Journal of Other Forum Analysis
But someone in the Hamas thread says you can't believe Israel, the IDF, the BBC, and any western media.  ???
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
(10-17-2023, 08:44 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: But someone in the Hamas thread says you can't believe Israel, the IDF, the BBC, and any western media.  ???

The source of the video with the rocket breaking apart is a live feed from Al Jazeera  lol

(10-17-2023, 08:46 PM)Nintex wrote:
(10-17-2023, 08:44 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: But someone in the Hamas thread says you can't believe Israel, the IDF, the BBC, and any western media.  ???

The source of the video with the rocket breaking apart is a live feed from Al Jazeera  lol

literally shaking BUT.. BUT... COLONIZERS!!! APARTHEID STATE!!
Quote:Israel currently running about 4 different stories as to how it wasn't them, they don't even care to get a story straight. War crimes as brazen as you like.
The fake corporate news really fucked up today Trumps 

In the meantime the X armchair generals have already geolocated the entire incident and identified the area and all the buildings.

Its Joever terrorist scum.
B-dubs needs to start cracking down on these armchair experts in his thread. If Zeo got banned for less there's no excuse.


2 users liked this post: ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower
(10-17-2023, 08:44 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: But someone in the Hamas thread says you can't believe Israel, the IDF, the BBC, and any western media.  ???

I need to know what pink news says as a trustworthy source
oh, it was jk rowling wrote:This is Angelina's Father, The Detective used to be on the TV Show Miami's First 48. He had the news come because he missed being in the spotlight. The charges were dropped because she had time-stamped video at the helm of a yacht she was driving. The crime happened at 11:10 and the Time Stamp Video was 11:35 over an Hour away from the crime. Channel 10 and 4 have taken down the coverage. I joined here to see if Fonzie would delete the post because her mug shot photo shows up in the Google Search.

(10-17-2023, 04:58 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Ya know, I was happy she had not posted any Tran shit for months, as ignoring is the biggest fuck you there is. But this chick can't help herself, apparently. The reactions will be L the fuck OL of course, so I shall concede maybe the better scenario

She is a fucking idiot. Just because she's the enemy of your enemy...
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
ResetEra still in denial, despite all the footage. I can't with these folks  lol

The only counter arguments they have is:
- Hamas rockets don't explode that big
- It sounds not like how I would expect it to sound

As if they are rocket scientists.
CitizenVectron wrote:Regardless of who was responsible for this (or perhaps mixture of both, if it was an interception where the warhead fell and caused an explosion), people here are judging far too quickly on bad footage about things like warhead sound, explosion colours, etc (arguing for both side). No one here is an expert (except armchair expert), and no one here has enough proper info to make any conclusions beyond what actual experts are making. In time we will have a better picture, but people need to be careful about jumping to any conclusion based on evidence that is poor quality (and that is changing/being added to). Just a word of caution, because in the end some people are going to be wrong, and there is nothing added by trying to be the first to give an answer.

Quote:CNN has Israeli mouthpieces telling everyone it was an Islamic Jihad rocket

Quote:Hamas using the hospital as cover to fire it's rockets at Israel, and Israel immediately counter-attacking the launcher, causing an explosion which then did major damage to the hospital right next to it, is an entirely plausible explanation.

In which case, again, both sides are guilty of a war crime.
You ain't slick.

Quote:The Al Jazeera live video does show something odd going on. There was Rocket fire going on seconds before the explosion and it does seem like something happened to the rocket as it seemed to break apart in the air. A few seconds after that there is an explosion at the hospital.
Of course I am not saying that that is what happened. It could be just an issue of timing being coincidental.

What a coincidence Trumps
[Image: 82wsu6.jpg]
(10-17-2023, 08:14 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: [Image: uPMyIEl.png]

Still an all time greatest tweet

MercuryLS wrote:The both sides people have mad “all lives matter” energy right now, no, right now fucking Palestinian lives matter as they get bombed and starved to death by bloodthirsty Israeli bastards.

BufBaf wrote:Yeah, those people can really miss me at this point. It's absolutely crystal clear who bombed the hospital. Hint, they LEFT WARNINGS.
As usual Israel will go with "What? Us? No way, it was Hamas" for a day, then change to "No it was us but we had reason to believe the hospital was run by Hamas" or some bullshit.


JigglesBunny wrote:The most backlash the IDF has received from western powers over the last week is Biden half-heartedly tweeting something to the effect of “hey, don’t bomb Gaza, come on.” They’re literally in the midst of enacting the final solution they’ve yearned for for decades and world powers are, by and large, eating up the “everyone is aiding/allied with Hamas” line hook, line and sinker.

I can’t fucking believe the wool is still so tightly wrapped over so many of your eyes.

Gonna ban him for inappropriate comparison now?
Quote:An hospital exploded with a missile, more than 500 innocents killed and I can still read "both sides" on these pages. Wtf.
Yeah, those people can really miss me at this point. It's absolutely crystal clear who bombed the hospital. Hint, they LEFT WARNINGS.
As usual Israel will go with "What? Us? No way, it was Hamas" for a day, then change to "No it was us but we had reason to believe the hospital was run by Hamas" or some bullshit.


Usually hospitals don't explode like a Russian ammo warehouse but you do you  lol
they really do need a like system. B-dubs can curate his site better with it.

"LIKE this post if you support Israel. DO NOT LIKE this post if you support Hamas."
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Venice
(10-17-2023, 09:47 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: they really do need a like system. B-dubs can curate his site better with it.

"LIKE this post if you support Israel. DO NOT LIKE this post if you support Hamas."

They've opposed Like/React systems for a long time because "it will lead to trolling". Guessing the mods know their insane users aren't popular at large, and likes would show that silent majority doesn't like em lol
There's no way someone like Zeo stays away for three months. No doubt he has a couple alts at the ready for just this sort of situation.
(10-17-2023, 09:53 PM)Averon wrote: There's no way someone like Zeo stays away for three months. No doubt he has a couple alts at the ready for just this sort of situation.

Watch the latest MCU thread for some new weirdass guy popping up lol
It's amazing how they're shifting the blame for this clusterfuck to Israel whenever they have the chance and its not just limited to ResetEra either.

"If only those pesky jew thots weren't twerking at the border, we wouldn't have this GENOCIDE. The Freedom Fighters were tricked by Bibis devious schemes!!"  Rolleyes

Quote:it's time for you to hit the showers
holy shit  lol

Spoiler:  (click to show)
This is a well known euphemism for Nazi death camp gas chambers, they were disguised as showers
Astal wrote:I worked as a journalist for eleven years and have seen a lot of warzone videos. That was 100 percent a fast-moving projectile with a huge payload.

To my knowledge Hamas has nothing that powerful.

Gonna need to see a warning, B-dubs. This claim done by a "journalist" isn't a reliable source.   Wink
World's dumbest Admin breaks his silence on ZeoVGM's ban:

[Image: IiM1fpZ.png]

B-Dumbass wrote:I'm just going to say this one time and one time only.

It's perfectly fine to have an issue with Easy Allies having this guy on the podcast. We all have different standards for this stuff, we all have different experiences and backgrounds, some of us are more sensitive to this sort of thing as a result. This is ok.

What is not ok, what you cannot be doing, is starting fights on here, taking them to twitter and reddit, and then coming back here with the fight. You cannot be starting fights with other communities on different forums/platforms. You cannot be making wild accusations at other users. You cannot be baiting other users. You cannot be constantly escalating the situation and placing yourself at the center of it.

Having an issue with this EZA thing is fine, it's understandable. What has been happening in here for the last few days is wholly unacceptable and very far over the line. I would suggest that everyone chill out and discuss this like adults, instead of how you have been.

B-Dumbs, you dumbfuck, it wouldn't have escalated the way it did if you hadn't been so fucking negligent and had banned ZeoVGM's and his gang of shits straight-away.

In fact, the ONLY reason ZeoVGM is even banned is because someone actually important and relevant, Gene Park, has been posting and Zeo made a fool of himself. The optics of a moron talking down to a 'gay Asian cancer survivor' on what is, and isn't, Asian-racism look spectacularly bad for ResetEra.

ZeoVGM shouldn't even have a 3 month ban. The asshole should have been permed long ago.
What is not unacceptable or over the line is supporting terrorists killing babies. Those posts are perfect. Trumps
I don't know why they're tripping over themselves to figure out who did this in an age of AI and propaganda. Could be Israel could be someone else. Not enough data. False sense of urgency is a tactic in scamming.

In 3 days or 2 weeks we'll know and it doesn't mean we missed the opportunity to react.  Life isn't performative always online stuff.
(10-17-2023, 10:00 PM)Venice wrote: ZeoVGM shouldn't even have a 3 month ban. The asshole should have been permed long ago.

Under normal moderation he would be, but this clique/discord shit runs deeeeeep over there. Look for him to be screaming in twitch chat's later today about it.

dude wrote:
m_shortpants wrote:There are literally tweets from Israeli officials praising the attack, which were deleted and then replaced with the misfire narrative, probably once they realized what they just did.
Just FYI the people who praised the attacks are not people in the know about what actually is going on. They're just racist despicable judeonazis that are part of the racist government.
I still think it is likely an IDF strike, but this is not proof of it

B-Dubs gonna have to tut tut them about conspiracy theories again
(10-17-2023, 08:31 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(10-17-2023, 05:38 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Gameboy Nostalgia about to go on suicide watch. ZeoVGM got banned for three months. 

User Banned (3 months): attacking other users, engaging in off-site drama, thread derailment, escalating hostilities, and inflammatory commentary over a series of posts




Spoiler:  (click to show)
please donate to my kofi
I'm currently holding the sharp part of a Final Fantasy Rebirth Disc 2 to my throat  maf

(10-17-2023, 09:56 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(10-17-2023, 09:53 PM)Averon wrote: There's no way someone like Zeo stays away for three months. No doubt he has a couple alts at the ready for just this sort of situation.

Watch the latest MCU thread for some new weirdass guy popping up lol
REmember when ZattMurdock rolled back in after permaban with an alt that was like "BrazilianLawyerMCUFan" or something like that?

Post liked ban all the other deplorables
B-dumbs wrote:There's no room for them to negotiate after all this. The IDF blew up the summit along with that hospital.

He really is that retarded
(10-17-2023, 10:07 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: REmember when ZattMurdock rolled back in after permaban with an alt that was like "BrazilianLawyerMCUFan" or something like that?

And he got exposed because he was defending the Avengers game so hard that he posted a screenshot of his steam ID for some reason  lol
Quote:You cannot be baiting other users.

Do the users know this, Bdubs?

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