Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(09-13-2024, 11:09 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: No, he's a narcissistic asshole that lacks basic empathy for others, so he uses people and treats pets like fashion accessories. Fuck Nothing Loud.

He legit killed his hedgehog. I think the thing only lasted a couple weeks. You could tell he didn't care about it. The stories he used to tell about his husband were pretty bad. We only got his side of the story and he sounds like a real asshole. It's hard to really quantify it but he was really up his own ass.

Also, he was a huge braggart.

Edit: to put it into simple terms, it's like when a rich asshole flaunts his money and riches in people's faces and then he loses it all. At least that's how I feel about it and why he's in the fuck you category for me.

Hedgehog edit:
it lasted 3 months
(09-13-2024, 09:57 PM)Jansen wrote: I think he should hit the streets advertising himself as a man whore with a PhD and suck BBC behind kfc

he's already been doing that for free though.... rookie mistake

Yes it's very sad and horrible for the people impacted by this no doubt. But this is literally posted on the GAMING side and the discussion and how it's impacting Switch 2. But all these weirdos trying to derail it.
(09-13-2024, 08:29 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Well, for people to digest…

Nothing Loud, Shit M.D. wrote:My last paycheck came and went, I no longer have money to eat or pay bills. I graduated just barely by the fingernails in time, I literally could not afford to go to school any longer. But with this newly minted PhD in a "highly demanded" field, and 10 years of experience including 4 at a Fortune 50, and with my dissertation going viral across 200+ news outlets....the irony is painful and palpable. Everybody jokes "wow you must have a lot of job offers." I have none. I've interviewed at a couple of places, nothing turned out.....except I finally got a verbal offer from a professor for a dream position. It seemed like the answer to my prayers...then I googled them and found a scathing investigative news article where 30 previous employees filed a complaint through the union that this professor was a toxic, abusive, racist homophobe. So now I'm like great, because life couldn't get more insulting, the only job offer I have is through a complete psycho that is fighting lawsuits against her. So I keep applying, but the less I hear, the more discouraged and tempted I feel to wallow and sink into a spiral of depression, because I have all the comorbid mental diagnoses you can get (ADHD, C-PTSD, OCD, GAD, MDD, thanks genetics and trauma) and it's hard to keep them at bay. But doing that will only worsen the situation and take time from me applying to jobs. But now my health insurance runs out in 2 weeks. I have no backup plans. I simply didn't find a job in the timeframe I hoped I would, because I was so busy in court and in school, and now I don't know what to do. I have a big mortgage for this house I just fought 1 year in court to keep, and I ironically may have to move out and be homeless, with a PhD, if I don't find a W2 within like a month. I'm scared, discouraged, and the suicidal ideation is beckoning again. What a life. It's been a year since my truamatic divorce with a complete abusive narcissist who nearly made me lose my home, then I got to keep it, now I might lose it again. My family sold their house to move here to help me survive with the bills, but seattle is just not making it possible, so all 3 of us might be homeless soon. My life has been nothing but turmoil ever since I fled Colombia in a helicopter when I was an infant. I'm so discouraged from even going on anymore. This forum is all I have these days. I'm too depressed to be with friends, I'm too triggered living with my parents at 33 and all 3 of us getting at risk of homelessness, and I'm too poor to do anything fun or of meaning. Creditors calling me from 8AM every single day. Bills I have no hope of paying. My accounts are overdrafted and empty. Every job I apply to feels like "why bother submitting all these materials and cover letters...they're just going to find someone else with a PhD with better experience than me" in this city full of techbros and nerds. My ex really screwed my life up and probably permanently tanked my sense of self-esteem and my mental health. I just had to vent and didn't know how else to do so...thanks for listening. :(

I hate to say I feel bad for the guy, but if that’s the situation you’re facing, maybe you should have picked that job, even if the Professor was a psycho. Ya know?

His problem is his mental health is getting in the way of broadening his job search or using his school's career services and networking for something that will pay the bills, at least temporarily.  If he's smart enough to get through a PhD program, he can find something that will tide him over temporarily.  I don't doubt that certain PhD fields are difficult to break into career-wise, but what you're not seeing here is his brain getting in the way of choosing the right way forward.  I hope he can figure it out.

I love these threads.  Sickos
(09-13-2024, 05:09 PM)killamajig wrote:
It only gets perpetuated by Trump if it's already being circulated amongst right-wing circles and being dessiminated by white people racist enough to believe it.

This pet-eating rumor did not originate with Trump. He amplified it further. But it didn't start with him. A lot of the shit he says publicly does not start with him, which he'll admit himself ("I read/saw it in the news"). It starts with Nazis and other hard-right figures who know this shit will circulate because like 30% of white people are apt to believing the stupidest shit about minorities at first glance because they were already racist to begin with.
I love how often she's trying so hard to be racist that she makes white people sound superhuman.

(09-13-2024, 08:29 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Well, for people to digest…

Nothing Loud, Shit M.D. wrote:My last paycheck came and went, I no longer have money to eat or pay bills. I graduated just barely by the fingernails in time, I literally could not afford to go to school any longer. But with this newly minted PhD in a "highly demanded" field, and 10 years of experience including 4 at a Fortune 50, and with my dissertation going viral across 200+ news outlets....the irony is painful and palpable. Everybody jokes "wow you must have a lot of job offers." I have none. I've interviewed at a couple of places, nothing turned out.....
(09-13-2024, 10:29 PM)Venice wrote:
(09-13-2024, 10:02 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: What can I say, I’m a sensitive soul. I can sympathize with him having been in dire straights before.

Though I don’t empathize because of the amount of dipshit decisions he made to sink himself into this state.

I mean, what the goddamn? If you are facing homelessness and your family is as well for trying to support your stupid shit, you TAKE WHAT JOB YOU CAN GET!! Getting pissy about who or what your boss could be is irrelevant.

This was a case of morals or the street. I respect his consistency but spit on his shortsightedness.

I agree with you Joe.

Nothing Loud is, indeed, a dumbass but compared to some of the others who are the subject of our derision here on TheBore, he's comparitively harmless.


But Nothing Loud doesn't really fit into any of these categories. I've never seen him actively engage in any hate campaigns like the above frequently indulge in. He also actually seems to have studied something, even if it is a degree, literally, in shit.

I especially have sympathy for his financial issues and that he has creditors chasing after him. I'm sure we've all made bad financial decisions in our lives, and being broke and worrying about money is one of the worst experiences anyone can go through, whether it's self-inflicted or not. The fear of being hungry and/or homeless is horrific.

Nothing Loud's forum posts are like a daily diary of someone who just makes one bad decision after another. His life is in somewhat of a perpetual downward spiral. 

He states that he's actively job hunting, so that already puts him above 90% of Era. Indeed, stating 'This forum is all I have left these days' as Taco Bell Tower pointed out, is really depressing. If you're relying on Era to get you through the day, then you've pretty much hit 100 miles below rock bottom. You're stuck in the core of the Earth.

It's sad to see. I hope he turns it around.
Absolutely fucking not.

This dude spent years bragging about how he's going to have bags of cash being thrown at him when he graduates, that even before he graduated he was being wined and dined by the biggest companies in the world who couldn't wait to hire him for the most important SCIENCE IN THE WORLD. Endless fucking bragging about a lame ass PhD he was getting. While spending obscene amounts of money. And even in this post he's attacking and blaming his ex for ruining his life when IT WAS HIM who was bringing homeless strangers in, letting them steal his exes work shit, whoring around, refusing to work, spending tons of money, talking about fleeing the country using his ex's foreign citizenship, blaming his ex the entire time while he's got three therapists and admitting to not caring about their couples therapy, never attacking his ex on the forum until he asked for a divorce, etc. He even fucking became "Hispanic" and changed his name right as his PhD was finally coming about. His "ten years experience with 4 at a Fortune 50" brag in this post is him talking about his entire life employment, and his four years was a low level position at Pepsi that he quit six years ago to do the PhD.

Kyuuji's a more toxic forum presence, but Nothing Loud is a far worse person.
He says "last paycheck" but even that's a lie because he didn't have a job, he was a graduate assistant and those get stipends. He's probably got a student loan so he's just paying himself.

But he expected there to be jobs thrown at his feet on the day he graduated so he did nothing to get a job even though companies will absolutely hire you before you finish your degree and even though he fought his ex for ownership of their super expensive townhome.
(09-13-2024, 08:12 PM)killamajig wrote:
(09-13-2024, 07:36 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: RE suddenly really liking sexualized armor and art

Of course it's Dice. What a two-faced bitch. All up in the burqa thread and she loves half naked pictures of women.

"It's ok if we like it."

Spoiler:  (click to show)
It's good enough for top of page

And that comes from one of the burqa brigade members. Men Don't look at it, just the ladies please. 

Dice, post more naked women for us to post.
Exactly. Fucking can't stand this hypocritical smarmy cunt, man. And I really hate the site's disgusting double standards of non-male posters able to be horny towards women. That's clearly not safe for work, something the site always bitches about, and she clearly knows she's towing the line. A male user would've immediately gotten the fucking banhammer.

Also this is a great time to mention that I've noticed Dice is allowed to get away with posting sexualized imagery of women. I remember her posting several racy .gifs of female characters boobs and asses. She literally posted a 2B gif walking with her ass, the same exact .gif another user was infamously banned for. Only time I remember her getting banned is when she was on some stupid "free the nipple" garbage that only got her banned because it was a blatant breakage of the rules.

RIP Hedgehog
(09-13-2024, 10:39 PM)Tucker's Law wrote: Super behind on the thread so maybe this was already answered, but they’re still around, ironically enough they post on the joint Riotous account.
Joint riotous account?
Not Nepenthe:
[Image: GXXLExLaYAAGH0m?format=jpg&name=small]

Spoiler: proof he's not, engages in decolonization of his neighborhood (click to show)
He's a weird guy.  I read his stuff and I do feel sympathy - especially when he mentioned he was on that ungodly cocktail of psychiatric meds.  It sounds like he has severe mental illness.  And his braggadocios, blame everybody else behavior aside, I still feel sorry for him... There's that...

[Image: D6XMJXw.jpeg]

...but then this doesn't read like someone on the edge of homelessness (and the cause of his family's homelessness).  Just spastic, histrionic behavior.
He always immediately goes to his list of claimed mental illnesses, his fleeing Columbia because his family was part of a drug lord thing, etc. He's trying to manipulate the responses he gets because he doesn't want people to give him advice he wants blind approval. He always rejects any actual advice he gets in any of those threads. Look at his pets ones, he doesn't give a shit, he's going to do what he wants. And then when that causes problem it's always always everyone else's fault.

I don't know if he claimed he was scammed and given a defective hedgehog which is why he was killing it but it feels like something he would post.
[Image: 3iqRP3S.png]
(09-14-2024, 01:13 AM)Propagandhim wrote: He's a weird guy.  I read his stuff and I do feel sympathy - especially when he mentioned he was on that ungodly cocktail of psychiatric meds.  It sounds like he has severe mental illness.  And his braggadocios, blame everybody else behavior aside, I still feel sorry for him... There's that...

[Image: D6XMJXw.jpeg]

...but then this doesn't read like someone on the edge of homelessness (and the cause of his family's homelessness).  Just spastic, histrionic behavior.

Basic needs: Food, Shelter, Water and 4K100+ FPS Gaming PC
Income: $0 after ended graduate student stipend
Food: probably lots of Doordash
Prescription Drugs: hundreds of dollars a month
PC, stupid lights, gaming handhelds, etc.: hundreds of dollars a month
Housing: whatever the mortgage on a $700K townhouse in Seattle would be

someone gud with economy pls help i am almost homeless because of my fucking narcissistic ex who had the only job between us over the last six years
At least he's keeping the website for his "self-employed" faux company up to date:
(09-13-2024, 07:36 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: RE suddenly really liking sexualized armor and art

I really do love it when attention seeking whores behave like attention seeking whores.
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
I probably don't care enough to search his whining for clues but what if his ex wanted to sell the townhouse during the divorce and he fought to keep it. lol
This Nothing Loud thread just gets funnier with age.’t-anyone-notify-me-that-a-flooded-market-of-60-200-android-linux-retro-emulating-handhelds-are-available-now-even-off-amazon.646314/

He buys five gaming handhelds over the course of a week and a half Rofl
Dr. Nothing Loud, wrote:You can get an FHA loan…I paid 3% down on my 600k brand new house in Seattle mortgage as a married student. People just don't understand their options.
Dead Dead Dead Dead
(09-13-2024, 08:29 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Well, for people to digest…

Nothing Loud, Shit M.D. wrote:My last paycheck came and went, I no longer have money to eat or pay bills. I graduated just barely by the fingernails in time, I literally could not afford to go to school any longer. But with this newly minted PhD in a "highly demanded" field, and 10 years of experience including 4 at a Fortune 50, and with my dissertation going viral across 200+ news outlets....the irony is painful and palpable. Everybody jokes "wow you must have a lot of job offers." I have none. I've interviewed at a couple of places, nothing turned out.....except I finally got a verbal offer from a professor for a dream position. It seemed like the answer to my prayers...then I googled them and found a scathing investigative news article where 30 previous employees filed a complaint through the union that this professor was a toxic, abusive, racist homophobe. So now I'm like great, because life couldn't get more insulting, the only job offer I have is through a complete psycho that is fighting lawsuits against her. So I keep applying, but the less I hear, the more discouraged and tempted I feel to wallow and sink into a spiral of depression, because I have all the comorbid mental diagnoses you can get (ADHD, C-PTSD, OCD, GAD, MDD, thanks genetics and trauma) and it's hard to keep them at bay. But doing that will only worsen the situation and take time from me applying to jobs. But now my health insurance runs out in 2 weeks. I have no backup plans. I simply didn't find a job in the timeframe I hoped I would, because I was so busy in court and in school, and now I don't know what to do. I have a big mortgage for this house I just fought 1 year in court to keep, and I ironically may have to move out and be homeless, with a PhD, if I don't find a W2 within like a month. I'm scared, discouraged, and the suicidal ideation is beckoning again. What a life. It's been a year since my truamatic divorce with a complete abusive narcissist who nearly made me lose my home, then I got to keep it, now I might lose it again. My family sold their house to move here to help me survive with the bills, but seattle is just not making it possible, so all 3 of us might be homeless soon. My life has been nothing but turmoil ever since I fled Colombia in a helicopter when I was an infant. I'm so discouraged from even going on anymore. This forum is all I have these days. I'm too depressed to be with friends, I'm too triggered living with my parents at 33 and all 3 of us getting at risk of homelessness, and I'm too poor to do anything fun or of meaning. Creditors calling me from 8AM every single day. Bills I have no hope of paying. My accounts are overdrafted and empty. Every job I apply to feels like "why bother submitting all these materials and cover letters...they're just going to find someone else with a PhD with better experience than me" in this city full of techbros and nerds. My ex really screwed my life up and probably permanently tanked my sense of self-esteem and my mental health. I just had to vent and didn't know how else to do so...thanks for listening. :(

I hate to say I feel bad for the guy, but if that’s the situation you’re facing, maybe you should have picked that job, even if the Professor was a psycho. Ya know?

I would feel sorry for him, but every decision he has made has been bad and this is the result of his bullshit approach to life. 

Motherfucker has spit in the face of every good thing he's ever had, then posted about it publicly immediately after, and then has the nerve to complain about it.

Fuck you cunt. Real disadvantaged people make difficult choices every day. They do jobs they hate for people who are arseholes.

Don't forget he was learning to become a DJ recently too:
(09-13-2024, 08:36 PM)killamajig wrote: 808s & Villainy said:
Quote:The definition I see is

Quote:In art history, literature and cultural studies, Orientalism is the imitation or depiction of aspects of the Eastern world by writers, designers, and artists from the Western world.

If this has changed, then by all means, I'll admit I was mistaken, but I thought it had this specific definition as long as I've known about the term

I literally said the design is stereotypical. I was just saying the term itself has a very specific meaning


I edited my post and really don't wanna talk about this with you anymore, it's getting weird.

I see now Villainy brought the receipts and Dice, couldn't handle it and got him banned. 

Dice is a cunt. A big smelly nasty unwashed cunt.

When one cunt gets another cunt banned, that's a win-win for us. 

Holy shit I didn't read that wall of text closely enough:
Dr. Nothing Loud wrote:It's been a year since my truamatic divorce with a complete abusive narcissist who nearly made me lose my home, then I got to keep it, now I might lose it again. My family sold their house to move here to help me survive with the bills, but seattle is just not making it possible, so all 3 of us might be homeless soon.
Not only did he fight for the house the ex wanted to sell but now he's dragging down his family. Dead Dead Dead Dead
(09-14-2024, 01:20 AM)benji wrote: He always immediately goes to his list of claimed mental illnesses, his fleeing Columbia because his family was part of a drug lord thing, etc. He's trying to manipulate the responses he gets because he doesn't want people to give him advice he wants blind approval. He always rejects any actual advice he gets in any of those threads. Look at his pets ones, he doesn't give a shit, he's going to do what he wants. And then when that causes problem it's always always everyone else's fault.

I don't know if he claimed he was scammed and given a defective hedgehog which is why he was killing it but it feels like something he would post.

So in a nutshell... ERA.
(09-14-2024, 01:35 AM)benji wrote: Income: $0 after ended graduate student stipend
Food: probably lots of Doordash
Prescription Drugs: hundreds of dollars a month
PC, stupid lights, gaming handhelds, etc.: hundreds of dollars a month
Housing: whatever the mortgage on a $700K townhouse in Seattle would be

someone gud with economy pls help i am almost homeless because of my fucking narcissistic ex who had the only job between us over the last six years

Less candles?
Dr. Nothing Loud, wrote:Oh my god please for fucks sake
I have $160k in student debt I'm being punished with and I only ever took public university courses at state schools without failing anything or changing majors and I'm about to graduate finally with my terminal degree but the student debt is crushing.
(09-14-2024, 01:59 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(09-14-2024, 01:35 AM)benji wrote: Income: $0 after ended graduate student stipend
Food: probably lots of Doordash
Prescription Drugs: hundreds of dollars a month
PC, stupid lights, gaming handhelds, etc.: hundreds of dollars a month
Housing: whatever the mortgage on a $700K townhouse in Seattle would be

someone gud with economy pls help i am almost homeless because of my fucking narcissistic ex who had the only job between us over the last six years

Less candles?
(09-14-2024, 01:57 AM)benji wrote: Holy shit I didn't read that wall of text closely enough:
Dr. Nothing Loud wrote:It's been a year since my truamatic divorce with a complete abusive narcissist who nearly made me lose my home, then I got to keep it, now I might lose it again. My family sold their house to move here to help me survive with the bills, but seattle is just not making it possible, so all 3 of us might be homeless soon.
Not only did he fight for the house the ex wanted to sell but now he's dragging down his family. Dead Dead Dead Dead

Oh yeah, dragged his goddamn family into the mess as well. So now they'll ALSO be on the street.

But you know, that dream job was with a homophobe. I mean... they're called priorities.

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