10-17-2023, 12:03 AM
Gene Park is showing his whole ass. 

genepark wrote:Nowhere did I say that There’s no political content. I’m talking to grown adults here who all know that everything can be inherently political. But given the thousands of hours of content, these are drops in the bucket.
Also I’m trying to be civil here. No need to call out my motivations and call my points disingenuous.
Quote:Video games are political. The business of games is political. The culture of game is political. Our very existence is political, especially those whose lives are being threatened by politicians like trans people. Even if what you said about Colin being “ignorant,” etc. was true, those of you with audiences in the tens or hundreds of thousands of people have a responsibility to do better than that.
genepark wrote:look i am pushing back because some of you make it sound like all of LSM content is just talking about social issues, when so much of it simply isn’t.
Quote:Well for me it doesn't matter if 99% of the content is fine when I know the person on top of it holds some really shitty views and has used the platform itself to push harmful agendas.
ZeoVGM wrote:I think we're all willing to admit that the overwhelming majority of LSM's content is gaming and nothing else.
But the fact of the matter is that if you have even one podcast that is dedicated to defending a person who was fired for transphobia, that is now an official stance of the company itself.
ClickyCal wrote:Not one person has said that though. That is moving the goalpost of saying that LSM is inherently apolitical, when it is so obviously anything but. Colin himself being the founder and lead of it with all the horrible things he has said and even people he has has enabled and agreed with with like Kara. Look at LSM video comment sections to see the fanbase they have cultivated. Even now look at the EZA reddit to see the kind of people posting there, openly saying the worst of the worst things about people from here.
genepark wrote:But he doesn’t dedicate the platform to any agenda besides gaming. We don’t dedicate entire episodes to a single issue, interviews aside. This isn’t Quartering. He mostly uses his platform to say how much he hates Game Pass and thinks it’s harmful business.
Anyway every consumer is well within their power And right to not support anyone for any reason. All I’m saying is the equating between Colin and the far right is frankly ridiculous. That’s the reason why I mentioned being mutuals with many far right folks. I’ve studied them for years as part of my work. If you don’t want to support centrists, that’s cool too! Centrists! Ugh! I get it!
I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind on Colin but I just want to push back on misinformation.
genepark wrote:I dunno, a lot of people here keep equating Colin with alt right commentators whose content are ALL political. Am I wrong for interpreting you all this way?
genepark wrote:This post keeps coming up and some of you really fail to understand that this is a very common perspective not just among many people but Asians as well. Many people do not understand nor have they even heard of the ”model minority” myth of Asian Americans. This is not mainstream! Advocacy isn’t calling these people “racist” and moving on, It’s about education and opening up discussion.
It’s easy to just Say “this is racist.” The hard work is reaching out and having a discussion. And I talked to Colin about this since anyway and we had a whole discussion about it.
genepark wrote:Quote:Yes, I think you are wrong for interpreting anyone here that way. I don’t think anyone believes Colin has a political podcast or anything. And honestly I don’t even see what difference that would make. He has shown his full ass many times so many of us don’t agree with EZA promoting him.Ok lemme ask you this:
Colin recently defended the writers strikes and said that workers aren’t privileged or whining to get more money, but that they are striking for the money they should’ve been earning in the first place.
is that a far right perspective? Is that showing his full ass?
ClickyCal wrote:Bigoted people can have views that aren't bigoted, but still also completely separate from their other bigoted views. Not sure why that needs to be explained.
genepark wrote:It needs to be explained because, again, I wouldn’t have joined with Colin if he was a bigot. It’s just frankly wrong.
ClickyCal wrote:It's frankly right, but there is seemingly no convincing you out of denial to his history of bigotry, so I will just stop trying.
genepark wrote:I mean there’s nothing in the world that will ever convince you to listen to more of the content to see how off mark this is, so I guess that‘s the end of the conversation.
ZeoVGM wrote:I don't think anyone in this current conversation has ever thought that it ends at calling someone "racist" online and thinking your work is done. I have been to protests, donated money to numerous charities and funds and had one-on-one conversations with people where I try to calmly explain why the thing they are doing or saying is bigoted. That includes my own family.
But I think there is also the truth that not everyone is willing to learn and those people often have a long history of bigoted comments or actions.
One thing I think is really important to keep in mind about that Colin tweet that always comes up is the context around when he posted it. Colin posted that tweet, in which he claims white supremacy doesn't exist, one month after the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville.
There was a neo-Nazi march in support of a white nationalist president in which someone was murdered and a month after, Colin went on Twitter to say that white supremacy isn't real.
That is racist.
genepark wrote:It’s sad that we’re still talking about Trump and 2016 in 2023 but that wasn’t what he said. In fact he said Trump should’ve disavowed white supremacists And that white supremacy is anti-American.
genepark wrote:Thanatos wrote:I never said anything of the sort and there is no need to move the goal posts that far and build the strawman that high.So if EZA wanted a New York Times reporter as a guest, that would also be an issue given that organization‘s role in transphobia, war mongering and countless other things? Just trying to understand the issue here.
Brad can be friends with whomever he likes, but when you give that friend a platform and use it as a cross promotional opportunity (which is what it was as it said Last Stand Media in the video) then clearly people can take issue with that, especially since Last Stand Media and its owner have both expressed views in the past that absolutely suck for some of us.
Or for that matter, what about me? I work for the Post, ,which recently had a very Large protest on Friday against our coverage of the Palestine Israel conflict.
Thanatos wrote:You've been pretty constant with your "what about" a completely hypothetical other example in this thread but I'll entertain this one: any brand/company absolutely decides who they do and do not platform and should be responsible for that. It is also okay for anyone who donates to Easy Allies to take issue with Easy Allies platforming a company or person who have a track record of horrible views, harmful material or anything else.
Easy Allies chose to have Dustin as a guest and they chose to direct people to Last Stand Media in the card that popped up saying where he is from. Thus anyone who takes issue with that and gives money to them is well within their right to make their voice heard and pull their donation if they so choose.
genepark wrote:Sorry I’m not a fan of what about discussions either, my query was really just an earnest one because I’m interested in your perspective. So I guess an NYT guest would lose some of you.
I have to agree with everything you said FWIW. I can respect anyone’s choices that make them feel comfortable.
Quote:You literally typed "When I watched the latest Frame Trap and saw both him and Last Stand Media in the tag below there's no planet where that's being an ally to trans people."
Which means you are saying EZA and everyone who participated in that podcast isn't an ally. Which is painting with the most broad brush imaginable and the exact point a lot of people are saying here.
Be disappointed but goodness get off your high horse and realize that not everyone is an ally or NOT an ally. That's not how the real world works.
Quote:Truly floored that a writer for The Washington Post would attempt to draw comparisons between the political nature of a small, niche media company with a controversial founder/owner who is also the primary content creator and very public voice of the brand to a similar position from comparably giant outlets like the NYT and WP.
It's an absolutely wild "what about" take from someone who actually interacts with both outlets. (Created an account just to say this, I am truly shocked and did not know where to channel this energy.)
genepark wrote:I am honored but also confused. This is simply the world we all have to live in. I’m just acknowledging the ongoing realities going on here.
I don’t see how it’s irrelevant. My former boss is the literal spokesman for the Ronald Reagan estate. That is overtly more political than “guy who owns a podcast network about gaming who votes libertarian and expresses those views sometimes.”
genepark wrote:what i’m arguing against is acting like lsm or colin are abhorrent and so reprehensible that it doesn’t deserve any kind of association.
i bring up my work because i’ve studied far right organizations for years and based on what is said here, i’m not convince that you understand what that actually means.
it’s fine to be upset about any association but you talk as if lsm is some organization created to represent certain ideals. it’s just not.
edit: i mean someone called me “alt right” and none other than the literal host of chapo traphouse was like what? these words are thrown around in the gaming community without real understanding what it means.
you also misrepresent the audience which is very diverse intellectually and often pushes back on colin for many points, gaming and otherwise.
you are right about how it’s mostly dudes tho. it’s a bit of a sausage fest, can’t deny that and we want to fix that.
genepark wrote:Quote:I just don't understand how anyone can know the full history of the founding of LSM, how and where it was promoted, and the kinds of videos it started out making (and, at times, still makes), and not think that "representing certain ideals" is one of the pillars of that company. Maybe it's evolved to be more than that with how many people are employed there now, but it never went away.it’s easy to understand once you realize it’s not an org to promote any ideal besides presenting all sides of the convo.
I mean, in a certain sense, virtually any personal channel is created at least in part to share certain ideals. But that's true in a way that is especially meaningful to this conversation with LSM.
now we don’t need to litigate the morality of “both sides” conversations. i’m not new at this and have been on the front lines of this debate at media organizations. but the reason i make parallels between nyt and wapo and lsm is because all 3 orgs are guilty of upholding a “both sides” standard of coverage.
again i alone can talk all day about my thoughts and concerns with such an approach, but what i want to illustrate is that this isn’t some fringe way of approaching topics. to paint that ideal as somehow being fringe and not worthy of association, i dunno.
also colin desperately wishes to have more of the “other side” of the debate but it’s because of backlashes like these that genuinely make it a headache for people. nobody wants to go through it. the only reason why i did is because i sometimes enjoy having these conversations as frustrating as they can be. but i totally get why anyone wouldn’t want to face whatever this is.
Dmax3901 wrote:You're the only one talking about alt-right and far-right whatever. You keep widening the conversation to include all kinds of different hate groups and national media publications which just seems so strange to me. We're talking about a very specific decision made by a very specific group of people.
LSM has only just this year platformed someone who was rightfully let go for being transphobic. Their framing of that whole situation (screenshots already posted in the last few pages) tells you exactly what they think of what went down. You cannot blame fans of EZA for not wanting that vibe and community anywhere near theirs.
You also brought up points about educating people not just writing them off. With respect, nah. For you they're colleagues and friends so sure by all means knock yourself out, you are in a unique position to do so. But patreon subscribers or casual viewers, especially those who are trans or non-binary? Hell no. It's not on them to explain to someone who follows LibsofTiktok or whatever why buying Hogwarts Legacy is problematic.
Messofanego ignoring one of genepark's earlier posts wrote:genepark since you're here, I've wondered how you square up Colin Moriarty's dismissals of systemic racism in USA because of using racial stereotypes of model minority Asian Americans as his counterpoint, with you being part of the group he's using as argument ammo.
genepark wrote:my mention about educating people specifically was about my work as a leader in Asian American advocacy groups. it was about discussions about the model minority myth and the nuances of the Asian experience. these are tricky distinctions we in these spaces have to navigate.
and it was in response to a white man lecturing me, an Asian man, about how offended i should feel.
Quote:Thanks for the link. That was, surprisingly, a whole lot less than advertised.
Colin gets to pontificate uninterrupted about how he was proven right and how unapologetic he is about the tweet, Gene mentions Asian-Americans don't like being used as a talking point, and Colin brushes it off as others having brought up the topic and him simply responding but if it was his choice he wouldn't be talking about race at all because it's all about class.
Is this it? Or were there more conversations about the topic between Colin and Gene later where they actually talked about the myth in the model minority myth.
At least I learned that Colin, as of only eleven months ago, liked Tucker Carlson - which puts him calling himself a populist these days in a different light - and considers it "the definition of problematic" for someone to "choose to bring his expertise to help normalize them and take their money", where "them", of course, refers to Tencent, not Last Stand Media.
Messofanego wrote:I watched that Sacred Symbols discussion and either I was given the wrong timestamp or wrong video, but the Asian American racism tweets aren't brought up. The only thing Colin says is that people might go after Asian Americans if they're considered white-adjacent, and he's revelling in being prescient or something? Nothing about the model minority racial stereotype. As an Asian myself, it's a pretty harmful stereotype and I have no problem calling someone peddling that stereotype as a way to say USA isn't a white supremacist or racist nation and because some Asian Americans get to have affluent lives to respond with "wheres the racism?!", a racist. But that's not where the discussion ends. It just shows his ignorance on systemic racism to boil it down to a simplistic understanding that if a country was racist, no minority ever would become affluent.BAN GENE PARK AND THE WASHINGTON POST
It's not on minorities to educate the white man, but it seems like you enjoy that because it's part of your job. Have at it. Even though you don't like your identity being used for arguments, and yet Colin doesn't respond to that or elaborate and just moves on to some other tangent. White folks should be learning and educating myselves first rather than going off on racial stereotypes to use for their dismissive and false arguments. Is this the big discussion? Maybe something deeper was said behind the scenes, and even this isn't very public seems its an unlisted video for Patreon members.
Gene calls him a mild conservative, and Colin admits to being part of the GOP but left because of Trump, has libertarian ideals, votes for Gary Johnson, likes Tucker Csrlson, and now considers himself a populist. But really he's just so happy conservatives and others can have a civil talk, which is giving Boogie2988 centrist vibes. Colin goes on to talk about how race is a distraction, "trans shit" is a distraction, and all he cares about is class because everyone uses the green dollar to buy beans, which is just missing a whole field of critical analysis called intersectionalism. Maybe these two will finally talk about the racial stereotype tweets but I'm not holding my breath. I don't see anywhere that Colin has changed his mind on systemic racism.