Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(11-21-2023, 10:06 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Kambaylogo wrote:it is not an antisemitic trope to state that the US media has clearly taken a side‘scream-vii’-after-social-media-posts-amid-israel-hamas-conflict.787563/#post-115245810

Resetera becoming the next stormfront wasn’t on the bingo card but it tracks

Milky Way wrote:She absolutely should not have been fired for this

puddi64 wrote:So I'm going to be blunt here - is freedom of speech even a thing anymore?

Booshka's advice is that she used the wrong conspiracy theory  lol
Quote:It's much easier to mention that social media is shadow banning and censoring pro liberation movements for Palestine. Her "deduce that for yourself," comment can be easily construed as an antisemitic dogwhistle. Media can easily manufacture consent with how they present and interpret conflicts, but if you are not being very clear, then people are going to side eye you for those kind of comments.

Social media is filled with pro-palestine and even pro-hamas sentiments you dumbass
(11-21-2023, 10:38 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Social media is filled with pro-palestine and even pro-hamas sentiments you dumbass

Wink Even gets pushed on those who have never watched any pro-Palestine content. Thank you Youtube Shorts.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Please don't scare me. I dropped Ragnarok cause of levels with him and watched the story on YouTube :d
(11-21-2023, 07:59 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(11-21-2023, 07:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Dismissive Commentary in a Sensitive Thread
ArcLyte wrote:The term "neoliberal" does not have the same meaning today that it did 50-60 years ago. It's no longer a framework that favors deregulation, today it actually strongly advocates for market regulation by governments and strong gov't institutions. Milei is not a neolib, lol. It is preposterous to think that.

At this point i want the mods to add a "sensitive thread" tag.

"Paw Patrol movie sequel announced (Sensitive thread)"

Holy fuck, Slayven kept making Chase hate threads by complaining how Rubble does all the work while Chase gets the credit.
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1700605335' wrote: 1700605335[/url]']

Quote:UK museum declares Roman emperor a trans woman – The Telegraph

Quote:The North Hertfordshire Museum in Hitchin, England, has announced that the Roman emperor Elagabalus, who ruled from AD 218 until his assassination at the age of 18 in 222, was transgender, The Telegraph reported on Monday.

Quote:Commenting on the subject, Keith Hoskins, a Liberal Democrat councilor and executive member for arts at North Herts Council, told the paper that “Elagabalus most definitely preferred the she pronoun, and as such this is something we reflect when discussing her in contemporary times.”

At the same time, some historians have expressed doubts about the credibility of Cassius Dio’s claims, as he served the emperor Severus Alexander, who succeeded Elagabalus.

As an example, the outlet cited the opinion of Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, professor of classics at Cambridge, who said that the Romans “used accusations of sexual behaviour ‘as a woman’ as one of the worst insults against men.” He also noted that since Elagabalus was of Syrian origin and not a Roman, “there’s racial prejudice going on there too.”

Little evidence of Elagabalus’ reign has been preserved aside from the works of Cassius, although the chronicler himself admitted that he spent most of the relevant period outside of Rome and had to rely on second-hand information.

so the primary source who wrote anything about this guy had every motivation in the world to shit all over him, downplay any positive qualities and make him look terrible in comparison to the new emperor

I can see it now, in a few hundred years, "Trump was trans because everyone described him as having small hands and was 'orange,' a color we in the enlightened future associate with transness"

yet another example of

[Image: SJrWLV3.png]

I prefer you linked the telegraph over RT, plz Uncle.
(11-21-2023, 10:17 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Ree before October 7th attack: KANYE WEST BAD  literally shaking

Ree now: Maybe Kanye had some good points.  hmm

Substitute in Hitler or Bin Laden for Kanye as you will...
(11-21-2023, 10:29 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(11-21-2023, 10:22 PM)Uncle wrote:

Quote:UK museum declares Roman emperor a trans woman – The Telegraph

Quote:The North Hertfordshire Museum in Hitchin, England, has announced that the Roman emperor Elagabalus, who ruled from AD 218 until his assassination at the age of 18 in 222, was transgender, The Telegraph reported on Monday.

Quote:Commenting on the subject, Keith Hoskins, a Liberal Democrat councilor and executive member for arts at North Herts Council, told the paper that “Elagabalus most definitely preferred the she pronoun, and as such this is something we reflect when discussing her in contemporary times.”

At the same time, some historians have expressed doubts about the credibility of Cassius Dio’s claims, as he served the emperor Severus Alexander, who succeeded Elagabalus.

As an example, the outlet cited the opinion of Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, professor of classics at Cambridge, who said that the Romans “used accusations of sexual behaviour ‘as a woman’ as one of the worst insults against men.” He also noted that since Elagabalus was of Syrian origin and not a Roman, “there’s racial prejudice going on there too.”

Little evidence of Elagabalus’ reign has been preserved aside from the works of Cassius, although the chronicler himself admitted that he spent most of the relevant period outside of Rome and had to rely on second-hand information.

so the primary source who wrote anything about this guy had every motivation in the world to shit all over him, downplay any positive qualities and make him look terrible in comparison to the new emperor

I can see it now, in a few hundred years, "Trump was trans because everyone described him as having small hands and was 'orange,' a color we in the enlightened future associate with transness"

yet another example of

[Image: SJrWLV3.png]

"He forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating this deity, presiding over them in person. He married four women, including a Vestal Virgin, in addition to lavishing favours on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers. He was also reported to have prostituted himself"

"Elagabalus developed a reputation among his contemporaries for extreme eccentricity, decadence, zealotry and sexual promiscuity. This tradition has persisted; among writers of the early modern age he endured one of the worst reputations among Roman emperors. Edward Gibbon, notably, wrote that Elagabalus "abandoned himself to the grossest pleasures with ungoverned fury"."

"Elagabalus was not a tyrant, but he was an incompetent, probably the least able emperor Rome had ever had."

Sounds like trans folk to me. You sure this isn't an insult to the movement?

Holy shit, dude did all that before he turned 18?

Quote:The thing about this kind of improv is that MOST of it will be bad. Robin knew that, too. That's why they did so many takes. Robin knew he would find the scene, they just had to keep working at it until they found a take that he and Chris both liked. And it may not have been the one they thought it would be.

But that kind of process is AGONY to sift through, especially if you weren't in the room when it was happening. I'm sure there are bits of gold in those hours and hours of outtakes, but a lot of them will likely be very, very rough, both by Robin's extremely lofty standards and by modern comedy standards.

As someone who did improv professionally for ten years, I would say it's probably better to leave it in the vault of history rather than releasing it. If they are going to reuse any of it, they need to be really careful and only release a couple takes, not...all of it.

C'mon son!

Add another one to the pile....
How many jobs does this make now?
(11-21-2023, 02:58 PM)wsippel wrote:
(11-21-2023, 07:24 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1700501789' wrote: 1700501789[/url]']’s-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west.787029/#post-115180752

Bruh…that’s not the lesbian in you, it’s the man in you

I have no idea why Planetsmasher even brought up Shift Up, the article was about a completely different studio in a different country working on a different game. No sources or evidence, either. I guess they have to be sexist and misogynist because their games feature tons of fanservice - shocking, a studio started by one of Korea's most famous cheesecake artists (Hyung Tae Kim), his cosplayer and cheesecake artist wife (KKUEM), and another famous cheesecake artist (Hyulla) has lots of fanservice in their games!
The lesbian in me has awoken

(11-21-2023, 11:36 PM)Averon wrote:
Quote:The thing about this kind of improv is that MOST of it will be bad. Robin knew that, too. That's why they did so many takes. Robin knew he would find the scene, they just had to keep working at it until they found a take that he and Chris both liked. And it may not have been the one they thought it would be.

But that kind of process is AGONY to sift through, especially if you weren't in the room when it was happening. I'm sure there are bits of gold in those hours and hours of outtakes, but a lot of them will likely be very, very rough, both by Robin's extremely lofty standards and by modern comedy standards.

As someone who did improv professionally for ten years, I would say it's probably better to leave it in the vault of history rather than releasing it. If they are going to reuse any of it, they need to be really careful and only release a couple takes, not...all of it.

C'mon son!

Add another one to the pile....
How many jobs does this make now?

Given their education, this should be THE job, right? Was this a side gig during their 10 years getting a comedy school PhD?
If it was any improv company or group of note he would have said it, right?  It sounds like it was probably Scranton City College.  He was there 10 years and viewed himself as a mentor to the new students despite them advancing before him. 

(11-21-2023, 07:33 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Funny enough, one of these companies had created some software to analyze their games to check for diversity and ERA went ballistic. So I guess unless it's some doofus doing the same thing without any computer program helping them, it's wrong?
Something about how it's dehumanizing if people know the metrics they're being measured by other than it being vague.'s unspoken class interest is in having a lot of college graduates with useless degrees being handed high paying jobs to be constantly complaining racists and sexists. As anti-capitalists they have to keep this quiet because it's very pro-capitalist.

(11-21-2023, 11:29 AM)Uncle wrote:
I don't disagree about the sadness, that's why I called them self-enforced losers. That's what they are, crabs in the bucket. I wouldn't even criticize them for these choices like I do and this guy did except that they're the ones who criticize their own choices. But rather than recognize who has made those choices they lash out at everyone else.

A lot of these people will list all the things wrong with them and all the ways they fail, to garner sympathy, but with an air of perfection about them. You can tell they really think they're flawless and should be treated as the pride of humanity even as they explain all the ways they fail. They clearly don't actually like it but they don't want to change. It's fine to be a hermit and stick to your interests, it was good enough for Leo Tolstoy so it's good enough for me. But you can't attack other people over it and demand they change. And the arrogance and hubris of believing that society should remake itself in your own image is monumental, they don't even want to get their hands dirty like other totalitarians they want to speak and have it be done out of other people feeling shame at having disappointed them.

So that, plus their refusal to change, is what makes me conquer the sadness to mock them. Like legit admitted incel forums have that sadness but there's also a sense of hope and community sometimes rather than a nihilist spiral of despair that blames others. It's the incels in denial, the ones who imagine themselves to be paragons of virtue not true failures, that seems to think the world only makes sense if you force it to. 

(11-21-2023, 12:11 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: It's got nothing to do with left or right really, at the core of it, it's a deep sickness of the soul brought on by too much internet. The description of the trans nutters could be applied equally devastatingly to the America First weirdos, or the SNP cult, or the Corbyn cranks, or Farage's wankers, etc etc. And that isn't a cop out, it's true, these behaviours emerge when a critical mass of internet crankery is reached

We're unlucky in that our hobby is the sphere from which all of this has emerged, because games are the primordial soup of internet culture, the gamers being the people who were permanently online in the beginning and forevermore.
(11-21-2023, 04:16 PM)Daft Hand wrote: A lot of people want to attribute this kind of online mental illness to one side of the political divide, but the fact is these types of extremely alienated social outcasts will gravitate towards whichever group is more willing to indulge and enable them. They don't actually care about politics or principles, they're just broken people who want somebody to tell them that bunkering down in a filthy one bedroom apartment and jerking off to fetish porn all day is a valid lifestyle. That's why the more disagreeable ones tend to flip flop from one side to other, they'll inevitably piss off too many people in the lefty group by acting like an asshole so they'll flounce to the alt righters and then the cycle repeats.
(11-21-2023, 06:30 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I think you gotta focus in on the culty, quasi religious elements. How they evangelise, how they recruit, what the epistemology of their ideology, how they form a canon, the shifting taboos. All that shit is fascinating and exists both in the trans hatcheries and the qanon temples
(11-21-2023, 07:32 PM)Potato wrote: I think the inherent idleness and laziness is particular to the extreme left though because so many of these idiots misinterpret communism in a way that allows them to think they will be sitting on their fat lazy arses doing nothing all day while all the other people will be labouring towards feeding, clothing, housing and providing Internet and videogames for them.
It's not "left" or "right" except in the partisan meaningless form of politics. But these supposedly opposed ideologies are more alike than they are different, hence the absurd "cope" of horseshoe theory. Trumpism is absolutely a Marxist ideology, it subscribes to almost all of the tenets it just changes the definition of who the "proletariat" (oppressed) and "capitalist" (oppressor) classes are. Almost every modern progressive theory does the same with race or gender or cis/trans or Israel/Palestine or whatever else. All the original Marxist assumptions are baked right in there and never questioned.

Horseshoe theory stems from people adopting Marxist frameworks in the first place, the Soviets said fascism was on the right so it must be. Even though fascism wasn't conservative, it was revolutionary and destructive, it wanted to remake society pretty much exactly as communism does. And it wanted to do it by establishing an all powerful unchecked single party state that controlled every aspect of society and seized the means of production. It just had a different class analysis. A different sense of who the deserving was and who deserved to be enemies of the state. This is hardly an acceptable framework for describing two poles of a spectrum. Both ends are the same, so the middle is both complete agreement and complete opposition. How does this even make sense? How did people ever accept this?

This is all because Marx never, ever, defined "class" anywhere leaving the entire thing as a reworked millennialist prophecy of a final battle between Good and Evil. No matter how many Marxists on Twitter or anywhere else tell me otherwise but then fail to cite where he did. We should reject it, like any other failed religious prophecies, not obsessively use it over and over again to guide all of politics no matter how many times it fails. That way leads only to cult practices and totalitarian ideals.

I'm reluctant to admit it but it only seems like the two poles should be totalitarianism and anarchism. Make whichever you want be the left and the right. I don't see the point of claiming you're better and the "complete opposite" because your totalitarian ideology is slightly different from some other guys and you really hate that guy. Duh, internal fights over irrelevant doctrinal disputes are always the worst. Leave me alone.

(11-21-2023, 10:06 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:‘scream-vii’-after-social-media-posts-amid-israel-hamas-conflict.787563/#post-115245810

puddi64 wrote:So I'm going to be blunt here - is freedom of speech even a thing anymore?
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Talk shit, get hit. Fuck around, find out. Hit dog hollers. FREEZE PEACH just means the right to say slurs. It's a private company they can do whatever they want. How many more of these do you want?
Oh, how did I forget that cancel culture isn't even a thing. It doesn't exist.
Quote:Might as well gag yourself if you have something Pro-Palestinian to say while making a comment on the suppression of the Pro-Palestinian voices. It seems it's like walking on eggshells.

Forum that happily demands people to get fired for using the OK sign worried that you may have to walk on eggshells
Freedom of Expression is not Freedom from Consequences.  

But . . .
Free comedy lesson from two experts

bdumbs wrote:
planetsmasher wrote:"OH SHIT IT'S WAYNE BRADY, SON" is one of those Chappelle lines that I hate the fact I still find inherently funny. Everything Dave has done recently has poisoned his show for me but there are little moments like that that just punch through my anger towards Dave and still make me laugh even when they shouldn't.

Glad Wayne is OK. One of the nicest folks in comedy.
It's works because the juxtaposition is just so perfect. Wayne Brady, to this day, is the squeakiest clean, most wholesome dude on TV. Portraying him as some cold-blooded killer is just a perfect example of how juxtaposition and irony are used in humor. You combine both of those, and don't screw up too bad, and you're guaranteed a laugh.

This is what pisses me off the most because that show was literally filled with brilliant moments like this. The World Series of Dice? The Player Haters Ball? Just from a conceptual point, these were always going to be funny just as a result of their use of irony and juxtaposition.

It's also why I'm really not a huge fan of stuff like Pickle Rick as a joke, it's just shock value and randomness.
User Banned (permanent): antisemitic conspiracy theories and rhetoric
Hollywood ain't run by "jews" like conservative idiots like to say,they're run by zionists but so is the US government as a whole,horrifying
Gilo wrote:That's the thing: If you criticize Israel in the United States, you have to do it with absolute caution and not leave any hint of something that could be misinterpreted.

If you support killing Palestinians, you can say it openly. Who cares.

Isnt that what everyone wanted? Specially with minorities...

Spoiler:  (click to show)

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Boredfrom, HaughtyFrank



[Image: 0fGjybO.jpg?2]

Oh yeah
In other news

Do you think people would really do that?
See my problem is I would have said "I don't think your body is as dumb as you are."
(11-21-2023, 07:10 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: stick a chick in it, make it Frankie Raye

[Image: J81Zh6w.png]
(11-22-2023, 01:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Gilo wrote:That's the thing: If you criticize Israel in the United States, you have to do it with absolute caution and not leave any hint of something that could be misinterpreted.

If you support killing Palestinians, you can say it openly. Who cares.

Isnt that what everyone wanted? Specially with minorities...
Actually, this whole quote is what they wanted and still want. Let's assume it's true. No, you can't say "kill the Jews" but you can say "exterminate the Palestinians" because that's the dominant culture. The first is hate speech, the latter is not. Tough. Deal with it. You want it different then change the culture or leave. There is not some universal standard for any of this, there's only local community standards. Don't like how the community polices, move to a community that allows hate speech. Minorities (Jews) are protected while bigots (Palestinians) are not, see much much better than favoring free speech norms. Ideally, you'd even be able to beat up Palestinians when you see them in the streets for bringing their bigotry and fascism into communities that don't want them, they knew exactly what they were doing, look at that dogwhistle he just said. This is not violence or censorship btw. Cancel culture does not exist.
From the same person who constantly screeches about the Terf Island genocide because they have to queue for a free NHS sex change -

Quote:t's Black Friday sales so considering dropping some cash on a TV upgrade to an OLED and size bump to 65 (currently 55).

Will be used for playing games (PS5/XSX), streaming (Apple TV) and Blu-rays (I believe this player was recommended in threads I've read before?). So whatever people think would be solid for that I'd love to know. A good range of viewing angle would be nice too.

Budget would be around £1,600 but with flex so curious what people might recommend? Thank you 🙏

edit: TV will be standing too, not wall mounted
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1700614003' wrote: 1700614003[/url]']
User Banned (permanent): antisemitic conspiracy theories and rhetoric
Hollywood ain't run by "jews" like conservative idiots like to say,they're run by zionists but so is the US government as a whole,horrifying

Many layers of insanity. Feels like something that Eric Cartman would say at the end of that episode with Kyle and Tolkien/Token (see, that is how you make PC actually commendable).
(11-22-2023, 01:24 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: In other news

Do you think people would really do that?

Fuck you for making me click play. I will never forgive you for that, nor get the image of that fat slob's chest wobbling around like the blubber on a walrus out of my head.
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1700616277' wrote: 1700616277[/url]']
In other news

Do you think people would really do that?

I felt bad for unsubscribing after seeing them inviting Jim Sterling for a podcast… not anymore. 

Still, feels like Sterling being a malicious cunt rather than believing that BS.
Mekanos wrote:I'm honestly not sure older Jews and Jewish community leaders like rabbis realize how badly they are losing young people on this stance. Polling indicates 40% of young Jews consider Israel an apartheid state. That's only going to get more pronounced and they will feel isolated from their communities if this continues.

But ultimately that's what Zionists want, for us to feel unwelcome and unwanted so they can manufacture consent for their genocidal project. They view Jews who support Palestine as race traitors.

Mekanos is Jewish? 

That is a surprise. 

I see his point on the last part… but he is probably isolated because is a communist that loves Toku and Magical Girls that decries genocide while reading genocide denialists that happen to be tankies.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Potato
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1700616277' wrote: 1700616277[/url]']
In other news

Do you think people would really do that?

That’s the very definition of how we are forced to threat these people with kid gloves.
(11-22-2023, 02:25 AM)DocWager wrote:
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1700616277' wrote: 1700616277[/url]']
In other news

Do you think people would really do that?

That’s the very definition of how we are forced to threat these people with kid gloves.

[Image: GettyImages-1244891945.jpg?w=620]

"Today I feel....................pregnant."

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