Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(10-31-2023, 02:21 PM)Venice wrote: Era with another We-Hate-AI-Fuck-The-Developers-Thread:

Not sure how TheBore feels about AI voice actors, but personally I couldn't give a shit if ALL videogame voice actors were replaced with AI. Most videogames nowadays have god-awful human voice acting as it is. If you told me the voices in the Era OP's link were human voices, and not AI, I would have believed you:

Threads like this always show little Era knows about videogame production, as well as their selfishness.

On the one hand, they are always constantly complaining about how long games take to make, how much they cost, the subsequent rise in retail prices of games for consumers, etc...

On the other hand, whenever a studio takes a decision that will 1, cut huge costs (in this case, using AI over hiring of human voice actors) and 2, speed up game development time, they always respond with the same hivemind comments. 'Fuck this developer.' 'Fuck this game'. 'Boycott this studio'. 'Pay you actors'. 'Ugh. I hate this industry'.

Just a permanently clueless, shit-for-brains forum  Derp

the only reason Finals' AI voice acting is bad is because they used a shitty voice generator

like just typing in what you want to be said and using that raw output without modification

the superior method is have someone (anyone, a random dev) actually read those lines with emotion and inflection, and then reskin them under a different voice, that method tends to sound flawless

Fj0823 wrote:I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Brie Larson and people involved in projects involving the Captain/Ms. Marvel characters have been subjected to constant harrasment, misinformation and aggressiveness as a result of pathetic men pushing back against female and POC leads in Nerd IP Media. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly ask that we all work together to keep this thread as one of the possibly few online places were discussion is focused on the movie and its qualities that doesn't devolve into a toxic wasteland. Avoid drive-bys, check your sources and maintain a good-faith discussion.
No chuds* allowed.

*People who don't like the movie.

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
Jay100insane wrote:hi
(10-30-2023, 11:53 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
Plagiarize wrote:Donald Trump poops on a gold toilet.

He is going to *absolutely hate* any time he spends behind bars. The loss of privacy from being under observation. The loss of agency of being able to choose what he does when. The loss of freedom of being able to choose where to go.

He will hate every minute of it. It's absurd to suggest otherwise.

But I get it. I work in corrections (IT support, but still) so I see this misconception all the time. People drastically overestimate how much a nice environment affects how impactful incarceration is psychologically. Some carpet and a nice cot or chair or his own TV or whatever you're imagining are not going to make Trump enjoy his time inside.

And the very very best you can get behind bars is going to be woefully substandard for Trump. Even if they let him have a personal chef. Or McDonalds and Diet Coke whenever he wants it, I guess, as would be more likely for him.

No wonder they hate the more female prison guards joke.
Donald Trump isn't going to prison, especially not real prison. lol

Plus, he already spent four years as President. Tell me you don't know anything about the modern presidency if you don't think it sounds like a prison ala school. Everywhere you go and everything you do is directed by other people, you're never alone, everyone has access to even the residency, all your statements are crafted by other people, etc. You know why these guys, Clinton, Obama and Trump, golfed so much and everyone lost their shit about it? Because it's literally the only time the President can escape the hounds with a few buds where the Secret Service keeps distance because courses are safe and easy to watch.

The President's life is so scheduled that you have to "schedule" some friends stopping by for 15 minutes to chat. It'd take someone like me to destroy this entire system and replace it with something sensible and nobody in politics is going to do that. Trump wasn't going to do that because his company already treated him as if he had no agency and hilariously, despite his arrogance, he trusted the DC hands who told him he couldn't change the way things operated. (What he accidentally changed in this regard was because he didn't give a shit or read anything anyone brought him and was only interested in stuff he saw on Fox News or Twitter they stopped bothering, especially after he had gone through gobs of people in every position, giving him more free time to watch Fox News and tweet. Somebody like Elaine Chao, cabinet member, said they never even met with the guy after the first few months.)
They now made the Israel Palestine thread members only. Very normal.
(10-31-2023, 02:51 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Not sure how TheBore feels about AI voice actors,

There is a segment of the Bore that really, really, really likes AI in general, but each on their own. I have my reservations but I prefer to choose my battles over pretending to care about who voices an announcer in a multiplayer game.
I don't think anyone here loves AI, we just aren't luddites. Nor do we think people should be made poorer deliberately because some people are luddites and ignorant weirdos.

mojo wrote:Some of you need to ask for better. You shouldn't expect movies that cost over 200 mil to have bad cg and bad fight choreography with villains saying the same shit they've been saying in every movie for 25 years.
(10-31-2023, 06:00 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: They now made the Israel Palestine thread members only. Very normal.

If B-Dubs is ashamed of the antisemitism, he should do something about it instead of trying to hide it.
(10-30-2023, 10:00 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:I would like to offer two additional observations so that we can hopefully make this thread a more inclusive, safer space for Jewish people.

I'm trying to be as polite and respectful as possible when I inform people on this forum that the saying "Zionists in Israel are a globally destructive force" is something that would be very at home on far-right websites. Like, I'm trying to do my best to not be hyperbolic, overly dramatic, or escalate tensions in here — that is exactly what Nazis believe.
And I'm trying to let people know, it's very easy to feel your feelings and advocate for your sense of justice without doing that. We take great pains not to say that Hamas represents innocent Palestinians. But almost any Israeli Jew would say they are a Zionist totally independent of any thought, feeling, or action they might have toward Palestinians. So, by calling them a "globally destructive force", you're not showing the same respect to not stereotype and generalize the innocent Israeli civilian population that we ask to show to the innocent Palestinian population.

And then, as a reply to the Jewish person pointing out anti-Semitic sentiments, a bunch of people decided to go "well, actually, no".

Just something for people to observe and take notice.

Secondly, as everyone discusses the origins and morality of Zionism, which I'm thrilled people are having because it adds proper nuance and complexity to the loaded term (and hopefully people learn some stuff!), it's been fascinating to see so much discussion and not a single mention of the Holocaust come up.

To me, as a Jewish person, I notice that kind of thing. I don't presume to know peoples' backgrounds or connections or anything. No one does on a forum, that's the beauty of a forum. To me, though, talking about Zionism without ever mentioning the Holocaust would be a signal to me that the discussion is not really including Jewish voices.

Which, is just something for people to note.
User Banned (Permanent): Concern trolling in a sensitive thread, account in junior phase

They reversed the perma ban to a threadban for "thread derail"

Interesting that this coincides with making the thread members only.
They hide the threads when they fear accountability culture might come to their members.
(10-31-2023, 04:44 PM)books wrote: I like how even the worldly trans lesbians on resetera neglect that there are trans men out there that might enjoy that sexy mouse thread.

Given the avatar choices and anime figure collections of many of Era's lesbian members, I'd suggest closing the sexy female cartoon character thread as "boy's club" behaviour is highly problematic.
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1698775225' wrote: 1698775225[/url]']
They now made the Israel Palestine thread members only. Very normal.

Someone from MOBA must have made the call. In the poliera thread, BDumbs also wants them to stop talking about it. 

Quote:Hey, this isn't the thread on Israel and Palestine! Coming in here to discuss it in order to get around thread bans isn't what we're doing. If you want to discuss the situation there's a thread for it.’s-creed-art.780260/#post-114249770

Nothing Loud, post: 114249770, member: 4041 wrote:That right hand is a little weird in the fingers.

As a budding AI Scientist: not like this. Please don't do shit like this, game devs/pubs. Don't lay off people and then replace their labor with AI. Train your staff to harness and leverage AI instead to improve productivity workflow and be able to do more than you ever could before in harsh timelines with what you already have. Instead of having a team of 5 artists slave over producing monotonous patterned textures for rugs, carpets, paintings, etc. or repetitive in-game hallways, use AI to automate the tedium of that part that no one really wants to do and repurpose/harness the artists focus on details that AI doesn't do well instead: like unique character designs, more storyboarding, etc. Idk just thoughts on my end but I just think pubs/devs are going about this all the wrong way.

AI is not supposed to be used to make shitty filler textures, art, voice acting, etc. Automation is *supposed* to liberate humans from tedium that wears and tears us. It's supposed to be used to automate repetitive tasks so that creative human minds can refocus their human talents on things humans resonate with: believable animations, believable character designs, believable voices. It's about immersion. The illusion of immersion can be done by automating certain tasks and detail-focusing with humans on others.

But take my $0.02 with a grain of salt. I'm a bioscientist, not a game designer, so these are kinda Tales from My Ass over here...

Egomaniac Egomaniac Egomaniac

Spoiler:  (click to show)
(10-31-2023, 06:31 PM)BIONIC wrote:’s-creed-art.780260/#post-114249770

Nothing Loud, post: 114249770, member: 4041 wrote:Instead of having a team of 5 artists slave over producing monotonous patterned textures for rugs, carpets, paintings, etc. or repetitive in-game hallways, use AI to automate the tedium of that part that no one really wants to do ... 

AI is not supposed to be used to make shitty filler textures, art, voice acting, etc. Automation is *supposed* to liberate humans from tedium that wears and tears us. It's supposed to be used to automate repetitive tasks so that creative human minds can refocus their human talents on things humans resonate with
I guess we should focus human talents on shitty filler stuff?
(10-31-2023, 06:31 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1698775225' wrote: 1698775225[/url]']
They now made the Israel Palestine thread members only. Very normal.

Someone from MOBA must have made the call. In the poliera thread, BDumbs also wants them to stop talking about it. 

Quote:Hey, this isn't the thread on Israel and Palestine! Coming in here to discuss it in order to get around thread bans isn't what we're doing. If you want to discuss the situation there's a thread for it.

I'd die laughing if it was one of the posters going over the heads of mods/admin/bdubs straight to MOBA since they've always been encouraged to report people.


Quote:I hope they cover Monica's hard feelings toward Carol that was implied in WandaVision.

Quote:there's definitely something there they need to explore - the fact that Carol never came back to earth to see her or her mom until she was forced to return because of Thanos.

Quote:And I find it interesting that the dynamic is Carol stuck between the fangirl who thinks she can do no wrong and the family member who think's she ain´t shit. It's a great premise for sure

Sounds like another Marvel blockbuster!

Quote:The controversy is that the usual suspects are saying the movie was hacked and slashed together because Marvel panicked at the CINEMATIC FAILURE.

A good offense is playing defense before the game starts.
But MOBA's Swedish, not Jewish, so why would they want to silence people who speak up against genocide? Unless... yt solidarity. hmm
Isn't cunting Eden an artist and AI art hater? Where is he now to comment on his favorite dev?
(10-31-2023, 06:43 PM)books wrote:
Quote:The controversy is that the usual suspects are saying the movie was hacked and slashed together because Marvel panicked at the CINEMATIC FAILURE.

A good offense is playing defense before the game starts.
(10-31-2023, 06:31 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Nothing Loud, post: 114249770, member: 4041 wrote:AI is not supposed to be used to make shitty filler textures, art, voice acting, etc. Automation is *supposed* to liberate humans from tedium that wears and tears us. It's supposed to be used to automate repetitive tasks so that creative human minds can refocus their human talents on things humans resonate with: believable animations, believable character designs, believable voices.

automation isn't "supposed to" do anything

tools exist independently of some snob's recommended usage guide, you do whatever the fuck you want with them

this is that rhetoric you see going around online, "automation was supposed to do all the hard work and physical labor for us, leaving us free for creative endeavors like art, music, whittling, macrame! instead we automated the art and we have to keep doing the hard work!!"

Social Justice Warrior 

without thinking that of course something that's easy to do with any consumer grade computer is going to proliferate quickly, as opposed to the money and engineering that goes into crafting a bespoke machine that requires a ton of power and maintenance, and has to meet safety guidelines and standards because physical work is dangerous, etc etc
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Boredfrom, benji
can someone tell me who the heck the black lady is on the cover of the marvels and what movies or shows she was in

are they just making shit up in marvel movies now like "next up in phase 6: zooperia the cryptodominatrix"
Wandavision I think. Can't remember the name
[Image: hDnlvZr.png]

This fella really put a fricking disclaimer on the marvels mcu topic!! oh no, people are going to be mean to my favorite movie franchise that i made my whole personality.
AIs can both write and design that better
Not an Alt Account dateline='[url=tel:1698778126' wrote: 1698778126[/url]']
Isn't cunting Eden an artist and AI art hater? Where is he now to comment on his favorite dev?

He’s been busy doing pro-rape advocacy for Ubisoft
btw I don't know why but

[Image: tVq6fCz.png]

(10-31-2023, 05:37 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Fj0823 wrote:I'd like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Brie Larson and people involved in projects involving the Captain/Ms. Marvel characters have been subjected to constant harrasment, misinformation and aggressiveness as a result of pathetic men pushing back against female and POC leads in Nerd IP Media. It is for this reason that I wholeheartedly ask that we all work together to keep this thread as one of the possibly few online places were discussion is focused on the movie and its qualities that doesn't devolve into a toxic wasteland. Avoid drive-bys, check your sources and maintain a good-faith discussion.
No chuds* allowed.

*People who don't like the movie.
(10-31-2023, 07:09 PM)malfoyking wrote:

This fella really put a fricking disclaimer on the marvels mcu topic!! oh no, people are going to be mean to my favorite movie franchise that i made my whole personality.
Remember to check your fucking sources before discussing the movie and its qualities. ufup
[Image: mO9pL3d.png]
(10-31-2023, 12:29 PM)Snoopy wrote: Ree reacts to the Saudis hosting the World Cup

Quote:We should boycott the hell out of this considering their human rights record and specifically the way they treat LGBTQ people.


Good luck with that

era: I don't think SA should host the world cup due to their human rights record
also era: GO GO HAMAS!
[Image: 92tl5i5.png]
(10-31-2023, 07:02 PM)Uncle wrote: can someone tell me who the heck the black lady is on the cover of the marvels and what movies or shows she was in

are they just making shit up in marvel movies now like "next up in phase 6: zooperia the cryptodominatrix"

Monica Rambeau, former Captain Marvel and former head of the Avengers in the comics

Anime Expert

now best known for:
[Image: XF9n2.png]

in the MCU, shes the daughter of Captain Marvels BFF (instantly abandoned for space) and got her powers by uhhhhh walking through an energy field in wandavision, then gas lighting the victims of mind control that its all good because wanda (former hydra terrorist) was an avenger and let her get off scott free.
Basically she fucking sucks in the mcu, her powers origin sucks, her portrayal as avengers bootlicker sucks, and her characterisation was so paper thin you learnt more about 1 Broke Girl who got a shitload less screen time

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