Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
[Image: jo45w4H.jpg]

Creatively bankrupt...
There's a pokemon named "Garbodor" and it's made out of garbage.  Fucking GARBAGE-TYPE
Didn't think I'd see the anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist avenger Nepenthe defend RENT-SEEKING intellectual property from a company the size of a small economy, but here we are.  I guess when 9 billion Vampire Survivors clones came out after that game was successful, the dude who was selling his game for 2 nickels should have started putting furries into his game to get in Nepenthe's good graces.
globs of Pokécum

[Image: k4LsvkP.png]


given how this statement tactfully says nothing, and the absolutely shrill ranting of the thread is all pushing out people who think it's NOT infringement, I'm inclined to think serebii guy knows the correct take and is just afraid to say it at resetera
(01-23-2024, 10:28 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: [Image: h6xAMws.png]
I'd love to see this explained in more detail.

(01-24-2024, 01:44 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:That's a lot of millions.

Would be a shame if nintendo came in and took all dat money back from them. Sued them for damages to their intellectual property. 👀

Quote:LMAo I was gonna say the same thing! XD

Gonna hit them for maximum damages
(01-24-2024, 03:25 PM)Uncle wrote:

Paula B. wrote:My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".

gee I wonder, it's a goddamn mystery

is it possible they have no case?

just like for those hundreds of other monster catching and battling games, even on their own platforms, like dragon quest monsters?

Truno wrote:If Nintendo or TPC took down the game it'd send a wave of 7m+ users their way with pitchforks. Not sure they want that.

I'm expecting the inevitable Pokemon presents on Pokemon day to be an absolute bloodbath

oh that's right, that makes a lot more sense, nintendo's primary motivation when it comes to legal action is whether or not it will upset people

they never just take down smaller games or fan games because they know that will make their fans angry, that's consistent with how they always behave
(01-24-2024, 03:40 PM)Uncle wrote:
Kyzer wrote:Nintendo could take almost all of the Palworld revenue (in addition to forcing closure) if they did pursue and win in court btw. I'm sure this is now part of the conversation internally, if they are still deciding whether and when to pursue.

thanks kyzer, had not considered this fact
(01-24-2024, 05:45 PM)Uncle wrote:
Kyzer wrote:Eh...for music there is not just lyrics but also composition of the song itself and its recordings, if Weird Al didn't get permission (and probably share publishing rights) he would have gotten in trouble from the people who own the music unless he basically made analogous knockoffs of those musical compositions as well. Putting funny lyrics over someone's song does not protect it under parody. This is also why sample clearance is usually a huge pain in the ass, there are like 10 parties involved
Bunch of Dunning-Kruger cases can't figure out why nobody else acts on the things that are obvious to them. hmm
Nepenthe wrote:Got some animating to do before work lol.

Proceeds to waste one hour her life bitching about a Pokemon clone.

“Why I can’t get a job in animation?” Six
I'll be honest, I don't think the guys who run Nintendo are as stupid as posters.
aaand now the plagiarism thread has finally pushed out all dissenters and they're circle jerk joking about scaling pikachus

"we do have fun here!!"
(01-24-2024, 06:21 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Deepest PlanetSmasher Lore unlocked:

Quote:Intimacy coordinators are so, so, so fucking important, my god. I can't even begin to tell you how important they are if you've never acted before.

Back when I was still young, I had a director who literally tried to pressure a bunch of the other actresses in my theatre company into kissing me during rehearsals and he kept giving notes about it, and all of us were SUPREMELY uncomfortable. None of us wanted to do it, none of us found it sexy, and it just completely soured the rehearsals whenever he did it. There was NO reason for kissing, much less "believable kissing", during an early-days rehearsal.

We did not keep him for much longer after that stuff. You really need a professional working with your actors to ensure proper boundaries are set and not crossed to ensure everyone is as comfortable as possible for the work they're doing. Improper intimacy protocols can lead to all kinds of on-set problems, including opening the door to deep personal trauma for some of the performers.

You're so cool, PlanetSmasher  Win

How many lives has PlanetSmasher lived? Guy seems to have a story or experience with everything.
(01-24-2024, 06:33 PM)Uncle wrote:

[Image: k4LsvkP.png]


given how this statement tactfully says nothing, and the absolutely shrill ranting of the thread is all pushing out people who think it's NOT infringement, I'm inclined to think serebii guy knows the correct take and is just afraid to say it at resetera

I want to think he is as salty as them, deep down. He probably understands that they don’t have a case. His autism is his biggest asset and weakness.
Quote:Since we legitimately have people double-downing on vector scaling, I'm inevitably waiting for the argument "Well your software isn't doing it correctly" to follow up after.

Nepenthe wrote:Please don't tell me I woke up to people thinking that the scale tool frees you from plagiarism claims.

Lucio is just simple color pigmentation scaling of Jet Set Radio characters



I'm never buying a car again. Hmph

My god the butthurt is legendary. I thought drive-by posts were actionable? Or is that only for stuff the mods like?

They have the plagiarism thread and now invade this one to set the tone. Nep enters the thread and basically condones the drive-by's even indulging in it themselves.

GuessMyUserName wrote:Yeap by page 85 that's pretty deep enough now for a whole lot of sunk cost fallacy driving people to defend not just PalWorld, but to defend themselves showing their asses in its defence and sticking it to the people who called them out earlier.

They're people who have long abandoned the thread after a previous goofy take but then they see something on Twitter saying ACTUALLY THE MODEL REFERENCES ARE FAKE and come running back in excitement to share.

did u know that having retarded legal takes 5000 times in a big circlejerk makes you more correct than people who only say things once
(01-24-2024, 03:59 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Wait, Nep is trans?!?

Nepenthe wrote:
Quote:I don't know. But I don't think my trans cousin will care about you punishing Joe Biden when she is being snuffed out under Trumps administration.
Trans people like myself are being snuffed out now.
Well, wait. Let's assume for argument that federal regulators banning HRT for transition purposes will happen under Trump.

As we all know, because we sit down, shut up and listen to trans voices, that you don't need to take HRT to be trans, you don't need to do anything but identify as such.

Is Nepenthe (and others) saying that all those trans people who do not take HRT are not valid trans people? Yikes, that's genocidal itself.
[Image: Klefki.png]

What about the take a pokemon leave a pokemon economy?
I love the Palworld’s Saga.
(01-24-2024, 06:41 PM)Vertigo wrote: How many lives has PlanetSmasher lived? Guy seems to have a story or experience with everything.
He's like Ra's al Ghul.
Lobster Roll wrote:Hahahaha this is getting absurd and I love it. This thread has delivered some all-time dunking.

It definitely has, but not in the way you'd think lol
(01-24-2024, 06:58 PM)benji wrote:
(01-24-2024, 03:59 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Wait, Nep is trans?!?

Nepenthe wrote:Trans people like myself are being snuffed out now.
Well, wait. Let's assume for argument that federal regulators banning HRT for transition purposes will happen under Trump.

As we all know, because we sit down, shut up and listen to trans voices, that you don't need to take HRT to be trans, you don't need to do anything but identify as such.

Is Nepenthe (and others) saying that all those trans people who do not take HRT are not valid trans people? Yikes, that's genocidal itself.
I misread this, Nepenthe is accurately saying that Joe Biden is genociding trans people now, not that only Trump will genocide trans people.
We're still in the process of identifying exactly what it is about Palworld that is objectively haram, though we know as a certainty that somewhere along the line, someone has sinned, and comrades are working earnestly to uncover the source of mischief and wickedness and when we do, the mods will convene and receive prophecy from Nep Nep as to which aspects of Palworld we shall be banning, and to whom we should be sending death threats.

The funniest part is that this is literally their dream scenario.  A group of amateur indie-devs hit it big, do something better than the biggest gaming corporation in the world, fills a demand (how many people have been wanting an open-world, multiplayer pokemon type game), and sticks it to the man which has a history of being very mercenary and litigious when it comes to this stuff.  They are sitting on an IP that passively generates income like those bastard landlords, except they don't need to deal with shitty tenants or repair the place.

Who could have foreseen this hypocritical outcome??
[Image: EvUQ01v.png]

correct, it is just like the hogwarts situation
(01-24-2024, 07:19 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: EvUQ01v.png]
Oh, sorry, I didn't know that I had to check with everyone on the planet for a veto first.

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Troll account
MiracleTrail wrote:A game that's been out for 5 days already has fanboys butthurt about any criticism. Palkemon has truly made it to the big leagues.

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 months): whataboutism, concern trolling a serious thread, history of concern trolling in serious thread - Ban extended to permanent following inflammatory ticket
SanderGT wrote:
Ultryx wrote:It's going to be a million times worse if Trump gets in the WH.
Trump was already in the White House, how many were killed in Gaza then?
(01-24-2024, 07:19 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: EvUQ01v.png]

correct, it is just like the hogwarts situation

Nepenthe wrote:People are weirdly insecure in that their enjoyment of a product is contingent upon whether or not other people enjoy it, like they need permission first. 30 years old and legitimately upset that someone else has a problem with a game you literally had nothing to do with the creation of. Like there isn't even a personal investment there.

Meanwhile I'll be shit-talking Overwatch and Blizzard while playing the damn thing.

Just consume your content.

Endorsing trans genocide... shameful
Palworld: Civil War

Quote:There's derivative and then there's fucking art theft

Y'all also think GameFreak making buggy or ugly looking games means it's okay to rip them off. What fallacy are you gonna throw at me next? It's okay to steal from them because they're a big rich company?

Eat the rich?
Where's the theft? What was stolen?

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