Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:The sales thread seems hellbent on talking more about intense feelings for Pokemon and the people behind it, and they're not entirely positive intense feelings either.

You would get a dozen angry "1's" on that bell icon if you post something as innocuous as the don't like thing angel meme thing.

We don't have people in this community that post/follow the threads at the rates other do, many people are still discovering these flashpoints at the same time all at once.

My early posts in whichever thread you'd like to choose were more conciliatory from the outset to avoid the from-now-it-seems-inevitable pigeon holes the media and the community have created.

You don't like: Angry Hyperbolic Man/Childz

You like: Ignorant person dis-regarding the whole other slew of elements here.


You guys are the ones going to those threads to shit on it or make snide remarks. Hell, you even went to the VTubers thread to shit on it because is the new hotness.

People talk shit if you because you are shit and don’t even have the balls to admit it.
Poyunch wrote:I think there's also a section of people who can't reconcile that "Thing X" that they like is problematic and harmful. ( "I can't enjoy things that are morally "bad" so the thing I like can't be bad." )

So whether consciously or unconsciously they have to move goalposts, justify why it's okay, or gaslight themselves.

How is this harmful? 

Nintendo is free to raise an objection and people are free to consider it bad taste… but how the hell this is harmful to the average consumer?

How many Pokemon designer will be out of job because this? Is Nintendo going to close shop because that one viral clone game got popular (yet again)?
(01-24-2024, 10:34 PM)nachobro wrote: Kinda funny but this loops back to Pocketpair and the Resetti complaints about them "making a game that used AI art". when the entire purpose of the game is to spot AI art that doesn't fit correctly (its essentially among us with one imposter that gets AI prompts but not the "theme" of the art that is supposed to be made) . Just being mad at "AI" without context

also this game isnt very good, or popular. the "meta" is to troll the game with ai created porn as the imposter lol still, the idea is solid and shows that there's room for smart uses of AI in games for users

(AI/ML in games for devs has been around for a while and is widely used to automate the shit people don't want to do or is tedious...therefore freeing up time to work on unique or interesting things instead. including new work for artists, which makes all the 'I'll never buy a game that uses AI' declarations from forum dorks that insist its killing jobs very funny)
(01-24-2024, 10:40 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
diakyu wrote:I think the worst part is seeing people I respected take the stance that palworld can rip them off because Pokémon "doesn't have the rights to basic animal shapes" or some other manner of nonsense.

I mean these people are blinded by their dislike of Pokémon or game freak or Nintendo or maybe all three. They've literally become the kind of people they used to call blind fanboys. Is that unfair to say? It feels very real to me. Obviously not everyone but it's the only explanation I'm seeing for some unless plagiarism is a massive blind spot in their knowledge. Just wild stuff to see, and pretty demoralizing that you can just be wrong and people will take your side purely because you're the opposition to something they dislike.

But that's just how the world works, fuck me.
Or maybe they just know how IP actually works?
How soon will they revisit this one?

[Image: f0HMICs.png]
Wasn't Miyamoto making a game based on that back in the day that mysteriously vanished?
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
These are the same dumbasses who think tightly braided hair somehow belongs to Black people so I'm not entirely surprised they think Nintendo can own things that look like animals.
(01-24-2024, 11:03 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: How soon will they revisit this one?

[Image: f0HMICs.png]

YMS made a good video about it:

The Dink
Quote:This is the only Pokemon "clone" game I've seen where the visual design of the creatures is just straight up Pokemon. It's uncanny. The two games vary in so many ways but the visual identity of the creatures you capture is so much the same I don't understand why people are confused by the comparisons.
Quote:The monster catching genre might as well not exist to people who don't see the issue, they don't understand that we've had hundreds and hundreds of monster catching games or fan games that manage to do their own thing without resulting to straight up lifting design elements from existing Pokémon
[Image: shinx_sickos_by_boke_0327_df0tfwg-375w-2...Tm8mr8Tlds]
Remember when every fucking game on the planet went to two swappable weapons because Halo did it?

Stupid Microsoft letting that just slide instead of declaring gaming jihad. Not like this!
Quote:The monster catching genre might as well not exist to people who don't see the issue

No shit…

Am I out of touch?
See the actual problem with this:
[Image: ldkr4ju26aaa1.jpg]

was how it undermined the natural meritocracy of art in favor of outsider capitalist neoliberals.
(01-24-2024, 11:03 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: How soon will they revisit this one?

[Image: f0HMICs.png]

[Image: IMG_20240124_145647.png?ex=65c40ec0&is=6...42e2d9163&]
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D

Quote:Miyamoto hinted that the project may be on indefinite hold. When asked what he would consider to be his biggest failure, the Mario-creator answered: "I cannot tell you specifically what title it was, but a while ago we asked a popular celebrity to become a game director -- and together with me he was going to make a game. But that celebrity was too busy to concentrate on game-design, so even though we spent a lot of time working on the game, we could not release it to the market."
Quote:I just think it's a real shame because this community in particular has been at the forefront of shining a light on problematic games and problematic practises within the industry and has always felt like a space that prides itself on that. To see that abandoned by so many just because the problematic behaviour impacts a studio that is heavily disliked on the forum is super disappointing.
[Image: tenor.gif]
(01-24-2024, 11:05 PM)Nintex wrote: Wasn't Miyamoto making a game based on that back in the day that mysteriously vanished?

There was a Popeye game that became Donkey Kong:

Quote: Previously, Nintendo had originally intended to make a video game based on the Popeye characters, but was denied a license, so the mostly original characters of Mario, Donkey Kong, and Pauline were developed for Donkey Kong (1981).
Quote:Jesus christ I don't know how many more brain cells I can lose.

I will raise the point again - we raked a game reviewer across the coals for a plagiarised game review.

A game review.

But a game? Nah, forget it because we like this game.

This has been one of the most draining threads to follow along with but like an idiot I can't look away.
Yep, Mario was Popeye, Donkey Kong Brutus and Olive turned into Pauline.

Back in the 8-bit / 16-bit days it was really cowboy shit with video game creators using IPs and even tracing actors like Arnold and Stallone to put on their box arts.
Good times.
(01-24-2024, 11:28 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Jesus christ I don't know how many more brain cells I can lose.

I will raise the point again - we raked a game reviewer across the coals for a plagiarised game review.

A game review.

But a game? Nah, forget it because we like this game.

This has been one of the most draining threads to follow along with but like an idiot I can't look away.
I love how they've turned into the plagiarism police but they keep downplaying that case to a single review. It was like 80% of the dude's output. And I guess he still has a career in games journalism or something? So much for "cancel culture" existing.
(01-24-2024, 11:17 PM)Nintex wrote:

Quote:Miyamoto hinted that the project may be on indefinite hold. When asked what he would consider to be his biggest failure, the Mario-creator answered: "I cannot tell you specifically what title it was, but a while ago we asked a popular celebrity to become a game director -- and together with me he was going to make a game. But that celebrity was too busy to concentrate on game-design, so even though we spent a lot of time working on the game, we could not release it to the market."

only 15 seconds long and it still included a stinky skunk smell furry fart fetish  Do Not Want
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
That's also a different case because that was IGN saying "oh yeah we don't want our employees to do this" and fired him.

There's nobody in this case who can say that even if the Not Pokemon were "stolen", so what authority are they appealing to?

They going to demand Valve and Microsoft kick them off their storefronts? If not, why not? If this shit is so bad and you're so mad at people downplaying it, why do you want it to continue to be sold?
Ciao wrote:No thanks, I'll keep playing games with actual artistic values instead. Have fun.
Nintendo are the kind of cheapskates that will try to save a few bucks on artists with AI generated Fire Emblem gacha or Mario Kart tracks or some shit so I fully expect this whole thing will turn around in the not so distant future.  lol

Quote:That's not trolling tho, ban isn't deserved. This forum trully is going to shit if you get thread banned for this. I guess the mods are pro ai/stolen asset garbage.

Wait til you see what this post gets you Teehee
Quote:That's not trolling tho, ban isn't deserved. This forum trully is going to shit if you get thread banned for this. I guess the mods are pro ai/stolen asset garbage.
Quote:7 million people confirmed to love garbage and looking forward to a road map of future garbage.

This is truly a can't put the genie back in the bottle moment. Just join in on the fun, your friends are probably checking out this road map as well.


If they do pvp hopefully it's just in a new zone on the map as opposed to outside the main game
Quote:No thanks, I'll keep playing games with actual artistic values instead. Have fun.

Quote:[Image: tenor.gif]
Quote:The irony of using this gif as a defense for the most bland and tasteless sludge of a game.
Dude's gonna get threadban
Remember how this is a forum that holds a grudge against some guys for saying "just consoom product and get excited for next product" jokingly?
Restera truly loves and respects artists. Unless they draw women with big titties, then they're sexist scum of the earth

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Permanent thrradban, it was Slayven  Shocked Pikachu
I love how even when it's someone who sucks like hachikoma you know they got done dirty by the staff for criticizing them on Twitter or some prior thing or whatever.

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