Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(01-06-2024, 08:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (3 months): inflammatory commentary, user in junior phase
Tyranitar wrote:lol seeing closet Nazi sympathizers contort themselves into suggesting Alex Jones 100% isn't a bigot but also that they barely know anything about him and that he's just this goofy aliens guy was absolutely not on my resetera bingo card today

Side note: I've always wondered how people like Jones can spout off about antisemitic conspiracies but then lose their minds when someone suggests possibly not supporting Israel.

Anyway I hope this garbage gets removed from Steam. People like Alex Jones absolutely should be deplatformed. From his obvious bigotry and bigot support to the way he atrociously and ardently insisted that murdered children were in fact alive and that they're all lying, he deserves no platform. That tiny sack of meat and his supporters can go fuck themselves.

Hey Hecht, this was 100% an alt-account that somehow got through your detection system
(01-07-2024, 12:29 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(01-06-2024, 07:25 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: PoliEra needs to be careful, they're all on Nepenthe's list. Bolo

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 week): antagonizing other members
Stath wrote:
BabyDontHurtMe wrote:However you look at it you can't take your eyes off him. He's a walking trainwreck.
I'd rather willingly put soap in my eyes. It's scary shit at worst and nonsensical babble at best. Nails on a chalkboard- I don't see how anybody that isn't already deep into supporting this prick can find any of what he says compelling, ironically or not. All it does is piss me off that this piece of shit has a platform and any kind of influence.

Thordinson wrote:I'm not sure they were otherwise good reasonable folks if they were easily swayed into hating everyone and anything that will help others.
Seems like pretty useless, self-defeating, and arrogant rhetoric to assume the problem is just that these people were always inherently evil at their core; that they were lost causes from the start. If that was the case, there would be no need for the giant rightwing media machine, the untold amounts of money and effort used to support it, and the associated, constant flood of misinformation and lies. Yours is a blisteringly naive take, especially when there are countless stories out there of loved ones being taken advantage of by these factors, one of such examples you just so comfortably brushed off like it was nothing, since you're in a political thread but for some reason don't even have the most basic awareness of how propaganda reaches people.
 But that's none of my business...

Thordinson best start believing in propaganda, because he regularly posts it
(01-07-2024, 02:01 AM)Uncle wrote: [Image: m0P4NFV.png]

Implied Facepalm

"I'm staring at women in the library for my own weird creepy reasons, just not the weird creepy reasons you might think!"
(01-07-2024, 02:11 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(01-07-2024, 12:29 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(01-06-2024, 07:25 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: PoliEra needs to be careful, they're all on Nepenthe's list. Bolo

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 week): antagonizing other members
Stath wrote:I'd rather willingly put soap in my eyes. It's scary shit at worst and nonsensical babble at best. Nails on a chalkboard- I don't see how anybody that isn't already deep into supporting this prick can find any of what he says compelling, ironically or not. All it does is piss me off that this piece of shit has a platform and any kind of influence.

Seems like pretty useless, self-defeating, and arrogant rhetoric to assume the problem is just that these people were always inherently evil at their core; that they were lost causes from the start. If that was the case, there would be no need for the giant rightwing media machine, the untold amounts of money and effort used to support it, and the associated, constant flood of misinformation and lies. Yours is a blisteringly naive take, especially when there are countless stories out there of loved ones being taken advantage of by these factors, one of such examples you just so comfortably brushed off like it was nothing, since you're in a political thread but for some reason don't even have the most basic awareness of how propaganda reaches people.
 But that's none of my business...

Thordinson best start believing in propaganda, because he regularly posts it

Weird how telling someone that they're naive and have no clue about propaganda gets you banned but not one of the hundreds of posts by Nepenthe where she tells everyone they're ain't shit
(01-07-2024, 06:17 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:The quick fix to the Republican party is to do everything in our power to fucking kill their electoral viability in any way we can. They're not going to reform on their own, and again their election sometime in the future is a literal inevitability. My anger comes from the fact that this isn't a new development. We've known that this is who they really are for decades now, and what have we done to ensure that, once they do get into power, they're hamstrung from carrying out their agendas. The answer is clearly "not enough" because we are constantly on the edge of fascism. Ideally, it should've never gotten to this point, and we need to honestly ask ourselves why it did, and then figure out what the fuck to do once this country inevitably pulls that lever. This is not a problem you out-vote forever.

"If you want my picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a white face—for ever." - Nepenthe manifesto
(01-07-2024, 08:35 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Bro why wouldn't you green card the poor girl and give her a new life in America? What a privileged selfish pig.  Social Justice Warrior 2

 Who else are you going to play video games with?  Rolleyes

It doesn't even necessarily have to impact your dossier maintenance
Imagine if your mom tried to bully you into marrying nepenthe, left on the shelf, with her dog costume that she spent five figures on
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1704635214' wrote: 1704635214[/url]']
I like how their default response is always to cut off mom like some sort of magic cure.

Cutting things off cures everything
(01-07-2024, 12:05 PM)Snoopy wrote: I've got a feeling that guy's mum is going to be getting a message from a creepy little man with a dossier

Preferably on paper in a manila envelope stained with wing sauce
They missed a post.

pioneer wrote:I'm going to shit my fucking pants if Trump wins

literally shaking literally shaking

You’re welcome mods.
(01-07-2024, 02:01 AM)Uncle wrote: <snip>

Do Not Want
Biden worse than Trump and Reagan apparently
(01-07-2024, 09:23 AM)Polident wrote: Despite other examples on era, it’s easy to say no when your parents try to get you a bride.
[Image: 1159-l.jpg]

MoonlitSeer, post: 117266334, member: 149076 wrote:Perhaps it's a bit too early to criticize, since they were just shown off, but man that female Hrothgar reveal for FFXIV was so disappointing to me.

Spoiler: "Female Hrothgar" (click to show)
[Image: GDM52kvWoAAe7xc.png?ex=65ac6e91&is=6599f...2ad26ca6f&]
I knew they would never not make them human-like, but come on. Compared to the men this is just ridiculous. Why does she have a human nose? How does that make any sense when the men have a full muzzle?
Spoiler: "Male Hrothgar" (click to show)
[Image: 380px-Model-Hrothgar_Harness-Male-Hrothgar.png]

Sorry to anyone excited for them, but I kinda feel like SE are cowards for this one.

Human nose? Wut

MoonlitSeer, post: 117288459, member: 149076 wrote:The question I have is just WHY they decided to even have an option without the muzzle in the first place? It doesn't make much sense; why some would have just a mostly human face and others would not. So it feels like to me they just wanted to have something that was "cuter" than the more rugged and bestial men.

Oh well, at least it's not all bad. The art they've shown has been pretty good.

Spoiler: "Hrothgar Art" (click to show)
[Image: GDNqHM4bYAAq8Rw?format=jpg&name=medium]

This is totally about sexism in video games, and not a furry fetish Rolleyes

Also, only joined in June and all up in this thread as a She/Her. Definitely not an alt But that's none of my business...
Quote:Not that I drink a *ton* but I realize I rarely touch videogames sober.

I guess there's sort of a fun factor drinking and playing a game I enjoy? Like not drinking to the point I'm like blacking out...but like a middle ground where I'm a little buzzed but still capable of grasping a game's mechanics.

I feel like this is probably a sign of alcoholism but health wise I seem fine and I don't miss work or anything like that. But I'm a little frustrated I can't enjoy games like before work anymore because it doesn't fit my mindset for playing games slightly buzzed.
What is this?
Quote:They should be more like how the Charr are in GW2, with similar facial structure and bodies between the two body types. Or at least like the Khajiit in ESO.

Then what is even the point of a female character if she just looks like the dude anyway. The dudes are clearly looking like male lions and the women like female lions. That seems like a neat idea.
Quote:Honestly, as bad as Trump is, and he is... BAD, for Palestinians, I doubt it could be worse than it is now. Biden is doing absolutely 0 to stop this. At least with Trump, there's a chance some Arab country promises him a bribe to enforce a ceasefire.

You'd think Bdubs would realise how fucking toxic and crazy his forum has become when the MAJORITY of posting users left on the website are advocating not voting against donald fucking trump

Fuck me, an enormous failure on a cosmic level

Kingmimiis wrote:Hi everyone! Long time lurker and recently decided to be more involved and talk about videogames online :-) looking forward to some interesting conversations!
Joined: Jun 1, 2021. Whose alt is this? hmm
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 months): antisemitic dogwhistles and conspiracy theories, prior severe ban
GameAddict411 wrote:Israel genocide support is bipartisan. Regardless of whoever is in the office, they would be sending weapons and money their way. The only way to stop this is to stop the zionist lobbies who have infiltrated all levels of government at this point. They don't discriminate when it comes to supporting people in political campaigns hence why they have so much grip. It's been that way for many decades.

And people need to remember that this is not the first time Israel have been committing genocide. What's happening in Gaza is cyclical event stretching back decades. Look it up. The US always been there giving out billions in support. Where were you then?
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 month): dismissing concerns of islamophobia
'3y Kingdo wrote:
animalcrosser wrote:Biden will get my vote. Democracy here in the USA is pretty damn important. No other country will save us if we lose it, and it's clear most Americans are far too apathetic to fight for it.

Love how Americans are willing to throw democracy away (kind of the reason we have a country) because of some terrorists in the Middle East.
Don't make the mistake of associating this political asylum too closely with reality.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): blatantly ignoring the staff post, inflammatory accusations, account in junior phase
falastini wrote:
Emwitus wrote:unfortunately due to the very nature of the conflict I don't believe that will happen in our lifetimes. At the core of it, this is a religious conflict. Those will go one forever as sad is it is to think about it. I do get your point though as if we did not have anyone believing the way you do things would for sure never change.
False. This is, and always has been, a story of western colonial land grabbing. It's not destined to go on forever. It only has because the US has continued to provide cover and support.

Sordid Plebeian wrote:I'd agree that Biden has been enabling Israel's violence in Gaza by directing the US UNSC Ambassador to veto calls for ceasefires as well as continuing to push for funding for the IDF, but in all fairness Biden's admin has been applying pressure on Israel to scale back their invasion of Gaza - which is starting to come into effect this week. They are also revoking visas for Americans involved in settler violence in the West Bank.

I won't argue against both Trump and Biden (or really any American president) being bad for Gaza, but you have to understand the how differently Trump would be handling this. There would be no calls to moderate their retaliation, only encouragement. When it comes to US hostages being held by Hamas, that might even encourage more direct US involvement. Ultimately, the degree of violence would be more severe and last longer. In addition, the Republican Party would be completely on board with that approach, versus the weight of Democrats, voters and representatives alike, calling for more measured responses or a total ceasefire.
Do you really believe Biden has been applying pressure? That's just some B.S. his spokespeople started spreading once it became apparent on how unpopular this situation was... to make it easier for his base to swallow. Nothing in their actions or in Biden's own words has actually backed that claim. There are months of evidence to back this.

I wish all these liberals, who are shaming others into voting, would use that same energy into asking the DNC and Biden what the fuck they're doing. This whole situation has been incredibly unpopular and provides zero national interest for the US. How does this benefit his reelection prospects?

Get out there, organize, actually support your local pro-palestinian groups. Maybe you can convince them to actually hold their nose and vote ... but i'd wager most of you don't actually give a shit about what's happening. It's all lip service.
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1704654365' wrote: 1704654365[/url]']
Quote:Honestly, as bad as Trump is, and he is... BAD, for Palestinians, I doubt it could be worse than it is now. Biden is doing absolutely 0 to stop this. At least with Trump, there's a chance some Arab country promises him a bribe to enforce a ceasefire.


It’s like they know deep down they are themselves fascists.
Quote:Genocide Joe
Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)

I like how posters who are saying they are voting for Biden despite the genocide get more shit than those saying they might vote for Trump because at least he'll do things different.  lol
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1704655182' wrote: 1704655182[/url]']
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 months): antisemitic dogwhistles and conspiracy theories, prior severe ban
GameAddict411 wrote:Israel genocide support is bipartisan. Regardless of whoever is in the office, they would be sending weapons and money their way. The only way to stop this is to stop the zionist lobbies who have infiltrated all levels of government at this point. They don't discriminate when it comes to supporting people in political campaigns hence why they have so much grip. It's been that way for many decades.

And people need to remember that this is not the first time Israel have been committing genocide. What's happening in Gaza is cyclical event stretching back decades. Look it up. The US always been there giving out billions in support. Where were you then?
LOL… And there are multiple posts quoting, and not downplaying anything he’s saying. 

This forum is a fucking mess. B-dubs, clean house on your forum admin team now, or else.

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Racism
Thrill_house wrote:
HStallion wrote:Blue Eyed Samurai wasn't made in Japan by Japanese creators.
Got you. Probably explains why the dialogue was miles ahead of traditional anime. It felt like real human beings interacting and talking instead of weird ass awkward silences and such.
(01-07-2024, 07:08 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: You'd think Bdubs would realise how fucking toxic and crazy his forum has become when the MAJORITY of posting users left on the website are advocating not voting against donald fucking trump

Fuck me, an enormous failure on a cosmic level

They say minorities will literally be wiped out if Trump wins but also don't expect minorities to vote for Biden. I'm so confused
(01-07-2024, 07:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Racism
Thrill_house wrote:
HStallion wrote:Blue Eyed Samurai wasn't made in Japan by Japanese creators.
Got you. Probably explains why the dialogue was miles ahead of traditional anime. It felt like real human beings interacting and talking instead of weird ass awkward silences and such.

Is this really racism though?
That Falastini (lol) is such on the nose. You know why the conflict is never ending? Because no one is willing to admit fault and compromise (and if they do, they chicken out immediately). 

I’m going to be brutally honest and say may the leftist U.S. citizens should concern about domestic issues than in the Muslim minority that, deep down, are probably more conservative than white christians or Jews, since their hot takes have been terrible.
malfoyking dateline='[url=tel:1704657006' wrote: 1704657006[/url]']
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1704655806' wrote: 1704655806[/url]']

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Racism
Thrill_house wrote:Got you. Probably explains why the dialogue was miles ahead of traditional anime. It felt like real human beings interacting and talking instead of weird ass awkward silences and such.

Is this really racism though?

Kind of. English and Japanese are really different languages that the stuff he is complaining sounds more natural in Japanese. Is not just “anime tittes huehurhur”.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, malfoyking
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1704656167' wrote: 1704656167[/url]']
Besticus Maximus dateline='[url=tel:1704654532' wrote: 1704654532[/url]']
You'd think Bdubs would realise how fucking toxic and crazy his forum has become when the MAJORITY of posting users left on the website are advocating not voting against donald fucking trump

Fuck me, an enormous failure on a cosmic level

They say minorities will literally be wiped out if Trump wins but also don't expect minorities to vote for Biden. I'm so confused

We’ve had how many conservative Presidents? How many minorities have been wiped by genocides in this country? Bunch of Chicken Little’s with their doomsday predictions.
no it's not racism, it's literal observation of how such projects differ

it's not that japanese productions are incapable of not having awkward silences, it's based on personal observation that 90% of what they make has those issues, and why a project not made there WOULD feel vastly different

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