya
Quote:Fair enough if it's not worth it to you, but I can't imagine how ~$120 could be considered a bad price for GPU given it's less than the cost of two games, not even factoring in Gold/Live.

Quote:If you are a value-minded gamer, do you buy many games at $60 or above though? I certainly don't and if we instead say that my average game costs $15 then the Game Pass value is significantly diminished. Those games that I purchase are also games I have chosen myself and I own them, even 12 months after I made the purchase. With Game Pass you never know when your access to non-first party games is revoked.

I get that Game Pass can provide exceptional value for many people who have a lot of time for video games but the "it's just the cost of two games" argument isn't one for gamers who seek value. They would not be buying fully priced games to begin with.


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