Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Looks like Nep is back from her "break." A mod going on a borderline anti-semitic rant only amounts to a couple days' timeout of modding privileges on ResetERA, apparently lol
(12-04-2023, 03:52 PM)Snoopy wrote: Ree’s had a hate boner for Sterling ever since she/he/that dared to criticise a Nintendo game. So of course they’d be lining up for the drams. I have zero doubt Sterling gets up to shady shit but that lot will jump on anything apart from the obvious to get their digs in.

posting even the mildest most non committal defence of jim sterling Do Not Want
(12-04-2023, 07:09 PM)Nintex wrote:

Quote:drafts of LSRs I intend to file, am filing, or have filed as a legislator


Imagine living in a place where ResetEra posts are turned into legislation

This is a gold mine. Some stuff has been inspired by barber shop conversation while other things are sourced as ChatGPT prompts.

I sure hope for the good people of NH that this is a larp and they is only a legislator in Minecraft  lol

Spoiler:  (click to show)
This file is for legislation ideas that I haven't chosen another folder for yet.

0. (N/A since this isn't an actual bill itself)
1. DNS data protection:
2. "opt out of NFTs" bill:
3. grocery store food donation bill:
4. housing speculation:
5. Rich Felker's tech regs idea for requiring security updates with no new features
6. Ban on lawn mandates:
  (...or maybe it's actually frontage requirements that I want to do something
7. Municipal land use regulations database: tweak RSA 675:9 (dunno how)
8. Something about AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) alignment
9. Electric car charging stations for renters (Kris Schultz has LSR 2023-0003)
10. Public transit bus stops incentives
11. Incentives for the building of sidewalks
12. Public electrical outlets
13. Stuff inspired by Michelle Wu's digital equity plan:
14. Find out that NH Supreme Court ruling about dumpster diving and see if it needs
    to be overruled (Jonah interested)
15. Derry municipal reorganization:
16. Official IPA pronunciation for "New Hampshire" (/nuːˈhæmpʃər/) and "Concord"
17. Seniority pay for mental health professionals, to reduce turnover
18. Something about rent payments vs. credit scores:
    (maybe fold in with the "right to inspect" one in
19. State version of the federal "Linemen Legacy Act":
    (except more inclusive: also incorporating active-duty power systems
    personnel on grid and power distribution works, e.g., for substations and
    generating plants)
20. Resolution reaffirming NH's support for the Child Labor Amendment; see the one
    that was recently introduced in MN:
    (Ellen has contacts in other states)
21. Check if House Rules protect testimony before House Committee Hearings from
    being used against people in court (check with Amanda Grady Sexton of NHCADSV?)
22. Something about municipalities building sidewalks on state-owned land (check
    that bill Jeb Bradley had before our committee in the 21-22 term about One
    Touch Make Ready rules - it was SB88, heard on May 10, 2021)
23. Something about the state autism database:
    (check with other members of the Disability Caucus, NAMI, Shaun Filiault, etc.)

Spoiler: things_to_legalize.txt (click to show)
(like unsorted.txt)

- loitering
- trespassing
- jaywalking
- squatting

Spoiler: fossil_fuel_infrastructure (click to show)
0. Relative to attempts to shut down fossil fuel infrastructure
1. No person shall be arrested for, prosecuted for, or found guilty of either
  criminal mischief or trespassing for activities directed against fossil fuel
  infrastructure in the State of New Hampshire.

Spoiler: overwork_divorce (click to show)
0. Relative to divorces caused by overwork
1. In any divorce case heard in family courts in the State of New Hampshire, if
that divorce is found to be [at least partially? wholly? largely?] caused by
employer-induced overwork, that employer may be found liable for any damages
assessed as part of the divorce, including, but not limited to, any child support
payments owed due to the divorce.
2. Only claims of overwork made in good faith shall be considered for the purposes
of damages assessed pursuant to this act.
3. Any divorcee who seeks damages from their employer in accordance with this act,
who fails to meet the threshold for overwork as determined by the courts, shall...
[meet with some sort of consequence designed to prevent this act from being abused]

Spoiler:  (click to show)
0. The title of this legislation shall be the "Truth In Job Postings And
  Applications Act".
1. No job application posted in the State of New Hampshire shall require applicants
  to lie in order to receive the advertised position.
2. No employer shall discriminate against any job applicant who has religious or
  moral scruples against lying, or an intellectual or developmental disability
  that inhibits their ability to lie.

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(12-04-2023, 05:38 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
ElenaireExDice wrote:Absolute super hype. Will savor every second spent in Thedas once it releases.

Who the fuck talks like this outside of PR?

Retards man. They're all mentally retarded.
(12-04-2023, 06:26 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I only just started the video and HBomberguy neatly summarizes why this happens with the example of Melania Trump plagiarizing Michelle Obama. It's simply because it's about a lack of respect, and probably some sense of self-satisfaction in getting one over on a person that the plagiarizer considers beneath them.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. *(stares extremely hard and judgementally at AI art and its proponents)*


Look at this fucking clown thinking Michelle Obama or Melania Trump ever wrote their own speeches...
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
[Image: Dy3eFvv.gif]
(12-04-2023, 06:45 PM)BisMarckie wrote: I can't *understate how much fucking work it was to keep up with the forum while taking care of three kids now.

Likes will not be handed out retroactively, in fact I should be compensated for my emotional labor.



Why do they want to be able to post on Era?
(12-04-2023, 08:01 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(12-04-2023, 06:45 PM)BisMarckie wrote: I can't *understate how much fucking work it was to keep up with the forum while taking care of three kids now.

Likes will not be handed out retroactively, in fact I should be compensated for my emotional labor.



Are you seriously trying to correct an ESL speaker? Fuck off, colonizer.
benji can you sort this out?

Greatness Gone dateline='[url=tel:1701717141' wrote: 1701717141[/url]']
Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1701711529' wrote: 1701711529[/url]']
ElenaireExDice wrote:Absolute super hype. Will savor every second spent in Thedas once it releases.

Who the fuck talks like this outside of PR?
>hype for a franchise that got dramatically worse with each game

I personally don't see how you can make a game worse than Inquisition, but I'm sure Bioware will try.

Clearly you haven’t played Mass Effect Andromeda.

It's a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake! Cheers
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Dragon Age should rule. The underlying lore and worldbuilding is kinda awesome in isolation. However all the games kinda suck and get worse from the first one down.
BisMarckie dateline='[url=tel:1701715868' wrote: 1701715868[/url]']
ComedySmasher wrote:Because the business world doesn't care about people, it cares about the work. If you don't present yourself as an ideal worker, managers don't want you. They don't care who you are as a person and they DEFINITELY don't care about your life or how much money you make/want to make. If they could get away with paying you nothing they would do that. Because capitalism is an inherently dead system that everyone props up because they can't conceive of any other way due to decades of indoctrination.

Capitalism bad, yada yada yada, who cares?

Oh that d-bag needs to shut up. Is he really expecting everyone to believe he’s above that behavior, because I know damn well that he would price gouge the fuck out of someone for something he enjoys doing?

The ‘inherently dead system’ driving the world that he is unable to make it on his own in.
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1701720958' wrote: 1701720958[/url]']
Dragon Age should rule. The underlying lore and worldbuilding is kinda awesome in isolation. However all the games kinda suck and get worse from the first one down.

I still stand by there being some awesome lore parts and even story direction in DA2. Problem is that it and inquisition are saddled with terrible gameplay and mechanics decisions.

Here’s hoping the success of BG3 makes them go back to the straightforward isometric goodness of the first one.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(12-04-2023, 07:09 AM)benji wrote:
(12-04-2023, 05:59 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Also why did he watch it when he seemingly didn't care for it lol
"Doing the work" isn't supposed to be enjoyable. That's how you know you're challenging your internalized capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy. ufup

Why watch a fucking 4 hour video on some boring shit, when dunkey can do it in less than 4 minutes?

(12-04-2023, 08:18 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1701720958' wrote: 1701720958[/url]']
Dragon Age should rule. The underlying lore and worldbuilding is kinda awesome in isolation. However all the games kinda suck and get worse from the first one down.

I still stand by there being some awesome lore parts and even story direction in DA2. Problem is that it and inquisition are saddled with terrible gameplay and mechanics decisions.

Here’s hoping the success of BG3 makes them go back to the straightforward isometric goodness of the first one.

See I played it on xbox 360 and in my head it's like Jade Empire or Kotor or something
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:that everyone props up because they can't conceive of any other way due to decades of indoctrination

so how does anyone ever develop the idea that socialism might be better in the first place?

are they just plain super-advanced humans with bigger brains who barely managed to resist the deep indoctrination everyone else was subjected to?

also, doesn't it seem likely that flat earthers would also argue that everyone believes the world is round due to decades of indoctrination, that only they have discovered a deep secret that changes everything?

what about people who believe the trans stuff is due to decades of indoctrination, do you support their rejection of what is commonly taught
(12-04-2023, 08:15 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Dragon Age should rule. The underlying lore and worldbuilding is kinda awesome in isolation. However all the games kinda suck and get worse from the first one down.

I expect them to sand off all the interesting bits from the lore anyway because they're too problematic now.
(12-03-2023, 01:26 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

kruczynski wrote:Many of the Palestinian people I follow on Twitter are writing their own eulogies and goodbyes to the world that's been deaf to their suffering. Bisan, Motaz... All the voices that have recounted the genocide throughout these past two months. And the occupation, the apartheid. And we are left here powerless, watching this crime unfold before our eyes. Watching the people in power do nothing. No, they aren't doing nothing. They are arming those Nazis. They are supplying weapons, bombs. They are criminalising the dissent. And you can tell me that history won't be kind to them. But what's history's use when all those people are dead, just forgotten names. Just numbers.
Humanity is rotten to the core.

Quote: Cop User threadbanned: inflammatory commentary

Not worthy of a ban anymore.
(12-04-2023, 08:52 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(12-04-2023, 08:15 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Dragon Age should rule. The underlying lore and worldbuilding is kinda awesome in isolation. However all the games kinda suck and get worse from the first one down.

I expect them to sand off all the interesting bits from the lore anyway because they're too problematic now.

kid who could say nothing but "enchantment!" makes a mockery out of the disabled
(12-04-2023, 04:44 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Ashlette wrote:That isn't fair to them. They openly disowned every editorial they made from that era up until their breakaway from the Escapist for the exact same reasons that you are calling them out.
Did Sterling make restitution and continue doing the work? Because Nepenthe told me this is the only way people should be forgiven. All I see is Sterling has changed targets for personal benefit.

(12-04-2023, 06:51 PM)BisMarckie wrote:
ComedySmasher wrote:If they could get away with paying you nothing they would do that. Because capitalism is an inherently dead system that everyone props up because they can't conceive of any other way due to decades of indoctrination.
Meanwhile, in the alternative, they can get away with paying you nothing. Lawd

(12-04-2023, 08:32 PM)Uncle wrote:
Quote:that everyone props up because they can't conceive of any other way due to decades of indoctrination

so how does anyone ever develop the idea that socialism might be better in the first place?

are they just plain super-advanced humans with bigger brains who barely managed to resist the deep indoctrination everyone else was subjected to?
Uh, yes, read your Marx and Lenin. ufup
(12-04-2023, 07:18 PM)Nintex wrote:
(12-04-2023, 07:09 PM)Nintex wrote:

This is a gold mine. Some stuff has been inspired by barber shop conversation while other things are sourced as ChatGPT prompts.

I sure hope for the good people of NH that this is a larp and they is only a legislator in Minecraft  lol
Don't worry about it. New Hampshire has actually representative government, there's 400 House members:

He's listed on there, Merrimack District 20.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
400 representatives just for New Hampshire? 

That even seems excessive to me and let me tell you Germans love bureaucracy and red tape.
Quote:How is this thread only just over 100 posts? People should be furious about this.
Quote:Partly because this is an unsurprising knock-on effect from the WB drama from a few months back and it's likely many folks are drama'd out about the situation by now. Doesn't help that the title is framing it as Sony being the bad guy, when it's Zaslav/WB doing the damage. The combo breaker is that like many above have said: we _know_ this will happen more and more frequently going forward given the EULAs we've lived with for over 2 decades now. Maybe people will care when a bigger studio pulls more meaningful content from a much larger service, but the only thing anyone can really do to affect change is vote with their dollar and buy physical more and digital less.
[Image: he-cant-keep-getting-away-with-it.gif]
(12-04-2023, 10:18 PM)BisMarckie wrote: 400 representatives just for New Hampshire? 

That even seems excessive to me and let me tell you Germans love bureaucracy and red tape.
It's less representative than the legislatures of Nauru, Monaco and Liechtenstein and only slightly better than Iceland. ufup
"Representatives are elected by the voters of their district every two years. There are no term limits. They are paid a salary of $200 for the whole two-year term, plus a reimbursement for mileage for traveling to and from sessions and committee meetings in Concord"

At least they keep the costs down.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(12-04-2023, 10:20 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote: Maybe people will care when a bigger studio pulls more meaningful content from a much larger service
How about UbiSoft pulling DLC? couldn't even get to 250 posts about it:

Probably because console gamers are already used to their DLC and online content going away. But that's none of my business...
(12-04-2023, 10:07 PM)benji wrote: Don't worry about it. New Hampshire has actually representative government, there's 400 House members:

He's listed on there, Merrimack District 20.

BA Political Science"

Okay, he really needs those 200 bucks.

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