Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-11-2023, 07:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Meanwhile we have:
  • Gwen has a large trans flag on her bedroom wall with 'protect trans kids' written on it
  • The artists drew a trans flag on her fathers jacket and made his commendations the trans colours, tying both him and his daughter to the concept of trans pride
  • When she details how she's had to live hiding half of who she is from everyone the colours in the scene immediately snap to blue (not teal), white and pink, including banding on her hair
  • Her relationship with her father can easily be interpreted as an allegory to the trans experience of having a parent discover your identity and reject you, forcing you to find community and safety with others like you
  • She gushes when Jessica Drew uses sex instead of gender to refer to her unborn child ("we don't know the sex yet")
  • She played with the same toys Miles did as a kid
  • Hobie questions whether she's wearing his shoes, which mirrors Miles asking Ganke if he's wearing his Jordans earlier in the film (to which he responds "it's not my fault we're the same size").

So like, where's the evidence she's cisgender in Spider-Verse again?

  • If she had a Ché Guevara flag that wouldn't make her Cuban. She has a BLM flag and that doesn't make her Black.
  • So by your own prior logic, that actually makes HIM trans, no?
  • An experience shared by numerous groups that is not uniquely allegorical or even representative to all or most trans people IRL.
  • ...fucking and?
  • ...fucking and?
  • ...fucking and?

  • Gwen Stacy is a well established part of Spiderman canon, and is very cishet and commonly cited as his one true love.
  • The comic Spider Gwen is an alternate universe What If... Gwen Stacy got bitten by the radioactive spider instead of Peter Parker, thats it, thats the plot.
    The same canonical cishet Gwen people were used to from the 60s origin got bit instead of Peter.
  • Black and white is her costumes primary colour scheme, with pink and blue highlights. The dominant colour is black. There is no 'coding' there. She is also not blackbloc antifa.
  • The statistical probability she is cis is greater than 98%.
  • The statistical probability that she 'passes' so perfectly that nobody notices is significantly less.
    And if you're a super hero fighting bad guys, they're not gonna respect your pronouns jfc.
(06-11-2023, 07:47 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:"Homo Butera" with a phallic eyeball tentacle coming out of its mouth doesn't exactly bode well for no homophobia but looks interesting. Persona 6 not hitting next year then obviously.

You see, this instantly makes me think of gay people

...but its called Homo Butt Era  But steel's heavier than feathers...
4 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever, D3RANG3D
“benji” wrote:When there's a 99.8% probability of something you're allowed to assume it to be true, advocating for the 0.2% probability is not a heroic act or a rational challenge to dominant narratives.

If we believe there's even a point two percent chance that she is trans we have to take it as an absolute certainty… and we have to make her a trans icon.

Kyuuji, post: 107199414, member: 31943 wrote:

[Image: screenshot_20230612_02pdfz.jpg]

Debate on changing the Equality act to remove the rights and protections of trans people begins at 4:30pm today, off the back of this petition. Annoying it's such a late start time as I'll be leaving at 5 to go to the cinema. Will try to continue listening on the way there though and then catch the remainder of what I missed when I get back.

I guess watching the same children’s movie for the fifth time in a row in more important than knowing if the rights of your people are getting rolled back Dead Dead
Why choose to be genocided when you can go to the movies instead?
(06-12-2023, 10:53 AM)BIONIC wrote:
Kyuuji, post: 107199414, member: 31943 wrote:Debate on changing the Equality act to remove the rights and protections of trans people

>Kyuji: Gwen Stacy is definitely trans because she sees there's a difference between sex and gender when talking about an unborn child

>Also Kyuji: It's removing rights to say that when the Equalities Act was written and referred explicitly to Sex as a Protected Characteristic, it didn't mean that Sex and Gender are completely interchangeable

Skipping the genocide to watch a movie  lol

It's really beyond parody now, and at the same time they'll ban Jews who think that the Holocaust comparison might be insensitive

Quote:User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory comparison between domestic abuse and video games

Celestial Descend, post: 107175678, member: 123978 wrote:Square Enix is an abusing spouse. I'd file divorce after Babylon's Fall and Forspoken.
3 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, Hap Shaughnessy, Taco Bell Tower

ZeroX wrote:Here's the thing when your original voice cast looks like this and has multiple people shitty people it alongside with them announcing a new cast full of almost entirely brown faces and people are talking about how much it sucks and they shouldn't have changed I'm gonna side eye you. And if you're knowledgeable enough to play favorites and name specific VAs you like I'm gonna assume you're up to date on the industry

[Image: whiterdf9j.png]

ZeroX wrote:I don't care if you think I'm an ass for side eyeing people when a bunch of brown people get jobs and a bunch of people talking about how they wish the previous white folks were still around. I really do not give a fuck, there's been way too many of these VO threads for me to give anyone the benefit of the doubt

Lots of mask off outright racism from this dude in the thread, wild what Resetera has fallen to with Nepenthe at the helm.
This whole attempt by Kyuuji to smear Gwen Stefani by claiming she must be a man because she's built like a WWE wrestler is probably the worst thing I've seen on there. 

Gwen at the beach

[Image: Rw2h6Yw.jpg]

Not a man.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
[Image: i14rU2H.jpeg]
Dubs not even once. [Image: X1lWlTg.png]
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(06-12-2023, 11:56 AM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(06-12-2023, 10:53 AM)BIONIC wrote:
Kyuuji, post: 107199414, member: 31943 wrote:Debate on changing the Equality act to remove the rights and protections of trans people

>Kyuji: Gwen Stacy is definitely trans because she sees there's a difference between sex and gender when talking about an unborn child

>Also Kyuji: It's removing rights to say that when the Equalities Act was written and referred explicitly to Sex as a Protected Characteristic, it didn't mean that Sex and Gender are completely interchangeable


In my head canon, I am convinced Kyuuji is some creepy, weird 40+ year old dude with a deep, deep hatred for women and he looks like transgender serial killer 'Donna Perry'

Locked nearly immediately, but 9 votes got in:

"Do you think there is a lack of respect between fellow resetera members when discussing different opinions and tastes? "
[Image: KR3xJzI.png]

Quote: Blergh

Does a total disservice to the art

RE pretending that don’t know what concept art is.

Also, bitching about the protagonists looking like the dude from Persona 3 while championing an elf Mitsuru. Rolleyes
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(06-12-2023, 02:08 PM)Cauliflower Of Love wrote:
Quote:Debate on changing the Equality act to remove the rights and protections of trans people begins at 4:30pm today, off the back of this petition. Annoying it's such a late start time as I'll be leaving at 5 to go to the cinema.

Prime Grade A trolling.

but it's so much better if it's genuine obliviousness lol
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1686584370' wrote: 1686584370[/url]']
Cauliflower Of Love dateline='[url=tel:1686578937' wrote: 1686578937[/url]']
Quote:Debate on changing the Equality act to remove the rights and protections of trans people begins at 4:30pm today, off the back of this petition. Annoying it's such a late start time as I'll be leaving at 5 to go to the cinema.

Prime Grade A trolling.

but it's so much better if it's genuine obliviousness lol

Oh it’s genuine. Has anything about her posts or behavior suggests she thinks the rules she decries for others apply to her in any way, shape, or form?
Quote:Pretty good. The obesity crisis may be over once this drug becomes more widely available and cheaper.
Just do exercise and eat healthy, Ree.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Sexist rhetoric, account in junior phase
Tofd wrote:I'm sad she's not there either but realistically, it was never an option. It's just too expensive and resource-extensive to do.
4 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, YuYu, kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower
How is that sexist?
5 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Vertigo, Potato, D3RANG3D, YuYu
(06-12-2023, 04:33 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: How is that sexist?

No one actually knows, but it makes them feel good to claim it
Quote:Enough budget to allocate a whole remake, but not to add an additional protagonist for which everything is already on the table....unless they announce it as dlc, I don't see the business angle.

The differences are already outlined and in general would not require any major overhaul. Let's not be so obtuse

You fuckers are celebrating that they are replacing the whole cast but suddenly think re recording for another protagonist is cheap? Also, have you guys played P3P? There were significant cuts over the console version visually, let’s not pretend it didn’t.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(06-07-2023, 04:51 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Quote:It's super depressing. I work for a government organisation in the UK and we now have an anti-trans network as part of our social media where people recommend Matt Walsh videos and idolise Kathleen Stock and JK Rowling.

This is approved by the UK government and I got a warning for defending a trans employee (who wrote a post about how it was affecting her) because I called the group transphobic.

I fucking despise my country.

Crimes of JK
Speedstersonic wrote:
Corncob wrote:I've been trying to find a way to submit a complaint about the group but they make it so difficult to object to an entire community and reporting a comment or post has to be done as a full offline process with references to policy.

The group pretends it's about gender equity when in reality all they talk about is how trans women are infringing on women's rights which is obviously utterly ridiculous and by its nature is transphobic.

All the fake niceness about how they actually accept all people's identities so long as it fits their bigoted version of what being accepted actually means.

People sharing stories about how they were abused by men and how they need to have their safety protected at work, inferring that trans women are actually men disguising themselves so they can attack women in the toilets.

All the usual far right transphobic talking points. But these people think they're totally liberal. They don't agree on everything Matt Walsh says but he makes a good point when it comes to what a woman is...

Even a few "think about the children!" comments.

It's so fucking tiresome and depressing.
Get screenshots and pictures and redact any info of yourself and leak that shit to some press i'd say. If you can't get anything done inside get that shit being spouted outside to the press that this is going on.

(06-12-2023, 04:47 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Enough budget to allocate a whole remake, but not to add an additional protagonist for which everything is already on the table....unless they announce it as dlc, I don't see the business angle.

The differences are already outlined and in general would not require any major overhaul. Let's not be so obtuse

You fuckers are celebrating that they are replacing the whole cast but suddenly think re recording for another protagonist is cheap? Also, have you guys played P3P? There were significant cuts over the console version visually, let’s not pretend it didn’t.

It already has the most written and recorded dialogue of any game in the series, if they had ever played P3P they would know she had almost entirely rewritten dialogue too. So it would go from the most to nearly double the most lol
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(06-12-2023, 04:33 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: How is that sexist?

honestly I think that was a joke

some game company once claimed it was too expensive to add more female characters i.e. it would take a different model type, rigging, animation, and ree dogged on them for it
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1686588651' wrote: 1686588651[/url]']
Taco Bell Tower dateline='[url=tel:1686587613' wrote: 1686587613[/url]']
How is that sexist?

honestly I think that was a joke

some game company once claimed it was too expensive to add more female characters i.e. it would take a different model type, rigging, animation, and ree dogged on them for it

It was Ubisoft, Pre Assassin Creed Odyssey… now many people complain about “why my female protagonist sits like a dudebro”? IE Dragon Age 3.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
[Image: 5VNq7wZ.png]

how does this happen
Curious in Constructive wrote:What is site policy on posts that are just like "Oh Era!", "Keep taking those L's ERA" or posts of that kind that seeming only exist to bait or aggravate other users (or in some cases, grudges against specific users)? I've seen then these types of post ever since I've joined ERA but noticed that some topics can cause a massive influx like how that recent Netflix password sharing thread is full of them.

They nearly come across as petty and fanboyism and under the weird assumption that everyone on the site agrees on the same thing, like it's actually hard sometimes to figure out what their even talking about and then it turns out their equating a single post as "ERA" and sometimes they end up derailing threads or stopping actual discussion in order to get some "wins" for their fan wars.
it's quite simple. this falls under "metacommentary" and as such, is not allowed.

unless it's nepenthe complaining about the mindset of the community she has a direct hand in steering.

or someone congratulating the site for banning something.

or someone pointing out that the demographics of the site lead to blind spots.

or...shit. look, just report it if you see it. if you get banned for abuse of the report system, that's how you'll know it wasn't ok.
(06-12-2023, 05:07 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: 5VNq7wZ.png]

how does this happen

Sounds like benji isn’t an effective admin, folx Trumps But that's none of my business...
4 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Nintex
Bungie wrote:Liberty media must be happy at the prospect of Lewis colliding with Shakira’s rear wing. Boost that LatAm audience

David Incorporated Esq. wrote:Are there any beautiful, famous women that Hamilton hasn't slept with? People* shit on him a lot for not having that masculinity that F1 drivers used to have, but dude gets down.

* They are not good people

Lockheartilly9799 wrote:Honey, Lewis Hamilton can lay down anything whether it's a banger lap, a banger club anthem, or a banger night out with a gal. Only the FIA can stop him.

                   Boys club rhetoric
is this?
2 users liked this post: YuYu, D3RANG3D

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